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@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
# clj-jtwig
[Twig](http://twig.sensiolabs.org/) templates in Clojure, provided by [Jtwig](http://jtwig.org). clj-jtwig is a simple
Clojure wrapper around Jtwig to make using it in Clojure applications simple. It also provides some extra functions on top of what Jtwig provides already. As well, it adds a simple template caching layer that works out-of-the-box when rendering templates from files.
Clojure wrapper around Jtwig to make using it in Clojure applications simple. It also provides some extra functions on
top of the standard library that Jtwig provides. As well, it adds a simple template caching layer that works
out-of-the-box when rendering templates from files.
For more information on Twig templates, you can refer to the [Twig documentation](http://twig.sensiolabs.org/documentation)
and the [Jtwig documentation](http://jtwig.org/documentation). Please note that Jtwig is not yet a full implementation
@ -31,18 +33,12 @@ only being maintained by me *purely* for use with clj-jtwig. *It is not supporte
Getting up and running with clj-jtwig is easy:
(ns yourapp.core
(:require [clj-jtwig.core :refer [render]]))
(use 'clj-jtwig.core)
(defn say-hello [name]
(render "Hello {{name}}!" {:name name})
(say-hello "Gered") ; returns "Hello Gered!"
(render "Hello {{name}}!" {:name "Gered"}) ; returns "Hello Gered!
You can also render from files by providing a full path and filename to `clj-jtwig.core/render-file`. Most of the time
you'll want to render from a resource file that is bundled along with your app, in which case you can provide a path
and filename relative to the classpath to `clj-jtwig.core/render-resource`.
You can also render templates from files:
(render-file "/Users/gered/say-hello.twig" {:name "Gered"})
@ -51,34 +47,38 @@ and filename relative to the classpath to `clj-jtwig.core/render-resource`.
(render-resource "say-hello.twig" {:name "Gered"})
From these examples we can see that the second argument to `render`, `render-file` and `render-resource` is a map of
variables that can be referred to in the template (basically it is the template 'model'). You can nest data and refer
to it using 'dot' syntax like in Java.
As we can see above, there are 3 main template rendering functions, `render`, `render-file` and `render-resource`.
`render-resource` is probably what you will use most often. The file path you provide to this function is relative
to the classpath, and so is ideal for rendering templates bundled with your application.
City of residence: {{address.city}}
All three "render" functions take a second parameter which is a map that contains the values to pass to the template
which can then be referred to in the template by name. This map is also referred to as the "model map."
Nested variables can be referred to using "dot" syntax like in Java:
(render "Hello {{person.name}}!" {:person {:name "Gered"}}) ; returns "Hello Gered!
If a variable's name has any special characters (such as a `-` character), you can access it using 'subscript' syntax
You can only use "dot" syntax like in the above example when your variable names do not include any special characters
in them. For Clojure programmers, this also includes the use of hyphens in variable names. To get around this you can
use "subscript" syntax instead:
Customer name: {{customer['full-name']}}
(render "Hello {{person['first-name']}}!" {:person {:first-name "Gered"}}) ; returns "Hello Gered!
If a "root" variable has special characters in it's name, you can also access it using the same syntax, but you will
need to access it off of the `model` variable which all variables set in the template are bound to.
If your root-level variables in the model map contain special characters, you can still access them by using the
same "subscript" syntax off of the automatically added `model` variable that is passed to all templates:
Order number: {{model['customer-order'].orderNumber}}
(render "Hello {{model['first-name']}}!" {:first-name "Gered"}) ; returns "Hello Gered!
Otherwise, you normally don't need to include `model`, it is implicit.
### Web Apps
For web apps built on [Ring](https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring) and [Compojure](https://github.com/weavejester/compojure), you can do something like:
For web apps built on [Ring](https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring) and [Compojure](https://github.com/weavejester/compojure),
you can do something like:
(ns yourwebapp.views
@ -114,26 +114,31 @@ And then in your routes:
(GET "/" [] (home-page)))
You will also probably want to add `clj-jtwig.web.middleware/wrap-servlet-context-path` to your [Ring middleware](https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring/wiki/Concepts#middleware) so that template functions such as `path`, `javascript` and `stylesheet` can automatically prepend the servlet context path to urls you provide to your web app's resources.
