394 lines
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394 lines
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(ns clj-hl7-fhir.core
(:import (java.util Date)
(clojure.lang ExceptionInfo))
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[cheshire.core :as json])
(:use [camel-snake-kebab]
(defn- ->fhir-resource-name [x]
(name (->CamelCase x)))
(defn- fhir-response? [response]
(and (map? response)
(.contains (get-in response [:headers "Content-Type"]) "application/json+fhir")))
(defn- fhir-request [type base-url resource-url & {:keys [params body follow-location?]}]
(let [query (map->query-string params)
url (build-url base-url resource-url query)
follow-location? (if (nil? follow-location?) true follow-location?)]
(let [response (case type
:get (http-get-json url)
:post (http-post-json url body)
:put (http-put-json url body)
:delete (http-delete-json url body))
body (:body response)
location (get-in response [:headers "Location"])]
(if location
(if follow-location?
(-> (http-get-json location)
(json/parse-string true))
(if (fhir-response? response)
(json/parse-string body true)
(if (fhir-response? response)
(json/parse-string body true)
(catch ExceptionInfo ex
(let [{:keys [status body] :as response} (:object (ex-data ex))
fhir-resource-response? (fhir-response? response)]
(throw (ex-info (str "FHIR request failed: HTTP " status)
{:status status
:fhir-resource? fhir-resource-response?
(if fhir-resource-response?
(json/parse-string body true)
(defn- ->search-param-name [parameter & [modifier]]
(if (vector? parameter)
(->> parameter
(map name)
(str/join ".")
(name parameter))
(if modifier
(str ":" (name modifier))))))
(defn- ->search-param-descriptor [parameter value operator {:keys [modifier]}]
{:name (->search-param-name parameter modifier)
:operator operator
:value value})
(defmacro ^:private single-search-op [name operator]
`(defn ~name [parameter# value# & options#]
[(->search-param-descriptor parameter# value# ~operator (apply hash-map options#))]))
(defmacro ^:private double-search-op [name operator1 operator2]
`(defn ~name [parameter# value1# value2# & options#]
[(->search-param-descriptor parameter# value1# ~operator1 (apply hash-map options#))
(->search-param-descriptor parameter# value2# ~operator2 (apply hash-map options#))]))
(defn- escape-parameter [value]
(-> value
(.replace "\\" "\\\\")
(.replace "$" "\\$")
(.replace "," "\\,")
(.replace "|" "\\|")))
(defn- format-search-value [value]
(sequential? value)
(->> value
(map format-search-value)
(str/join ","))
(map? value)
(str (:namespace value) "|" (format-search-value (:value value)))
(instance? Date value)
(->timestamp value)
(-> value str escape-parameter)))
(defn- search-params->query-map [params]
(->> params
(apply concat)
(fn [{:keys [name operator value]}]
(if-not (= "=" operator) operator)
(format-search-value value))]))
(fn [m [name value]]
(if (contains? m name)
(update-in m [name] #(conj (if (vector? %) % [%]) value))
(assoc m name value)))
(defn resource?
"returns true if the given argument is an EDN representation of a FHIR resource"
(and (map? x)
(string? (:resourceType x))
(not= "Bundle" (:resourceType x))))
(defn bundle?
"returns true if the given argument is an EDN representation of a FHIR bundle"
(and (map? x)
(= "Bundle" (:resourceType x))))
(defn validate-resource! [resource]
(if (and resource
(not (resource? resource)))
(throw (Exception. "Not a valid FHIR resource"))))
(defn validate-bundle! [bundle]
(if (and bundle
(not (bundle? bundle)))
(throw (Exception. "Not a valid FHIR bundle"))))
(single-search-op eq "=")
(single-search-op lt "<")
(single-search-op lte "<=")
(single-search-op gt ">")
(single-search-op gte ">=")
(double-search-op between ">" "<")
(defn namespaced
(namespaced nil value))
([namespace value]
{:namespace namespace
:value value}))
(defn collect-resources
"returns a sequence containing all of the resources contained in the given bundle.
deleted resources listed in the bundle will not be included in the returned
sequence (they have no :content)
bundles: http://hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/extras.html#bundle"
(validate-bundle! bundle)
(->> bundle
(map :content)
(remove nil?)))
(defn- get-bundle-next-page-url [bundle]
(validate-bundle! bundle)
(->> (:link bundle)
(filter #(= "next" (:rel %)))
(defn fetch-next-page
"for resources that are returned over more then one page, this will fetch the
next page of resources as indicated by the link information contained in the
passed bundle. the return value is another bundle that can be passed again
to this function to get subsequent pages. if this function is passed the
bundle for the last page of resources, nil is returned
bundles: http://hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/extras.html#bundle
paging: http://hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/http.html#paging"
(if-let [next-url (get-bundle-next-page-url bundle)]
(http-get-json next-url)))
(defn- concat-bundle-entries [bundle other-bundle]
(if (nil? bundle)
bundle [:entry]
(fn [existing-entries]
(->> (:entry other-bundle)
(concat existing-entries)
(defn- strip-bundle-page-links [bundle]
(if bundle
(assoc bundle
(->> (:link bundle)
(fn [{:keys [rel]}]
(or (= rel "first")
(= rel "last")
(= rel "next")
(= rel "previous"))))
(defn fetch-all
"for resources that are returned over more then one page, this will automatically
fetch all pages of resources and them into a single bundle that contains all of
the resources.
