add initial unoptimized implementation of the generic swept-sphere collision and response handling system

This commit is contained in:
Gered 2013-09-14 22:21:21 -04:00
parent 513eff7cb5
commit 705f0fab36
3 changed files with 209 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package com.blarg.gdx.math;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3;
public class SweptSphereEntity {
public final Vector3 position = new Vector3();
public boolean foundCollision;
public final Vector3 nearestCollisionPoint = new Vector3();
public boolean isSliding;
public final Vector3 slidingPlaneNormal = new Vector3();
public final SweptSphereCollisionPacket collisionPacket = new SweptSphereCollisionPacket();
public SweptSphereEntity() {
public void setSize(float radius) {
collisionPacket.ellipsoidRadius.set(radius, radius, radius);
public void setSize(float radiusX, float radiusY, float radiusZ) {
collisionPacket.ellipsoidRadius.set(radiusX, radiusY, radiusZ);

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@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
package com.blarg.gdx.math;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Plane;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.BoundingBox;
public class SweptSphereHandler {
final int maxRecursionDepth;
final SweptSphereWorldCollisionChecker collisionChecker;
public float collisionVeryCloseDistance = 0.005f;
public float onGroundTolerance = 0.1f;
static final Vector3 tmp1 = new Vector3();
static final BoundingBox possibleCollisionArea = new BoundingBox();
public SweptSphereHandler(SweptSphereWorldCollisionChecker collisionChecker, int maxRecursionDepth) {
if (collisionChecker == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("collisionChecker can not be null.");
if (maxRecursionDepth <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxRecursionDepth must be > 0.");
this.collisionChecker = collisionChecker;
this.maxRecursionDepth = maxRecursionDepth;
public void handleMovement(SweptSphereEntity entity, Vector3 velocity, Vector3 outVelocity, boolean onlySlideIfTooSteep, float tooSteepAngleY) {
// don't attempt to process movement if the entity is not moving!
if (velocity.len2() > 0.0f) {
// calculate maximum possible collision area (world space)
calculatePossibleCollisionArea(entity, velocity);
// convert position and velocity to ellipsoid space
Vector3 esPosition = new Vector3();
Vector3 esVelocity = new Vector3();
entity.collisionPacket.toEllipsoidSpace(entity.position, esPosition);
entity.collisionPacket.toEllipsoidSpace(velocity, esVelocity);
// check for and respond to any collisions along this velocity vector
entity.collisionPacket.nearestDistance = 0.0f;
entity.collisionPacket.foundCollision = false;
Vector3 resultingVelocity = new Vector3();
Vector3 newEsPosition = getNewPositionForMovement(0, entity, esPosition, esVelocity, resultingVelocity, true, onlySlideIfTooSteep, tooSteepAngleY);
// resulting velocity will have been calculated in ellipsoid space
entity.collisionPacket.fromEllipsoidSpace(resultingVelocity, resultingVelocity);
entity.foundCollision = entity.collisionPacket.foundCollision;
if (entity.collisionPacket.foundCollision)
entity.collisionPacket.fromEllipsoidSpace(entity.collisionPacket.esIntersectionPoint, entity.nearestCollisionPoint);
// convert the new position back to normal space and move the entity there
entity.collisionPacket.fromEllipsoidSpace(newEsPosition, entity.position);
private Vector3 getNewPositionForMovement(int recursionDepth,
SweptSphereEntity entity,
Vector3 currentPosition,
Vector3 velocity,
Vector3 responseVelocity,
boolean canSlide,
boolean onlySlideIfTooSteep,
float tooSteepAngleY) {
// don't recurse too much
if (recursionDepth > maxRecursionDepth)
return currentPosition;
// set up the collision check information
entity.collisionPacket.foundCollision = false;
// perform the check
collisionChecker.checkForCollisions(entity, possibleCollisionArea);
// if there was no collision, simply move along the velocity vector
if (!entity.collisionPacket.foundCollision)
return new Vector3(currentPosition).add(velocity);
// a collision did occur
Vector3 destination = new Vector3(currentPosition).add(velocity);
Vector3 newPosition = new Vector3(currentPosition);
if (entity.collisionPacket.nearestDistance >= collisionVeryCloseDistance) {
// we haven't yet moved up too close to the nearest collision, so
// let's inch forward a bit
// figure out the new position that we need to move up to
float moveUpLength = entity.collisionPacket.nearestDistance - collisionVeryCloseDistance;
// HACK: if the above length ends up being 0, "v" calculated below will
// end up with "NaN" x/y/z components which will eventually cause
// the resulting position from all this being "NaN" and the entity
// will seem to disappear entirely. If we catch this zero length
// condition and recalculate it so that the length is non-zero but
// still very small (below the VERY_CLOSE_DISTANCE threshold) then
// it appears to work fine.
if (moveUpLength == 0.0f)
moveUpLength = entity.collisionPacket.nearestDistance - (collisionVeryCloseDistance * 0.5f);
MathHelpers.setLengthOf(tmp1, moveUpLength);
// adjust the polygon intersection point, so the sliding plane will be
// unaffected by the fact that we move slightly less than the collision
// tells us
if (!canSlide) {
return newPosition;
// we can slide, so determine the sliding plane
Vector3 slidePlaneOrigin = new Vector3(entity.collisionPacket.esIntersectionPoint);
Vector3 slidePlaneNormal = new Vector3(newPosition).sub(entity.collisionPacket.esIntersectionPoint).nor();
Plane slidingPlane = new Plane(slidePlaneOrigin, slidePlaneNormal);
// determine slide angle and then check if we need to bail out on sliding
// depending on how steep the slide plane is
float slidingYAngle = (float)Math.acos(;
if (onlySlideIfTooSteep && slidingYAngle < (tooSteepAngleY * MathUtils.degreesToRadians)) {
return newPosition;
Vector3 newDestination = new Vector3(destination).sub(tmp1);
// generate the slide vector, which will become our new velocity vector
// for the next iteration
entity.isSliding = true;
Vector3 newVelocity = new Vector3(newDestination).sub(entity.collisionPacket.esIntersectionPoint);
// don't recurse if the velocity is very small
if (newVelocity.len() < collisionVeryCloseDistance)
return newPosition;
// recurse
return getNewPositionForMovement(recursionDepth, entity, newPosition, newVelocity, responseVelocity, canSlide, onlySlideIfTooSteep, tooSteepAngleY);
private void calculatePossibleCollisionArea(SweptSphereEntity entity, Vector3 velocity) {
tmp1.set(entity.position).add(velocity); // the "end" position
Vector3 radius = entity.collisionPacket.ellipsoidRadius;
possibleCollisionArea.min.x = Math.min(entity.position.x, tmp1.x) - radius.x;
possibleCollisionArea.min.y = Math.min(entity.position.y, tmp1.y) - radius.y;
possibleCollisionArea.min.z = Math.min(entity.position.z, tmp1.z) - radius.z;
possibleCollisionArea.max.x = Math.max(entity.position.x, tmp1.x) + radius.x;
possibleCollisionArea.max.y = Math.max(entity.position.y, tmp1.y) + radius.y;
possibleCollisionArea.max.z = Math.max(entity.position.z, tmp1.z) + radius.z;

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package com.blarg.gdx.math;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.collision.BoundingBox;
public interface SweptSphereWorldCollisionChecker {
void checkForCollisions(SweptSphereEntity entity, BoundingBox possibleCollisionArea);