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84 lines
2.6 KiB

/* ========================
//#Version: 0.2
//#Author: RaphaelDDL
//For use with Google Code Prettify, HTML Syntax only
//======================== */
pre .str, code .str { color: #e6db5a; } /* string */
pre .kwd, code .kwd { color: #66d9ef; } /* keyword */
pre .com, code .com { color: #75715e; font-style: italic; } /* comment */
pre .typ, code .typ { color: #66d9ef; } /* type */
pre .lit, code .lit { color: #ae81ff; } /* literal */
pre .pun, code .pun { color: #fff; } /* punctuation */
pre .pln, code .pln { color: #fff; } /* plaintext */
pre .tag, code .tag { color: #f92672; } /* html/xml tag */
pre .atn, code .atn { color: #a6e22a; } /* html/xml attribute name */
pre .atv, code .atv { color: #e6db74; } /* html/xml attribute value */
pre .dec, code .dec { color: #ae81ff; } /* decimal */
pre .opn, code .opn { color: #aaa; }
pre .clo, code .clo { color: #aaa; }
pre.prettyprint, code.prettyprint {
background-color: #272822;
-moz-border-radius: 8px;
-webkit-border-radius: 8px;
-o-border-radius: 8px;
-ms-border-radius: 8px;
-khtml-border-radius: 8px;
border-radius: 8px;
pre.prettyprint {
/*width: 100%;*/
margin: 1em auto;
padding: 1em;
white-space: pre-wrap;
pre.prettyprinted {
box-shadow:inset 0 0 1px 2px #3c3d39, 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
border:1px solid #0b0c0a;
/* ------------------------
//Section: class 'linenums' for line numbering
//------------------------ */
ol.linenums {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
color: #75715e;
list-style: decimal inside !important;
} /* IE indents via margin-left */
/* =============================================
//Section: Print Styles (partially from Sunburn Theme)
//================================================ */
@media print {
pre.prettyprinted, pre.prettyprint, code.prettyprint {
pre .str, code .str { color: #060; }
pre .kwd, code .kwd { color: #006; font-weight: bold; }
pre .com, code .com { color: #600; font-style: italic; }
pre .typ, code .typ { color: #404; font-weight: bold; }
pre .lit, code .lit { color: #044; }
pre .pun, code .pun { color: #440; }
pre .pln, code .pln { color: #000; }
pre .tag, code .tag { color: #006; font-weight: bold; }
pre .atn, code .atn { color: #404; }
pre .atv, code .atv { color: #060; }