refactor touch-databases a bit, add code to create files db design doc

This commit is contained in:
Gered 2013-05-20 20:12:30 -04:00
parent aa54248ab6
commit e398b337d4

View file

@ -29,14 +29,21 @@
[& body]
`(first (->view-values ~@body)))
(defn touch-design-doc
"verifies that a design doc is present in the given db, creating it if
it is not there"
[db design-doc-id doc-js-path]
(couch/with-db db
(let [doc (couch/get-document design-doc-id)]
(if (nil? doc)
(couch/put-document (load-json doc-js-path))))))
(defn touch-databases
"verifies that the required databases are present, creating them if they
are not there (including the views)."
(couch/get-database users)
(couch/get-database files)
(when (couch/get-database files)
(touch-design-doc posts "_design/files" "couchdb/design_docs/files.js"))
(when (couch/get-database posts)
(couch/with-db posts
(let [doc (couch/get-document "_design/posts")]
(if (nil? doc)
(couch/put-document (load-json "couchdb/design_docs/posts.js")))))))
(touch-design-doc posts "_design/posts" "couchdb/design_docs/posts.js")))