add basic support for operations to specify whether the 'Location' response header should be followed or not (if it is present in the response of course)

This commit is contained in:
Gered 2014-08-01 15:07:28 -04:00
parent 2ed10827d3
commit ad44c28666

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@ -9,20 +9,23 @@
(defn- ->fhir-resource-name [x]
(name (->CamelCase x)))
(defn- fhir-request [type base-url resource-url & {:keys [params body]}]
(let [query (map->query-string params)
url (build-url base-url resource-url query)]
(defn- fhir-request [type base-url resource-url & {:keys [params body follow-location?]}]
(let [query (map->query-string params)
url (build-url base-url resource-url query)
follow-location? (if (nil? follow-location?) true follow-location?)]
(let [response (case type
:get (http-get-json url)
:post (http-post-json url body)
:put (http-put-json url body)
:delete (http-delete-json url body))]
(-> (if-let [location (get-in response [:headers "Location"])]
(http-get-json location)
(json/parse-string true)))
:delete (http-delete-json url body))
location (get-in response [:headers "Location"])]
(if location
(if follow-location?
(-> (http-get-json location)
(json/parse-string true))
(catch ExceptionInfo ex
(let [{:keys [status body headers]} (:object (ex-data ex))
fhir-resource-response? (.contains (get headers "Content-Type") "application/json+fhir")]