(ns clj-jtwig.convert-test (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [clj-jtwig.core :refer :all] [clj-jtwig.convert :refer :all] [clj-jtwig.functions :refer :all])) (deftest java-to-clojure (testing "Converting Java values to Clojure values" (is (= (byte 64) (java->clojure (new Byte (byte 64)))) "Byte") (is (= (short 1337) (java->clojure (new Short (short 1337)))) "Short") (is (= (int 1048576) (java->clojure (new Integer (int 1048576)))) "Integer") (is (= (new Long 1099511627776) (java->clojure (new Long 1099511627776))) "Long") (is (= (float 3.14159) (java->clojure (new Float (float 3.14159)))) "Float") (is (= (new Double 3.14159) (java->clojure (new Double 3.14159))) "Double") (is (= (new Boolean true) (java->clojure (new Boolean true))) "Boolean") (is (= (new Character \a) (java->clojure (new Character \a))) "Character") (is (= (new String "foobar") (java->clojure (new String "foobar"))) "String") (is (= '(1 2 3 4 5) (java->clojure (new java.util.ArrayList [1 2 3 4 5]))) "ArrayList") (is (= '(1 2 3 4 5) (java->clojure (new java.util.HashSet #{1 2 3 4 5}))) "HashSet") (is (= '(1 2 3 4 5) (java->clojure (new java.util.LinkedList '(1 2 3 4 5)))) "LinkedList") (is (= {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5} (java->clojure (new java.util.HashMap {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5}))) "HashMap") (is (= [1 2 3 4 [\a \b \c \d \e]] (java->clojure (new java.util.ArrayList [1 2 3 4 [\a \b \c \d \e]]))) "nested ArrayList") (do (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords false) (is (= {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5 :f {:foo "foo" "bar" nil :baz {:lol "hello"}}} (java->clojure (new java.util.HashMap {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5 :f {:foo "foo" "bar" nil :baz {:lol "hello"}}}))) "nested HashMap without auto keyword->string conversion") (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true)) (do (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true) (is (= {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5 :f {:foo "foo" :bar nil :baz {:lol "hello"}}} (java->clojure (new java.util.HashMap {"a" 1 "b" 2 "c" 3 "d" 4 "e" 5 "f" {"foo" "foo" "bar" nil "baz" {"lol" "hello"}}}))) "nested HashMap with auto keyword->string conversion") (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true)) (is (= (new java.util.Date 1393769745745) (java->clojure (new java.util.Date 1393769745745))) "Object") (is (= nil (java->clojure nil)) "null"))) (deftest clojure-to-java (testing "Converting Clojure values to Java values" (is (= (new Long 42) (clojure->java 42)) "integer-type number") (is (= (new Double 3.14159) (clojure->java 3.14159)) "floating-point-type number") (is (= (new Boolean true) (clojure->java true)) "boolean") (is (= (new Character \a) (clojure->java \a)) "character") (is (= (new String "foobar") (clojure->java "foobar")) "string") (is (= java.util.ArrayList (class (clojure->java [1 2 3 4 5]))) "vector type") (is (= (new java.util.ArrayList [1 2 3 4 5]) (clojure->java [1 2 3 4 5])) "vector contents") (is (= java.util.ArrayList (class (clojure->java #{1 2 3 4 5}))) "set type") (is (= (new java.util.ArrayList #{1 2 3 4 5}) (clojure->java #{1 2 3 4 5})) "set contents") (is (= java.util.ArrayList (class (clojure->java '(1 2 3 4 5)))) "list type") (is (= (new java.util.ArrayList '(1 2 3 4 5)) (clojure->java '(1 2 3 4 5))) "list contents") (is (= java.util.HashMap (class (clojure->java {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5}))) "map type") (do (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords false) (is (= (new java.util.HashMap {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5}) (clojure->java {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5})) "map contents without auto keyword->string conversion") (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true)) (do (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true) (is (= (new java.util.HashMap {"a" 1 "b" 2 "c" 3 "d" 4 "e" 5}) (clojure->java {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5})) "map contents with auto keyword->string conversion") (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true)) (is (= (new java.util.ArrayList [1 2 3 4 (new java.util.ArrayList [\a \b \c \d \e])]) (clojure->java [1 2 3 4 [\a \b \c \d \e]])) "nested vector contents") (do (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords false) (is (= (new java.util.HashMap {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5 :f (new java.util.HashMap {:foo "foo" "bar" nil :baz (new java.util.HashMap {:lol "hello"})})}) (clojure->java {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5 :f {:foo "foo" "bar" nil :baz {:lol "hello"}}})) "nested map contents without auto keyword->string conversion") (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true)) (do (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true) (is (= (new java.util.HashMap {"a" 1 "b" 2 "c" 3 "d" 4 "e" 5 "f" (new java.util.HashMap {"foo" "foo" "bar" nil "baz" (new java.util.HashMap {"lol" "hello"})})}) (clojure->java {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5 :f {:foo "foo" "bar" nil :baz {:lol "hello"}}})) "nested map contents with auto keyword->string conversion") (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true)) (is (= (new java.util.Date 1393769745745) (clojure->java (new java.util.Date 1393769745745))) "object") (is (= nil (clojure->java nil)) "nil"))) (deftest function-map-param-conversion (testing "Jtwig function map parameter conversion (keyword keys)" (do (reset-functions!) (deftwigfn "keys_are_all_keywords" [x] (every? keyword? (keys x))) (deftwigfn "keys_are_all_strings" [x] (every? string? (keys x))) (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true) (is (= (render "{{keys_are_all_keywords(x)}}" {:x {:a "foo" :b "bar" :c "baz"}}) "1")) (is (= (render "{{keys_are_all_keywords(x)}}" {:x {"a" "foo" "b" "bar" "c" "baz"}}) "1")) (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords false) (is (= (render "{{keys_are_all_keywords(x)}}" {"x" {:a "foo" :b "bar" :c "baz"}}) "1")) (is (= (render "{{keys_are_all_strings(x)}}" {"x" {"a" "foo" "b" "bar" "c" "baz"}}) "1")) (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true) (reset-functions!)))) (deftest function-map-return-conversion (testing "Jtwig function map return value conversion (keyword keys)" (do (reset-functions!) (deftwigfn "get_map_with_keywords" [x] {:a "foo" :b "bar" :c "baz"}) (deftwigfn "get_map_with_strings" [x] {"a" "foo" "b" "bar" "c" "baz"}) (deftwigfn "keys_are_all_keywords" [x] (every? keyword? (keys x))) (deftwigfn "keys_are_all_strings" [x] (every? string? (keys x))) (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true) (is (= (render "{{keys_are_all_keywords(get_map_with_keywords(null))}}") "1")) (is (= (render "{{keys_are_all_keywords(get_map_with_strings(null))}}") "1")) (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords false) (is (= (render "{{keys_are_all_keywords(get_map_with_keywords(null))}}") "1")) (is (= (render "{{keys_are_all_strings(get_map_with_strings(null))}}") "1")) (set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true) (reset-functions!))))