This repository has been archived on 2023-07-11. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

518 lines
18 KiB

menu File {
item "&Open...\tF3" { FileOpen }
item "&Reload\tShift+F3" { FileReload }
item "&Save\tF2" { FileSave }
item "Save &As...\tShift+F2" { FileSaveAs }
item "Save Al&l\tCtrl+F2" { FileSaveAll }
item "&Close\tAlt+Q" { FileClose }
item "&Next\tAlt+Left" { FileNext }
item "&Previous\tAlt+Right" { FilePrev }
item "E&xit\tAlt+X" { ExitEditor }
menu Edit {
item "&Undo\tAlt+BackSp" { Undo }
item "&Redo\tAlt+Shift+BackSp" { Redo }
item "Cu&t\tShift+Del" { BlockCut }
item "&Copy\tCtrl+Ins" { BlockCopy }
item "&Paste\tShift+Ins" { BlockPasteStream }
item "P&aste Column\tAlt+Ins" { BlockPasteColumn }
item "&Delete line\tCtrl+Y" { KillLine }
item "&Split line\tCtrl+L" { LineSplit }
item "&Join line\tCtrl+J" { LineJoin }
item "&Quote Literal...\tCtrl+Q" { InsertChar }
menu Translate {
item "Upperc&ase" { BlockCaseUp }
item "Low&ercase" { BlockCaseDown }
item "Tog&glecase" { BlockCaseToggle }
menu Block {
item "&Unmark\tEsc" { BlockUnmark }
item "Mark &Line\tAlt+L" { BlockMarkLine }
item "Mark &Stream\tAlt+A" { BlockMarkStream }
item "Mark &Column\tAlt+K" { BlockMarkColumn }
item "&Indent\tAlt+I" { BlockIndent }
item "U&nindent\tAlt+U" { BlockUnindent }
item "&Write..." { BlockWrite }
item "&Read..." { BlockRead }
item "&Print" { BlockPrint }
submenu "Translat&e", Translate;
menu Search {
item "&Find...\tCtrl+F" { Find }
item "Find and &replace...\tCtrl+R" { FindReplace }
item "Repeat &Last find\tCtrl+L" { FindRepeat }
item "Repeat last find re&verse\tCtrl+B" { FindRepeatReverse }
item "Repeat last find &once\tCtrl+N" { FindRepeatOnce }
item "Incremental &search\tCtrl+S" { IncrementalSearch }
item "&Place Bookmark..." { PlaceBookmark }
item "Goto &Bookmark..." { GotoBookmark }
item "&Match paren\tAlt+-" { MatchBracket }
item "&Goto line...\tAlt+J" { MoveToLine }
menu Tools {
item "&Compile\tF9" { Compile "make -k " }
item "&Grep" { Compile "grep -n " }
item "Sh&ell" { RunProgram "" }
item "Go to prev &error\tF11" { CompilePrevError }
item "Go to &next error\tF12" { CompileNextError }
item "&Messages\tS+F9" { ViewMessages }
menu Window {
item "Split &Horizontal\tShift+F2" { WinHSplit }
item "&Close view\tCtrl+Alt+F4" { WinClose }
item "Close &other views\tF5" { WinZoom }
item "&Routines\tCtrl+I" { ListRoutines }
item "&Buffers\tAlt+0" { ViewBuffers }
item "&Directory\tC+M" { DirOpen }
menu Options {
item "&Insert mode\tC+O C+I" { ToggleInsert }
item "&Auto indent\tC+O C+A" { ToggleAutoIndent }
item "&Case sensitive\tC+O C+C" { ToggleMatchCase }
item "Trim &EOL spaces\tC+O C+E" { ToggleTrim }
item "&Read only\tC+O C+R" { ToggleReadOnly }
item "&Undo/Redo\tC+O C+U" { ToggleUndo }
item "&Show markers\tC+O C+." { ToggleShowMarkers; WinRefresh }
item "&Word wrap\tC+O C+W" { ToggleWordWrap }
item "&Left margin...\tC+O A+[" { ChangeLeftMargin }
item "Ri&ght margin...\tC+O A+]" { ChangeRightMargin }
item "&Tab size...\tC+O C+T" { ChangeTabSize; WinRefresh }
item "S&how tabs\tC+O Tab" { ToggleShowTabs; WinRefresh }
item "E&xpand tabs\tC+O C+Tab" { ToggleExpandTabs; WinRefresh }
item "&Print to... " { SetPrintDevice }
menu Help {
item "&About..." { ShowVersion }
menu Main {
submenu "&File", File;
submenu "&Edit", Edit;
submenu "&Block", Block;
submenu "&Search", Search;
submenu "&Tools", Tools;
submenu "&Window", Window;
submenu "&Options", Options;
submenu "&Help", Help;
menu Local {
item "&Unmark\tEsc" { BlockUnmark }
item "Cu&t\tShift+Del" { BlockCut }
item "&Copy\tCtrl+Ins" { BlockCopy }
item "&Paste\tShift+Ins" { BlockPasteStream }
item "P&aste Column\tAlt+Ins" { BlockPasteColumn }
item "Delete &line\tCtrl+Y" { KillLine }
item "Delete to &EOL\tAlt+End" { KillToLineEnd }
item "&Save\tF2" { FileSave }
item "Cl&ose\tAlt+Q" { FileClose }
eventmap MODEL { # basic commands, for files, directories, message view, etc.