You will also probably want to add `clj-jtwig.web.middleware/wrap-servlet-context-path` to your
[Ring middleware](https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring/wiki/Concepts#middleware) so that template functions such as
`path`, `javascript` and `stylesheet` can automatically prepend the servlet context path to urls you provide to your
web app's resources.
If you need to output the servlet context path in one of your templates (e.g. for use with Javascript code that performs AJAX requests), then you can either update the `render` function example provided above to `assoc` the value of `clj-jtwig.web.middleware/*servlet-context-path*` to the `params` map. Then you can refer to this value in your templates the same way as any other value you pass in. Or you can do something like this in one of your templates:
If you need to output the servlet context path in one of your templates (e.g. for use with Javascript code that
performs AJAX requests), then you can either update the `render` function example provided above to `assoc` the value
of `clj-jtwig.web.middleware/*servlet-context-path*` to the `params` map. Then you can refer to this value in your
templates the same way as any other value you pass in. Or you can do something like this in one of your templates:
<script type="text/javascript">
var context = "{{ path('') }}";
var context = "{{ path('/') }}";
Which will make a global variable `context` available to your Javascript code which will have the value of the servlet context path.
Which will make a global variable `context` available to your Javascript code which will have the value of the servlet
context path.
### Functions
Adding custom functions is easy:
(ns yourapp.core
(:require [clj-jtwig.core :refer [render]]
[clj-jtwig.functions :refer [deftwigfn]]))
(use 'clj-jtwig.functions)
(deftwigfn "sayHello" [name]
(str "Hello " name "!"))
@ -155,17 +160,10 @@ Then your functions can be used in your templates:
For convenience, you can also define one or more aliases for functions:
(ns yourapp.core
(:require [clj-jtwig.core :refer [render]]
[clj-jtwig.functions :refer [defaliasedtwigfn]]))
(defaliasedtwigfn "sayHello" [name]
(str "Hello " name "!"))
; elsewhere in your app's code ...
(render "{{ sayHello(name) }}" {:name "Gered"}) ; "Hello Gered!"
(render "{{ sayHi(name) }}" {:name "Gered"}) ; "Hello Gered!"
@ -176,7 +174,8 @@ in a 'defn'-style syntax.
#### Standard Library Functions
A number of functions are provided out of the box by Jtwig. A few more are provided to fill in some gaps by clj-jtwig. The following is a list of all the functions available with clj-jtwig.
A number of functions are provided out of the box by Jtwig. A few more are provided by clj-jtwig to fill in some gaps.
The following is a list of all the functions available with clj-jtwig.
| Function | Description
@ -187,19 +186,23 @@ A number of functions are provided out of the box by Jtwig. A few more are provi
| capitalize | `capitalize(string)`<br/>Capitalizes a value. The first character will be uppercase, all others lowercase.
| center | `center(string, max_width)`<br/>`center(string, max_width, padding_string)`<br/>Pads a string with whitespace on the left and right as necessary to 'center' the given value. If the padding_string argument is provided, that string will be used to pad instead of whitespace.
| concat | `concat(values, ...)`<br/>Concatenates any number of values together as strings.
| contains | `contains(map, key)`<br/>`contains(collection, value)`<br/>`contains(string, substring)`<br/>If a map is specified, checks if it contains the given key. If a collection or string is specified, checks if the value/substring is present. Returns true if found.
| convert_encoding | `convert_encoding(string, output_charset, input_charset)`<br/>Converts a string from one encoding to another. The first argument is the expected output charset and the second one is the input charset.
| date_format | `date_format(date)`<br/>`date_format(date, format)`<br/>Formats a date to a given format. The format specifier is the same as supported by `SimpleDateFormat`. If the format argument is not specified, the format used will be `yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss`. The date argument should be an instance of `java.util.Date`.
