/* o_list.cpp * * Copyright (c) 1994-1996, Marko Macek * * You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public * License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file. * */ #include "fte.h" EListPort::EListPort(EList *L, EView *V): EViewPort(V) { List = L; OldTopRow = OldLeftCol = OldRow = OldCount = -1; GetPos(); } EListPort::~EListPort() { StorePos(); } void EListPort::StorePos() { List->Row = Row; List->TopRow = TopRow; List->LeftCol = LeftCol; List->NeedsUpdate = 1; } void EListPort::GetPos() { Row = List->Row; TopRow = List->TopRow; LeftCol = List->LeftCol; } void EListPort::HandleEvent(TEvent &Event) { int W = 1; int H = 1; EViewPort::HandleEvent(Event); if (View && View->MView && View->MView->Win) { View->MView->ConQuerySize(&W, &H); H--; } switch (Event.What) { case evCommand: switch (Event.Msg.Command) { case cmVScrollUp: List->ScrollDown(1); Event.What = evNone; break; case cmVScrollDown: List->ScrollUp(1); Event.What = evNone; break; case cmVScrollPgUp: List->MovePageUp(); Event.What = evNone; break; case cmVScrollPgDn: List->MovePageDown(); Event.What = evNone; break; case cmVScrollMove: { int ypos; ypos = List->Row - List->TopRow; List->TopRow = Event.Msg.Param1; List->Row = List->TopRow + ypos; } Event.What = evNone; break; case cmHScrollLeft: List->ScrollRight(1); Event.What = evNone; break; case cmHScrollRight: List->ScrollLeft(1); Event.What = evNone; break; case cmHScrollPgLt: List->ScrollRight(W); Event.What = evNone; break; case cmHScrollPgRt: List->ScrollLeft(W); Event.What = evNone; break; case cmHScrollMove: List->LeftCol = Event.Msg.Param1; Event.What = evNone; break; } break; case evMouseDown: case evMouseUp: case evMouseMove: case evMouseAuto: HandleMouse(Event); break; } } void EListPort::HandleMouse(TEvent &Event) { int W, H; int x, y, xx, yy; View->MView->ConQuerySize(&W, &H); x = Event.Mouse.X; y = Event.Mouse.Y; yy = y + TopRow; xx = x + LeftCol; // if (yy >= Selected) yy = Window->Buffer->VCount - 1; if (yy < 0) yy = 0; if (xx < 0) xx = 0; switch (Event.What) { case evMouseDown: if (Event.Mouse.Y == H - 1) break; if (View->MView->Win->CaptureMouse(1)) View->MView->MouseCaptured = 1; else break; if (Event.Mouse.Buttons == 1) if (yy < List->Count && yy >= 0) { List->SetPos(yy, LeftCol); if (Event.Mouse.Count == 2) { if (List->CanActivate(List->Row)) { View->MView->Win->CaptureMouse(0); if (List->Activate() == 1) { //View->MView->EndExec(1); } } } } if (Event.Mouse.Buttons == 2) if (yy < List->Count && yy >= 0) List->SetPos(yy, LeftCol); Event.What = evNone; break; case evMouseAuto: case evMouseMove: if (View->MView->MouseCaptured) { if (Event.Mouse.Buttons == 1 || Event.Mouse.Buttons == 2) if (yy < List->Count && yy >= 0) { List->SetPos(yy, LeftCol); } Event.What = evNone; } break; case evMouseUp: if (View->MView->MouseCaptured) View->MView->Win->CaptureMouse(0); else break; if (Event.Mouse.Buttons == 2) { EEventMap *Map = View->MView->Win->GetEventMap(); const char *MName = 0; if (yy < List->Count && yy >= 0) { List->SetPos(yy, LeftCol); } if (Map) MName = Map->GetMenu(EM_LocalMenu); if (MName == 0) MName = "Local"; View->MView->Win->Parent->PopupMenu(MName); } View->MView->MouseCaptured = 0; Event.What = evNone; break; } } void EListPort::UpdateView() { if (OldLeftCol != LeftCol || OldTopRow != TopRow || OldCount != List->Count) List->NeedsRedraw = List->NeedsUpdate = 1; if (List->NeedsUpdate) { List->UpdateList(); List->FixPos(); if (List->View == View) GetPos(); if (OldLeftCol != LeftCol || OldTopRow != TopRow || OldCount != List->Count) List->NeedsRedraw = List->NeedsUpdate = 1; PaintView(List->NeedsRedraw); OldRow = Row; OldTopRow = TopRow; OldLeftCol = LeftCol; OldCount = List->Count; List->NeedsUpdate = 0; List->NeedsRedraw = 0; } } void