tweaks to session entry expiry checks/handling

some performance improvements here ...
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Gered 2022-01-02 17:01:21 -05:00
parent 38c6a37d59
commit eb2810652e

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@ -24,24 +24,27 @@
(assoc-in session-map [key :value] data)
(assoc session-map key (new-entry data))))
(defn- update-entry
"Update a session entry based on the configured session entry ttl."
[ttl now [k {:keys [timestamp] :as v}]]
(if v
(if-not (> (- now timestamp) ttl)
[k v])))
(defn- entry-expired?
"Returns true if the given session entry has expired according to its current timestamp and the session store's
configured ttl"
[ttl now v]
(and v
(> (- now (:timestamp v))
(defn- sweep-session
"Sweep the session and run all session functions."
[session-map now ttl]
(into {} (keep #(update-entry ttl now %) session-map)))
(->> session-map
(remove #(entry-expired? ttl now (val %)))
(into {})))
(defn- sweep-entry
"Sweep a single entry."
[session-map now ttl key]
(if-let [existing-entry (get session-map key)]
(if-let [[_ entry] (update-entry ttl now [key existing-entry])]
(assoc session-map key entry)
(if-not (entry-expired? ttl now existing-entry)
(assoc session-map key existing-entry)
(dissoc session-map key))