Gered 83aaf0d5b9 update acklib to build under watcom
borland conditionals have been removed. asm sources converted fully
to tasm ideal mode. keyboard and timer interrupt handlers moved to c
code copied from fdemo watcom sources
2019-11-02 13:56:52 -04:00

569 lines
14 KiB

model flat
include ""
extrn _VidSeg:dword
extrn _Resolution:word
extrn _ScreenOffset:word
extrn _bmDistance:dword
extrn _bmWall:dword
extrn _scPtr:dword
extrn _VidTop:dword
extrn _VidBottom:dword
extrn _Floors1:dword
extrn _Floors2:dword
extrn _gPalTable:dword
extrn _gWinStartX:word
extrn _gWinStartY:word
extrn _gWinEndX:word
extrn _gWinEndY:word
extrn _gWinHeight:word
extrn _ViewHeight:word
extrn _SysFlags:word
extrn _Slice:byte
extrn _gScrnBuffer:dword
extrn _gCenterOff:word
extrn _Floorht:word
extrn _Floorscr:dword
extrn _gWinStartOffset:dword
extrn _scVid:dword
extrn _scWall:dword
extrn _scPal:dword
extrn _scdst:word
extrn _scwht:word
extrn _scmulti:word
extrn _sctopht:word
extrn _scbotht:word
extrn _scsavwht:word
extrn _scmulcnt:word
extrn _scsavVid:dword
extrn _scbNum:word
extrn _scMulData:dword
extrn _scColumn:dword
extrn _WallbMaps:dword
extrn _LowerTable:dword
extrn _gBottomOff:dword
extrn ShowColLow_:near
extrn ShowColMaskLow_:near
public ShowCol_
public ShowColMask_
public DrawWalls_
align 2
; void ShowCol(void)
proc ShowCol_ near
push ebp
push esi
push edi
mov edi,[_scVid] ;Video buffer position
mov ebp,[_scPal] ;Pointer to palette for shading
mov ax,[_scwht] ;Height to use
mov [_scsavwht],ax ;save for later
movzx ecx,[_sctopht]
mov ebx,[_scWall]
add ebx,ecx
mov [_bmWall],ebx
mov ch,al
inc ch
mov esi,[_bmDistance]
mov esi,[_LowerTable+esi*4]
mov [SVTABLE],esi
mov eax,0
mov ebx,0
test [word ptr _scbNum],WALL_TYPE_UPPER
jz short toprun
mov edx,[_bmDistance]
dec ch
jz short zzdomulti
sub di,320
add bx,dx
cmp bh,cl
jge short zzdomulti
jmp zztoploop
mov [_scwht],cx
mov [_scsavVid],edi
jmp chkmulti
mov ebx,[_bmWall]
movzx edx,[word ptr esi]
cmp dl,cl
jg short botrun
lea esi,[esi+2]
neg edx
mov al,[ebx+edx]
mov al,[ebp+eax]
mov [edi],al
add edi,-320
dec ch
jnz toploop
mov [_scwht],cx
mov [_scsavVid],edi
mov edi,[_scVid]
mov cx,[_scbotht]
mov dx,[_scsavwht]
mov ch,dl
mov esi,[SVTABLE]
inc ebx
dec cl
lea edi,[edi+320]
movzx edx,[word ptr esi]
cmp dl,cl
jge short chkmulti
lea esi,[esi+2]
mov al,[ebx+edx]
mov al,[ebp+eax]
mov [edi],al
dec ch
jnz botloop
mov edi,[_scsavVid]
cmp [word ptr _scmulti],0
jz alldone
mov cx,[_scmulcnt]
mov ebx,[_scMulData] ;ptr to count and wall data
mov cl,[ebx] ;get number of walls to draw
inc ebx
mov al,[ebx] ;first wall to show
inc ebx
mov [_scMulData],ebx
movzx ebx,al ;get wall number
mov esi,[_scColumn] ;Current bitmap column to display x 64
lea esi,[esi+63]
mov [_scColumn],esi ;save for later use
mov eax,[_WallbMaps] ;Get array of bitmaps
mov ebx,[eax+ebx*4] ;Get the bitmap we are using
add ebx,esi ;point to bottom of column
mov ax,[_scwht] ;Get height of window
mov ch,ah
cmp ch,0 ;Is there more room to draw?
jz short alldone ;br if at top of window
mov esi,[SVTABLE]
mov eax,0
movzx eax,[word ptr esi] ;Get height displacement for this row
cmp al,64 ;Did we do the entire column?
