move code to manage twig template functions into separate namespace
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
(ns clj-jtwig.core
"wrapper functions for working with JTwig from clojure"
(:require [clojure.walk :refer [stringify-keys]]
[clj-jtwig.convert :refer [java->clojure clojure->java]])
(:import (com.lyncode.jtwig JtwigTemplate JtwigContext JtwigModelMap)
(com.lyncode.jtwig.functions.exceptions FunctionNotFoundException)
(com.lyncode.jtwig.functions.repository DefaultFunctionRepository)
(com.lyncode.jtwig.functions JtwigFunction)
(com.lyncode.jtwig.tree.api Content)
( File FileNotFoundException ByteArrayOutputStream)))
( File FileNotFoundException ByteArrayOutputStream))
(:require [clojure.walk :refer [stringify-keys]])
(:use [clj-jtwig.functions]))
; global options
(defonce options (atom {; true/false to enable/disable compiled template caching when using templates from
@ -131,47 +128,6 @@
(reset! compiled-templates {}))
(defn- create-function-repository []
(new DefaultFunctionRepository (make-array JtwigFunction 0)))
; we'll be reusing the same function repository object for all contexts created when rendering templates.
; any custom functions added will be added to this instance
(defonce functions (atom (create-function-repository)))
(defn reset-functions!
"removes any added custom template function handlers"
(reset! functions (create-function-repository)))
(defn function-exists? [name]
(.retrieve @functions name)
(catch FunctionNotFoundException ex
(defn add-function!
"adds a new template function using the name specified. templates can call the function by the
name specified and passing in the same number of arguments accepted by f. the return value of
f is returned to the template.
prefer to use the 'deftwigfn' macro when possible."
[name f]
(if (function-exists? name)
(throw (new Exception (str "JTwig template function \"" name "\" already defined.")))
(let [handler (reify JtwigFunction
(execute [_ arguments]
(clojure->java (apply f (map java->clojure arguments)))))]
(.add @functions handler name (make-array String 0))
(.retrieve @functions name))))
(defmacro deftwigfn
"adds a new template function. templates can call it by by the name specified and passing in the
same number of arguments as in args. the return value of the last form in body is returned to the
[fn-name args & body]
(add-function! ~fn-name (fn ~args ~@body))))
(defn- get-resource-path [filename]
(-> (Thread/currentThread)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
(ns clj-jtwig.functions
"standard functions added to jtwig contexts by default. these are in addition to the
functions added by default in all jtwig function repository objects"
(:import (com.lyncode.jtwig.functions JtwigFunction)
(com.lyncode.jtwig.functions.repository DefaultFunctionRepository)
(com.lyncode.jtwig.functions.exceptions FunctionNotFoundException))
(:require [clj-jtwig.convert :refer [java->clojure clojure->java]]))
(defn- create-function-repository []
(new DefaultFunctionRepository (make-array JtwigFunction 0)))
; we'll be reusing the same function repository object for all contexts created when rendering templates.
; any custom functions added will be added to this instance
(defonce functions (atom (create-function-repository)))
(defn reset-functions!
"removes any added custom template function handlers"
(reset! functions (create-function-repository)))
(defn function-exists? [name]
(.retrieve @functions name)
(catch FunctionNotFoundException ex
(defn add-function!
"adds a new template function using the name specified. templates can call the function by the
name specified and passing in the same number of arguments accepted by f. the return value of
f is returned to the template.
prefer to use the 'deftwigfn' macro when possible."
[name f]
(if (function-exists? name)
(throw (new Exception (str "JTwig template function \"" name "\" already defined.")))
(let [handler (reify JtwigFunction
(execute [_ arguments]
(clojure->java (apply f (map java->clojure arguments)))))]
(.add @functions handler name (make-array String 0))
(.retrieve @functions name))))
(defmacro deftwigfn
"adds a new template function. templates can call it by by the name specified and passing in the
same number of arguments as in args. the return value of the last form in body is returned to the
[fn-name args & body]
(add-function! ~fn-name (fn ~args ~@body))))
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
(:import ( FileNotFoundException)
(clojure.lang ArityException))
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[clj-jtwig.core :refer :all]))
[clj-jtwig.core :refer :all]
[clj-jtwig.functions :refer :all]))
; The purpose of these tests is to establish that our wrapper around JTwig works. That is,
; we will be focusing on stuff like making sure that passing Clojure data structures
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
(-> x
(.startsWith "clj_jtwig.core$add_function"))))
(.startsWith "clj_jtwig.functions$add_function"))))
(deftest string-template
(testing "Evaluating templates in string vars"
Reference in a new issue