key [C+F2] { FileSaveAll }
key [F3] { FileOpen }
key [F4] { WinNext }
key [C+F4] { WinHSplit }
key [S+F4] { WinPrev }
key [A+S-F4] { WinClose }
key [F5] { WinZoom }
key [F6] { FileNext }
key [S+F6] { FilePrev }
key [A+S-F6] { FileLast }
key [F10] { MainMenu }
key [C+F9] { RunProgram }
key [S+F10] { LocalMenu }
key [A+G-Up] { WinPrev }
key [A+G-Down] { WinNext }
key [A+G-Left] { FilePrev }
key [A+G-Right] { FileNext }
key [A+G-PgUp] { WinPrev; MovePageUp; WinNext }
key [A+G-PgDn] { WinNext; MovePageDown; WinPrev }
key [A+C+G-PgUp] { WinNext; MovePageUp; WinPrev }
key [A+C+G-PgDn] { WinPrev; MovePageDown; WinNext }
key [A+Q] { FileClose }
key [A+X] { ExitEditor }
key [C+S+G-Up] { WinResize -1 }
key [C+S+G-Down] { WinResize +1 }
# this is also useful for 'grep -n' etc. if configured
key [F9] { Compile; ViewMessages }
key [F11] { CompilePrevError }
key [F12] { CompileNextError }
key [S+F9] { ViewMessages }
key [A+0] { ViewBuffers }
key [A+1] { SwitchTo 1 }
key [A+2] { SwitchTo 2 }
key [A+3] { SwitchTo 3 }
key [A+4] { SwitchTo 4 }
key [A+5] { SwitchTo 5 }
key [A+6] { SwitchTo 6 }
key [A+7] { SwitchTo 7 }
key [A+8] { SwitchTo 8 }
key [A+9] { SwitchTo 9 }
eventmap PLAIN: MODEL {
# keymap for plaintext mode
MainMenu = 'Main'; # menu for menubar
LocalMenu = 'Local'; # local menu
key [Esc] { BlockMarkStream; BlockUnmark }
key [F2] { FileSave }
key [S+F2] { FileSaveAs }
key [A+S-F2] { FileSave; FileClose }
key [S+F3] { FileReload; WinRefresh }
key [C+F3] { FileOpenInMode }
key [F7] { BlockBegin }
key [S+F7] { MoveBlockStart }
key [F8] { BlockEnd }
key [S+F8] { MoveBlockEnd }
key [G-Left] { MoveLeft }
key [C+G-Left] { MoveWordPrev }
key [G-Right] { MoveRight }
key [C+G-Right] { MoveWordNext }
key [G-Up] { MoveUp }
key [G-Down] { MoveDown }
key [G-Home] { MoveLineStart }
key [C+G-Home] { MovePageStart }
key [G-End] { MoveLineEnd }
key [C+G-End] { MovePageEnd }
key [G-PgUp] { MovePageUp }
key [C+G-PgUp] { MoveFileStart }
key [G-PgDn] { MovePageDown }
key [C+G-PgDn] { MoveFileEnd }
# key [A+G-Up] { ScrollUp }
# key [A+G-Down] { ScrollDown }
# key [A+G-Left] { ScrollLeft }
# key [A+G-Right] { ScrollRight }
key [S+G-Left] { BlockExtendBegin; MoveLeft; BlockExtendEnd }
key [S+G-Right] { BlockExtendBegin; MoveRight; BlockExtendEnd }
# key [G+0] { ToggleInsert }
# key [G+S+0] { InsertString 'foo' }
key [C+G-S+Left] { BlockExtendBegin; MoveWordPrev; BlockExtendEnd }
key [C+G-S+Right] { BlockExtendBegin; MoveWordNext; BlockExtendEnd }
key [G-S+Up] { BlockExtendBegin; MoveUp; BlockExtendEnd }
