super nitpicky code formatting
i apologize to anyone looking at this commit and wondering why i would do this, but all these little "off" formatting things have been bugging me all day while looking at this code. i simply had to do something.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,15 +4,19 @@
[immutant.web.async :as iasync]
[net.thegeez.browserchannel.async-adapter :as bc-async-adapter]))
(deftype ImmutantResponse [channel]
(deftype ImmutantResponse
(head [this status headers]
(let [headers (assoc headers "Transfer-Encoding" "chunked")]
(iasync/send! channel {:status status :headers headers})))
(write-chunk [this data]
(if (iasync/open? channel)
(iasync/send! channel data)
(throw bc-async-adapter/ConnectionClosedException)))
(close [this]
(iasync/close channel)))
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns net.thegeez.browserchannel.jetty-async-adapter
"BrowserChannel adapter for the Jetty webserver, with async HTTP."
(:import [org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler AbstractHandler]
[org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler AbstractHandler]
[org.eclipse.jetty.server Server Request Response]
[org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio SelectChannelConnector]
[org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl SslSelectChannelConnector]
@ -8,25 +9,30 @@
[org.eclipse.jetty.continuation Continuation ContinuationSupport ContinuationListener]
[javax.servlet.http HttpServletRequest]
[ KeyStore])
(:require [ring.util.servlet :as servlet]
[ring.util.servlet :as servlet]
[net.thegeez.browserchannel.async-adapter :as async-adapter]))
;; Based on ring-jetty-async-adapter by Mark McGranaghan
;; (
;; This has failed write support
(deftype JettyAsyncResponse [^Continuation continuation]
(deftype JettyAsyncResponse
[^Continuation continuation]
(head [this status headers]
(doto (.getServletResponse continuation)
(servlet/update-servlet-response {:status status, :headers (assoc headers "Transfer-Encoding" "chunked")})
(servlet/update-servlet-response {:status status :headers (assoc headers "Transfer-Encoding" "chunked")})
(write-chunk [this data]
(doto (.getWriter (.getServletResponse continuation))
(.write ^String data)
(when (.checkError (.getWriter (.getServletResponse continuation)))
(throw async-adapter/ConnectionClosedException)))
(close [this]
(doto (.getWriter (.getServletResponse continuation))
(.write "")
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
(ns net.thegeez.browserchannel.server
"BrowserChannel server implementation in Clojure."
(:require [ring.middleware.params :as params]
[java.util.concurrent ScheduledExecutorService Executors TimeUnit Callable ScheduledFuture])
[ring.middleware.params :as params]
[ :as json]
[net.thegeez.browserchannel.async-adapter :as async-adapter])
(:import [java.util.concurrent ScheduledExecutorService Executors TimeUnit Callable ScheduledFuture]))
[net.thegeez.browserchannel.async-adapter :as async-adapter]))
;; @todo: out of order acks and maps - AKH the maps at least is taken care of.
;; @todo use a more specific Exception for failing writes, which
@ -42,22 +44,27 @@
;;;;; Utils
;; to create session ids
(defn uuid [] (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
(defn uuid
(str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
(def scheduler (Executors/newScheduledThreadPool 1))
;; scheduling a task returns a ScheduledFuture, which can be stopped
;; with (.cancel task false) false says not to interrupt running tasks
(defn schedule [^Callable f ^long secs]
(defn schedule
[^Callable f ^long secs]
(.schedule ^ScheduledExecutorService scheduler f secs TimeUnit/SECONDS))
;; json responses are sent as "size-of-response\njson-response"
(defn size-json-str [^String json]
(defn size-json-str
[^String json]
(let [size (alength (.getBytes json "UTF-8"))]
(str size "\n" json)))
;; make sure the root URI for channels starts with a / for route matching
(defn standard-base [s]
(defn standard-base
(let [wofirst (if (= \/ (first s))
(apply str (rest s))
@ -71,7 +78,8 @@
(map standard-base ["foo" "/foo" "foo/" "/foo"])))
;; type preserving drop upto for queueus
(defn drop-queue [queue id]
(defn drop-queue
[queue id]
(let [head (peek queue)]
(if-not head
@ -82,7 +90,8 @@
;; Key value pairs do not always come ordered by request number.
