add chat-demo

This commit is contained in:
Gijs Stuurman 2012-04-07 21:02:07 +02:00
commit 98b4c7cb36
14 changed files with 425 additions and 0 deletions

chat-demo/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

chat-demo/Procfile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
web: lein trampoline run -m chat-demo.core

chat-demo/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# clj-browserchannel-demo
Cross-browser compatible, real-time, bi-directional
communication between ClojureScript and Clojure using Google Closure
## Demo
clj-browserchannel-demo is an example chat application using a server
side implementation for BrowserChannel written in Clojure. The server
component is for BrowserChannel version 8.
This enables client->server and server->client communication in
ClojureScript and Closure web apps, without any javascript
dependencies other than the Google Closure [library][2].
The example runs in at least:
* Chrome
* Firefox
* Internet Explorer 5.5+ (!!)
* Android browser
## About
Written by:
Gijs Stuurman / [@thegeez][twt] / [Blog][blog] / [GitHub][github]
### License
Copyright (c) 2012 Gijs Stuurman and released under an MIT license.

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
(ns bc.core
[bc.dom-helpers :as dom]
[ :as goog-browserchannel]
[ :as events]
[ :as key-codes]
[ :as key-handler]))
(defn handler []
(let [h (]
(set! (.-channelOpened h)
(fn [channel]
(set! (.-channelHandleArray h)
(fn [x data]
(let [msg (aget data "msg")]
(dom/append (dom/get-element "room") (dom/element :div (str "MSG::" msg))))))
(defn say [text]
(.sendMap channel (doto (js-obj)
(aset "msg" text)) ))
(defn enable-chat []
(let [msg-input (dom/get-element "msg-input")
send-button (dom/get-element "send-button")
handler (fn [e]
(say (dom/value msg-input))
(dom/set-value msg-input ""))]
(dom/set-disabled msg-input false)
(dom/set-disabled send-button false)
(events/listen ( msg-input)
(fn [e]
(when (= (.-keyCode e) key-codes/ENTER)
(handler e))))
(events/listen send-button
(def channel (
(defn ^:export run []
(events/listen js/window "unload" #(do
(.disconnect channel ())
(doto channel
(.setHandler (handler))
(.connect "/channel/test" "/channel/bind")

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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
; the terms of this license.
; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(ns bc.dom-helpers
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[ :as style]
[goog.dom :as dom]
[goog.dom.classes :as classes]
[goog.dom.forms :as forms]
[goog.fx :as fx]
[goog.fx.dom :as fx-dom]
[goog.Timer :as timer]
(defn get-element
"Return the element with the passed id."
(dom/getElement (name id)))
(defn show-element [e b]
(style/showElement e b))
(defn add-remove-class [e add-classes remove-classes]
(classes/addRemove e remove-classes add-classes))
(defn get-radio-value [form-name name]
(forms/getValueByName (get-element form-name) name))
(defn value [element]
(forms/getValue element))
(defn set-value [element]
(forms/setValue element))
(defn set-disabled [element disabled]
(forms/setDisabled element disabled))
(defn append
"Append all children to parent."
[parent & children]
(do (doseq [child children]
(dom/appendChild parent child))
(defn set-text
"Set the text content for the passed element returning the
element. If a keyword is passed in the place of e, the element with
that id will be used and returned."
[e s]
(let [e (if (or (keyword? e) (string? e)) (get-element e) e)]
(doto e
(dom/setTextContent s))))
(defn normalize-args [tag args]
(let [parts (string/split tag #"(\.|#)")
[tag attrs] [(first parts)
(apply hash-map (map #(cond (= % ".") :class
(= % "#") :id
:else %)
(rest parts)))]]
(if (map? (first args))
[tag (merge attrs (first args)) (rest args)]
[tag attrs args])))
;; TODO: replace call to .strobj with whatever we come up with for
;; creating js objects from Clojure maps.
(defn element
"Create a dom element using a keyword for the element name and a map
for the attributes. Append all children to parent. If the first
child is a string then the string will be set as the text content of
the parent and all remaining children will be appended."
[tag & args]
(let [[tag attrs children] (normalize-args tag args)
;; keyword/string mangling screws up (name tag)
parent (dom/createDom (subs tag 1)
(. (reduce (fn [m [k v]]
(assoc m k v))
(map #(vector (name %1) %2)
(keys attrs)
(vals attrs))) -strobj))
[parent children] (if (string? (first children))
[(set-text (element tag attrs) (first children))
(rest children)]
[parent children])]
(apply append parent children)))
(defn remove-children
"Remove all children from the element with the passed id."
(dom/removeChildren parent-el))
(defn html
"Create a dom element from an html string."
(dom/htmlToDocumentFragment s))
(defn- element-arg? [x]
(or (keyword? x)
(map? x)
(string? x)))
(defn build
"Build up a dom element from nested vectors."
(if (vector? x)
(let [[parent children] (if (keyword? (first x))
[(apply element (take-while element-arg? x))
(drop-while element-arg? x)]
[(first x) (rest x)])
children (map build children)]
(apply append parent children))
(defn insert-at
"Insert a child element at a specific location."
[parent child index]
(dom/insertChildAt parent child index))
(defn set-timeout [func ttime]
(timer/callOnce func ttime))
(defn set-position [e x y]
(style/setPosition e x y))
(defn get-position [e]
(style/getPosition e))
(defn toggle-class [el classname]
(classes/toggle el classname))
(defn add-class [el classname]
(classes/add el classname))
(defn remove-class [el classname]
(classes/remove el classname))

