diff --git a/src/clj_htmltopdf/core.clj b/src/clj_htmltopdf/core.clj
index 94f3415..56c33cb 100644
--- a/src/clj_htmltopdf/core.clj
+++ b/src/clj_htmltopdf/core.clj
@@ -87,10 +87,14 @@
:renderer renderer})))
(defn ->pdf
- "Renders HTML to a PDF document. The HTML to be rendered is provided via the 'in' argument which can be provided as a
- file, string, or Hiccup-style HTML. The PDF will be output to the 'out' argument which will be coerced to an
- OutputStream (via clojure.java.io/output-stream). The resulting OutputBuffer is also returned when rendering has
- finished."
+ "Renders HTML to a PDF document.
+ in - HTML to be rendered, provided as: File or InputStream object for an html file, string containing HTML, or
+ Hiccup-style HTML
+ out - where to save the PDF to: PDF filename, or an OutputStream
+ options - optional map of options to control PDF document styling and other properties
+ Returns the OutputStream that the PDF was rendered to."
[in out & [options]]
(let [options (opt/get-final-options options)
html-doc (prepare-html in options)]