;; E.g. {req0_key1 val01, req1_key1 val11, req0_key2 val02, req1_key2 val12}
(defn transform-url-data [data]
(defn transform-url-data
(let [ofs (get data "ofs" "0")
pieces (dissoc data "count" "ofs")]
{:ofs (Long/parseLong ofs)
@ -115,7 +124,8 @@
;; "req1_abc" "def"}
;; =>
;;{:ofs 0 :maps [{"x" "3" "y" "10"},{"abc": "def"}]}
(defn get-maps [req]
(defn get-maps
(let [data (:form-params req)]
(when-not (zero? (count data))
;; number of entries in form-params,
@ -125,7 +135,8 @@
(:maps (transform-url-data data)))))
;; rather crude but straight from google
(defn error-response [status-code message]
(defn error-response
[status-code message]
{:status status-code
:body (str "<html><body><h1>" message "</h1></body></html>")})
@ -147,11 +158,13 @@
(set-error-mode! listeners-agent :continue)
(defn add-listener [session-id event-key f]
(defn add-listener
[session-id event-key f]
(send-off listeners-agent
update-in [session-id event-key] #(conj (or % []) f)))
(defn notify-listeners [session-id request event-key & data]
(defn notify-listeners
[session-id request event-key & data]
(send-off listeners-agent
(fn [listeners]
(doseq [callback (get-in listeners [session-id event-key])]
@ -169,21 +182,27 @@
(write-end [this]))
;; for writing on backchannel to non-IE clients
(deftype XHRWriter [;; respond calls functions on the continuation
(deftype XHRWriter
[;; respond calls functions on the continuation
(write-head [this]
(async-adapter/head respond 200 headers))
(write [this data]
(write-raw this (size-json-str data)))
(write-raw [this data]
(async-adapter/write-chunk respond data))
(write-end [this]
(async-adapter/close respond)))
;; for writing on backchannels to IE clients
(deftype IEWriter [;; respond calls functions on the continuation
(deftype IEWriter
[;; respond calls functions on the continuation
;; DOMAIN value from query string
@ -194,21 +213,25 @@
;; likewise for write raw, used during test phase
^{:volatile-mutable true} write-raw-padding-sent]
(write-head [this]
(async-adapter/head respond 200 (merge headers ie-headers))
(async-adapter/write-chunk respond "<html><body>\n")
(when (seq domain)
(async-adapter/write-chunk respond (str "<script>try{document.domain=\"" (pr-str (json/write-str domain)) "\";}catch(e){}</script>\n"))))
(write [this data]
(async-adapter/write-chunk respond (str "<script>try {parent.m(" (pr-str data) ")} catch(e) {}</script>\n"))
(when-not write-padding-sent
(async-adapter/write-chunk respond ie-stream-padding)
(set! write-padding-sent true)))
(write-raw [this data]
(async-adapter/write-chunk respond (str "<script>try {parent.m(" (pr-str data) ")} catch(e) {}</script>\n"))
(when-not write-raw-padding-sent
(async-adapter/write-chunk respond ie-stream-padding)
(set! write-raw-padding-sent true)))
(write-end [this]
(async-adapter/write-chunk respond "<script>try {parent.d(); }catch (e){}</script>\n")
(async-adapter/close respond)))
@ -220,10 +243,10 @@
(acknowledge-id [this id])
(to-flush [this])
(last-acknowledged-id [this])
(outstanding-bytes [this])
(outstanding-bytes [this]))
(deftype ArrayBuffer [;; id of the last array that is conj'ed, can't
(deftype ArrayBuffer
[;; id of the last array that is conj'ed, can't
;; always be derived because flush buffer might
;; be empty
@ -238,9 +261,9 @@
;; arrays to be sent out, may contain arrays
;; that were in to-acknowledge-arrays but queued
;; again for resending
(queue [this string]
(let [next-array-id (inc array-id)]
(ArrayBuffer. next-array-id
@ -277,6 +300,7 @@
(last-acknowledged-id [this]
;; the sum of all the data that is still to be send
(outstanding-bytes [this]
(reduce + 0 (map (comp count second) to-flush-arrays))))
@ -318,7 +342,8 @@
;; removes session for sessions
(close [this request message]))
(defrecord BackChannel [;; respond wraps the continuation, which is
(defrecord BackChannel
[;; respond wraps the continuation, which is
;; the actual connection of the backward
;; channel to the client
@ -329,7 +354,8 @@
(defn to-pair [p] (str "[" (first p) "," (second p) "]"))
(defrecord Session [;; must be unique
(defrecord Session
[;; must be unique
;; {:address
@ -358,6 +384,7 @@
;; reconnect to its session
(clear-back-channel [this]
(when back-channel
@ -369,6 +396,7 @@
(assoc :back-channel nil)
(set-back-channel [this respond req]
(let [bc (BackChannel. respond
;; can we stream responses
@ -389,12 +417,14 @@
;; try to send any data that was buffered
;; while there was no backchannel
(clear-heartbeat [this]
(when heartbeat-timeout
(.cancel ^ScheduledFuture heartbeat-timeout
false ;; do not interrupt running tasks
(assoc this :heartbeat-timeout nil))
(refresh-heartbeat [this]
(-> this
@ -402,30 +432,37 @@
;; *agent* not bound when executed later
;; through schedule, therefor passed explicitly
(let [session-agent *agent*]
(schedule (fn []
(fn []
(send-off session-agent #(-> %
(queue-string noop-string)
(:heartbeat-interval details))))))