| date_modify | `date_modify(date, modifier)`<br/>Modifies a date with a given modifier string. The modifier string can be things like "+1 day" or "+30 minutes". Recognized modifiers are 'seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', 'months' or 'years'. The date argument should be an instance of `java.util.Date`. A new instance of `java.util.Date` is returned.
| default | `default(value, default_value)`<br/>Returns the passed default value if the value is undefined or empty, otherwise the value of the variable.
| dump | `dump(value)`<br/>Uses `clojure.pprint/pprint` to dump the entire value of a variable to a string and returns that string.
| dump_table | `dump_table(collection_of_maps)`<br/>Uses `clojure.pprint/print-table` to dump the entire value of a collection of maps to a string and returns that string.
| escape | `escape(string)`<br/>`escape(string, strategy)`<br/>Escapes a string for safe insertion into the final output. The optional strategy parameter specifies the escape strategy: 'html' (default), 'js' or 'xml'.
| first | `first(collection)`<br/>`first(string)`<br/>`first(values, ...)`<br/>Returns the first "element" of a collection, series of values, or a string (in which case the first character is returned).
| format | `format(format_string, values, ...)`<br/>Formats a given string by replacing the placeholders (placeholders follow the `String.format` notation). The values provided will be used in order for each placeholder in the string.
| index_of | `index_of(collection, value)`<br/>`index_of(string, substring)`<br/>Returns the first index of a value in a collection or the start of a substring in a string. Returns -1 if not found.
| javascript | `javascript(url)`<br/>Returns a `<script>` tag for a Javascript source file. The Javascript source file's modification timestamp will be appended to the URL if the url given is a relative one to help avoid browser caching issues.
| join | `join(sequence)`<br/>`join(sequence, separator)`<br/>Returns a string which is the concatenation of the items of a sequence. The separator argument specifies a string to use to place in between each joined item. If not specified, a blank string is used as the separator.
| json_encode | `json_encode(string)`<br/>Returns the JSON representation of the given value.
| keys | `keys(map)`<br/>Returns the keys of a map as a collection. It is useful when you want to iterate over the keys of a map.
| last | `last(collection)`<br/>`last(string)`<br/>`last(values, ...)`<br/>Returns the last "element" of a collection, series of values, or a string (in which case, the last character is returned).
| last_index_of | `last_index_of(collection, value)`<br/>`last_index_of(string, substring)`<br/>Returns the last index of a value in a collection or the start of a substring in a string. Returns -1 if not found.
| length | `length(collection)`<br/>`length(string)`<br/>`length(values, ...)`<br/>Returns the number of items in a collection, series of values, or the length of a string.
| lower | `lower(string)`<br/>Converts a string to lowercase.
| max | `max(collection)`<br/>`max(values, ...)`<br/>Returns the biggest value in a collection or a set of values.
@ -229,21 +232,64 @@ A number of functions are provided out of the box by Jtwig. A few more are provi
| striptags | `striptags(string)`<br/>Strips HTML/XML tags and replaces adjacent whitespace with one space.
| stylesheet | `stylesheet(url)`<br/>`stylesheet(url, media)`<br/>Returns a `<link>` tag for a CSS stylesheet with an optional 'media' attribute value. The CSS file's modification timestamp will be appended to the URL if the url given is a relative one to help avoid browser caching issues.
| title | `title(string)`<br/>Returns a titlecased version of the value. Words will start with uppercase letters, all remaining characters are lowercase.
| to_double | `to_double(string)`<br/>Converts the string to a double value.
| to_float | `to_float(string)`<br/>Converts the string to a float value.
| to_int | `to_int(string)`<br/>Converts the string to an integer value.
| to_keyword | `to_keyword(string)`<br/>Converts the string to a Clojure keyword.
| to_long | `to_long(string)`<br/>Converts the string to a long value.
| to_string | `to_string(value)`<br/>Converts the value to a string representation. This walks over all values in a collection, causing lazy sequences to be fully evaluated.
| trim | `trim(string)`<br/>Strips whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string.