EListPort::RepaintView() { PaintView(1); OldRow = Row; OldTopRow = TopRow; OldLeftCol = LeftCol; OldCount = List->Count; List->NeedsUpdate = 0; List->NeedsRedraw = 0; } void EListPort::PaintView(int PaintAll) { TDrawBuffer B; int I; ChColor color; int W, H; if (List->NeedsRedraw) PaintAll = 1; if (View == 0 || View->MView == 0 || View->MView->Win == 0) return ; View->MView->ConQuerySize(&W, &H); H--; if (View->MView->Win->GetViewContext() != View->MView) return; for (I = 0; I < H; I++) { if (PaintAll || I + TopRow == Row || I + TopRow == OldRow) { color = ((Row == I + TopRow) && View->MView->Win->IsActive()) ? hcList_Selected : hcList_Normal; MoveChar(B, 0, W, ' ', color, W); if (I + TopRow < List->Count) List->DrawLine(B, I + TopRow, LeftCol, color, W); View->MView->ConPutBox(0, I, W, 1, B); } } } void EListPort::UpdateStatus() { RepaintStatus(); } void EListPort::RepaintStatus() { TDrawBuffer B; char s[80]; int W, H; char SColor; if (View == 0 || View->MView == 0 || View->MView->Win == 0) return ; View->MView->ConQuerySize(&W, &H); List->UpdateList(); List->FixPos(); if (List->View == View) GetPos(); if (View->MView->Win->GetStatusContext() != View->MView) return; View->MView->Win->SetSbVPos(TopRow, H, List->Count + (WeirdScroll ? H - 1 : 0)); View->MView->Win->SetSbHPos(LeftCol, W, 1024 + (WeirdScroll ? W - 1 : 0)); if (View->MView->IsActive()) // hack SColor = hcStatus_Active; else SColor = hcStatus_Normal; MoveCh(B, ' ', SColor, W); if (View->CurMsg == 0) { if (List->Title) MoveStr(B, 0, W, List->Title, SColor, W); sprintf(s, "%c%d/%d", ConGetDrawChar(DCH_V), Row + 1, List->Count); MoveStr(B, W - strlen(s), W, s, SColor, W); } else { MoveStr(B, 0, W, View->CurMsg, SColor, W); } View->MView->ConPutBox(0, H - 1, W, 1, B); if (View->MView->Win->GetStatusContext() == View->MView && View->MView->Win->IsActive()) View->MView->Win->ConSetCursorPos(0, Row - TopRow); } EList::EList(int createFlags, EModel **ARoot, const char *aTitle): EModel(createFlags, ARoot) { Title = strdup(aTitle); Row = TopRow = Count = LeftCol = 0; NeedsUpdate = 1; NeedsRedraw = 1; MouseMoved = 0; MouseCaptured = 0; } EList::~EList() { free(Title); } EViewPort *EList::CreateViewPort(EView *V) { V->Port = new EListPort(this, V); AddView(V); return V->Port; } EListPort *EList::GetViewVPort(EView *V) { return (EListPort *)V->Port; } EListPort *EList::GetVPort() { return (EListPort *)View->Port; } void EList::SetTitle(char *ATitle) { if (Title) free(Title); Title = strdup(ATitle); if (View && View->MView) View->MView->RepaintStatus(); } int EList::ExecCommand(int Command, ExState &State) { int W = 1; int H = 1; if (View && View->MView && View->MView->Win) { View->MView->ConQuerySize(&W, &H); H--; } FixPos(); switch (Command) { case ExMoveLeft: return MoveLeft(); case ExMoveRight: return MoveRight(); case ExMoveUp: return MoveUp(); case ExMoveDown: return MoveDown(); case ExMovePageUp: return MovePageUp(); case ExMovePageDown: return MovePageDown(); case ExScrollLeft: return ScrollLeft(8); case ExScrollRight: return ScrollRight(8); case ExMovePageStart: return MovePageStart(); case ExMovePageEnd: return MovePageEnd(); case ExMoveFileStart: return MoveFileStart(); case ExMoveFileEnd: return MoveFileEnd(); case ExMoveLineStart: return MoveLineStart(); case ExMoveLineEnd: return MoveLineEnd(); case ExRescan: RescanList(); return ErOK; case ExActivate: return Activate(); } return EModel::ExecCommand(Command, State); } EEventMap *EList::GetEventMap() { return FindEventMap("LIST"); } void EList::HandleEvent(TEvent &/*Event*/) { } void EList::DrawLine(PCell /*B*/, int /*Line*/, int /*Col*/, ChColor /*color*/, int /*Width*/) { } char *EList::FormatLine(int /*Line*/) { return 0; } void EList::RescanList() {} void EList::UpdateList() { NeedsUpdate = 1; } void