chat-demo/project.clj Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
(defproject chat-demo "0.0.1"
:description "Example for using BrowserChannel and a client side with ClojureScript"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]
[ring/ring-core "1.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-1011" :exclusions [org.clojure/google-closure-library]]
[net.thegeez/google-closure-library "0.0-1698"]
[net.thegeez/clj-browserchannel-server "0.0.1"]
[net.thegeez/clj-browserchannel-jetty-adapter "0.0.1"]
[net.thegeez/clj-browserchannel-netty-adapter "0.0.1"]

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<!-- Le HTML5 shim, for IE6-8 support of HTML elements -->
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/default.css" media="screen" />
<div id="room">
<div id="type-bar">
<input id="msg-input" size="30" type="text" disabled="disabled"/>
<input id="send-button" type="button" value="Send" disabled="disabled"/>
<div class="about"><a href="">clj-browserchannel-demo</a></div>
<div class="about">
Written by: Gijs Stuurman
/ <a href="">@thegeez</a>
/ <a href="">Blog</a> / <a href="">GitHub</a></div>
var CLOSURE_NO_DEPS = true;
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/bc-dev.js"></script>

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 10pt;
background-color: #8fb3fc;
#room {
border: 3px solid #5780d7;
background-color: #f4eeee;
min-height: 10em;
#type-bar {
padding: 3px;
background-color: #62b031;
.about {
padding: 3px;
background-color: #90db46;

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<!-- Le HTML5 shim, for IE6-8 support of HTML elements -->
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/default.css" media="screen" />
<div id="room">
<div id="type-bar">
<input id="msg-input" size="30" type="text" disabled="disabled"/>
<input id="send-button" type="button" value="Send" disabled="disabled"/>
<div class="about"><a href="">clj-browserchannel-demo</a></div>
<div class="about">
Written by: Gijs Stuurman
/ <a href="">@thegeez</a>
/ <a href="">Blog</a> / <a href="">GitHub</a></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/bc.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">;

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
(ns chat-demo.core
(:require [net.thegeez.browserchannel :as browserchannel]
[net.thegeez.jetty-async-adapter :as jetty]
[net.thegeez.netty-adapter :as netty]
[ring.middleware.resource :as resource]
[ring.middleware.file-info :as file]))
(defn handler [req]
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body "Hello World"})
(def clients (atom #{}))
(def dev-app
(-> handler
(resource/wrap-resource "dev")
(resource/wrap-resource "public")
(browserchannel/wrap-browserchannel {:base "/channel"
(fn [session-id]
(println "session " session-id "connected")
(fn [reason]
(println "session " session-id " disconnected: " reason)
(swap! clients disj session-id)
(doseq [client-id @clients]
(browserchannel/send-map client-id {"msg" (str "client " session-id " disconnected " reason)}))))
(fn [map]
(println "session " session-id " sent " map)
(doseq [client-id @clients]
(browserchannel/send-map client-id map))))
(swap! clients conj session-id)
(doseq [client-id @clients]
(browserchannel/send-map client-id {"msg" (str "client " session-id " connected")})))})))
#_(defn -main [& args]
(println "Using Jetty adapter")
(jetty/run-jetty-async #'dev-app {:port (Integer.
(System/getenv "PORT")
8080)) :join? false}))
(defn -main [& args]
(println "Using Netty adapter")
(netty/run-netty #'dev-app {:port (Integer.
(System/getenv "PORT")
8080)) :join? false}))
(def jetty-async-server (-main))
(.stop jetty-async-server)
(.stop jetty-async-server)
(def jetty-async-server (-main))
(def netty-async-server (-main))
(def netty-async-server (-main))

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
(:require [cljs.closure :as cljs]))
(defn -main [& args]
(cljs/build "cljs" {:optimizations :advanced
:output-to "resources/public/js/bc.js"}))

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
(:require [cljs.closure :as cljs]))
(defn -main [& args]
(cljs/build "cljs" {;; whitespace makes it a single file
:optimizations :whitespace
:output-to "resources/dev/js/bc-dev.js"}))