| upper | `upper(string)`<br/>Converts a value to uppercase.
| url_encode | `url_encode(string)`<br/>`url_encode(map)`<br/>Percent encodes a given string as a URL segment or a map of key/values as a query string (e.g. in a `key=value&key=value ...` format).
| wrap | `wrap(string, max_width)`<br/>`wrap(string, max_width, wrap_long_words)`<br/>`wrap(string, max_width, wrap_long_words, new_line_string)`<br/>Wraps the given text to the maximum width specified. If wrap_long_words is true, then long words/text such as URLs will also be cut and wrapped as necessary. new_line_string can be specified to use a different character/string as the new line separator (by default it will be the system new line character(s)).
## Options
clj-jtwig has a few global options that affect template parsing and rendering behaviour. You can adjust the options
by calling `clj-jtwig.core/set-options!` and passing in only the keys/values you want to change.
#### `:cache-compiled-templates`
**Default is ON.**
Whether or not to cache compiled templates. Caching is discussed in the next section.
#### `:skip-file-status-checks`
**Default is OFF.**
Whether or not to continue checking file modification times each time a template file is rendered *after* the first
time it is compiled and cached. This option can be turned on to avoid extra file I/O (which is likely to be very
minor anyway), but it means that after templates are first cached, any subsequent updates to the template files will
not trigger the cached copy to be updated. If caching is disabled, this option is ignored.
#### `:check-for-minified-web-resources`
**Default is ON.**
If turned on, the `stylesheet` and `javascript` template functions will automatically check for an equivalent
similarly named .css/.js file with a .min.css/.min.js file extension and if found, render a link/script html tag
with that filename instead. This option is intended to be turned off during development and only turned on in
production builds to help simplify automatic switching between minified and development copies of css/js resources.
#### `:auto-convert-map-keywords`
**Default is ON.**
If turned on, the model map passed to any of the "render" functions will have any keyword keys converted to strings.
As well, custom template function parameters and return values that are maps containing keyword keys will also
have their keys converted to strings and vice-versa as necessary. This is an "all or nothing" type of option, so
you should probably turn this off if the maps you need to pass to templates will need to contain a mix of keyword
and string keys. This option is intended to make writing more idiomatic Clojure code against clj-jtwig easier to do
given that Jtwig is a Java library that has no concept of Clojure keywords. This option is discussed in more detail
## Caching
Jtwig provides support for compiling templates so that subsequent renders can be performed faster. clj-jtwig builds on
this support by providing a very simple caching mechanism when rendering templates from files. Template files are
compiled the first time they are rendered and then the compiled result cached. From then on, each time that same
template file is rendered, the source file on disk is checked to see if it has been modified since it was last cached.
If it has been we re-load, compile and cache it before rendering it again. As long as the file has not been modified the previously compiled result is re-used.
If it has been we re-load, compile and cache it before rendering it again. As long as the file has not been modified
the previously compiled result is re-used.
Caching is turned on by default, but can be turned off if necessary via
Caching is turned on by default, but can be turned off if necessary via the `:cache-compiled-templates` option.
An important thing to be aware of when using templates that extend others, or include others is that only the
template who's filename is passed to one of the render functions is checked to see if it has been updated. If your
@ -253,43 +299,76 @@ of an application, so you may want to turn caching off during development.
## Jtwig is a Java library. What does that mean for Clojure?
Jtwig is written in Java. This has important implications for the way that you pass model maps from Clojure to your Jtwig templates.
Jtwig is written in Java. Model maps in Jtwig are represented by a `HashMap<String, Object>` [as can be seen here](https://github.com/lyncode/jtwig/blob/master/jtwig-core/src/main/java/com/lyncode/jtwig/JtwigModelMap.java).
Right away, this has an important implication for idiomatic Clojure code: Keywords are typically used as the keys for
Jtwig uses a `HashMap<String, Object>` object to hold template model data [as can be seen here](https://github.com/lyncode/jtwig/blob/master/jtwig-core/src/main/java/com/lyncode/jtwig/JtwigModelMap.java). This is fine for Jtwig as that's pretty idiomatic for Java apps. Idiomatic Clojure code using maps will typically use keywords as the keys of a map. This doesn't translate so nicely when you pass in a Clojure map with all keywords as the keys to a template and the template attempts to reference values inside the map.
