// This file contains the declarations and functions to set up views for the // ray casting engine. #include #include #include "ack3d.h" // Main ACK-3D internal and interface data structures #include "ackeng.h" // Intrnal structures and constants #include "ackext.h" // Defines external (global) variables extern long FloorCosTable[]; void (*FloorCeilRtn)(void); void (*WallRtn)(void); void (*WallMaskRtn)(void); short gWinFullWidth; // Global variables for setting up a viewport long gWinDWORDS; // These are the global variables used by the long gWinStartOffset; // low-level assembly language routines to draw slices short gWinStartX; short gWinStartY; short gWinEndX; short gWinEndY; short gWinHeight; short gWinHalfHeight; short gWinWidth; short gCenterRow; short gCenterOff; long gBottomOff; UCHAR *gScrnBufferCenter; UCHAR *gScrnBuffer; UCHAR *gBkgdBuffer; UCHAR *gPalTable; short gMultiWalls; UCHAR **mxGridGlobal; // Global variables to reference the x and y UCHAR **myGridGlobal; // map arrays UCHAR gTopColor; UCHAR gBottomColor; UCHAR *scVid; // Variables used in low level routines for UCHAR *scWall; // building and drawing slices UCHAR *scPal; short scdst; short scwht; short scmulti; short sctopht; short scbotht; short scsavwht; short scmulcnt; UCHAR *scsavVid; USHORT scbNum; UCHAR *scMulData; UCHAR *scColumn; UCHAR *gPtr; UCHAR *gmPtr; short gBitmapNumber; short gBitmapColumn; short gyBitmapNumber; short gyBitmapColumn; long gWallDistance; short gmPos; DOORS *gDoor; DOORS *gDoorPosn; short wFound; UCHAR *mgPtr; short BegX,EndX; extern long x_xPos; // Variables for tracking coordinates during extern long x_yPos; // the ray casting process extern long x_xNext; extern long x_yNext; extern long y_xPos; extern long y_yPos; extern long y_xNext; extern long y_yNext; short LastVht; long WallDistTable[VIEW_WIDTH]; // Functions used to build views and perform the ray casting process void AckSetupWindow(ACKENG *ae); // Sets up variables for viewport void BuildUpView(void); // Main assemply language routine for building views void BuildSlice(void); // Assembly language routines for building slices void BuildSliceMulti(void); // Assembly language routine for building multi-slices void CheckDoors(void); // Internal routines for locating and checking doors void FindObject(void); // and objects short FindDoor(short MapPosn); void FloorLoop(void); void CeilLoop(void); void DrawSlices(void); short BlankSlice(USHORT col,UCHAR *bmp); void BuildSliceAsm(void); void xRaySetup(void); // Routines for setting up and casting rays USHORT xRayCast(void); void yRaySetup(void); USHORT yRayCast(void); USHORT xRayCastMulti(void); USHORT yRayCastMulti(void); void ShowCol(void); // Routines for drawing a slice void ShowColMask(void); // column by column void ShowColNS(void); void ShowColMaskNS(void); void ShowColLow(void); void ShowColMaskLow(void); void DrawFloorCeiling(void); // Routines for drawing floors and ceilings void AckDrawFloor(void); void AckDrawFloorOnly(void); void AckDrawCeilingOnly(void); void AckDrawFloorNS(void); void AckDrawFloorOnlyNS(void); void AckDrawCeilingOnlyNS(void); void AckDrawFloorHz(void); void AckDrawOneFloor(void); void DrawSolidCeilAndFloor(void); void DrawSolidCeilAndFloorNS(void); void DrawSolidFloorAndCeil(void); void DrawSolidFloorAndCeilNS(void); void DrawSolidCeilSolidFloor(void); //±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± // Transfers certain variables from the interface structure to global // variables that can be accessed faster by the drawing functions. The // interface structure is kept by the application and more than one of // them can be used for different views. Each time a new view needs to // be processed, this function MUST be called before calling the // drawing routines. //±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± void AckRegisterStructure(ACKENG *ae) { int mode,i; aeGlobal = ae; // Global variable to reference ACKENG structure AckSetupWindow(ae); // Assign