2017-04-01 18:24:34 -04:00
(ns clj-htmltopdf.css
[clojure.string :as string])
[java.lang StringBuilder]))
; everything in this namespace solely exists because garden cannot be used
; to define suitable @page css that we will require.
; and it defines a bunch of its internal extension functionality as private.
; *sigh*
(defn css-rule-name-str
(let [names (map #(if (keyword? %) (name %) %) names)]
(string/join ", " names)))
(defn css-attr-str
[attr-name attr-value]
(let [attr-name (if (keyword? attr-name) (name attr-name) attr-name)
attr-value (str attr-value)]
(if (and (not (string/blank? attr-name)) (not (string/blank? attr-value)))
(str attr-name ": " attr-value ";"))))
(defn css-rule->str
[^StringBuilder sb rule & [level]]
(if (seq rule)
(let [level (or level 0)
indent (string/join (repeat level " "))
attr-indent (str indent " ")
names (take-while #(or (keyword? %) (string? %)) rule)
rule (drop (count names) rule)
attrs (first rule)
sub-rules (rest rule)]
(.append sb indent)
(.append sb (css-rule-name-str names))
(.append sb " {\n")
2017-04-02 16:09:47 -04:00
(doseq [[attr-name attr-value] (sort-by first attrs)]
2017-04-01 18:24:34 -04:00
(when-let [attr-str (css-attr-str attr-name attr-value)]
(.append sb attr-indent)
(.append sb attr-str)
(.append sb \newline)))
(doseq [sub-rule sub-rules]
(css-rule->str sb sub-rule (inc level)))
(.append sb indent)
(.append sb "}\n")))
(defn css->str
(let [sb (StringBuilder.)]
(doseq [rule rules]
(css-rule->str sb rule))
(.toString sb)))