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(ns clj-htmltopdf.watermark
2017-08-16 19:57:55 -04:00
[ :as io])
[ InputStream OutputStream]
[org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel PDDocument PDPage PDPageContentStream PDPageContentStream$AppendMode]
[org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common PDRectangle]
[org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font PDType1Font PDFont]
2017-08-16 19:57:55 -04:00
[ PDImageXObject PDImage]
[ PDExtendedGraphicsState]
[org.apache.pdfbox.util Matrix]))
; TODO: this is a temporary measure to allow at least _some_ font customizability for watermarks
; until something more comprehensive can be implemented such as allowing loading of external
; TTF fonts via PDTrueTypeFont.loadTTF()
(def watermark-fonts
{"times-roman" PDType1Font/TIMES_ROMAN
"times-bold" PDType1Font/TIMES_BOLD
"times-italic" PDType1Font/TIMES_ITALIC
"times-bolditalic" PDType1Font/TIMES_BOLD_ITALIC
"helvetica" PDType1Font/HELVETICA
"helvetica-bold" PDType1Font/HELVETICA_BOLD
"helvetica-oblique" PDType1Font/HELVETICA_OBLIQUE
"helvetica-boldoblique" PDType1Font/HELVETICA_BOLD_OBLIQUE
"courier" PDType1Font/COURIER
"courier-bold" PDType1Font/COURIER_BOLD
"courier-oblique" PDType1Font/COURIER_OBLIQUE
"courier-boldoblique" PDType1Font/COURIER_BOLD_OBLIQUE})
2017-08-16 19:57:55 -04:00
(defn render-text-watermark!
[^PDDocument doc ^PDPage page ^PDPageContentStream cs options]
(let [font (or (get watermark-fonts (:font options))
(get watermark-fonts "helvetica-bold"))
font-size (float (or (:font-size options) 36.0))
font-color (or (:color options) [0 0 0])
text (:text options)
text-width (/ (* (.getStringWidth font text) font-size) 1000.0)
text-height (/ (* (.getHeight (.getFontBoundingBox (.getFontDescriptor ^PDFont font))) font-size) 1000.0)
rotation (float (or (:rotation options) 0))
page-size (.getMediaBox page)
page-width (.getWidth page-size)
page-height (.getHeight page-size)
x (if (= :center (:x options)) (/ page-width 2) (float (:x options)))
y (if (= :center (:y options)) (/ page-height 2) (float (:y options)))
transform (doto (Matrix.)
(.translate x y)
(.rotate (Math/toRadians rotation))
(.translate (- (/ text-width 2)) (- (/ text-height 2))))]
(when (:opacity options)
(let [r0 (PDExtendedGraphicsState.)]
(.setNonStrokingAlphaConstant r0 (float (:opacity options)))
(.setGraphicsStateParameters cs r0)))
(.beginText cs)
(.setFont cs font font-size)
(.setNonStrokingColor cs (int (nth font-color 0)) (int (nth font-color 1)) (int (nth font-color 2)))
(.setTextMatrix cs transform)
(.showText cs text)
(.endText cs)))
2017-08-16 19:57:55 -04:00
(defn render-image-watermark!
[^PDDocument doc ^PDPage page ^PDPageContentStream cs options]
(let [image (PDImageXObject/createFromFileByContent (io/file (:image options)) doc)
image-width (.getWidth image)
image-height (.getHeight image)
rotation (float (or (:rotation options) 0))
page-size (.getMediaBox page)
page-width (.getWidth page-size)
page-height (.getHeight page-size)
x (if (= :center (:x options)) (/ page-width 2) (float (:x options)))
y (if (= :center (:y options)) (/ page-height 2) (float (:y options)))
transform (doto (Matrix.)
(.translate x y)
(.scale (or (:scale-x options) 1.0) (or (:scale-y options) 1.0))
(.rotate (Math/toRadians rotation))
(.translate (- (/ image-width 2)) (- (/ image-height 2))))]
(when (:opacity options)
(let [r0 (PDExtendedGraphicsState.)]
(.setNonStrokingAlphaConstant r0 (float (:opacity options)))
(.setGraphicsStateParameters cs r0)))
(.transform cs transform)
(.drawImage cs image (float 0) (float 0))))
(defn render-watermark!
[^PDDocument doc ^PDPage page ^PDPageContentStream cs options]
(:text options) (render-text-watermark! doc page cs options)
(:image options) (render-image-watermark! doc page cs options)
:else (throw (Exception. "Unknown type of watermark. Either :text or :image should be specified."))))
(defn write-watermark!
[^InputStream pdf ^OutputStream out {:keys [watermark] :as options}]
(with-open [doc (PDDocument/load pdf)]
(doseq [^PDPage page (.getPages doc)]
(let [cs (PDPageContentStream. doc page PDPageContentStream$AppendMode/APPEND true true)]
(with-open [cs cs]
(if (map? watermark)
2017-08-16 19:57:55 -04:00
(render-watermark! doc page cs watermark)
(watermark doc page cs)))))
(.save doc out)