window variables to ACKENG structure xGridGlobal = ae->xGrid; // Global map for x walls yGridGlobal = ae->yGrid; // Global map for y walls mxGridGlobal = ae->mxGrid; // Wall data for multi-height walls myGridGlobal = ae->myGrid; WallbMaps = ae->bMaps; // Wall bitmap data gWinStartX = ae->WinStartX; // Coordinates of viewport; upper-left gWinStartY = ae->WinStartY; gWinEndX = ae->WinEndX; // Lower-right viewport coordinates gWinEndY = ae->WinEndY; gWinHeight = ae->WinHeight; // Height of viewport gWinWidth = ae->WinWidth; // Width of viewport gWinHalfHeight = (gWinEndY - (gWinHeight >> 1)) + 1; gCenterRow = ae->CenterRow; // Start of center row in viewport gCenterOff = ae->CenterOffset; // Offset to center of viewport gScrnBuffer = ae->ScreenBuffer; // Screen buffer access gScrnBufferCenter = gScrnBuffer + gCenterOff; gBkgdBuffer = ae->BkgdBuffer; // Buffer for ceiling and floors gPalTable = ae->PalTable; // Palette of colors used gDoor = &ae->Door[0]; // List of moving doors gTopColor = ae->TopColor; // Base color of ceiling gBottomColor = ae->BottomColor; // Base color of floor LightFlag = ae->LightFlag; // Light shading on or off indicator SysFlags = ae->SysFlags; // Scene display attributes (floors and ceilings) mode = 0; // Draw both textured floor and ceiling if (SysFlags & SYS_SOLID_CEIL) // Soild ceiling is selcted { mode = 1; // Draw floor only (ceiling will be solid) if (SysFlags & SYS_SOLID_FLOOR) // Solid floor is selcted mode = 2; // Draw solid floor and ceiling } if (SysFlags & SYS_SOLID_FLOOR) // Solid floor is selected { if (!mode) mode = 3; // Draw Ceiling only (floor will be solid) } if (!LightFlag) // No light shading used { WallRtn = ShowColNS; // Assembly routines for drawing slices WallMaskRtn = ShowColMaskNS; // using light shading switch (mode) // Check floor and ceiling type { case 0: // Draw both solid floor and ceiling if (ae->SysFlags & SYS_SINGLE_BMP) FloorCeilRtn = AckDrawOneFloor; // Use the same bitmap for each else FloorCeilRtn = AckDrawFloorHz; break; case 1: // Draw solid ceiling and texture floor FloorCeilRtn = DrawSolidCeilAndFloorNS; break; case 2: // Draw both solid floor and solid ceiling FloorCeilRtn = DrawSolidCeilSolidFloor; break; case 3: // Draw solid floor and texture ceiling FloorCeilRtn = DrawSolidFloorAndCeilNS; break; default: break; } } else // Light shading is used { WallRtn = ShowCol; // Assembly routines for drawing slices WallMaskRtn = ShowColMask; // using light shading switch (mode) { case 0: // Draw both floor and ceiling FloorCeilRtn = AckDrawFloor; break; case 1: // Draw solid ceiling and texture floor FloorCeilRtn = DrawSolidCeilAndFloor; break; case 2: // Draw both solid floor and solid ceiling FloorCeilRtn = DrawSolidCeilSolidFloor; break; case 3: // Draw solid floor and texture ceiling FloorCeilRtn = DrawSolidFloorAndCeil; break; default: break; } } // Test to see if viewport is full width (320 units) gWinStartOffset = ae->WinStartOffset; // Offset to viewport gBottomOff = (gWinEndY * 320); gWinFullWidth = 0; // Set flag to indicate viewport is not full width if (gWinStartX == 0 && gWinEndX == 319) // Viewport is full size { gWinFullWidth = 1; // Indicates viewport is full size gWinDWORDS = (gWinEndY - gWinStartY) * 80; // Calculate number of double } // words to access buffer // Test to see if multi-height walls are used gMultiWalls = 0; for (i = 0; i < GRID_MAX; i++) { if ((xGridGlobal[i] & WALL_TYPE_MULTI) || (yGridGlobal[i] & WALL_TYPE_MULTI)) { gMultiWalls = 1; // Indicates multi-height walls are used break; } } } //±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± // Render the current scene into the off-screen buffer based on the POV // coordinates and angle. This function does NOT display the scene once // it is rendered so the application can overlay graphics into the buffer // before it is actually displayed. //±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± void AckBuildView(void) { // Set up