(clear-session-timeout [this]
(when session-timeout
(.cancel ^ScheduledFuture session-timeout
false ;; do not interrupt running tasks
(assoc this :session-timeout nil))
(refresh-session-timeout [this]
(-> this
(assoc :session-timeout
(let [session-agent *agent*]
(schedule (fn []
(fn []
(send-off session-agent close nil "Timed out"))
(:session-timeout-interval details))))))
(queue-string [this string]
(update-in this [:array-buffer] queue string))
(acknowledge-arrays [this array-id]
(let [array-id (Long/parseLong array-id)]
(update-in this [:array-buffer] acknowledge-id array-id)))
;; tries to do the actual writing to the client
;; @todo the composition is a bit awkward in this method due to the
;; try catch and if mix
@ -464,9 +501,9 @@
this ;; do nothing if buffer is empty
;; closes the session and removes it from sessions
(close [this request message]
(-> this
@ -479,7 +516,8 @@
;; creates a session agent wrapping session data and
;; adds the session to sessions
(defn create-session-agent [req options]
(defn create-session-agent
[req options]
(let [{initial-rid "RID" ;; identifier for forward channel
app-version "CVER" ;; client can specify a custom app-version
old-session-id "OSID"
@ -526,7 +564,8 @@
(if on-open (on-open id req)))
(defn session-status [session]
(defn session-status
(let [has-back-channel (if (:back-channel session) 1 0)
array-buffer (:array-buffer session)]
[has-back-channel (last-acknowledged-id array-buffer) (outstanding-bytes array-buffer)]))
@ -534,13 +573,15 @@
;; convience function to send data to a session
;; the data will be queued until there is a backchannel to send it
;; over
(defn send-string [session-id string]
(defn send-string
[session-id string]
(when-let [session-agent (get @sessions session-id)]
(send-off session-agent #(-> %
(queue-string string)
(defn send-map [session-id map]
(defn send-map
[session-id map]
(send-string session-id (json/write-str map)))
(defn send-map-to-all
@ -559,7 +600,8 @@
;; wrap the respond function from :reactor with the proper
;; responsewrapper for either IE or other clients
(defn wrap-continuation-writers [handler options]
(defn wrap-continuation-writers
[handler options]
(fn [req]
(let [res (handler req)]
(if (:async res)
@ -580,7 +622,8 @@
;; test channel is used to determine which host to connect to
;; and if the connection can support streaming
(defn handle-test-channel [req options]
(defn handle-test-channel
[req options]
(if-not (= "8" (get-in req [:query-params "VER"]))
(error-response 400 "Version 8 required")
;; phase 1
@ -600,8 +643,7 @@
;; if client gets two chunks, then there is no buffering
;; proxy in the way
{:async :http
(fn [respond]
:reactor (fn [respond]
(write-head respond)
(write-raw respond "11111")
(schedule #(do (write-raw respond "2")
@ -610,7 +652,8 @@
;; POST req client -> server is a forward channel
;; session might be nil, when this is the first POST by client
(defn handle-forward-channel [req session-agent options]
(defn handle-forward-channel
[req session-agent options]
(let [[session-agent is-new-session] (if session-agent
[session-agent false]
[(create-session-agent req options) true])
@ -628,8 +671,7 @@
host-prefix nil]
{:status 200
:headers (assoc (:headers options) "Content-Type" "application/javascript")
(size-json-str (json/write-str [[0,["c", session-id, host-prefix, 8]]]))})
:body (size-json-str (json/write-str [[0, ["c", session-id, host-prefix, 8]]]))})
;; For existing sessions:
;; Forward sent data by client to listeners
;; reply with
@ -645,14 +687,14 @@
:body (size-json-str (json/write-str status))})))))
;; GET req server->client is a backwardchannel opened by client
(defn handle-backward-channel [req session-agent options]
(defn handle-backward-channel
[req session-agent options]
(let [type (get-in req [:query-params "TYPE"])]
(#{"xmlhttp" "html"} type)
;; @todo check that query RID is "rpc"
{:async :http
(fn [respond]
:reactor (fn [respond]
(write-head respond)
(send-off session-agent set-back-channel respond req))}
(= type "terminate")
@ -667,7 +709,8 @@
;; get to /<base>/bind is client->server msg
;; post to /<base>/bind is initiate server->client channel
(defn handle-bind-channel [req options]
(defn handle-bind-channel
[req options]
(let [SID (get-in req [:query-params "SID"])
;; session-agent might be nil, then it will be created by
;; handle-forward-channel
@ -689,7 +732,8 @@
;; see default-options for describtion of options
(defn wrap-browserchannel [handler & [options]]
(defn wrap-browserchannel
[handler & [options]]
(let [options (merge default-options options)
base (str (:base options))]
(-> (fn [req]
@ -699,9 +743,12 @@
(and (.startsWith uri (str base "/test"))
(= method :get))
(handle-test-channel req options)
(.startsWith uri (str base "/bind"))
(handle-bind-channel req options)
:else (handler req))))
(handler req))))
(wrap-continuation-writers options)
Reference in a new issue