add some initial tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,80 @@
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[clj-jtwig.core :refer :all]))
[clj-jtwig.core :refer :all]))
(deftest a-test
; The purpose of these tests is to establish that our wrapper around JTwig works. That is,
(testing "FIXME, I fail."
; we will be focusing on stuff like making sure that passing Clojure data structures
(is (= 0 1))))
; (e.g. maps, vectors, lists) over to JTwig works fine.
; JTwig includes its own test suite which tests actual template parsing and evaluation
; functionality, so there's no point in duplicating that kind of testing here once we
; establish that the above mentioned stuff works fine.
(deftest string-template
(testing "Evaluating templates in string vars"
(is (= (render "Hello {{ name }}!"
{:name "Bob"})
"Hello Bob!")
"passing a model-map")
(is (= (render "Hello {{ name }}!"
"Hello null!")
"not passing a model-map")
(is (= (render "Hello {{ name }}!"
{"name" "Bob"})
"Hello Bob!")
"passing a model-map where the keys are strings already")
(is (= (render "Hello {{ name }}!"
{"name" "Bob"}
:skip-model-map-stringify? true)
"Hello Bob!")
"passing a model-map where the keys are strings already and we want to skip auto stringifying bbb")
(is (thrown?
(render "Hello {{ name }}!"
{:name "Bob"}
:skip-model-map-stringify? true))
"passing a model-map where the keys are keywords and try skipping auto stringifying the keys")))
(deftest passing-model-map-data
(testing "Passing Clojure data structures to JTwigContext's"
(is (= (render "float {{ x }}"
{:x 3.14})
"float 3.14")
"passing a float")
(is (= (render "integer {{ x }}"
{:x 42})
"integer 42")
"passing an integer")
(is (= (render "null {{ x }}"
{:x nil})
"null null")
"passing a nil value")
(is (= (render "char {{ x }}"
{:x \a})
"char a")
"passing a character")
(is (= (render "string {{ x }}"
{:x "string"})
"string string")
"passing a string")
(is (= (render "{% for n in x %}{{n}} {% endfor %}"
{:x [1 2 3 4 5]})
"1 2 3 4 5 ")
"passing a vector")
(is (= (render "{% for n in x %}{{n}} {% endfor %}"
{:x '(\a \b \c \d \e)})
"a b c d e ")
"passing a list")
(is (= (render "{% for n in x %}{{n}} {% endfor %}"
{:x #{1 2 3 4 5}})
"1 2 3 4 5 ")
"passing a set")
(is (= (render "{% for k, v in x %}{{k}}: {{v}} {% endfor %}"
{:x {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4 :e 5}})
"a: 1 c: 3 b: 2 d: 4 e: 5 ")
"passing a map")
(is (= (render "{{}}, {{}}, {% for n in root.v %}{{n}} {% endfor %}"
{:root {:foo "abc"
:bar {:baz 1337}
:v [10 100 1000]}})
"abc, 1337, 10 100 1000 ")
"passing a map with primitives / nested maps / sequences")))
Reference in a new issue