initial pass at moving TileMesh loading code out into a separate loader class
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
package ca.blarg.gdx.tilemap3d.json.tilemesh;
import ca.blarg.gdx.Bitfield;
import ca.blarg.gdx.loaders.textureatlas.TextureAtlasJsonLoader;
import ca.blarg.gdx.tilemap3d.tilemesh.*;
import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager;
import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.loaders.ModelLoader;
import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Json;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.JsonReader;
public class TileMeshJsonLoader {
public static JsonTileMesh load(FileHandle file) {
Json json = new Json();
return json.fromJson(JsonTileMesh.class, file);
public static TileMesh create(JsonTileMesh definition) {
return create(definition, null);
public static TileMesh create(JsonTileMesh definition, AssetManager assetManager) {
if (!definition.cube && definition.model == null && definition.models == null)
throw new RuntimeException("One of cube, model or models must be specified for each tile.");
if (definition.materials != null && definition.textureAtlas != null)
throw new RuntimeException("materials and textureAtlas cannot both be set.");
if (definition.model != null && definition.materials == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Missing materials section but using models to define tiles. When using models, a materials section to map model textures to texture atlas regions is required.");
if (definition.collisionModel != null && definition.collisionShape != null)
throw new RuntimeException("collisionModel and collisionShape cannot both be set.");
ModelLoader loader = null;
if (assetManager == null)
loader = new G3dModelLoader(new JsonReader());
MaterialTileMapping materials = null;
TextureAtlas atlas = null;
if (assetManager != null) {
if (definition.materials != null)
materials = assetManager.get(definition.materials, MaterialTileMapping.class);
else if (definition.textureAtlas != null)
atlas = assetManager.get(definition.textureAtlas, TextureAtlas.class);
} else {
if (definition.materials != null)
materials = MaterialTileMappingJsonLoader.loadAndCreate(Gdx.files.internal(definition.materials));
else if (definition.textureAtlas != null)
atlas = TextureAtlasJsonLoader.loadAndCreate(Gdx.files.internal(definition.textureAtlas));
boolean isCube = definition.cube;
TextureRegion texture = null;
TextureRegion topTexture = null;
TextureRegion bottomTexture = null;
TextureRegion frontTexture = null;
TextureRegion backTexture = null;
TextureRegion leftTexture = null;
TextureRegion rightTexture = null;
byte faces = 0;
Model model = null;
Model collisionModel;
byte opaqueSides = 0;
byte lightValue;
boolean alpha;
float translucency;
Color color = new Color(Color.WHITE);
Vector3 scaleToSize = null;
Vector3 positionOffset = null;
Vector3 collisionPositionOffset = null;
if (definition.opaqueSides != null) {
if (definition.opaqueSides.contains("ALL"))
opaqueSides = TileMesh.SIDE_ALL;
else {
if (definition.opaqueSides.contains("TOP"))
opaqueSides = Bitfield.set(TileMesh.SIDE_TOP, opaqueSides);
if (definition.opaqueSides.contains("BOTTOM"))
opaqueSides = Bitfield.set(TileMesh.SIDE_BOTTOM, opaqueSides);
if (definition.opaqueSides.contains("FRONT"))
opaqueSides = Bitfield.set(TileMesh.SIDE_FRONT, opaqueSides);
if (definition.opaqueSides.contains("BACK"))
opaqueSides = Bitfield.set(TileMesh.SIDE_BACK, opaqueSides);
if (definition.opaqueSides.contains("LEFT"))
opaqueSides = Bitfield.set(TileMesh.SIDE_LEFT, opaqueSides);
if (definition.opaqueSides.contains("RIGHT"))
opaqueSides = Bitfield.set(TileMesh.SIDE_RIGHT, opaqueSides);
lightValue = (byte)definition.light;
alpha = definition.alpha;
translucency = definition.translucency;
if (definition.color != null)
if (definition.scaleToSize != null)
scaleToSize = new Vector3(definition.scaleToSize);
if (definition.positionOffset != null)
positionOffset = new Vector3(definition.positionOffset);
if (definition.collisionPositionOffset != null)
collisionPositionOffset = new Vector3(definition.collisionPositionOffset);
if (isCube) {