bundles: http://hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/extras.html#bundle
paging: http://hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/http.html#paging"
(loop [current-page bundle
working-bundle nil]
(let [merged (concat-bundle-entries working-bundle current-page)
next-page (fetch-next-page current-page)]
(if next-page
(recur next-page merged)
(strip-bundle-page-links merged)))))
(defn get-resource
"gets a single resource from a FHIR server. the raw resource itself is returned (that is,
it is not contained in a bundle). if the resource could not be found, nil is returned.
for any other type of response (errors), an exception is thrown.
a relative url can be used to identify the resource to be retrieved, or a resource type,
id and optional version number can be used.
read: http://hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/http.html#read
vread: http://hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/http.html#vread
relative url: http://hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/references.html#atom-rel"
([base-url relative-resource-url]
(fhir-request :get
(catch ExceptionInfo ex
(let [http-status (:status (ex-data ex))]
; TODO: do we want to handle 410 differently? either way, the resource is not available
; though, a 410 could indicate to the caller that it might be available under a
; previous version ...
(if-not (or (= http-status 404)
(= http-status 410))
(throw ex))))))
([base-url type id & {:keys [version]}]
(let [resource-name (->fhir-resource-name type)
url-components (if version
["/" resource-name id "_history" version]
["/" resource-name id])]
(get-resource base-url (apply join-paths url-components)))))
(defn get-relative-resource
"gets a single resource from a FHIR server. the server to be queried will be taken from the
'fhir-base' link in the provided bundle. an exception is thrown if an error response is
[bundle relative-url]
(if bundle
(let [base-url (->> (:link bundle)
(filter #(= "fhir-base" (:rel %)))
(get-resource base-url relative-url))))
(defn get-resource-bundle
"gets a single resource from a FHIR server. the returned resource will be contained in a
bundle. if the resource could not be found, a bundle containing zero resources is returned.
an exception is thrown if an error response is received.
bundles: http://hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/extras.html#bundle"
[base-url type id]
(let [resource-name (->fhir-resource-name type)
url-components ["/" resource-name]]
(fhir-request :get
(apply join-paths url-components)
:params {:_id id})))
(defn search
"searches for resources on a FHIR server. multiple parameters are ANDed together. use of the search
operator helper functions is encouraged to ensure proper escaping/encoding of search parameters.
the results of this function can be passed to fetch-next-page or fetch-all to collect resources
returned in paged search results easier. an exception is thrown if an error response is received.
search: http://hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/http.html#search"
[base-url type where & params]
(let [resource-name (->fhir-resource-name type)
url-components ["/" resource-name]]
(fhir-request :get
(apply join-paths url-components)
:params (merge
(search-params->query-map where)
(apply hash-map (if (and (seq? params)
(= 1 (count params)))
(first params)
(defn search-and-fetch
"same as search, but automatically fetches all pages of resources returning a single bundle
that contains all search results. an exception is thrown if an error response is received."
[base-url type where & params]
(search base-url type where params)))
(defn create
"creates a new resource. if the creation succeeded, then the new resource is returned,
unless the return-resource? argument is false, in which case the url to the new
resource is returned (which will contain the resource id). if a 'Location' header
was not set in the response, nil is returned on success. throws an exception if an
error was received.
create: http://hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/http.html#create"
[base-url type resource & {:keys [return-resource?]}]
(if-not (resource? resource)
(throw (Exception. "Not a valid FHIR resource")))
(let [resource-name (->fhir-resource-name type)
uri-components ["/" resource-name]
return-resource? (if (nil? return-resource?) true return-resource?)]
(fhir-request :post
(apply join-paths uri-components)
:body resource
:follow-location? return-resource?)))
(defn update
"updates an existing resource. if the update succeeded, then the updated resource is
returned, unless the return-resource? argument is false, in which case the url to
the updated resource is returned (which will contain the resource id and version
number). if a 'Location' header was not set in the response, nil is returned on
success. throws an exception if an error response was received.
update: http://hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/http.html#update"
[base-url type id resource & {:keys [version return-resource?]}]
(if-not (resource? resource)
(throw (Exception. "Not a valid FHIR resource")))
(let [resource-name (->fhir-resource-name type)
uri-components (if version
["/" resource-name id "_history" version]
["/" resource-name id])
return-resource? (if (nil? return-resource?) true return-resource?)]
(fhir-request :put
(apply join-paths uri-components)
:body resource
:follow-location? return-resource?)))
(defn delete
"deletes an existing resource. returns nil on success, throws an exception if an error
response was received.
delete: http://hl7.org/implement/standards/fhir/http.html#delete"
[base-url type id]
(let [resource-name (->fhir-resource-name type)
uri-components ["/" resource-name id]]
(fhir-request :delete
(apply join-paths uri-components))))
(defn deleted?
"checks if a resource has been deleted or not. this is based on FHIR servers returning
an HTTP 410 response when trying to retrieve a resource that has been deleted."
[base-url type id]
(let [resource-name (->fhir-resource-name type)
url-components ["/" resource-name id]
relative-url (apply join-paths url-components)]
(fhir-request :get
; not deleted
(catch ExceptionInfo ex
(let [http-status (:status (ex-data ex))]
(= http-status 410) true
(= http-status 404) false
:else (throw ex)))))))
;(def server-url "http://fhir.healthintersections.com.au/open")
;(def server-url "http://spark.furore.com/fhir")
;(def server-url "http://fhirtest.uhn.ca/base")