key [G-S+Down] { BlockExtendBegin; MoveDown; BlockExtendEnd }
key [G-S+Home] { BlockExtendBegin; MoveLineStart; BlockExtendEnd }
key [G-S+End] { BlockExtendBegin; MoveLineEnd; BlockExtendEnd }
key [C+G-S+Home] { BlockExtendBegin; MovePageStart; BlockExtendEnd }
key [C+G-S+End] { BlockExtendBegin; MovePageEnd; BlockExtendEnd }
key [G-S+PgUp] { BlockExtendBegin; MovePageUp; BlockExtendEnd }
key [G-S+PgDn] { BlockExtendBegin; MovePageDown; BlockExtendEnd }
key [C+G-S+PgUp] { BlockExtendBegin; MoveFileStart; BlockExtendEnd }
key [C+G-S+PgDn] { BlockExtendBegin; MoveFileEnd; BlockExtendEnd }
key [A+G-S+Up] { BlockExtendBegin; ScrollUp; BlockExtendEnd }
key [A+G-S+Down] { BlockExtendBegin; ScrollDown; BlockExtendEnd }
key [A+G-S+Left] { BlockExtendBegin; ScrollLeft; BlockExtendEnd }
key [A+G-S+Right] { BlockExtendBegin; ScrollRight; BlockExtendEnd }
key [A+G-C+Up] { MovePrevEqualIndent }
key [A+G-C+Down] { MoveNextEqualIndent }
key [A+G-C+Left] { MovePrevTab }
key [A+G-C+Right] { MoveNextTab }
key [C+G-Ins] { BlockCopy }
key [C+G-Del] { BlockKill }
key [S+G-Ins] { BlockPasteStream }
key [S+G-Del] { BlockCut }
key [A+G-Ins] { BlockPasteColumn }
key [A+G-S+Ins] { BlockPasteLine }
key [G-Enter] { LineNew }
key [BackSp] { BackSpace }
key [G-Ins] { ToggleInsert }
key [G-Del] { Delete }
key [Tab] { InsertTab }
key [S+Tab] { InsertSpacesToTab 10 }
key [C+Tab] { CompleteWord }
# key [C+Tab] { InsertTab }
key [C+BackSp] { KillWordPrev }
key [C+S+BackSp] { KillToLineStart }
key [C+G-Enter] { LineSplit }
key [G-S+Enter] { LineInsert }
key [A+G-Enter] { LineAdd }
key [A+G-Del] { KillWord }
key [A+G-End] { KillToLineEnd }
key [A+BackSp] { Undo }
key [A+S+BackSp] { Redo }
key [C+A_1] { GotoBookmark "1" }
key [C+A_2] { GotoBookmark "2" }
key [C+A_3] { GotoBookmark "3" }
key [C+A_4] { GotoBookmark "4" }
key [C+A_5] { GotoBookmark "5" }
key [C+A_6] { GotoBookmark "6" }
key [C+A_7] { GotoBookmark "7" }
key [C+A_8] { GotoBookmark "8" }
key [C+A_9] { GotoBookmark "9" }
key [C+A_0] { GotoBookmark "0" }
key [C+P_1] { PlaceBookmark "1" }
key [C+P_2] { PlaceBookmark "2" }
key [C+P_3] { PlaceBookmark "3" }
key [C+P_4] { PlaceBookmark "4" }
key [C+P_5] { PlaceBookmark "5" }
key [C+P_6] { PlaceBookmark "6" }
key [C+P_7] { PlaceBookmark "7" }
key [C+P_8] { PlaceBookmark "8" }
key [C+P_9] { PlaceBookmark "9" }
key [C+P_0] { PlaceBookmark "0" }
key [C+B] { FindRepeatReverse }
key [C+C] { MoveToColumn }
key [C+D] { LineDuplicate }
key [C+F] { Find }
key [C+I] { ListRoutines }
key [C+J] { LineJoin }