global variables to be used with assembly language routines xPglobal = aeGlobal->xPlayer; // The player's x coordinate xBegGlobal = xPglobal & GRID_MASK; // Upper left corner (x) of the grid // square the player is in xPglobalHI = ((long)xPglobal << FP_SHIFT); // Convert x coordinate to fixed point yPglobal = aeGlobal->yPlayer; // The player's y coordinate yBegGlobal = yPglobal & GRID_MASK; // Upper left corner (y) of grid square yPglobalHI = ((long)yPglobal << FP_SHIFT); // Convert y coordinate to fixed point PlayerAngle = aeGlobal->PlayerAngle; // The player's angle SysFlags = aeGlobal->SysFlags; // Ceiling and floor attributes; BuildUpView(); // Assembly routine defined in ACKRTN3.ASM. This routine // kicks off the ray casting process. } //±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± // Stub function for drawing slices that do not contain walls. //±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± void ShowNone(void) { return; } //±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± // Internal function to cast the x and y rays and build a slice structure // for each column of the viewing window. //±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± void BuildSlice(void) { short j,index,wFound; long xBitmap,yBitmap,BitmapNumber; short DoorOpenColumn; ULONG xDistance,yDistance; ULONG xd,yd,mf; long WallDistance,UnAdjustDist; long distance,LightAdj; USHORT BitmapColumn,yBitmapColumn; long OldMapPosn,OldMapPosn1; long HoldAngle; long offset; long mPos; USHORT *gPtr; UCHAR *mgPtr; SLICE *spNext; WallDistance = 3000000; // Set to a ridiculous distance sPtr->Distance = 200; // Initialize the distance from the POV to the slice wFound = 0; // Wall not found yet sPtr->Fnc = ShowNone; // Use the stub function for now for drawing the slice // Call the low level ray casting function and see if anything is hit. if ((BitmapNumber = xRayCast()) != 0) // Something has been hit while casting { // in the x plane wFound = 1; // Set flag to indicate a hit // Use the y intercept to determine the column of the slice BitmapColumn = (LastY1 >> FP_SHIFT) & (BITMAP_WIDTH-1); // Keep the orientation the same no matter which side we're on if ((short)iLastX < xPglobal) BitmapColumn = (BITMAP_WIDTH-1) - BitmapColumn; // Did we strike a door? if ((BitmapNumber & (DOOR_TYPE_SLIDE+DOOR_TYPE_SPLIT))) { index = FindDoor(xMapPosn); // Locate the position of the door if (index >= 0) // Is this is a valid door? { j = aeGlobal->Door[index].ColOffset; // Get the door's current pos offset = 0; if (BitmapNumber & DOOR_TYPE_SLIDE) // Is the door a slider? { DoorOpenColumn = BITMAP_WIDTH-1; if ((short)iLastX > xPglobal) // Handle orientation j = -j; BitmapColumn += j; // Adjust column to show } if (BitmapNumber & DOOR_TYPE_SPLIT) // Is the door a split door? { DoorOpenColumn = (BITMAP_WIDTH/2)-1; if (BitmapColumn < (BITMAP_WIDTH/2)) { BitmapColumn += j; if (BitmapColumn > (BITMAP_WIDTH/2)-1) offset = 1; } else { BitmapColumn -= j; if (BitmapColumn < (BITMAP_WIDTH/2)) offset = 1; } } // End processing split door if (offset == 1 || BitmapColumn > (BITMAP_WIDTH-1)) { // Get the grid coordinates for this door OldMapPosn = aeGlobal->Door[index].mPos; OldMapPosn1 = aeGlobal->Door[index].mPos1; // Fake the engine into thinking no door is there xGridGlobal[OldMapPosn] = 0; xGridGlobal[OldMapPosn1] = 0; // Cast the ray to get walls beyond the door BitmapNumber = xRayCast(); // Put back the door codes if not fully open if (aeGlobal->Door[index].ColOffset < DoorOpenColumn) { xGridGlobal[OldMapPosn] = aeGlobal->Door[index].mCode; xGridGlobal[OldMapPosn1] = aeGlobal->Door[index].mCode1; } // Calc the new bitmap column of wall behind door BitmapColumn = (LastY1 >> FP_SHIFT) & (BITMAP_WIDTH-1); if ((short)iLastX < xPglobal) BitmapColumn = (BITMAP_WIDTH-1) - BitmapColumn; } } } // End processing doors //============================================================== // Calculate the distance to the wall. Since the x position