return { { 'huggingface/llm.nvim', config = function() local function get_stop_tokens(model) if model:match '^codellama' then return { '
', '', ' ', ' ' } elseif model:match '^qwen' then return { '<|endoftext|>', '<|fim_prefix|>', '<|fim_middle|>', '<|fim_suffix|>', '<|fim_pad|>', '<|repo_name|>', '<|file_sep|>', '<|im_start|>', '<|im_end|>', } elseif model:match '^starcoder' then return { ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '<|endoftext|>' } elseif model:match '^codestral' then return { '[INST]', '[/INST]', '[PREFIX]', '[MIDDLE]', '[SUFFIX]' } elseif model:match '^deepseek%-coder' then return { '<|fim▁begin|>', '<|fim▁hole|>', '<|fim▁end|>', '<|end▁of▁sentence|>' } elseif model:match '^granite%-code' then return { 'System:', 'Question:', 'Answer:' } end end local function get_fim_options(model) if model:match '^codellama' then --return ' ' .. prefix .. '' .. suffix .. ' ' return { enabled = true, prefix = ' ', suffix = '', middle = ' ', } elseif model:match '^qwen' then -- return '<|fim_prefix|>' .. prefix .. '<|fim_suffix|>' .. suffix .. '<|fim_middle|>' return { enabled = true, prefix = '<|fim_prefix|>', suffix = '<|fim_suffix|>', middle = '<|fim_middle|>', } elseif model:match '^starcoder' then -- return ' ' .. prefix .. ' ' .. suffix .. ' ' return { enabled = true, prefix = ' ', suffix = ' ', middle = ' ', } elseif model:match '^codestral' then -- return '[SUFFIX]' .. suffix .. '[PREFIX]' .. prefix return { enabled = true, prefix = '[PREFIX]', suffix = '[SUFFIX]', middle = '', } elseif model:match '^deepseek%-coder' then -- return '<|fim▁begin|>' .. prefix .. '<|fim▁hole|>' .. suffix .. '<|fim▁end|>' return { enabled = true, prefix = '<|fim▁begin|>', suffix = '<|fim▁hole|>', middle = '<|fim▁end|>', } elseif model:match '^granite%-code' then -- return ' ' .. prefix .. ' ' .. suffix .. ' ' return { enabled = true, prefix = ' ', suffix = ' ', middle = ' ', } end end local llama_base_url = os.getenv 'LLAMA_API_BASE' or 'http://localhost:11434' local llama_api_key = os.getenv 'LLAMA_API_KEY' local model = 'codellama:13b-code-q4_K_M' -- local model = 'qwen2.5-coder:7b-base-q4_K_M' -- local model = 'starcoder2:7b-q4_K_M' -- local model = 'codestral:22b-v0.1-q4_K_M' -- local model = 'deepseek-coder-v2:16b-lite-base-q4_K_M-fixed' -- local model = 'granite-code:8b-base-q4_K_M' require('llm').setup { enable_suggestions_on_startup = false, accept_keymap = ' ', dismiss_keymap = ' ', api_token = llama_api_key, model = model, backend = 'ollama', url = llama_base_url .. '/v1/chat/completions', tokens_to_clear = get_stop_tokens(model), fim = get_fim_options(model), debounce_ms = 500, request_body = { temperature = 0.2, top_p = 1.0, n = 1, max_tokens = 256, stop = get_stop_tokens(model), }, lsp = { -- NOTE: custom fork of llm-ls is required to use api keys with ollama (e.g. via open webui) -- to install: -- git clone -- cd llm-ls/ -- cargo install --path ./crates/llm-ls/ --locked bin_path = os.getenv 'HOME' .. '/.cargo/bin/llm-ls', -- host = '', -- port = 12345, -- cmd_env = { LLM_LOG_LEVEL = 'INFO' }, }, } local function map(mode, lhs, rhs, desc) local opts = { silent = true, noremap = true, desc = desc or '' } vim.keymap.set(mode, lhs, rhs, opts) end map('i', ' ', ' LLMSuggestion ', 'Request LLM suggestion') map('n', ' ta', ' LLMToggleAutoSuggest ', 'Toggle: LLM [A]uto Suggestions') map('i', ' ', function() local llm = require 'llm.completion' if llm.shown_suggestion ~= nil then llm.complete() else local keys = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(' ', true, false, true) vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(keys, 'n', false) end end) end, }, }