return { { 'folke/tokyonight.nvim', priority = 1000, opts = { style = 'night', transparent = false, styles = { keywords = { italic = false }, functions = { bold = true }, }, on_colors = function(colors) local slightly_darker_bg_color = '#0e0e13' local darker_bg_color = '#060609' colors.bg_dark = darker_bg_color colors.bg_float = darker_bg_color colors.bg_popup = darker_bg_color colors.bg_sidebar = slightly_darker_bg_color colors.bg_statusline = darker_bg_color colors.border = slightly_darker_bg_color end, }, init = function() vim.cmd.colorscheme 'tokyonight' -- makes some borders a lot easier to see with this theme's colours vim.opt.fillchars = { horiz = '━', horizup = '┻', horizdown = '┳', vert = '┃', vertleft = '┫', vertright = '┣', verthoriz = '╋', } end, }, -- { -- 'catppuccin/nvim', -- lazy = false, -- priority = 1000, -- config = function() -- require('catppuccin').setup { -- styles = { -- -- comments = { 'italic' }, -- functions = { 'bold' }, -- }, -- integrations = { -- barbar = true, -- cmp = true, -- mason = true, -- dashboard = true, -- neotree = true, -- dap = true, -- dap_ui = true, -- notify = true, -- lsp_trouble = true, -- which_key = true, -- }, -- } -- -- vim.cmd.colorscheme 'catppuccin-mocha' -- end, -- }, } -- vim: ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et