EList::FreeList() {} void EList::FixPos() { int W, H; int OTopRow = TopRow; int OLeftCol = LeftCol; int ORow = Row; if (View == 0 || View->MView == 0 || View->MView->Win == 0) return ; View->MView->Win->ConQuerySize(&W, &H); H--; //int scrollJumpX = Min(ScrollJumpX, W / 2); int scrollJumpY = Min(ScrollJumpY, H / 2); //int scrollBorderX = Min(ScrollBorderX, W / 2); int scrollBorderY = Min(ScrollBorderY, H / 2); if (LeftCol < 0) LeftCol = 0; if (Row >= Count) Row = Count - 1; if (!WeirdScroll) if (TopRow + H > Count) TopRow = Count - H; if (Row < 0) Row = 0; if (GetVPort()->ReCenter) { TopRow = Row - H / 2; GetVPort()->ReCenter = 0; } if (TopRow + scrollBorderY > Row) TopRow = Row - scrollJumpY + 1 - scrollBorderY; if (TopRow + H - scrollBorderY <= Row) TopRow = Row - H + 1 + scrollJumpY - 1 + scrollBorderY; if (TopRow < 0) TopRow = 0; if (OTopRow != TopRow || OLeftCol != LeftCol || ORow != Row) { NeedsRedraw = 1; NeedsUpdate = 1; } } int EList::GetContext() { return CONTEXT_LIST; }; int EList::BeginMacro() { return 1; } int EList::CanActivate(int /*Line*/) { return 1; } int EList::Activate(int /*No*/) { return 0; } int EList::SetPos(int ARow, int ACol) { Row = ARow; LeftCol = ACol; NeedsUpdate = 1; return ErOK; } int EList::MoveLeft() { if (LeftCol == 0) return ErFAIL; LeftCol--; NeedsUpdate = 1; return ErOK; } int EList::MoveRight() { LeftCol++; NeedsUpdate = 1; return ErOK; } int EList::MoveUp() { if (Row == 0) return ErFAIL; Row--; NeedsUpdate = 1; return ErOK; } int EList::MoveDown() { if (Row == Count - 1) return ErFAIL; Row++; NeedsUpdate = 1; return ErOK; } int EList::MoveLineStart() { if (LeftCol != 0) { NeedsUpdate = 1; LeftCol = 0; } return ErOK; } int EList::MoveLineEnd() { int W, H; View->MView->Win->ConQuerySize(&W, &H); H--; if (LeftCol != H / 2) { LeftCol = H / 2; NeedsUpdate = 1; } return ErOK; } int EList::MovePageUp() { int W, H; if (Row == 0) return ErFAIL; View->MView->Win->ConQuerySize(&W, &H); H--; Row -= H; TopRow -= H; if (Row < 0) Row = 0; if (TopRow < 0) TopRow = 0; NeedsUpdate = 1; return ErOK; } int EList::MovePageDown() { int W, H; if (Row == Count - 1) return ErFAIL; View->MView->Win->ConQuerySize(&W, &H); H--; Row += H; TopRow += H; if (Row >= Count) Row = Count - 1; if (TopRow > Row) TopRow = Row; if (Row < 0) Row = 0; if (TopRow < 0) TopRow = 0; NeedsUpdate = 1; return ErOK; } int EList::ScrollRight(int Cols) { if (LeftCol >= Cols) { LeftCol -= Cols; NeedsUpdate = 1; } else if (LeftCol != 0) { LeftCol = 0; NeedsUpdate = 1; } else return ErFAIL; return ErOK; } int EList::ScrollLeft(int Cols) { LeftCol += Cols; NeedsUpdate = 1; return ErOK; } int EList::ScrollUp(int Rows) { if (TopRow == Count - 1) return ErFAIL; TopRow += Rows; Row += Rows; if (Row >= Count) Row = Count - 1; if (Row < 0) Row = 0; if (TopRow > Row) TopRow = Row; NeedsUpdate = 1; return ErOK; } int EList::ScrollDown(int Rows) { if (TopRow == 0) return ErFAIL; TopRow -= Rows; Row -= Rows; if (Row < 0) Row = 0; if (TopRow < 0) TopRow = 0; NeedsUpdate = 1; return ErOK; } int EList::MovePageStart() { if (Row <= TopRow) return ErFAIL; Row = TopRow; NeedsUpdate = 1; return ErOK; } int EList::MovePageEnd() { int W, H; if (Row == Count - 1) return ErOK; View->MView->Win->ConQuerySize(&W, &H); H--; if (Row == TopRow + H - 1) return ErOK; Row = TopRow + H - 1; if (Row >= Count) Row = Count - 1; if (Row < 0) Row = 0; NeedsUpdate = 1; return ErOK; } int EList::MoveFileStart() { if (Row == 0 && LeftCol == 0) return ErOK; Row = 0; LeftCol = 0; NeedsUpdate = 1; return ErOK; } int EList::MoveFileEnd() { if (Row == Count - 1 && LeftCol == 0) return 0; Row = Count - 1; if (Row < 0) Row = 0; NeedsUpdate = 1; LeftCol = 0; return ErOK; } int EList::Activate() { if (Count > 0) if (CanActivate(Row)) if (Activate(Row) == 1) return ErOK; return ErFAIL; }