standard function now defined in a map which can be easily reloaded
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,17 +5,39 @@
(com.lyncode.jtwig.functions.repository DefaultFunctionRepository)
(com.lyncode.jtwig.functions.exceptions FunctionNotFoundException FunctionException))
(:require [clj-jtwig.convert :refer [java->clojure clojure->java]])
(:use [clojure.pprint]))
(:use [clj-jtwig.standard-functions]))
(defn- make-function-handler [f]
(reify JtwigFunction
(execute [_ arguments]
(clojure->java (apply f (map java->clojure arguments)))
(catch Exception ex
(throw (new FunctionException ex)))))))
(defn- make-aliased-array [aliases]
(let [n (count aliases)
array (make-array String n)]
(doseq [index (range n)]
(aset array index (nth aliases index)))
(defn- create-function-repository []
(new DefaultFunctionRepository (make-array JtwigFunction 0)))
(let [repository (new DefaultFunctionRepository (make-array JtwigFunction 0))]
; always add our standard functions to new repository objects
(doseq [[name {:keys [aliases fn]}] standard-functions]
(.add repository
(make-function-handler fn)
(make-aliased-array aliases)))
; we'll be reusing the same function repository object for all contexts created when rendering templates.
; any custom functions added will be added to this instance
(defonce functions (atom (create-function-repository)))
(defn reset-functions!
"removes any added custom template function handlers"
"removes any added custom template function handlers. use this with care!"
(reset! functions (create-function-repository)))
@ -26,13 +48,6 @@
(catch FunctionNotFoundException ex
(defn- make-aliased-array [aliases]
(let [n (count aliases)
array (make-array String n)]
(doseq [index (range n)]
(aset array index (nth aliases index)))
(defn add-function!
"adds a new template function using the name specified. templates can call the function by the
name specified (or one of the aliases specified) and passing in the same number of arguments
@ -40,12 +55,7 @@
then nil can be specified for the aliases arg.
prefer to use the 'deftwigfn' macro when possible."
[name aliases f]
(let [handler (reify JtwigFunction
(execute [_ arguments]
(clojure->java (apply f (map java->clojure arguments)))
(catch Exception ex
(throw (new FunctionException ex))))))]
(let [handler (make-function-handler f)]
(.add @functions handler name (make-aliased-array aliases))
(.retrieve @functions name)))
@ -64,83 +74,3 @@
[fn-name args aliases & body]
(add-function! ~fn-name ~aliases (fn ~args ~@body))))
;; ============================================================================
;; Standard functions
;; ============================================================================
(deftwigfn "blankIfNull" [x]
(if (nil? x) "" x))
(deftwigfn "butlast" [sequence]
; matching behaviour of jtwig's first/last implementation
(if (map? sequence)
(-> sequence vals butlast)
(butlast sequence)))
(deftwigfn "dump" [x]
(with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint x)))
(deftwigfn "nth" [sequence index & optional-not-found]
(let [values (if (map? sequence) ; map instance check to match behaviour of jtwig's first/last implementation
(-> sequence vals)
(if optional-not-found
(nth values index (first optional-not-found))
(nth values index))))
(deftwigfn "max" [& numbers]
(if (coll? (first numbers))
(apply max (first numbers))
(apply max numbers)))
(deftwigfn "min" [& numbers]
(if (coll? (first numbers))
(apply min (first numbers))
(apply min numbers)))
(deftwigfn "random" [& values]
(let [first-value (first values)]
(and (= (count values) 1)
(coll? first-value))
(rand-nth first-value)
(> (count values) 1)
(rand-nth values)
(string? first-value)
(rand-nth (seq first-value))
(number? first-value)
(rand-int first-value)
(deftwigfn "range" [low high & [step]]
(range low high (or step 1)))
(deftwigfn "rest" [sequence]
; matching behaviour of jtwig's first/last implementation
(if (map? sequence)
(-> sequence vals rest)
(rest sequence)))
(deftwigfn "second" [sequence]
; matching behaviour of jtwig's first/last implementation
(if (map? sequence)
(-> sequence vals second)
(second sequence)))
(deftwigfn "sort" [sequence]
(sort < sequence))
(deftwigfn "sortDescending" [sequence]
(sort > sequence))
(deftwigfn "sortBy" [coll k]
(sort-by #(get % k) coll))
(deftwigfn "sortDescendingBy" [coll k]
(sort-by #(get % k) #(compare %2 %1) coll))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
(ns clj-jtwig.standard-functions
"standard function definitions. these are functions that are not yet included in JTwig's standard function
library and are just here to fill in the gaps for now."
(:use [clojure.pprint]))
; we are using a separate map to hold the standard functions instead of using deftwigfn, etc. because doing it this
; way makes it easy to re-add all these functions when/if the JTwig function repository object needs to be
; recreated (e.g. during unit tests).
; the keys are function names. each value is a map containing :fn which is the actual function, and an optional
; :aliases, which should be a vector of strings containing one or more possible aliases for this function.
(defonce standard-functions
{:fn (fn [x]
(if (nil? x) "" x))}
{:fn (fn [sequence]
; matching behaviour of jtwig's first/last implementation
(if (map? sequence)
(-> sequence vals butlast)
(butlast sequence)))}
{:fn (fn [x]
(clojure.pprint/pprint x)))}
{:fn (fn [sequence index & optional-not-found]
(let [values (if (map? sequence) ; map instance check to match behaviour of jtwig's first/last implementation
(-> sequence vals)
(if optional-not-found
(nth values index (first optional-not-found))
(nth values index))))}
{:fn (fn [& numbers]
(if (coll? (first numbers))
(apply max (first numbers))
(apply max numbers)))}
{:fn (fn [& numbers]
(if (coll? (first numbers))
(apply min (first numbers))
(apply min numbers)))}
{:fn (fn [& values]
(let [first-value (first values)]
(and (= (count values) 1)
(coll? first-value))
(rand-nth first-value)
(> (count values) 1)
(rand-nth values)
(string? first-value)
(rand-nth (seq first-value))
(number? first-value)
(rand-int first-value)
{:fn (fn [low high & [step]]
(range low high (or step 1)))}
{:fn (fn [sequence]
; matching behaviour of jtwig's first/last implementation
(if (map? sequence)
(-> sequence vals rest)
(rest sequence)))}
{:fn (fn [sequence]
; matching behaviour of jtwig's first/last implementation
(if (map? sequence)
(-> sequence vals second)
(second sequence)))}
{:fn (fn [sequence]
(sort < sequence))}
{:fn (fn [sequence]
(sort > sequence))}
{:fn (fn [coll k]
(sort-by #(get % k) coll))}
{:fn (fn [coll k]
(sort-by #(get % k) #(compare %2 %1) coll))}})
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