- medit.dtf is assumed to always be beside mapedit.exe - assets listed in the desc file being loaded are all assumed to be beside that same desc file paths for both the mapedit.exe and desc file are discovered automatically from the command line arguments received. this, in my opinion, represents the most intuitive/logical behaviour. before this change, you would have needed to have copied mapedit.exe and medit.dtf to the same directory as your map desc file and all the assets being loaded. kind of icky in my opinion.
233 lines
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233 lines
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// Header file for ACK-3D Map Editor
// Author: Lary Myers
// Copyright (c) 1994
#ifndef M1_H_INCLUDED
#define M1_H_INCLUDED
#define RES_SMFONT 0 // Resource ID's
#define RES_MDFONT 1
#define RES_2DSCREEN 2
#define RES_3DSCREEN 3
#define BM_X 272
#define BM_Y 17
#define BM_NUM_X 308
#define BM_NUM_Y 30
#define MAP_X 0
#define MAP_Y 0
#define MAP_X1 256
#define MAP_Y1 160
#define MINI_X 255
#define MINI_Y 135
#define MINI_X1 (MINI_X+63)
#define MINI_Y1 (MINI_Y+63)
#define MAPXY_X 217
#define MAPXY_Y 165
#define MAPXY_X1 231
#define MAPXY_Y1 165
#define CURXY_X 217
#define CURXY_Y 173
#define CURXY_X1 231
#define CURXY_Y1 173
#define GD_FWT 32
#define GD_FHT 32
#define GD_HWT 16
#define GD_HHT 16
#define VM_2D 0 // View mode is 2D
#define VM_3D 1 // View mode is 3D
#define VT_MAP 0 // Viewing map
#define VT_FLOOR 1 // Viewing floor
#define VT_CEIL 2 // Viewing ceiling
#define ED_WALLS 0 // Editing walls
#define ED_OBJECTS 1 // Editing objects
#define AI_UP 1 // Action index's
#define AI_RIGHT 2
#define AI_DOWN 3
#define AI_LEFT 4
#define AI_MINI 5
#define AI_SELECT 6
#define AI_VIEW 7
#define AI_FLOORS 8
#define AI_SAVE 9
#define AI_MAP 10
#define AI_WALLS 11
#define AI_CEILING 12
#define AI_OBJECTS 13
#define AI_OPTIONS 14
#define AI_EDITWIN 15
#define AI_BM_UP 16
#define AI_BM_DOWN 17
#define AI_EXIT 99
#define OPT_NORMAL 0 // Selectable option ID's
#define OPT_SLIDING 1
#define OPT_SPLIT 2
#define OPT_SECRET 3
#define OPT_LOCKED 4
#define OPT_TRANS 5
#define OPT_MULTI 6
#define OPT_RAISED 7
#define OPT_CANCEL 8
#define OPT_FILL 9
#define OPT_BORDER 10
#define OPT_CLEAR 11
#define OPT_PASSABLE 12
#define OPT_PALETTE 13
#define OPT_MAPPAL 14
#define OPT_MAX 15 // Total number of options above
#define BM_COLOR_X 261 // Current bitmap color coordinates
#define BM_COLOR_Y 17
#define BM_COLOR_X1 267
#define BM_COLOR_Y1 48
typedef struct {
short Action;
short x;
short y;
short x1;
short y1;
} HS;
typedef struct {
short id;
int xBias;
int yBias;
UCHAR Flags;
char *Text;
#define OPTF_CHECKED 0x80 // Button will have a checkmark
#define VIDSEG (UCHAR *)0xA0000
#define MAX_MULTI 3
#define KEY_ESC 0x011B
#define KEY_SPACE 0x3920
#define KEY_F2 0x3C00
#define KEY_F3 0x3D00
#define KEY_UP 0x4800
#define KEY_RIGHT 0x4D00
#define KEY_DOWN 0x5000
#define KEY_LEFT 0x4B00
#define KEY_PGUP 0x4900
#define KEY_PGDN 0x5100