was // fixed to move 64 or -64 we can use it to determine the actual // wall distance. The InvCosTable values were stored with a fixed // point of 20 decimal places. At this time we'll knock off 14 of // them so we can later multiply with a fixed point value of 16 //============================================================== xd = iLastX - xPglobal; // x Distance to the found slice mf = InvCosTable[ViewAngle]; // Get the cosine of the angle WallDistance = (xd * mf) >> 10; // Calculate the actual distance to the slice if (WallDistance > 33554432L) // Check for out of range WallDistance = 1200000L; gPtr = xGridGlobal; // Point to xGrid map mgPtr = mxGridGlobal[xMapPosn]; // Point to grid map for multi-height walls mPos = xMapPosn; // Access actual map position } // End (if BitmapNumber = xRayCast() ...) // Time to cast the ray in the y plane if ((yBitmap = yRayCast()) != 0) // Something has been hit while casting { // Use the X intercept to determine the column of the bitmap yBitmapColumn = (LastX1 >> FP_SHIFT) & (BITMAP_WIDTH-1); // Handle orientation from either side of the wall if ((short)iLastY > yPglobal) yBitmapColumn = (BITMAP_WIDTH-1) - yBitmapColumn; // Did we strike a door? if ((yBitmap & (DOOR_TYPE_SLIDE+DOOR_TYPE_SPLIT))) { index = FindDoor(yMapPosn); if (index >= 0) // Is this is a valid door? { // Get the current door column offset j = aeGlobal->Door[index].ColOffset; offset = 0; // Deal with orientation if (yBitmap & DOOR_TYPE_SLIDE) // Is this a sliding door? { DoorOpenColumn = BITMAP_WIDTH-1; if ((short)iLastY < yPglobal) j = -j; yBitmapColumn += j; } // End processing sliding door if (yBitmap & DOOR_TYPE_SPLIT) // Is this a split door? { DoorOpenColumn = (BITMAP_WIDTH/2)-1; if (yBitmapColumn < (BITMAP_WIDTH/2)) { yBitmapColumn += j; if (yBitmapColumn > (BITMAP_WIDTH/2)-1) offset = 1; } else { yBitmapColumn -= j; if (yBitmapColumn < (BITMAP_WIDTH/2)) offset = 1; } } // End processing split door // If beyond width of bitmap than cast again if (offset == 1 || yBitmapColumn > (BITMAP_WIDTH-1)) { // Get the yGrid coordinates for this door OldMapPosn = aeGlobal->Door[index].mPos; OldMapPosn1 = aeGlobal->Door[index].mPos1; // Fool the engine into thinking no door is there yGridGlobal[OldMapPosn] = 0; yGridGlobal[OldMapPosn1] = 0; // Cast again for walls beyond the door yBitmap = yRayCast(); // Put door code back if not fully open if (aeGlobal->Door[index].ColOffset < DoorOpenColumn) { yGridGlobal[OldMapPosn] = aeGlobal->Door[index].mCode; yGridGlobal[OldMapPosn1] = aeGlobal->Door[index].mCode1; } // Get the bitmap column of wall beyond door yBitmapColumn = (LastX1 >> FP_SHIFT) & (BITMAP_WIDTH-1); if ((short)iLastY > yPglobal) yBitmapColumn = (BITMAP_WIDTH-1) - yBitmapColumn; } } } //============================================================== // Calculate the distance to the wall. Since the y position was // fixed to move 64 or -64 we can use it to determine the actual // wall distance. The InvSinTable values were stored with a fixed // point of 20 decimal places. At this time we'll knock off 14 of // them so we can later multiply with a fixed point value of 16 //============================================================== yd = iLastY - yPglobal; // Distance from player's position to intersection point mf = InvSinTable[ViewAngle]; // Use angle with look up table yDistance = (yd * mf) >> 8; // Calculate y distance if (yDistance > 33554432L) // Distance is out of range, adjust yDistance = 120000L; //============================================================== // At this point check the distance to the y wall against the x // wall to see which one is closer. The closer one is the one // we'll draw at this column of the screen. //============================================================== if (yDistance < WallDistance) // Use distance to y slice if this slice is closer { wFound = 1; // Indicates that a slice has been found WallDistance = yDistance; // Use distance to y slice