key [C+L] { FindRepeat }
key [C+M] { DirOpen }
key [C+N] { FindRepeatOnce }
key [C+Q] { InsertChar }
key [C+R] { FindReplace }
key [C+T] { KillWord }
key [C+Y] { KillLine }
key [C+E] { LineTrim }
key [A+A] { BlockMarkStream }
key [A+B] { MainMenu 'B' }
key [A+C] { BlockCopy }
key [A+D] { MainMenu 'D' }
key [A+E] { MainMenu 'E' }
key [A+F] { MainMenu 'F' }
key [A+G] { BlockCut }
key [A+H] { MainMenu 'H' }
key [A+I] { BlockIndent }
key [A+J] { MoveToLine }
key [A+K] { BlockMarkColumn }
key [A+L] { BlockMarkLine }
key [A+O] { MainMenu 'O' }
key [A+R] { WrapPara } # Reformat
key [A+S] { MainMenu 'S' }
key [A+T] { MainMenu 'T' }
key [A+U] { BlockUnindent }
key [A+W] { MainMenu 'W' }
key [C+S] { IncrementalSearch }
key [C+O_C+A] { ToggleAutoIndent }
key [C+O_C+C] { ToggleMatchCase }
key [C+O_C+E] { ToggleTrim }
key [C+O_C+I] { ToggleInsert }
# key [C+O_C+M] { ChangeMode }
# key [C+O_C+M] { ShowMenu 'MChangeMode' }
key [C+O_C+R] { ToggleReadOnly }
key [C+O_C+S] { ToggleSysClipboard }
key [C+O_C+T] { ChangeTabSize }
key [C+O_C+U] { ToggleUndo }
key [C+O_C+W] { ToggleWordWrap }
key [C+O_.] { ToggleShowMarkers }
key [C+O_[] { SetLeftMargin }
key [C+O_\]] { SetRightMargin }
key [C+O_A+[] { ChangeLeftMargin }
key [C+O_A+\]] { ChangeRightMargin }
key [C+O_Tab] { ToggleShowTabs }
key [C+O_C+Tab] { ToggleExpandTabs }
key [C+O_Del] { ToggleDeleteKillTab }
key [C+O_G-Ins] { ToggleInsert }
key [C+O_BackSp] { ToggleBackSpKillTab }
key [C+O_Space] { ToggleIndentWithTabs }
key [C+O_C+BackSp] { ToggleBackSpUnindents }
key [A+-] { MatchBracket }
key [A+=] { HilitMatchBracket }
key [C+Space] { InsPrevLineChar }
key [A+Space] { InsPrevLineToEol }
key [A+F5] { ShowEntryScreen }
key [C+_] { ShowPosition }
key [Center] { MoveLineCenter }
key [C+X] { MovePrevPos }
# key [C+S+A] { ASCIITable }
key [G+*] { LineInsert ; MoveUp; ScrollUp }
# key [G++] { DumpFold }
key [A+G++] { FoldCreate }
key [A+G+-] { FoldDestroy }
key [G+S++] { FoldPromote }
key [G+S+-] { FoldDemote }
key [C+G++] { FoldOpen }
key [C+G+-] { FoldClose }
key [C+G+*] { FoldOpenNested }
key [C+G+/] { FoldToggleOpenClose }
key [A+G+*] { FoldOpenAll }
key [A+G+/] { FoldCloseAll }
# key [C+G-Up] { MoveFoldPrev }
# key [C+G-Down] { MoveFoldNext }
# key [A+C+A] { FileOpen 'BUFFER.CPP' }
key [C+K] { ShowKey }
key [A+,] { SearchWordPrev }
key [A+.] { SearchWordNext }
key [A+/] { HilitWord }
colorize PLAIN {
SyntaxParser = 'PLAIN';
color {
{ 'Normal', '7 0' },
mode PLAIN {
Colorizer = 'PLAIN';
eventmap LIST {
key [G-Left] { MoveLeft }
key [G-Right] { MoveRight }
