Gered eb0c32f20e tweak gui font settings some more
mainly aimed at neovide again. but the guifont setting can be set
outside of that neovide check so as to apply to any other neovim gui
app i suppose
2024-09-01 21:50:47 -04:00

79 lines
2.2 KiB

-- [[ Setting options ]]
-- See `:help vim.opt`
-- NOTE: You can change these options as you wish!
-- For more options, you can see `:help option-list`
-- Make line numbers default
vim.opt.number = true
-- You can also add relative line numbers, to help with jumping.
-- Experiment for yourself to see if you like it!
-- vim.opt.relativenumber = true
-- Enable mouse mode, can be useful for resizing splits for example!
vim.opt.mouse = 'a'
-- Don't show the mode, since it's already in the status line
vim.opt.showmode = false
-- Sync clipboard between OS and Neovim.
-- Schedule the setting after `UiEnter` because it can increase startup-time.
-- Remove this option if you want your OS clipboard to remain independent.
-- See `:help 'clipboard'`
vim.opt.clipboard = 'unnamedplus'
-- Enable break indent
vim.opt.breakindent = true
-- Save undo history
vim.opt.undofile = true
-- Case-insensitive searching UNLESS \C or one or more capital letters in the search term
vim.opt.ignorecase = true
vim.opt.smartcase = true
-- Keep signcolumn on by default
vim.opt.signcolumn = 'yes'
-- Decrease update time
vim.opt.updatetime = 250
-- Decrease mapped sequence wait time
-- Displays which-key popup sooner
vim.opt.timeoutlen = 300
-- Configure how new splits should be opened
vim.opt.splitright = true
vim.opt.splitbelow = true
-- Sets how neovim will display certain whitespace characters in the editor.
-- See `:help 'list'`
-- and `:help 'listchars'`
vim.opt.list = true
vim.opt.listchars = { tab = '» ', trail = '·', nbsp = '' }
-- Preview substitutions live, as you type!
vim.opt.inccommand = 'split'
-- Show which line your cursor is on
vim.opt.cursorline = true
-- Minimal number of screen lines to keep above and below the cursor.
vim.opt.scrolloff = 10
vim.opt.guifont = 'Cascadia Mono:h12:#h-slight'
vim.opt.linespace = -1
-- Neovide specific options
if vim.g.neovide then
vim.g.neovide_position_animation_length = 0.15
vim.g.neovide_cursor_animation_length = 0.03
vim.g.neovide_scroll_animation_length = 0.2
vim.g.neovide_remember_window_size = true
vim.g.neovide_remember_window_position = true
-- vim: ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et