BitmapNumber = yBitmap; // Transfer bitmap number BitmapColumn = yBitmapColumn; // Transfer bitmap column gPtr = yGridGlobal; // Store pointer to global y grid mPos = yMapPosn; // Store position of y wall in map mgPtr = myGridGlobal[mPos]; } } // End (if yBitmap = yRayCast()) != 0) // A slice has been found so process it if (wFound) { //============================================================= // To avoid a fishbowl affect we need to adjust the distance so // it appears perpendicular to the center point of the display // which is relative angle 0 from the players current angle. We // started at -32 degrees for the first screen column and will // cycle from -32 down to 0 then back up to +32 degrees. This // cosine value was pre-calculated and placed in ViewCosTable. //============================================================= UnAdjustDist = WallDistance >> 5; yd = ViewCosTable[ViewColumn] >> 3; // Use current column as look up index WallDistance *= yd; // Now we strip off somemore decimal points and check round-up xd = WallDistance >> 12; if (WallDistance - (xd << 12) >= 2048) xd++; // The last decimal points from the multiplication after the x and // y rays is stripped off and checked for round-up WallDistance = xd >> 5; if (xd - (WallDistance << 5) >= 16) WallDistance++; // This is an arbitrary minimum distance to look for if (WallDistance < 10) WallDistance = 10; // Reset distance to minimum allowed // Don't want it to go outside our table boundaries if (WallDistance >= MAX_DISTANCE) WallDistance = MAX_DISTANCE - 1; // Reset distance to max allowed // Save the wall data to display when done with entire screen sPtr->Distance = WallDistance; // Store the adjusted distance to the wall sPtr->bNumber = BitmapNumber; // The bitmap number for the wall slice sPtr->bColumn = BitmapColumn; // The screen column position to display the bitmap sPtr->bMap = WallbMaps; // Pointer to the bitmap sPtr->Active = 0; // Indicates slice is not displayable yetlast one sPtr->Type = ST_WALL; // Indicates this slice is part of a wall sPtr->Fnc = WallRtn; // Pointer to function to draw slice sPtr->mPos = mPos; // Position of the slice in the grid map sPtr->mPtr = mgPtr; // Grid pointer to reference multi-height wall spNext = sPtr->Next; // Reference wall slice behind current slice if (WallDistance > MaxDistance) MaxDistance = WallDistance; if (CeilMap[mPos]) LastWallHeight = 9000; if (((BitmapNumber & WALL_TYPE_UPPER) || // Wall is above the floor level (BitmapNumber & WALL_TYPE_TRANS)) && // or wall slice is transparent and it spNext != NULL) // has something behind it { BitmapColumn = gPtr[mPos]; // Get position of the mult-height wall gPtr[mPos] = 0; sPtr->Active = 1; // More slices to follow if wall is displayable! if (BitmapNumber & WALL_TYPE_TRANS) // The wall is transparent { sPtr->Type = ST_OBJECT; // We have an object sPtr->Fnc = WallMaskRtn; // Using a different drawing routine } sPtr = spNext; // Point to slice behind spNext->Active = 0; // Initialize the slice behind before building it spNext->bNumber = 0; BuildSlice(); // Call BuildSlice() again to build the slice behind gPtr[mPos] = BitmapColumn; // Store position of slice if (!sPtr->bNumber) // Slice behind is no longer visible { spNext = sPtr->Prev; // Link up slices if (spNext != NULL) spNext->Active = 0; } } else { // Keep tack of each distance to wall slice for drawing floor later on if (UnAdjustDist < WallDistTable[ViewColumn]) WallDistTable[ViewColumn] = UnAdjustDist; } } } //±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± // Continues the ray cast for multi-height walls so that any wall that is // taller than the walls in front of it will be displayed. //±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± void BuildSliceMulti(void) { short j,index,wFound; USHORT yHeight; USHORT xBitmap,yBitmap,BitmapNumber; short DoorOpenColumn; short xWallHeight,yWallHeight; ULONG xDistance,yDistance; ULONG xd,yd,mf; long WallDistance; USHORT