
This commit is contained in:
Gered 2016-05-08 20:28:47 -04:00
parent 3aed2c3b1b
commit d0cd1d0bca

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@ -14,22 +14,7 @@
;; @todo session-timeout should deduct waiting time for the failed
;; sent heartbeat?
(def default-options
{;; a.example, b.example => ["a","b"]
:host-prefixes []
;; straight from google
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"
"Cache-Control" "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate"
"Pragma" "no-cache"
"Expires" "Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT"
"X-Content-Type-Options" "nosniff"}
:base "/channel" ;; root for /test and /bind urls
:keep-alive-interval 30 ;; seconds, keep less than session-time-out
:session-timeout-interval 120 ;; seconds
;; after this number of bytes a
;; backchannel will always be closed
:data-threshold (* 10 1024)
(def ^:private noop-string "[\"noop\"]")
@ -606,23 +591,42 @@
(defn send-map
[session-id map]
(send-string session-id (json/write-str map)))
"sends a map to the client identified by session-id over the backchannel.
if there is currently no available backchannel for this client, the data
is queued until one is available."
[session-id m]
(send-string session-id (json/write-str m)))
(defn send-map-to-all
"sends a map to all currently connected clients over their backchannels."
(doseq [[session-id _] @sessions]
(send-map session-id m)))
(defn connected?
"returns true if a client with the given session-id is currently connected."
(contains? @sessions session-id))
(defn disconnect!
"disconnects the client identified by session-id."
[session-id & [reason]]
(if-let [session-agent (get @sessions session-id)]
(send-off session-agent close nil (or reason "Client disconnected by server"))))
(defn get-status
"returns connection status info about the client identified by session-id"
(if (connected? session-id)
(let [session-agent (get @sessions session-id)
status (session-status session-agent)
has-back-channel (first status)]
{:connected? true
:address (:address session-agent)
:app-version (:app-version session-agent)
:has-back-channel? (if (= 1 has-back-channel) true false)
:last-acknowledged-array-id (second status)
:outstanding-backchannel-bytes (nth status 2)})))
@ -760,9 +764,68 @@
:post (handle-forward-channel req session-agent options)
:get (handle-backward-channel req session-agent options))))))
;; straight from google
(def standard-headers
{"Content-Type" "text/plain"
"Cache-Control" "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate"
"Pragma" "no-cache"
"Expires" "Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT"
"X-Content-Type-Options" "nosniff"})
(def default-options
"default options that will be applied by wrap-browserchannel unless
;; list of extra subdomain prefixes on which clients can connect
;; e.g. a.example, b.example => ["a","b"]
:host-prefixes []
;; additional response headers. should probably always include
;; net.thegeez.browserchannel.server/standard-headers if you
;; change this
:headers standard-headers
;; base/root url on which to bind the '/test' and '/bind' routes to
:base "/channel"
;; interval at which keepalive responses are sent to help ensure
;; that clients don't close connections early. specified in
;; seconds. keep less then session-timeout-interval
:keep-alive-interval 30
;; seconds to wait without any client activity before the
;; connection is closed.
:session-timeout-interval 120
;; number of bytes that can be sent over a single backchannel
;; connection before it is forced closed (at which point the
;; client will open a new one)
:data-threshold (* 10 1024)
;; see default-options for describtion of options
(defn wrap-browserchannel
"adds browserchannel support to a ring handler.
the most important option that all applications will want to provide
is :events. this should be a map of event handler functions:
{:on-open (fn [session-id request] ...)
:on-close (fn [session-id request reason] ...)
:on-receive (fn [session-id request data] ...)}
:on-open is called when new client browserchannel sessions are created.
:on-close is called when clients disconnect.
:on-receive is called when data is received from the client via the
forward channel.
for all events, request is a Ring request map and can be used to access
up to date cookie or (http) session data, or other client info. you
cannot use these event handlers to update the client's (http) session
data as no response is returned via these event handler functions.
for other supported options, see
[handler & [options]]
(let [options (merge default-options options)
base (str (:base options))]