passing in event handlers is obviously going to be the most common usage (all apps won't necessarily need to change the default options, though many will want to). so it seems silly to hide the event handlers as an option... i feel like it's better as it's own separate argument.
65 lines
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65 lines
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(ns chat-demo.server
[compojure.core :refer [routes GET]]
[compojure.route :as route]
[ring.middleware.defaults :refer [wrap-defaults site-defaults]]
[ring.util.response :refer [response]]
[ring.middleware.anti-forgery :refer [*anti-forgery-token*]]
[clj-pebble.core :as pebble]
[net.thegeez.browserchannel.server :as browserchannel]
[net.thegeez.browserchannel.jetty-async-adapter :as jetty]
[net.thegeez.browserchannel.immutant-async-adapter :as immutant]
[environ.core :refer [env]]))
(def event-handlers
(fn [session-id request]
(println "client" session-id "connected")
(browserchannel/send-data-to-all {:msg (str "client " session-id " connected")}))
(fn [session-id request reason]
(println "client" session-id "disconnected. reason: " reason)
(browserchannel/send-data-to-all {:msg (str "client " session-id " disconnected. reason: " reason)}))
(fn [session-id request m]
(println "client" session-id "sent" m)
(browserchannel/send-data-to-all m))})
(def app-routes
(GET "/" [] (pebble/render-resource
{:dev (boolean (env :dev))
:csrfToken *anti-forgery-token*}))
(route/resources "/")
(route/not-found "not found")))
(def handler
(-> app-routes
(browserchannel/wrap-browserchannel event-handlers)
(wrap-defaults site-defaults)))
(defn run-jetty []
(println "Using Jetty adapter")
{:join? false
:port 8080}))
(defn run-immutant []
(println "Using Immutant adapter")
{:port 8080}))
(defn -main [& args]
(if (env :dev) (pebble/set-options! :cache false))