add general connect/disconnect functions, redo init! connect callbacks
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,12 +5,14 @@
[cljs.reader :as reader]
[cljs.core.async :refer [pub sub chan <! put!]]
[ :as events]
[dommy.core :refer-macros [sel1]]
[clj-browserchannel-messaging.utils :refer [run-middleware get-handlers encode-message decode-message]]))
(defonce ^:private handler-middleware (atom nil))
(defonce ^:private connect-opts (atom {}))
(defonce browser-channel (
(defonce incoming-messages (chan))
@ -72,12 +74,16 @@
(let [h (]
(set! (.-channelOpened h)
(fn [channel]
(if-let [on-connect (:on-connect @connect-opts)]
(run-middleware (:on-open @handler-middleware) (fn []))))
(set! (.-channelHandleArray h)
(fn [channel msg]
(handle-incoming channel msg)))
(set! (.-channelClosed h)
(fn [channel pending undelivered]
(if-let [on-disconnect (:on-disconnect @connect-opts)]
(:on-close @handler-middleware)
(fn [pending undelivered]
@ -111,6 +117,39 @@
(if-let [tag (sel1 "meta[name='anti-forgery-token']")]
(.-content tag)))
(defn connected?
"Returns true if a browserchannel session is currently established with
the server."
(= (.getState browser-channel)
(defn connect!
"Initiates a browserchannel connection with the server. Note that
init! calls this function, so you only need to use this if the
connection closes for any reason and needs to be reopened.
When a connection is established, the on-connect callback provided to
init! will be invoked (if it was provided). This will occur before
any middleware(s) are processed."
(let [state (.getState browser-channel)]
(if (or (= state
(= state
(:test-path @connect-opts)
(:channel-path @connect-opts)))))
(defn disconnect!
"Closes the browserchannel connection with the server.
When the disconnection finishes, the on-disconnect callback provided
to init! will be invoked (if it was provided). This will occur before
any middleware(s) are processed."
(if (not= (.getState browser-channel)
(.disconnect browser-channel)))
(defn init!
"Sets up browserchannel for use, creating a handler with the specified
properties. this function should be called once on page load.
@ -118,10 +157,15 @@
:base - the base URL on which the server's browserchannel routes are
located at. default if not specified is '/browserchannel'
:callback - optional function that receives no arguments which will
get called once the browserchannel session is established
(useful if your cljs app init should not be run until an
active browserchannel session is available)
:on-connect - optional function that will be called once a
browserchannel session is established with the server.
this function receives no arguments. it will be invoked
before any middleware(s) are processed.
:on-disconnect - optional function that will be called once the
browserchannel session is closed for any reason. this
function receives no arguments. it will be invoked
before any middleware(s) are processed.
:middleware - a vector of middleware maps.
@ -180,21 +224,14 @@
X-CSRF-Token HTTP header on all BrowserChannel POST requests to work with
any CSRF protection your web app uses (e.g. Ring's wrap-anti-forgery
[& {:keys [base middleware callback]}]
[& {:keys [base middleware on-connect on-disconnect]}]
(let [base (or base "/browserchannel")
anti-forgery-token (get-anti-forgery-token)
middleware (if callback
{:on-open (fn [handler]
(fn []
anti-forgery-token (get-anti-forgery-token)]
(register-middleware! middleware)
js/window "unload"
(fn []
(.disconnect browser-channel)
(set-debug-logger! goog.debug.Logger.Level.OFF)
; this seems to help prevent premature session timeouts from occuring (vs the default of 3)
@ -202,6 +239,8 @@
(.setHandler browser-channel (->handler))
(if anti-forgery-token
(.setExtraHeaders browser-channel (js-obj "X-CSRF-Token" anti-forgery-token)))
(.connect browser-channel
(str base "/test")
(str base "/bind"))))
(reset! connect-opts {:test-path (str base "/test")
:channel-path (str base "/bind")
:on-connect on-connect
:on-disconnect on-disconnect})
Reference in a new issue