// Prototypes;
// Functions in mouse.c
short MouseInstalled(void);
void ShowMouse(void);
void HideMouse(void);
short ReadMouseCursor(short *mrow,short *mcol);
short ReadMouseButtons(void);
void SetMouseCursor(short mrow,short mcol);
void SetMouseMinMaxColumns(short mincol,short maxcol);
void SetMouseMinMaxRows(short minrow,short maxrow);
void SetMouseShape(short hsrow,short hscol,char far *mask);
void MouseReleased(void);
// Functions in m1.c
extern char assetsPath[];
extern char exePath[];
extern char tempFilename[];
void FindFilePaths(const char *exeFile, const char *descFile);
char* GetCombinedPath(const char *base, const char *file);
short GetAction(short mx,short my);
short GetSelAction(short mx,short my);
void DrawYline(int x,int y);
void DrawXline(int x,int y);
void DrawGridBlock(int x,int y);
void DrawYbitmap(int x,int y,UCHAR *bm,UCHAR Shade,int TransFlag);
void DrawXbitmap(int x,int y,UCHAR *bm,UCHAR Shade,int TransFlag);
void ClearGridArea(UCHAR *BufPtr);
void RefreshGrid(void);
void DrawGrid3D(void);
void Draw2Dxline(int x,int y,UCHAR color);
void DrawxLineMulti(int x,int y,UCHAR color);
void Draw2Dyline(int x,int y,UCHAR color);
void DrawyLineMulti(int x,int y,UCHAR color);
void DrawGrid2D(void);
void DrawTinyBitmap(int x,int y,UCHAR *bm);
void DrawFloorCeil(void);
void DrawObjects(void);
void DrawGrid(void);
void ShowScreen(char *Name);
void ShowBitmap(int x,int y,UCHAR *bm);
short LoadGridMap(char *Name);
short SaveGridMap(char *Name);
void ShowCurrentBitmap(void);
short GetActionIndex(short action);
void PressButton(short ActionCode);
void ReleaseButton(short ActionCode);
void UpdateScreen(void);
int GetGridPos(short mx,short my);
void PutCode(short mx,short my);
void UpdatePosn(short mx,short my);
void ShowSelBitmaps(UCHAR bCode);
int SelectScreen(void);
UCHAR GetIndexColor(short index);
UCHAR GetIndexColor2(short index);
void DrawBackBox(int x,int y,int x1,int y1);
void ShowButtons(OPTS *op,HS *hs,int x,int y,int xAmt,int yAmt);
int ShowOptions(void);
void FillMap(UCHAR bCode);
void DrawArrow(int x,int y,UCHAR color);
int SelectGridBox(void);
void EditMulti(int mode,short mx,short my);
// Functions in m1util.c
void SoundBeep(void);
short LoadSmallFont(void);
short LoadMedFont(void);
void mdWriteChar(short x,short y,unsigned char ch);
short mdWriteString(short x,short y,char *s);
void smWriteChar(short x,short y,unsigned char ch);
short smWriteString(short x,short y,char *s);
void smWriteHUD(short x,short y,UCHAR color,char *s);
void BlitBlock(int x,int y,int x1,int y1,UCHAR *buf);
void DrawFillBox(int x,int y,int x1,int y1,UCHAR color);
void DrawHorzLine(int x,int y,int x1,UCHAR color);
void DrawVertLine(int x,int y,int y1,UCHAR color);
void DrawBox(int x,int y,int x1,int y1,UCHAR color);
UCHAR GetColor(int x,int y);
void SaveVideo(UCHAR *buf);
void RestoreVideo(UCHAR *buf);
void CreateButton(int x,int y,HS *hs,char *s);
int QueryBox(int x,int y,char *Msg);
// Functions in m1read.c
short LoadDescFile(char *fName);