(ns aging-session.memory_test (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [ring.middleware.session.store :refer :all] [aging-session.memory :refer :all])) (defn ->basic-aging-memory-store [& [opts]] (aging-memory-store 30 (merge {:refresh-on-read true :refresh-on-write true :sweep-threshold nil :sweep-interval 15} opts))) (deftest basic-read-empty (testing "Test session reads when there is no session value for that key." (let [as (->basic-aging-memory-store)] (is (nil? (read-session as "mykey")) "returns nil for non-existent session read")))) (deftest basic-write (testing "Test session writes and reads." (let [as (->basic-aging-memory-store)] (write-session as "mykey" {:a 1}) (is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:a 1}) "session value was written") (write-session as "mykey" {:a 2}) (is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:a 2}) "session value was updated")))) (deftest basic-delete (testing "Test session delete." (let [as (->basic-aging-memory-store)] (write-session as "mykey" {:a 1}) (is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:a 1}) "session value was written") (delete-session as "mykey") (is (nil? (read-session as "mykey")) "session value is no longer present")))) (deftest timestamp-on-creation (testing "Test the behaviour where each entry's timestamp is set only on session creation." (let [as (->basic-aging-memory-store {:refresh-on-read false :refresh-on-write false})] (write-session as "mykey" {:foo 1}) (let [ts1 (read-timestamp as "mykey")] (is (integer? ts1) "timestamp was set on session write") (write-session as "mykey" {:foo 2}) (Thread/sleep 10) (is (= ts1 (read-timestamp as "mykey")) "timestamp is unchanged for this session entry after it was updated") (is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 2}) "updated session entry value was written successfully"))))) (deftest timestamp-on-write-only (testing "Test the behaviour where each entry's timestamp is refreshed on write (not read)." (let [as (->basic-aging-memory-store {:refresh-on-read false :refresh-on-write true})] (write-session as "mykey" {:foo 1}) (let [ts1 (read-timestamp as "mykey")] (is (integer? ts1) "timestamp was set on session write") (is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 1}) "session value can be read") (Thread/sleep 10) (is (= ts1 (read-timestamp as "mykey")) "reading the session value did not update its timestamp") (write-session as "mykey" {:foo 2}) (Thread/sleep 10) (is (not (= ts1 (read-timestamp as "mykey"))) "timestamp of the session entry was updated after its value was updated") (is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 2}) "session value was updated successfully"))))) (deftest timestamp-on-read-only (testing "Test the behaviour where each entry's timestamp is refreshed on read (not write)." (let [as (->basic-aging-memory-store {:refresh-on-read true :refresh-on-write false})] (write-session as "mykey" {:foo 1}) (let [ts1 (read-timestamp as "mykey")] (is (integer? ts1) "timestamp was set on session write") (Thread/sleep 10) (is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 1}) "session value can be read") (let [ts2 (read-timestamp as "mykey")] (is (not (= ts1 ts2)) "timestamp of the session entry was updated after its value was read") (is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 1}) "session value can still be read successfully") (Thread/sleep 10) (let [ts3 (read-timestamp as "mykey")] (write-session as "mykey" {:foo 2}) (Thread/sleep 10) (is (= ts3 (read-timestamp as "mykey")) "timestamp of the session entry was not updated after its value was written") (is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 2}) "session value was updated successfully") (Thread/sleep 10) (is (not (= ts3 (read-timestamp as "mykey"))) "timestamp of the session entry was updated after its new value was read"))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (deftest individual-session-entries-are-expired-when-read (testing "Individual session entries are expired appropriately when read, independently of the sweep thread." (let [as (aging-memory-store 1 ; expire after 1 second {:sweep-threshold 1 ; sweeper thread write threshold is after every single write :sweep-interval 10 ; sweeper thread tries to run every 10 seconds })] (write-session as "mykey" {:foo 1}) (is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 1}) "session entry was written") (Thread/sleep 1500) ; little delay, but too short for sweeper thread to have run (is (nil? (read-session as "mykey")) "session entry should no longer be present")))) (deftest sweeper-thread-expires-entries-at-interval-only-when-threshold-reached (testing "When a threshold is specified, the sweeper thread expires entries whenever it runs only when the operation (write) threshold is reached." (let [as (aging-memory-store 1 ; expire after 1 second {:refresh-on-read true :refresh-on-write true :sweep-threshold 5 ; only trigger sweep after 5 writes :sweep-interval 1 ; sweeper thread tries to run every 1 second })] (write-session as "mykey" {:foo 1}) (Thread/sleep 2000) ; wait long enough for session ttl to elapse ; key should still exist, even though it's expired (not enough writes have occurred) (is (integer? (read-timestamp as "mykey")) "session entry should still be present even though it has expired") ; key should exist for three more writes (write-session as "other-key" {:foo 1}) (is (integer? (read-timestamp as "mykey")) "session entry should still be present even though it has expired") (write-session as "other-key" {:foo 1}) (is (integer? (read-timestamp as "mykey")) "session entry should still be present even though it has expired") (write-session as "other-key" {:foo 1}) (is (integer? (read-timestamp as "mykey")) "session entry should still be present even though it has expired") ; on the fifth write and after 1 second, key should not exist (write-session as "other-key" {:foo 1}) (Thread/sleep 2000) ; allow time for sweeper thread to run (is (nil? (read-timestamp as "mykey")) "session entry should have been removed now")))) (deftest sweeper-thread-expires-entries-at-interval-with-no-threshold-set (testing "When a threshold is NOT specified, the sweeper thread expires entries whenever it runs." (let [as (aging-memory-store 1 ; expire after 1 second {:refresh-on-read true :refresh-on-write true :sweep-threshold nil ; no sweeper thread threshold :sweep-interval 1 ; sweeper thread tries to run every 1 second })] (write-session as "mykey" {:foo 1}) (Thread/sleep 20) (is (integer? (read-timestamp as "mykey")) "session entry should still be present") ; do nothing in the mean time (no write operations) (Thread/sleep 2000) ; wait long enough for session ttl to elapse (is (nil? (read-timestamp as "mykey")) "session entry should have been removed now") ; now lets do this again, but read the value (thus, triggering a timestamp refresh) a couple times (is (nil? (read-session as "mykey")) "session entry should not be there yet") (write-session as "mykey" {:foo 1}) (is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 1}) "session entry should now be present") ; repeatedly re-read the session for a period of time over the session store ttl so as to not let ; it expire (because refresh-on-read is enabled) (doseq [_ (range 10)] (Thread/sleep 200) (is (= (read-session as "mykey") {:foo 1}) "session entry should still be present")) ; now wait long enough without reading to let it expire (Thread/sleep 2000) (is (nil? (read-session as "mykey")) "session entry should be gone now") ))) (deftest refresh-on-read-nonexistent-key-then-sweep (testing "Test an empty session read (with refresh-on-read enabled) then check that the expiry sweep still works" (let [as (aging-memory-store 1 ; expire after 1 second {:refresh-on-read true :sweep-threshold 1 ; sweep runs after every write :sweep-interval 1 ; sweep thread tries to run every 1 second })] (is (nil? (read-session as "foo")) "no session entry present for this key") (Thread/sleep 1500) ; read again to trigger the sweep (is (nil? (read-session as "foo")) "still no session entry present for this key")))) #_(run-tests)