jge short nextlevel ;Yes, see if more walls
lea esi,[esi+2]
neg eax ;Invert so we can add it below
movzx eax,[byte ptr ebx+eax] ;Get the pixel from the bitmap
mov al,[ebp+eax] ;Map it to the palette for shading
mov [edi],al ;Place it into the video buffer
dec ch ;Bump the window height
jz short alldone ;br if at the top of the window
sub edi,320 ;next video row
jmp mulloop
dec cl ;Bump wall count
jz short alldone ;br if no more walls
mov ebx,[_scMulData] ;Get pointer to the multi-ht data
movzx eax,[byte ptr ebx] ;next wall number
inc ebx ;Advance for next wall
mov [_scMulData],ebx
mov ebx,[_WallbMaps] ;Get wall array
mov ebx,[ebx+eax*4] ;Get wall bitmap to use
add ebx,[dword ptr _scColumn] ;add in current column
mov eax,0
mov esi,[SVTABLE]
jmp mulloop
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
align 2
; void ShowColMask(void)
proc ShowColMask_ near
push ebp
push esi
push edi
mov ebp,eax
mov [_scPtr],eax
mov edi,[_scVid]
mov edx,[_scPal]
mov ax,[_scwht]
mov [_scsavwht],ax
movzx ecx,[_sctopht]
mov ebx,[_scWall]
add ebx,ecx
mov [_bmWall],ebx
mov ch,al
inc ch
mov eax,0
mov ebx,0
test [word ptr _scbNum],WALL_TYPE_UPPER
jz short m_toprun
mov ebp,[_bmDistance]
dec ch
jz short m_zzdomulti
add bx,bp
cmp bh,cl
jge short m_zzdomulti
sub edi,320
jmp m_zztoploop
mov ebp,[_scPtr]
mov [_scwht],cx
mov [_scsavVid],edi
jmp m_chkmulti
mov ebp,[_bmDistance]
mov esi,[_bmWall]
movzx eax,bh
neg eax
movzx eax,[byte ptr esi+eax]
or al,al
jz short m_blank1
mov al,[edx+eax]
mov [edi],al
add bx,bp
cmp bh,cl
jg short m_botrun
dec ch
jz short m_botrun
sub edi,320
jmp m_toploop
mov ebp,[_scPtr]
mov [_scwht],cx
mov [_scsavVid],edi
mov edi,[_scVid]
mov cx,[_scbotht]
mov bx,[_scsavwht]
mov ch,bl
mov ebx,0
inc esi
mov ebp,[_bmDistance]
mov eax,0
dec cl
add edi,320
mov al,bh
mov al,[esi+eax]
or al,al
jz short m_blank2
mov al,[edx+eax]
mov [edi],al
dec ch
jz short m_chkmulti
add bx,bp
cmp bh,cl
jl m_botloop
mov ebp,[_scPtr]
cmp [word ptr _scmulti],0
jz short m_alldone
mov cx,[_scmulcnt]
mov bx,[_scwht]
mov ch,bh
cmp ch,0
jz short m_alldone
mov edi,[_scsavVid]
mov ebx,[_scWall]
add ebx,63
mov [_bmWall],ebx
mov ebx,0
mov ebp,[_bmDistance]
mov esi,[_bmWall]
sub edi,320
movzx eax,bh
neg eax
movzx eax,[byte ptr esi+eax]
or al,al
jz m_blank3
mov al,[edx+eax]
mov [edi],al
dec ch
jz short m_alldone
add bx,bp
cmp bh,64
jge short m_nextlevel
jmp m_mulloop
mov ebx,0
dec cl
jnz m_mulloop
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
; This routine runs through the list of slices and draws the walls.
; void DrawWalls(void)
proc DrawWalls_ near
push ebp
push esi
push edi
mov ax,[_gWinHeight]
shr ax,1
mov [_Floorht],ax
mov ax,[_ViewHeight]
mov [_sctopht],ax
mov dx,64
sub dx,ax
mov [_scbotht],dx
movsx ebx,[word ptr _gWinStartX]
movsx ecx,[_gCenterOff]
add ecx,ebx
add ecx,[_gScrnBuffer]
mov [_scVid],ecx
cmp [word ptr _Resolution],1 ;is this low resolution?
je stw_lowres ;yes, perform faster draw
movzx eax,[_gWinEndX]
imul eax,saSize
mov [ENDPOS],eax
imul ebx,saSize
mov ebp,offset _Slice ; offset to slices array
add ebp,ebx
cmp [byte ptr ebp+saActive],0 ;is this an active slice?
jz short stw030 ;nope, so it's the last one
cmp [dword ptr ebp+saNext],0 ;is this the last slice?
jz short stw030 ;yes, so can't go further
mov ebp,[dword ptr ebp+saNext] ;point to next slice
jmp short stw020
mov ax,[word ptr ebp+sabNumber] ;bitmap number
mov cx,ax
and cx,0ffh ;isolate number from flags
mov [_scmulcnt],cx ;save as current multi count
mov [_scbNum],ax ;and bitmap number and flags
mov cx,0 ;set multi-flag to none
jz short stw040
mov esi,[dword ptr ebp+samPtr]
mov [_scMulData],esi
or esi,esi ;is there multi-ht data?
