Merge branch 'master' into java6

This commit is contained in:
Gered 2014-03-23 11:47:42 -04:00
commit b66cdbf79e
8 changed files with 241 additions and 54 deletions

View file

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(defproject clj-jtwig-java6 "0.2.2"
(defproject clj-jtwig-java6 "0.3"
:description "Clojure wrapper for JTwig (Java 6 dependencies)"
:url ""
:license {:name "Apache License, Version 2.0"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
[com.lyncode/jtwig-core-java6 "2.1.2"]])
[com.lyncode/jtwig-core-java6 "2.1.2"]
[org.apache.commons/commons-lang3 "3.1"]])

View file

@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
(ns clj-jtwig.core
"wrapper functions for working with JTwig from clojure"
(:import (com.lyncode.jtwig JtwigTemplate JtwigContext JtwigModelMap)
(com.lyncode.jtwig.resource ClasspathJtwigResource)
(com.lyncode.jtwig.tree.api Content)
( File FileNotFoundException ByteArrayOutputStream)
( URL))
(:require [clojure.walk :refer [stringify-keys]])
(:use [clj-jtwig.functions]))
(:use [clj-jtwig.functions]
; global options
(defonce options (atom {; true/false to enable/disable compiled template caching when using templates from
@ -55,20 +57,15 @@
(defn- compile-template-file [^File file]
(->> file
(new JtwigTemplate)
(defn- inside-jar? [^File file]
(-> file
; the path of a file inside a jar looks something like "jar:file:/path/to/file.jar!/path/to/file"
(.contains "jar!")))
(defn- get-file-last-modified [^File file]
(if (inside-jar? file)
(.lastModified file)))
(->> (.getPath file)
(new ClasspathJtwigResource)
(new JtwigTemplate)
(->> file
(new JtwigTemplate)
(defn- newer? [^File file other-timestamp]
(let [file-last-modified (get-file-last-modified file)]
@ -83,7 +80,7 @@
; this function really only exists so i can easily change the exception type / message in the future
; since this file-exists check is needed in a few places
(defn- err-if-no-file [^File file]
(if-not (.exists file)
(if-not (exists? file)
(throw (new FileNotFoundException (str "Template file \"" file "\" not found.")))))
(defn- cache-compiled-template! [^File file create-fn]
@ -129,12 +126,6 @@
(reset! compiled-templates {}))
(defn- get-resource-path
(^URL [^String filename]
(-> (Thread/currentThread)
(.getResource filename))))
(defn- make-model-map [model-map-values {:keys [skip-model-map-stringify?] :as options}]
(let [model-map-obj (new JtwigModelMap)
values (if-not skip-model-map-stringify?
@ -177,4 +168,5 @@
the template."
[^String filename model-map & [options]]
(if-let [resource-filename (get-resource-path filename)]
(render-file (.getPath resource-filename) model-map options)))
(render-file (.getPath resource-filename) model-map options)
(throw (new FileNotFoundException (str "Template file \"" filename "\" not found.")))))

View file

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
(com.lyncode.jtwig.functions.repository DefaultFunctionRepository)
(com.lyncode.jtwig.functions.exceptions FunctionNotFoundException FunctionException))
(:require [clj-jtwig.convert :refer [java->clojure clojure->java]])
(:use [clj-jtwig.standard-functions]))
(:use [clj-jtwig.standard-functions]
(defn- make-function-handler [f]
(reify JtwigFunction
@ -21,15 +22,18 @@
(aset array index (nth aliases index)))
(defn- add-function-library! [repository functions]
(doseq [[name {:keys [aliases fn]}] functions]
(.add repository
(make-function-handler fn)
(make-aliased-array aliases)))
(defn- create-function-repository []
(let [repository (new DefaultFunctionRepository (make-array JtwigFunction 0))]
; always add our standard functions to new repository objects
(doseq [[name {:keys [aliases fn]}] standard-functions]
(.add repository
(make-function-handler fn)
(make-aliased-array aliases)))
(doto (new DefaultFunctionRepository (make-array JtwigFunction 0))
(add-function-library! standard-functions)
(add-function-library! web-functions)))
; we'll be reusing the same function repository object for all contexts created when rendering templates.
; any custom functions added will be added to this instance

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
(ns clj-jtwig.standard-functions
"standard function definitions. these are functions that are not yet included in JTwig's standard function
library and are just here to fill in the gaps for now."
(:import (org.apache.commons.lang3.text WordUtils)
(org.apache.commons.lang3 StringUtils))
(:use [clojure.pprint]))
; we are using a separate map to hold the standard functions instead of using deftwigfn, etc. because doing it this
@ -23,6 +25,14 @@
(-> sequence vals butlast)
(butlast sequence)))}
{:fn (fn [s]
(WordUtils/capitalize s))}
{:fn (fn [s size & [padding-string]]
(StringUtils/center s size (or padding-string " ")))}
{:fn (fn [x]
@ -33,15 +43,6 @@
(clojure.pprint/print-table x)))}
{:fn (fn [sequence index & optional-not-found]
(let [values (if (map? sequence) ; map instance check to match behaviour of jtwig's first/last implementation
(-> sequence vals)
(if optional-not-found
(nth values index (first optional-not-found))
(nth values index))))}
{:fn (fn [& numbers]
(if (coll? (first numbers))
@ -54,6 +55,27 @@
(apply min (first numbers))
(apply min numbers)))}
{:fn (fn [s]
(StringUtils/normalizeSpace s))}
{:fn (fn [sequence index & optional-not-found]
(let [values (if (map? sequence) ; map instance check to match behaviour of jtwig's first/last implementation
(-> sequence vals)
(if optional-not-found
(nth values index (first optional-not-found))
(nth values index))))}
{:fn (fn [s size & [padding-string]]
(StringUtils/leftPad s size (or padding-string " ")))}
{:fn (fn [s size & [padding-string]]
(StringUtils/rightPad s size (or padding-string " ")))}
{:fn (fn [& values]
(let [first-value (first values)]
@ -78,6 +100,10 @@
{:fn (fn [low high & [step]]
(range low high (or step 1)))}
{:fn (fn [s n]
(StringUtils/repeat s n))}
{:fn (fn [sequence]
; matching behaviour of jtwig's first/last implementation
@ -108,4 +134,14 @@
{:fn (fn [coll k]
(sort-by #(get % k) #(compare %2 %1) coll))
:aliases ["sort_desc_by"]}})
:aliases ["sort_desc_by"]}
{:fn (fn [s length & [wrap-long-words? new-line-string]]
(if (nil? wrap-long-words?)

src/clj_jtwig/utils.clj Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
(ns clj-jtwig.utils
"various helper / utility functions"
(:import ( URL)
( File)
(java.util.jar JarFile)))
(defn inside-jar? [^File file]
(-> file
; the path of a file inside a jar looks something like "jar:file:/path/to/file.jar!/path/inside/jar/to/file"
(.contains "jar!")))
(defn get-jar-resource-filename [^String resource-filename]
(let [pos (.indexOf resource-filename "jar!")]
(if-not (= -1 pos)
(subs resource-filename (+ pos 5))
(defn get-jar-filename [^String resource-filename]
(let [start (.indexOf resource-filename "file:")
end (.indexOf resource-filename "jar!")]
(if (and (not= -1 start)
(not= -1 end))
(subs resource-filename 5 (+ end 3))
(defn exists? [^File file]
(if (inside-jar? file)
(let [filename (.getPath file)
jar-file (new JarFile (get-jar-filename filename))
jar-entry (.getJarEntry jar-file (get-jar-resource-filename filename))]
(not (nil? jar-entry)))
(.exists file)))
(defn get-file-last-modified [^File file]
(if (inside-jar? file)
(.lastModified file)))
(defn get-resource-path
(^URL [^String filename]
(-> (Thread/currentThread)
(.getResource filename))))
(defn get-resource-modification-date [^String filename]
(when-let [resource-filename (get-resource-path filename)]
(->> resource-filename
(new File)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(ns clj-jtwig.web.middleware)
(declare ^:dynamic *servlet-context-path*)
(defn wrap-servlet-context-path
"Binds the current request's context path to a var which we can use in
various jtwig functions that need it without having to explicitly
pass the path in as a function parameter."
(fn [req]
(binding [*servlet-context-path* (:context req)]
(handler req))))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
(ns clj-jtwig.web.web-functions
"web functions, intended to be used by web applications only. most of these will require the
current servlet context path, so use of clj-jtwig.web.middleware.wrap-servlet-context-path
is a prerequisite for these functions."
(:import ( URI))
(:require [clj-jtwig.web.middleware :refer [*servlet-context-path*]]
[clojure.string :as str])
(:use [clj-jtwig.utils]))
(defn- get-context-url [url]
(str *servlet-context-path* url))
(defn- relative-url? [url]
(if-not (str/blank? url)
(let [uri (new URI url)]
(str/blank? (.getScheme uri)))))
(defn- get-url-string [url]
(if-let [modification-timestamp (if (relative-url? url)
;; TODO: while 'public' is the default with Compojure, applications can override with something else ...
(->> (str "public" url)
(str url "?" modification-timestamp)
; defined using the same type of map structure as in clj-jtwig.standard-functions
(defonce web-functions
{:fn (fn [url]
(get-context-url url))}
{:fn (fn [url & [media]]
(let [fmt (if media
"<link href=\"%s\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"%s\" />"
"<link href=\"%s\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />")]
(format fmt (get-url-string url) media)))}
{:fn (fn [url]
(format "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"%s\"></script>" (get-url-string url)))}})