key [G-Up] { MoveUp }
key [G-Down] { MoveDown }
key [G-Home] { MoveLineStart }
key [C+G-Home] { MovePageStart }
key [G-End] { MoveLineEnd }
key [C+G-End] { MovePageEnd }
key [G-PgUp] { MovePageUp }
key [C+G-PgUp] { MoveFileStart }
key [G-PgDn] { MovePageDown }
key [C+G-PgDn] { MoveFileEnd }
key [A+G-Up] { ScrollUp }
key [A+G-Down] { ScrollDown }
key [A+G-Left] { ScrollLeft }
key [A+G-Right] { ScrollRight }
key [Esc] { Cancel }
key [G-Enter] { Activate }
eventmap BUFFERS: LIST {
key [C+F10] { FileClose }
key [F2] { FileSave }
eventmap ROUTINES: LIST {
eventmap MLIST: MODEL {
key [G-Left] { MoveLeft }
key [G-Right] { MoveRight }
key [G-Up] { MoveUp }
key [G-Down] { MoveDown }
key [G-Home] { MoveLineStart }
key [C+G-Home] { MovePageStart }
key [G-End] { MoveLineEnd }
key [C+G-End] { MovePageEnd }
key [G-PgUp] { MovePageUp }
key [C+G-PgUp] { MoveFileStart }
key [G-PgDn] { MovePageDown }
key [C+G-PgDn] { MoveFileEnd }
# key [A+G-Up] { ScrollUp }
# key [A+G-Down] { ScrollDown }
# key [A+G-Left] { ScrollLeft }
# key [A+G-Right] { ScrollRight }
key [G-Enter] { Activate }
menu Directory {
item "&Next\tF6" { FileNext }
item "&Previous\tShift+F6" { FilePrev }
item "&Close\tAlt+Q" { FileClose }
item "E&xit\tAlt+X" { ExitEditor }
menu Navigate {
item "Go &< level\tCtrl+PgUp" { DirGoUp }
item "Go &> level\tCtrl+PgDn" { DirGoDown }
item "Go to &\\\tCtrl+\\" { DirGoRoot }
# item "&/ Goto Dir\t/" { DirGoto }
item "&\\ Goto Dir\t\\" { DirGoto }
item '&A:\\' { DirGoto 'A:\\' }
item '&B:\\' { DirGoto 'B:\\' }
item '&C:\\' { DirGoto 'C:\\' }
item '&D:\\' { DirGoto 'D:\\' }
item '&E:\\' { DirGoto 'E:\\' }
item '&F:\\' { DirGoto 'F:\\' }
item '&G:\\' { DirGoto 'G:\\' }
item '&H:\\' { DirGoto 'H:\\' }
item '&I:\\' { DirGoto 'I:\\' }
menu DirMain {
submenu "&Directory", Directory;
submenu "&Navigate", Navigate;
submenu "&Tools", Tools;
submenu "&Window", Window;
MainMenu = 'DirMain';
key [C+G-PgUp] { DirGoUp }
key [C+G-PgDn] { DirGoDown }
key [C+\\] { DirGoRoot }
key [/] { DirGoto }
key [\\] { DirGoto }
key [C+D] { DeleteFile }
key [A+D] { MainMenu 'D' }
key [A+N] { MainMenu 'N' }
key [A+W] { MainMenu 'W' }
menu Messages {
item "&Close\tAlt+Q" { FileClose }
item "&Next\tF6" { FileNext }
item "&Previous\tShift+F6" { FilePrev }
item "E&xit\tAlt+X" { ExitEditor }
menu MsgMain {
submenu "&Messages", Messages;
submenu "&Tools", Tools;
submenu "&Window", Window;
eventmap MESSAGES: MLIST {
MainMenu = "MsgMain";
key [A+M] { MainMenu 'M' }
key [A+T] { MainMenu 'T' }
key [A+W] { MainMenu 'W' }