jz short stw040 ;br if not
mov cx,1 ;set multi-flag to yes
mov [_scmulti],cx
mov ecx,[dword ptr ebp+sabMap] ;get pointer to bitmaps
movzx esi,al ;get low byte of bitmap number
shl esi,2
mov esi,[dword ptr ecx+esi] ;get actual bitmap pointer
movsx ecx,[word ptr ebp+saDist] ;distance to slice
mov [_bmDistance],ecx ;save for draw routine
shr ecx,6 ;bring it down into palette range
cmp ecx,15 ;check against max palette number
jbe short stw050
mov ecx,15 ;force to max if above
shl ecx,8 ;x256 for palette entry
mov edi,[_gPalTable] ;pointer to palette table
add edi,ecx
movsx ecx,[word ptr ebp+sabColumn] ;column of bitmap slice
shl ecx,6 ;x64 to get correct row (column)
add esi,ecx ;adjust wall point to correct column
mov [_scColumn],ecx ;save for multi-ht walls
mov [_scWall],esi
mov [_scPal],edi
mov eax,0
mov [_scsavVid],eax ;null out saved video
mov ax,[_Floorht] ;window height / 2 saved earlier
mov [_scwht],ax
mov esi,ebx
call [dword ptr ebp+saFnc]
mov ebx,esi
cmp [dword ptr ebp+saPrev],0 ;is this the first slice?
jz short stw080 ;yes, go to next column
mov ebp,[dword ptr ebp+saPrev] ;pick up previous slice
jmp stw030 ;and start again with same column
inc [dword ptr _scVid] ;next video position
add ebx,saSize
cmp ebx,[ENDPOS]
ja stw_getout ;yes, get out
jmp stw010
mov eax,ebx ; current column of display
imul eax,saSize ; size of slice structure
mov ebp,offset _Slice ; offset to slices
add ebp,eax
cmp [byte ptr ebp+saActive],0 ;is this an active slice?
jz short stwlr030 ;nope, so it's the last one
cmp [dword ptr ebp+saNext],0 ;is this the last slice?
jz short stwlr030 ;yes, so can't go further
mov ebp,[dword ptr ebp+saNext] ;point to next slice
jmp short stwlr020
mov ax,[word ptr ebp+sabNumber] ;bitmap number
mov cx,ax
and cx,0ffh ;isolate number from flags
mov [_scmulcnt],cx ;save as current multi count
mov [_scbNum],ax ;and bitmap number and flags
mov cx,0 ;set multi-flag to none
jz short stwlr040
mov esi,[dword ptr ebp+samPtr]
mov [_scMulData],esi
or esi,esi ;is there multi-height data?
jz short stwlr040 ;br if not
mov cx,1 ;set multi-flag to yes
mov [_scmulti],cx
mov ecx,[dword ptr ebp+sabMap] ;get pointer to bitmaps
movzx esi,al ;get low byte of bitmap number
shl esi,2
mov esi,[dword ptr ecx+esi] ;get actual bitmap pointer
movsx ecx,[word ptr ebp+saDist] ;distance to slice
mov [_bmDistance],ecx ;save for draw routine
shr ecx,6 ;bring it down into palette range
cmp ecx,15 ;check against max palette number
jbe short stwlr050
mov ecx,15 ;force to max if above
shl ecx,8 ;x256 for palette entry
mov edi,[_gPalTable] ;pointer to palette table
add edi,ecx
movsx ecx,[byte ptr ebp+sabColumn] ;column of bitmap slice
shl ecx,6 ;x64 to get correct row (column)
add esi,ecx ;adjust wall point to correct column
mov [_scColumn],ecx ;save for multi-ht walls
mov [_scWall],esi
mov [_scPal],edi
mov eax,0
mov [_scsavVid],eax ;null out saved video
mov ax,[_Floorht] ;window height / 2 saved earlier
mov [_scwht],ax
mov esi,ebx
cmp [byte ptr ebp+saType],ST_WALL ;transparent wall?
je short stwlr060 ;nope, use solid slice routine
call ShowColMaskLow_
jmp short stwlr070
call ShowColLow_
mov ebx,esi
cmp [dword ptr ebp+saPrev],0 ;is this the first slice?
jz short stwlr080 ;yes, go to next column
mov ebp,[dword ptr ebp+saPrev] ;pick up previous slice
jmp stwlr030 ;and start again with same column
add [dword ptr _scVid],2 ;next video position
inc ebx ;next column
inc ebx ;next column
cmp bx,[word ptr _gWinEndX] ;are we at the end of the window?
ja short stw_getout ;yes, get out
jmp stw_lowres
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp