split parse-resource-url into 2 functions for relative/absolute urls.

also updated absolute resource url parsing to not require the server
base url to be passed in, which is oh-so-much-nicer
This commit is contained in:
Gered 2014-09-02 13:01:09 -04:00
parent b8aaf2db4b
commit d48ec5183f

View file

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
(:import (java.util Date)
(clojure.lang ExceptionInfo))
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[cemerick.url :refer [url]]
[cheshire.core :as json])
(:use [camel-snake-kebab]
@ -187,34 +188,56 @@
(defn parse-resource-url
"parses an absolute URL to a FHIR resource or a relative URL to a FHIR resource. if an
absolute URL is provided, any present version number will also be parsed. returns a map
containing the discrete components of the URL that can be used to identify the resouce.
if the URL cannot be parsed, returns nil"
(let [parts (-> (strip-query-params relative-url)
(str/split #"/"))]
(if (= 2 (count parts))
{:type (-> parts first ->kebab-case keyword)
:id (second parts)})))
([server-url absolute-url]
(if (and server-url
(.startsWith absolute-url server-url))
(let [parts (-> (strip-query-params absolute-url)
(strip-base-url server-url)
(defn- format-resource-url-type [url-path-parts keywordize?]
(if keywordize?
(-> url-path-parts first ->kebab-case keyword)
(-> url-path-parts first ->fhir-resource-name)))
(defn parse-relative-url
"parses a relative FHIR resource URL, returning a map containing each of the discrete
components of the URL (resource type, id, version number). if the optional
keywordize? arg is true, then returned resource type names will be turned into a
\"kebab case\" keyword (as opposed to a camelcase string which is the default). if
the URL cannot be parsed, returns nil"
[resource-url & [keywordize?]]
(let [parts (-> (strip-query-params resource-url)
(str/split #"/"))]
(= 2 (count parts))
{:type (-> parts first ->kebab-case keyword)
{:type (format-resource-url-type parts keywordize?)
:id (second parts)}
(and (= 4 (count parts))
(= "_history" (nth parts 2)))
{:type (-> parts first ->kebab-case keyword)
{:type (format-resource-url-type parts keywordize?)
:id (second parts)
:version (last parts)})))))
:version (last parts)})))
(defn parse-absolute-url
"parses an absolute FHIR resource URL, returning a map containing each of the discrete
components of the URL (resource type, id, version number). if the optional
keywordize? arg is true, then returned resource type names will be turned into a
\"kebab case\" keyword (as opposed to a camelcase string which is the default). if
the URL cannot be parsed, returns nil."
[absolute-url & [keywordize?]]
(let [{:keys [path]} (url absolute-url)
parts (str/split path #"/")
has-version? (= "_history" (second (reverse parts)))]
(and (> (count parts) 4)
(= "_history" (second-last parts))
(let [versioned-url-parts (take-last 4 parts)]
{:type (format-resource-url-type versioned-url-parts keywordize?)
:id (second versioned-url-parts)
:version (last parts)})
(and (> (count parts) 2)
(not has-version?))
(let [no-version-url-parts (take-last 2 parts)]
{:type (format-resource-url-type no-version-url-parts keywordize?)
:id (second no-version-url-parts)})
(defn collect-resources
"returns a sequence containing all of the resources contained in the given bundle.