mark a bunch of internal functions/defs as private where appropriate

the real purpose of doing this is of course to make it more obvious
to anyone reading this code what is the actual intended public API
and what isn't
This commit is contained in:
Gered 2016-05-08 19:28:13 -04:00
parent 9d314c4d88
commit 3aed2c3b1b

View file

@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
"Cache-Control" "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate"
"Pragma" "no-cache"
"Expires" "Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT"
"X-Content-Type-Options" "nosniff"
"X-Content-Type-Options" "nosniff"}
:base "/channel" ;; root for /test and /bind urls
:keep-alive-interval 30 ;; seconds, keep less than session-time-out
:session-timeout-interval 120 ;; seconds
@ -33,37 +32,42 @@
(def noop-string "[\"noop\"]")
(def ^:private noop-string "[\"noop\"]")
;; almost all special cases are for making this work with IE
(def ie-headers
(def ^:private ie-headers
{"Content-Type" "text/html"})
;; appended to first write to ie to prevent whole page buffering
(def ie-stream-padding "7cca69475363026330a0d99468e88d23ce95e222591126443015f5f462d9a177186c8701fb45a6ffee0daf1a178fc0f58cd309308fba7e6f011ac38c9cdd4580760f1d4560a84d5ca0355ecbbed2ab715a3350fe0c479050640bd0e77acec90c58c4d3dd0f5cf8d4510e68c8b12e087bd88cad349aafd2ab16b07b0b1b8276091217a44a9fe92fedacffff48092ee693af\n")
(def ^:private ie-stream-padding "7cca69475363026330a0d99468e88d23ce95e222591126443015f5f462d9a177186c8701fb45a6ffee0daf1a178fc0f58cd309308fba7e6f011ac38c9cdd4580760f1d4560a84d5ca0355ecbbed2ab715a3350fe0c479050640bd0e77acec90c58c4d3dd0f5cf8d4510e68c8b12e087bd88cad349aafd2ab16b07b0b1b8276091217a44a9fe92fedacffff48092ee693af\n")
;;;;; Utils
;; to create session ids
(defn uuid
(defn- uuid
(str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
(def scheduler (Executors/newScheduledThreadPool 1))
(def ^:private scheduler (Executors/newScheduledThreadPool 1))
;; scheduling a task returns a ScheduledFuture, which can be stopped
;; with (.cancel task false) false says not to interrupt running tasks
(defn schedule
(defn- schedule
[^Callable f ^long secs]
(.schedule ^ScheduledExecutorService scheduler f secs TimeUnit/SECONDS))
;; json responses are sent as "size-of-response\njson-response"
(defn size-json-str
(defn- size-json-str
[^String json]
(let [size (alength (.getBytes json "UTF-8"))]
(str size "\n" json)))
;; make sure the root URI for channels starts with a / for route matching
(defn standard-base
(defn- standard-base
(let [wofirst (if (= \/ (first s))
(apply str (rest s))
@ -78,7 +82,7 @@
(map standard-base ["foo" "/foo" "foo/" "/foo"])))
;; type preserving drop upto for queueus
(defn drop-queue
(defn- drop-queue
[queue id]
(let [head (peek queue)]
(if-not head
@ -90,7 +94,7 @@
;; Key value pairs do not always come ordered by request number.
;; E.g. {req0_key1 val01, req1_key1 val11, req0_key2 val02, req1_key2 val12}
(defn transform-url-data
(defn- transform-url-data
(let [ofs (get data "ofs" "0")
pieces (dissoc data "count" "ofs")]
@ -124,7 +128,7 @@
;; "req1_abc" "def"}
;; =>
;;{:ofs 0 :maps [{"x" "3" "y" "10"},{"abc": "def"}]}
(defn get-maps
(defn- get-maps
(let [data (:form-params req)]
(when-not (zero? (count data))
@ -135,25 +139,34 @@
(:maps (transform-url-data data)))))
;; rather crude but straight from google
(defn error-response
(defn- error-response
[status-code message]
{:status status-code
:body (str "<html><body><h1>" message "</h1></body></html>")})
(defn agent-error-handler-fn
(defn- agent-error-handler-fn
"Prints the error and tries to restart the agent."
(fn [ag ^Exception e]
