2022-01-02 15:09:25 -05:00

94 lines
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(ns aging-session.memory_test
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[ :refer :all]
[aging-session.memory :refer :all]))
(deftest basic-read-empty
(testing "Test session reads when there is no session value for that key."
(let [as (aging-memory-store)]
(is (nil? (read-session as "mykey"))
"returns nil for non-existent session read"))))
(deftest basic-write
(testing "Test session writes and reads."
(let [as (aging-memory-store)]
(write-session as "mykey" {:a 1})
(is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:a 1})
"session value was written")
(write-session as "mykey" {:a 2})
(is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:a 2})
"session value was updated"))))
(deftest basic-delete
(testing "Test session delete."
(let [as (aging-memory-store)]
(write-session as "mykey" {:a 1})
(is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:a 1})
"session value was written")
(delete-session as "mykey")
(is (nil? (read-session as "mykey"))
"session value is no longer present"))))
(deftest timestamp-on-creation
(testing "Test the behaviour where each entry's timestamp is set only on session creation."
(let [as (aging-memory-store)]
(write-session as "mykey" {:foo 1})
(let [ts1 (read-timestamp as "mykey")]
(is (integer? ts1)
"timestamp was set on session write")
(write-session as "mykey" {:foo 2})
(Thread/sleep 10)
(is (= ts1 (read-timestamp as "mykey"))
"timestamp is unchanged for this session entry after it was updated")
(is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 2})
"updated session entry value was written successfully")))))
(deftest timestamp-on-write-only
(testing "Test the behaviour where each entry's timestamp is refreshed on write (not read)."
(let [as (aging-memory-store :refresh-on-write true)]
(write-session as "mykey" {:foo 1})
(let [ts1 (read-timestamp as "mykey")]
(is (integer? ts1)
"timestamp was set on session write")
(is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 1})
"session value can be read")
(Thread/sleep 10)
(is (= ts1 (read-timestamp as "mykey"))
"reading the session value did not update its timestamp")
(write-session as "mykey" {:foo 2})
(Thread/sleep 10)
(is (not (= ts1 (read-timestamp as "mykey")))
"timestamp of the session entry was updated after its value was updated")
(is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 2})
"session value was updated successfully")))))
(deftest timestamp-on-read-only
(testing "Test the behaviour where each entry's timestamp is refreshed on read (not write)."
(let [as (aging-memory-store :refresh-on-read true)]
(write-session as "mykey" {:foo 1})
(let [ts1 (read-timestamp as "mykey")]
(is (integer? ts1)
"timestamp was set on session write")
(Thread/sleep 10)
(is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 1})
"session value can be read")
(let [ts2 (read-timestamp as "mykey")]
(is (not (= ts1 ts2))
"timestamp of the session entry was updated after its value was read")
(is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 1})
"session value can still be read successfully")
(Thread/sleep 10)
(let [ts3 (read-timestamp as "mykey")]
(write-session as "mykey" {:foo 2})
(Thread/sleep 10)
(is (= ts3 (read-timestamp as "mykey"))
"timestamp of the session entry was not updated after its value was written")
(is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 2})
"session value was updated successfully")
(Thread/sleep 10)
(is (not (= ts3 (read-timestamp as "mykey")))
"timestamp of the session entry was updated after its new value was read")))))))