distance,LightAdj; USHORT BitmapColumn,yBitmapColumn; short OldMapPosn,OldMapPosn1; short HoldAngle,HoldX,HoldY,xp1,yp1; USHORT offset; short mPos; USHORT *gPtr; UCHAR *mgPtr; SLICE *spNext; WallDistance = 3000000; // Set to a very far off distance wFound = 0; // Indicates a slice has not been found // Don't cast an x ray if its impossible to intercept any x walls if (ViewAngle != INT_ANGLE_90 && ViewAngle != INT_ANGLE_270) { if ((BitmapNumber = xRayCastMulti()) != 0) // Cast the x ray and build multi-height slice { xBitmap = BitmapNumber & 0xFF; // Get the bitmap code if (((BitmapNumber & WALL_TYPE_MULTI) || // Check for multi-height (BitmapNumber & WALL_TYPE_UPPER)) && // or slice that is taller than one in front (xBitmap > LastWallHeight)) { // LastWallHeight = xBitmap; wFound = 1; // Indicates a multi-slice wall has been found // Use the y intercept to determine the wall column BitmapColumn = (LastY1 >> FP_SHIFT) & (BITMAP_WIDTH-1); // Keep the orientation the same no matter which side we're on if ((short)iLastX < xPglobal) BitmapColumn = (BITMAP_WIDTH-1) - BitmapColumn; xd = iLastX - xPglobal; mf = InvCosTable[ViewAngle]; // Use angle to calculate distance to slice WallDistance = (xd * mf) >> 10; if (WallDistance > 33554432L) // Check for out of range WallDistance = 1200000L; gPtr = xGridGlobal; // Reference global map grid mPos = xMapPosn; // Use position of slice mgPtr = mxGridGlobal[mPos]; // Get pointer to multi-height slice found } } } // Don't cast a y ray if its impossible to intercept any y walls if (ViewAngle != 0 && ViewAngle != INT_ANGLE_180) { if ((yBitmap = yRayCastMulti()) != 0) // Cast the y ray to build multi-height slice { yHeight = yBitmap & 0xFF; // Get the bitmap code of slice if (((yBitmap & WALL_TYPE_MULTI) || (yBitmap & WALL_TYPE_UPPER)) && (yHeight > LastWallHeight)) { yWallHeight = yHeight; // Use the x intercept to determine the column of the bitmap yBitmapColumn = (LastX1 >> FP_SHIFT) & (BITMAP_WIDTH-1); // Handle orientation from either side of the wall if ((short)iLastY > yPglobal) yBitmapColumn = (BITMAP_WIDTH-1) - yBitmapColumn; yd = iLastY - yPglobal; mf = InvSinTable[ViewAngle]; // Use angle to calculate distance to slice yDistance = (yd * mf) >> 8; if (yDistance > 33554432L) // Is distance in range? yDistance = 120000L; //============================================================== // At this point check the distance to the Y wall against the // wall to see which one is closer. The closer one is the one // we'll draw at this column of the screen. //============================================================== if (yDistance < WallDistance) // Use distance to y slice if this slice is closer { wFound = 1; // Indicates that a slice has been found WallDistance = yDistance; // Use distance to y slice BitmapNumber = yBitmap; // Transfer bitmap number BitmapColumn = yBitmapColumn; // Transfer bitmap column gPtr = yGridGlobal; // Store pointer to global y grid mPos = yMapPosn; // Store position of y wall in map xBitmap = yHeight; mgPtr = myGridGlobal[mPos]; // Store pointer to multi-height slice } } } } if (wFound) // A multi-wall slice has been found so process it { LastWallHeight = xBitmap; yd = ViewCosTable[ViewColumn] >> 2; WallDistance *= yd; // Now we strip off somemore decimal points and check round-up xd = WallDistance >> 12; if (WallDistance - (xd << 12) >= 2048) xd++; //============================================================== // The last decimal points from the multiplication after the X and // Y rays is stripped off and checked for round-up. //============================================================== WallDistance = xd >> 5; if (xd - (WallDistance << 5) >= 16) WallDistance++; // Don't really need to, but put it into an integer for fast compare distance = WallDistance; // This is an arbitrary minimum distance to look for if (distance < 10) distance = 10; // Don't want it to go outside our table boundaries if (distance >= MAX_DISTANCE) distance = MAX_DISTANCE - 1; // Save the wall data to display when done with entire screen sPtr->Active = 1; sPtr = sPtr->Next; if (sPtr == NULL) return; sPtr->Distance = distance; // Update slice data in slice structure sPtr->bNumber = BitmapNumber; sPtr->bColumn = BitmapColumn; sPtr->bMap = WallbMaps; sPtr->Active = 0; sPtr->Type = ST_WALL; sPtr->Fnc = WallRtn; sPtr->mPos = mPos; sPtr->mPtr = mgPtr; spNext = sPtr->Next; if (spNext != NULL) { BuildSliceMulti(); // Recursive call to build the slice behind } } } //******************************************************************** // Internal function called by AckCheckDoorOpen() to // check for a collision with a wall within a certain distance. //******************************************************************** short AckCheckHit(short xPlayer,short yPlayer,short vAngle) { short BitmapNumber,yBitmap; short WallCode; ULONG WallDistance; ULONG xd,yd,mf,yDistance; long CheckDist; WallDistance = 3000000; // Set to a ridiculous value WallCode = POV_NOTHING; CheckDist = 56L; // (was 48) Initial minimum distance to look for BitmapNumber = 0; // Initialize to no bitmap found xPglobal = xPlayer; xBegGlobal = xPglobal & GRID_MASK; xPglobalHI = ((long)xPglobal << FP_SHIFT); yPglobal = yPlayer; yBegGlobal = yPglobal & GRID_MASK; yPglobalHI = ((long)yPglobal << FP_SHIFT); ViewAngle = vAngle; if (MoveObjectCount) memmove(ObjectsSeen,MoveObjectList,MoveObjectCount); FoundObjectCount = MoveObjectCount; //************************************************************************ // Don't allow one of these angles, causes either the X or Y ray to not be // cast which gives a false reading about an obstacle. //************************************************************************ if (ViewAngle == INT_ANGLE_45 || ViewAngle == INT_ANGLE_135 || ViewAngle == INT_ANGLE_225 || ViewAngle == INT_ANGLE_315) { ViewAngle++; } xRaySetup(); BitmapNumber = xRayCast(); if (BitmapNumber & (WALL_TYPE_UPPER+WALL_TYPE_PASS)) BitmapNumber = 0; if (BitmapNumber) { xd = iLastX - xPlayer; mf = InvCosTable[ViewAngle]; WallDistance = (xd * mf) >> 10; if (WallDistance > 33554432L) WallDistance = 1200000L; // Set the wall struck code to an X wall WallCode = POV_XWALL; LastMapPosn = xMapPosn; } yRaySetup(); yBitmap = yRayCast(); if (yBitmap & (WALL_TYPE_UPPER+WALL_TYPE_PASS)) yBitmap = 0; if (yBitmap) { yd = iLastY - yPlayer; mf = InvSinTable[ViewAngle]; yDistance = (yd * mf) >> 8; if (yDistance > 33554432L) yDistance = 120000L; // If Y wall closer than X wall then use Y wall data if (yDistance < WallDistance) { WallDistance = yDistance; // Indicate the wall struck was a Y wall WallCode = POV_YWALL; BitmapNumber = yBitmap; LastMapPosn = yMapPosn; } } //************************************************************************ // Since doors appear in the middle of the wall, adjust the minimum distance // to it. This handles walking up close to a door. //************************************************************************ if (BitmapNumber & (DOOR_TYPE_SLIDE+DOOR_TYPE_SPLIT)) CheckDist += 64L; BitmapNumber &= 0xFF; if (WallCode) { yd = ViewCosTable[160] >> 3; WallDistance *= yd; // Now we strip off somemore decimal points and check round-up xd = WallDistance >> 12; if (WallDistance - (xd << 12) >= 2048) xd++; //********************************************************************* // The last decimal points from the multiplication after the X and // Y rays is stripped off and checked for round-up. //********************************************************************* WallDistance = xd >> 5; if (xd - (WallDistance << 5) >= 16) WallDistance++; //********************************************************************* // If the wall or object is further than the minimum distance, we can // continue moving in this direction. //********************************************************************* if (WallDistance > CheckDist) WallCode = POV_NOTHING; } return(WallCode); } // **** End of Source ****