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2013-01-08 10:55:55 -05:00
(ns clj-rhino
(:refer-clojure :exclude (eval get get-in set!))
(:import [org.mozilla.javascript Context UniqueTag NativeArray NativeObject]))
2013-01-08 10:55:55 -05:00
(defprotocol RhinoConvertible
(-to-rhino [object scope ctx] "convert a value to a rhino compatible type"))
(defprotocol ClojureConvertible
(-from-rhino [object]
"convert a value from rhino to a more clojure friendly representation"))
(defn to-js [obj scope ctx]
"convert obj to a rhino compatible object"
(-to-rhino obj scope ctx))
(defn from-js [obj]
"convert obj from rhino into a clojure friendly representation"
(-from-rhino obj))
(defn- return-self [obj scope ctx] obj)
(defn to-js-array [arr scope ctx]
(.newArray ctx scope (to-array (map #(to-js % scope ctx) arr))))
(defn to-js-ratio [obj scope ctx] (double obj))
(defn to-js-object [obj scope ctx]
(let [js-obj (.newObject ctx scope)]
(dorun (map (fn [[key val]]
(let [key (name key)
val (to-js val scope ctx)]
(.put js-obj key js-obj val)))
(defn to-js-generic [obj scope ctx]
(if (.isArray (class obj))
(to-js (seq obj) scope ctx)
(throw (Exception. (str "Don't know how to convert to rhino " (class obj))))))
(extend nil RhinoConvertible {:-to-rhino return-self})
(extend java.lang.Boolean RhinoConvertible {:-to-rhino return-self})
;; Numbers
(extend java.lang.Number RhinoConvertible {:-to-rhino return-self})
(extend clojure.lang.Ratio RhinoConvertible {:-to-rhino to-js-ratio})
(extend java.math.BigInteger RhinoConvertible {:-to-rhino return-self})
(extend java.math.BigDecimal RhinoConvertible {:-to-rhino return-self})
;; Symbols, Keywords, and Strings
(extend clojure.lang.Named RhinoConvertible {:-to-rhino (fn [obj scope ctx]
(name obj))})
(extend java.lang.CharSequence RhinoConvertible {:-to-rhino (fn [obj scope ctx]
(.toString obj))})
;; Collections
(extend java.util.Map RhinoConvertible {:-to-rhino to-js-object})
(extend java.util.Collection RhinoConvertible {:-to-rhino to-js-array})
;; Maybe a Java array, otherwise fail
(extend java.lang.Object RhinoConvertible {:-to-rhino to-js-generic})
(defn- entryset-to-pair [entry]
(let [str-key (.getKey entry)
key (keyword str-key)
js-value (.getValue entry)
val (from-js js-value)]
[key val]))
(defn- from-js-object [obj]
(apply hash-map (mapcat entryset-to-pair (.entrySet obj))))
(extend nil ClojureConvertible {:-from-rhino identity})
(extend java.lang.Boolean ClojureConvertible {:-from-rhino identity})
(extend java.lang.Number ClojureConvertible {:-from-rhino identity})
(extend java.math.BigInteger ClojureConvertible {:-from-rhino identity})
(extend java.math.BigDecimal ClojureConvertible {:-from-rhino identity})
(extend java.lang.CharSequence ClojureConvertible {:-from-rhino identity})
(extend java.lang.Object ClojureConvertible {:-from-rhino identity})
; NOTE: undefined and null will return nil, there are other tags which should not
; be produced from a js program
(extend UniqueTag ClojureConvertible {:-from-rhino (fn [obj] nil)})
(extend NativeObject ClojureConvertible {:-from-rhino from-js-object})
(extend NativeArray ClojureConvertible {:-from-rhino (comp vec (partial map from-js))})
2013-01-08 10:55:55 -05:00
(def insecure-vars ["isXMLName" "uneval" "InternalError" "JavaException"
"With" "Call" "Script" "Iterator" "StopIteration",
"Packages" "java" "javax" "org" "com" "edu" "net"
"getClass" "JavaAdapter" "JavaImporter" "Continuation"
"XML" "XMLList" "Namespace" "QName"])
(defn with-context [fun]
"create a context call fun with it and safelly exit the context"
(let [ctx (Context/enter)]
(fun ctx)
(finally (Context/exit)))))
(defn with-context-if-nil [ctx fun]
"create a context if ctx is nil, otherwise use ctx and call fun with it,
exit safelly after if ctx was created here, otherwise is up to the caller
(which should be inside a with-context somewhere up the call stack)"
(if ctx
(fun ctx)
(with-context fun)))
(defn eval [scope code & {:keys [ctx filename line-number sec-domain]}]
(with-context-if-nil ctx (fn [ctx1]
(.evaluateString ctx1 scope code
(or filename "<eval>")
(or line-number 1) sec-domain))))
(defn undefined? [value]
"return true if value is undefined"
(= value (. UniqueTag NOT_FOUND)))
(def defined? (comp not undefined?))
(defn set! [scope name value]
"bind an object to a name in scope"
(.put scope name scope value))
(defn get
"return the object referenced by var-name in scope,
UniqueTag.NOT_FOUND if not found or not-found if supplied"
([scope var-name]
; TODO: return undefined when scope doesn't have .get
(.get scope (name var-name) scope))
([scope var-name not-found]
(let [result (.get scope (name var-name) scope)]
(if (undefined? result)
(defn get-in
"Returns the value in a nested scope,
where ks is a sequence of keys. Returns nil if the key is not present,
or the not-found value if supplied."
([scope ks]
(reduce get scope ks))
([scope ks not-found]
(loop [sentinel (Object.)
scope scope
ks (seq ks)]
(if ks
(let [scope (get scope (first ks) sentinel)]
(if (identical? sentinel scope)
(recur sentinel scope (next ks))))
(defn new-root-scope [& [ctx sealed vars-to-remove]]
"create a new root js scope and return it
make it sealed if sealed is true
remove vars-to-remove if non nil (a seq of strings)"
(with-context-if-nil ctx (fn [ctx]
(let [scope (.initStandardObjects ctx nil true)]
; force loading RegExp
(eval scope "RegExp;" :ctx ctx)
(dorun (map #(.delete scope %) (or vars-to-remove [])))
(when sealed
(.sealObject scope))
(defn new-safe-root-scope [& [ctx]]
"create a new root js scope removing dangerous references and sealing it"
(new-root-scope ctx true insecure-vars))
(defn new-scope [& [ctx parent-scope vars-to-remove]]
"create a new scope with parent-scope as parent, if parent-scope is nil
create it"
(with-context-if-nil ctx (fn [ctx]
(let [parent-scope (or parent-scope
(new-root-scope ctx true
scope (.newObject ctx parent-scope)]
(doto scope
(.setPrototype parent-scope)
(.setParentScope nil))
(defn new-safe-scope [& [ctx]]
"create a new scope using a safe root scope as parent"
(new-scope ctx (new-safe-root-scope ctx)))
(defn compile-function [scope code & {:keys [ctx filename line-number sec-domain]}]
"compile and return function defined in code"
(with-context-if-nil ctx (fn [ctx]
(.compileFunction ctx scope code
(or filename "<eval>")
(or line-number 1) sec-domain))))