(println "ERROR:" id "agent threw" e (.getMessage e))))
(defn- to-pair
(str "[" (first p) "," (second p) "]"))
;;;;;; end of utils
;;;; listeners
;; @todo clean this up, perhaps store listeners in the session?
;; @todo replace with lamina?
;; sessionId -> :event -> [call back]
;; event: :map | :close
(def listeners-agent (agent {}))
(def ^:private listeners-agent (agent {}))
(set-error-handler! listeners-agent (agent-error-handler-fn "listener"))
(set-error-mode! listeners-agent :continue)
@ -172,6 +185,10 @@
;; end of listeners
;; Wrapper around writers on continuations
;; the write methods raise an Exception with the wrapped response in closed
;; @todo use a more specific Exception
@ -305,8 +322,13 @@
(outstanding-bytes [this]
(reduce + 0 (map (comp count second) to-flush-arrays))))
;; {sessionId -> (agent session)}
(def sessions (atom {}))
(def ^:private sessions (atom {}))
;; All methods meant to be fn send to an agent, therefor all need to return a Session
(defprotocol ISession
@ -352,8 +374,6 @@
;; this is used for diagnostic purposes by the client
(defn to-pair [p] (str "[" (first p) "," (second p) "]"))
(defrecord Session
[;; must be unique
@ -516,7 +536,7 @@
;; creates a session agent wrapping session data and
;; adds the session to sessions
(defn create-session-agent
(defn- create-session-agent
[req options]
(let [{initial-rid "RID" ;; identifier for forward channel
app-version "CVER" ;; client can specify a custom app-version
@ -564,16 +584,21 @@
(if on-open (on-open id req)))
(defn session-status
(defn- session-status
(let [has-back-channel (if (:back-channel session) 1 0)
array-buffer (:array-buffer session)]
[has-back-channel (last-acknowledged-id array-buffer) (outstanding-bytes array-buffer)]))
;; convience function to send data to a session
;; the data will be queued until there is a backchannel to send it
;; over
(defn send-string
(defn- send-string
[session-id string]
(when-let [session-agent (get @sessions session-id)]
(send-off session-agent #(-> %
@ -598,9 +623,14 @@
(if-let [session-agent (get @sessions session-id)]
(send-off session-agent close nil (or reason "Client disconnected by server"))))
;; wrap the respond function from :reactor with the proper
;; responsewrapper for either IE or other clients
(defn wrap-continuation-writers
(defn- wrap-continuation-writers
[handler options]
(fn [req]
(let [res (handler req)]
@ -622,7 +652,7 @@
;; test channel is used to determine which host to connect to
;; and if the connection can support streaming
(defn handle-test-channel
(defn- handle-test-channel
[req options]
(if-not (= "8" (get-in req [:query-params "VER"]))
(error-response 400 "Version 8 required")
@ -652,7 +682,7 @@
;; POST req client -> server is a forward channel
;; session might be nil, when this is the first POST by client
(defn handle-forward-channel
(defn- handle-forward-channel
[req session-agent options]
(let [[session-agent is-new-session] (if session-agent
[session-agent false]
@ -687,7 +717,7 @@
:body (size-json-str (json/write-str status))})))))
;; GET req server->client is a backwardchannel opened by client
(defn handle-backward-channel
(defn- handle-backward-channel
[req session-agent options]
(let [type (get-in req [:query-params "TYPE"])]
@ -709,7 +739,7 @@
;; get to /<base>/bind is client->server msg
;; post to /<base>/bind is initiate server->client channel
(defn handle-bind-channel
(defn- handle-bind-channel
[req options]
(let [SID (get-in req [:query-params "SID"])
;; session-agent might be nil, then it will be created by
@ -750,5 +780,4 @@
(handler req))))
(wrap-continuation-writers options)