(ns clj-hl7-fhir.util (:import (java.util TimeZone Date) (java.text SimpleDateFormat)) (:require [clojure.string :as str] [clj-http.client :as http] [cemerick.url :refer [url url-encode]] [cheshire.core :as json])) (def tz (TimeZone/getDefault)) (def iso8601-timestamp "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX") (def iso8601-local-timestamp "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss") (def iso8601-date "yyyy-MM-dd") (defn format-date [^Date date ^String format] (if date (let [df (SimpleDateFormat. format)] (.setTimeZone df tz) (.format df date)))) (defn ->iso-timestamp "returns an ISO8601 formatted date/time string for the given date object" [^Date date] (format-date date iso8601-timestamp)) (defn ->iso-local-timestamp "returns an ISO8601 formatted date/time string for the given date object. the timestamp will not include any timezone information and so is appropriate for local timezone date/times only." [^Date date] (format-date date iso8601-timestamp)) (defn ->iso-date "returns an ISO8601 formatted date string for the given date object" [^Date date] (format-date date iso8601-date)) (defn map->query-string [m] (->> m (reduce (fn [query-values [param-name value]] (concat query-values (map #(str (url-encode (name param-name)) "=" (url-encode (str %))) (if (vector? value) value [value])))) []) (interpose "&") (flatten) (apply str))) (defn kv-vector->query "should really be using cemerick.url/map->query in all cases except when you need 2 values under the name name in the query string (such as with FHIR's date 'between' search support)" [kvs] (some->> (partition 2 kvs) (map (fn [[k v]] [(url-encode (name k)) "=" (url-encode (str v))])) (interpose "&") flatten (apply str))) (defn join-paths [& paths] (as-> paths x (remove nil? x) (str/join "/" x) (str/replace x #"(/+)" "/"))) (defn build-url [base-url path & [params]] (-> (url base-url) (update-in [:path] (fn [existing-path] (join-paths existing-path path))) (assoc :query params) (str))) (defn http-get-json [url] (-> (http/get url {:accept "application/json+fhir"}) :body (json/parse-string true)))