There are two immediate options to get around this:
Ideally, you would expect to be able to do this in Clojure:
* Automatically convert the keys in all maps passed to Jtwig to use strings instead of keywords. And then do this again
when map values are passed by Jtwig to custom template functions and then back again when map values are returned
from custom template functions.
* Do nothing and force the application to use strings for all map keys.
There are pros and cons to each approach. Unfortunately there is no 100% perfect solution.
Out of the box, clj-jtwig is configured for the first approach, but that comes with certain assumptions about the maps
that you will be using with Jtwig. Specifically, if your application uses maps that contain a mix of key types (both
keywords *and* strings), then the automatic conversions will likely cause problems for you. You can toggle this
automatic conversion on/off via the `:auto-convert-map-keywords` option.
To demonstrate the problem:
(deftwigfn "get_bar" [m]
(:bar m))
(use 'clj-jtwig.core)
(render "{{ get_bar(foo) }}" {:foo {:bar "hello"}}) ; should output "hello", right? wrong!
(set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords false)
(render "Hello {{name}}!" {:name "Gered"}) ; = ClassCastException
(render "Hello {{name}}!" {"name" "Gered"}) ; "Hello Gered!"
(render "Hello {{person.name}}!" {"person" {:name "Gered"}}) ; "Hello null!"
(set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true)
(render "Hello {{name}}!" {:name "Gered"}) ; "Hello Gered!"
(render "Hello {{name}}!" {"name" "Gered"}) ; "Hello Gered!"
(render "Hello {{person.name}}!" {"person" {:name "Gered"}}) ; "Hello Gered!"
Instead, "null" will get output. This is because Jtwig is trying to resolve values in the model map assuming the keys are strings and Java doesn't have Clojure's keywords natively of course. To try to help you out with this, when you call `render`, `render-file` or `render-resource` in clj-jtwig, by default it will call `clojure.walk/stringify-keys` on the map you pass in.
If the `get_bar` function had been written like this instead:
This same type of problem also applies to variables passed to custom template functions. A trivial example:
(deftwigfn "get_bar" [m]
(get m "bar"))
(use 'clj-jtwig.core)
(use 'clj-jtwig.functions)
(deftwigfn "get_map" [name]
{:name name})
(set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords false)
(render "Hello {{get_map(name).name}}!" {"name" "Gered"}) ; "Hello null!"
(set-options! :auto-convert-map-keywords true)
(render "Hello {{get_map(name).name}}!" {:name "Gered"}) ; "Hello Gered!"
Then you would get the expected output of "hello".
To help avoid such confusion, you could make sure that the maps you pass in to clj-jtwig are already using strings for keys and not rely on the `stringify-keys` call. If you would like to write your code like this, you can optionally pass `{:skip-model-map-stringify? true}` as the third argument to any of the render functions in clj-jtwig and it will not call `stringify-keys`, which will cause exceptions to be thrown if you pass a map using keyword keys (because it will try to cast from a keyword to a string).
TL;DR, even if you pass Clojure maps using keywords for all your keys, clj-jtwig converts all of them to strings to play nice with Jtwig. Your custom template functions written in Clojure should assume any maps it receives as arguments have all their keys as strings instead of keywords.
## Debugging Tips
One other helpful use of `model` is for debugging when working with a lot of data being passed to a template. You can
dump the entire set of variables passed to the template using the `dump` function.
You can dump all of the values passed to the template by using the `dump` function, passing it the automatically
added `model` variable:
For any tabular values, you can also use `dump_table` to get a nice ASCII table display of each row of data.
Jtwig's error reporting (e.g. in the case of a parser error) is poor right now unfortunately. There's not much that
can be done except for making sure you frequently test your templates as you write them. Error reporting is expected
to be greatly improved in the next major release.
## License
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
Reference in a new issue