better naming

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Gered 2022-01-02 19:42:13 -05:00
parent baecdaf136
commit 65870439bd

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@ -57,42 +57,42 @@
(read-timestamp [store key]
"Read a session from the store and return its timestamp. If no key exists, returns nil."))
(defrecord MemoryAgingStore [session-map thread ttl refresh-on-write refresh-on-read op-counter op-threshold]
(defrecord MemoryAgingStore [session-atom thread ttl refresh-on-write refresh-on-read op-counter op-threshold]
(read-timestamp [_ key]
(get-in @session-map [key :timestamp]))
(get-in @session-atom [key :timestamp]))
(read-session [_ key]
(when (contains? @session-map key)
(when (contains? @session-atom key)
(let []
(swap! session-map sweep-entry ttl key)
(when (and refresh-on-read (contains? @session-map key))
(swap! session-map assoc-in [key :timestamp] (now)))
(get-in @session-map [key :value]))))
(swap! session-atom sweep-entry ttl key)
(when (and refresh-on-read (contains? @session-atom key))
(swap! session-atom assoc-in [key :timestamp] (now)))
(get-in @session-atom [key :value]))))
(write-session [_ key data]
(let [key (or key (unique-id))]
(if op-threshold
(swap! op-counter inc))
(if refresh-on-write
(swap! session-map assoc key (new-entry data))
(swap! session-map write-entry key data))
(swap! session-atom assoc key (new-entry data))
(swap! session-atom write-entry key data))
(delete-session [_ key]
(swap! session-map dissoc key)
(swap! session-atom dissoc key)
(defn- sweeper-thread
"Sweeper thread that watches the session and cleans it."
[session-map ttl op-counter op-threshold sweep-interval]
[session-atom ttl op-counter op-threshold sweep-interval]
(loop []
(if op-threshold
(when (>= @op-counter op-threshold)
(swap! session-map sweep-session ttl)
(swap! session-atom sweep-session ttl)
(reset! op-counter 0))
(swap! session-map sweep-session ttl))
(swap! session-atom sweep-session ttl))
(Thread/sleep sweep-interval)