View file

@ -284,6 +284,18 @@
(is (= (render "{{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]|butlast }}" nil)
"[1, 2, 3, 4]")))
(testing "capitalize_all"
(is (= (render "{{ capitalize_all('hello world') }}" nil)
"Hello World")))
(testing "center"
(is (= (render "{{ center('bat', 5) }}" nil)
" bat "))
(is (= (render "{{ center('bat', 3) }}" nil)
(is (= (render "{{ center('bat', 5, 'x') }}" nil)
(testing "dump"
(is (= (render "{{ a|dump }}" {:a [{:foo "bar"} [1, 2, 3] "hello"]})
"({\"foo\" \"bar\"} (1 2 3) \"hello\")\n")))
@ -292,16 +304,6 @@
(is (= (render "{{ t|dump_table }}", {:t [{:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} {:b 5 :a 7 :c "dog"}]})
"\n| b | c | a |\n|---+-----+---|\n| 2 | 3 | 1 |\n| 5 | dog | 7 |\n")))
(testing "nth"
(is (= (render "{{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]|nth(2) }}" nil)
(is (thrown-with-msg?
(render "{{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]|nth(6) }}" nil)))
(is (= (render "{{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]|nth(6, \"not found\") }}" nil)
"not found")))
(testing "max"
(is (= (render "{{ [2, 1, 5, 3, 4]|max }}" nil)
@ -314,6 +316,36 @@
(is (= (render "{{ min(2, 1, 5, 3, 4) }}" nil)
(testing "normalize_space"
(is (= (render "{{ normalize_space(' hello world ') }}" nil)
"hello world")))
(testing "nth"
(is (= (render "{{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]|nth(2) }}" nil)
(is (thrown-with-msg?
(render "{{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]|nth(6) }}" nil)))
(is (= (render "{{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]|nth(6, \"not found\") }}" nil)
"not found")))
(testing "pad_left"
(is (= (render "{{ pad_left('bat', 5) }}" nil)
" bat"))
(is (= (render "{{ pad_left('bat', 3) }}" nil)
(is (= (render "{{ pad_left('bat', 5, 'x') }}" nil)
(testing "pad_right"
(is (= (render "{{ pad_right('bat', 5) }}" nil)
"bat "))
(is (= (render "{{ pad_right('bat', 3) }}" nil)
(is (= (render "{{ pad_right('bat', 5, 'x') }}" nil)
(testing "random"
(is (some #{(render "{{ ['apple', 'orange', 'citrus']|random }}" nil)}
["apple" "orange" "citrus"]))
@ -326,6 +358,12 @@
(is (= (render "{{ range(1, 5, 2) }}" nil)
"[1, 3]")))
(testing "repeat"
(is (= (render "{{ repeat('x', 10) }}" nil)
(is (= (render "{{ repeat('x', 0) }}" nil)
(testing "rest"
(is (= (render "{{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]|rest }}" nil)
"[2, 3, 4, 5]")))
@ -348,4 +386,14 @@
(testing "sort_descending_by"
(is (= (render "{{ [{a: 2}, {a: 1}, {a: 5}, {a: 3}, {a: 4}]|sort_descending_by(\"a\") }}" nil)
"[{a=5}, {a=4}, {a=3}, {a=2}, {a=1}]"))))
"[{a=5}, {a=4}, {a=3}, {a=2}, {a=1}]")))
(testing "wrap"
(is (= (render "{{ wrap(\"Here is one line of text that is going to be wrapped after 20 columns.\", 20) }}" nil)
"Here is one line of\ntext that is going\nto be wrapped after\n20 columns."))
(is (= (render "{{ wrap(\"Here is one line of text that is going to be wrapped after 20 columns.\", 20, false, \"<br />\") }}" nil)
"Here is one line of<br />text that is going<br />to be wrapped after<br />20 columns."))
(is (= (render "{{ wrap(\"Click here to jump to the commons website -\", 20, false) }}" nil)
"Click here to jump\nto the commons\nwebsite -\n"))
(is (= (render "{{ wrap(\"Click here to jump to the commons website -\", 20, true) }}" nil)
"Click here to jump\nto the commons\nwebsite -\nhttp://commons.apach\"))))