if (definition.textures != null) {
if ( >= 0)
topTexture = atlas.get(;
if (definition.textures.bottom >= 0)
bottomTexture = atlas.get(definition.textures.bottom);
if (definition.textures.front >= 0)
frontTexture = atlas.get(definition.textures.front);
if (definition.textures.back >= 0)
backTexture = atlas.get(definition.textures.back);
if (definition.textures.left >= 0)
leftTexture = atlas.get(definition.textures.left);
if (definition.textures.right >= 0)
rightTexture = atlas.get(definition.textures.right);
} else if (definition.texture >= 0)
texture = atlas.get(definition.texture);
throw new RuntimeException("No cube texture specified.");
if (definition.faces != null) {
if (definition.faces.contains("ALL"))
faces = TileMesh.SIDE_ALL;
else {
if (definition.faces.contains("TOP"))
faces = Bitfield.set(TileMesh.SIDE_TOP, opaqueSides);
if (definition.faces.contains("BOTTOM"))
faces = Bitfield.set(TileMesh.SIDE_BOTTOM, opaqueSides);
if (definition.faces.contains("FRONT"))
faces = Bitfield.set(TileMesh.SIDE_FRONT, opaqueSides);
if (definition.faces.contains("BACK"))
faces = Bitfield.set(TileMesh.SIDE_BACK, opaqueSides);
if (definition.faces.contains("LEFT"))
faces = Bitfield.set(TileMesh.SIDE_LEFT, opaqueSides);
if (definition.faces.contains("RIGHT"))
faces = Bitfield.set(TileMesh.SIDE_RIGHT, opaqueSides);
if (texture != null)
return new CubeTileMesh(texture, texture, texture, texture, texture, texture, faces, opaqueSides, lightValue, alpha, translucency, color);
return new CubeTileMesh(topTexture, bottomTexture, frontTexture, backTexture, leftTexture, rightTexture, faces, opaqueSides, lightValue, alpha, translucency, color);
} else if (definition.model != null) {
if (assetManager != null)
model = assetManager.get(definition.model, Model.class);
model = loader.loadModel(Gdx.files.internal(definition.model));
collisionModel = model; // default is to use the same model
if (definition.collisionModel != null) {
// override with a specific collision model
if (assetManager != null)
collisionModel = assetManager.get(definition.collisionModel, Model.class);
collisionModel = loader.loadModel(Gdx.files.internal(definition.collisionModel));
} else if (definition.collisionShape != null) {
collisionModel = CollisionShapes.get(definition.collisionShape);
if (collisionModel == null)
throw new RuntimeException("collisionShape not recognized.");
return new ModelTileMesh(model, collisionModel, materials, opaqueSides, lightValue, alpha, translucency, color, scaleToSize, positionOffset, collisionPositionOffset);
} else if (definition.models != null) {
int numModels = definition.models.size();
Model[] submodels = new Model[numModels];
Color[] colors = new Color[numModels];
Vector3[] scaleToSizes = new Vector3[numModels];
Vector3[] positionOffsets = new Vector3[numModels];
for (int j = 0; j < numModels; ++j) {
JsonTileMesh.SubModels subModelDef = definition.models.get(j);
if (assetManager != null)
submodels[j] = assetManager.get(subModelDef.submodel, Model.class);
submodels[j] = loader.loadModel(Gdx.files.internal(subModelDef.submodel));
if (subModelDef.color == null)
colors[j] = new Color(Color.WHITE);
colors[j] = new Color(subModelDef.color);
scaleToSizes[j] = subModelDef.scaleToSize;
positionOffsets[j] = subModelDef.positionOffset;
collisionModel = null; // TODO: a nice default would be all vertices for all submodels combined
if (definition.collisionModel != null) {
//override with a specific collision model
if (assetManager != null)
collisionModel = assetManager.get(definition.collisionModel, Model.class);
collisionModel = loader.loadModel(Gdx.files.internal(definition.collisionModel));
if (definition.collisionShape != null) {
collisionModel = CollisionShapes.get(definition.collisionShape);
if (collisionModel == null)
throw new RuntimeException("collisionShape not recognized.");
return new MultiModelTileMesh(submodels, colors, scaleToSizes, positionOffsets, collisionModel, materials, opaqueSides, lightValue, alpha, translucency, color, scaleToSize, positionOffset, collisionPositionOffset);
} else
throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized tile mesh type.");
Reference in a new issue