IDEAL JUMPS P386 P387 ; Allow 386 processor MASM .MODEL FLAT ;32-bit OS/2 model .CODE IDEAL include "" extrn _gMultiWalls:word extrn _WallDistTable:dword extrn _BackDropRows:dword extrn _FloorCeilRtn:dword extrn _Resolution:word extrn _ScreenOffset:word extrn _bmDistance:dword extrn _bmWall:dword extrn _scPtr:dword extrn _VidTop:dword extrn _VidBottom:dword extrn _Floors1:dword extrn _Floors2:dword extrn _PlayerAngle:word extrn _BackArray:dword extrn _gWinStartX:word extrn _gWinStartY:word extrn _gWinEndX:word extrn _gWinEndY:word extrn _gWinHeight:word extrn _gWinWidth:word extrn _gCenterRow:word extrn _gCenterOff:word extrn _scVid:dword extrn _scWall:dword extrn _scPal:dword extrn _scdst:word extrn _scwht:word extrn _scmulti:word extrn _sctopht:word extrn _scbotht:word extrn _scsavwht:word extrn _scmulcnt:word extrn _scsavVid:dword extrn _scbNum:word extrn _scMulData:dword extrn _scColumn:dword extrn _WallbMaps:dword extrn _FloorMap:word extrn _CeilMap:word extrn _LastWallHeight:word extrn _ViewAngle:word extrn _ScreenOffset:word extrn _xPglobal:dword extrn _yPglobal:dword extrn _xBegGlobal:dword extrn _yBegGlobal:dword extrn _aeGlobal:dword extrn _xGridGlobal:dword extrn _yGridGlobal:dword extrn _xPglobalHI:dword extrn _yPglobalHI:dword extrn _rbaTable:dword extrn _rsHandle:word extrn _LastX1:dword extrn _LastY1:dword extrn _iLastX:dword extrn _iLastY;dword extrn _MaxDistance:word extrn _ErrorCode:word extrn _xMapPosn:dword extrn _yMapPosn:dword extrn _Grid:dword extrn _ObjGrid:dword extrn _ViewHeight:word extrn _CeilingHeight:word extrn _gTopColor:byte extrn _gBottomColor:byte extrn _PlayerAngle:word extrn _gScrnBuffer:dword extrn _gBkgdBuffer:dword extrn _gCenterOff:word extrn _gWinHeight:word extrn _SysFlags:word extrn _xSecretmPos:word extrn _xSecretmPos1:word extrn _xSecretColumn:word extrn _ySecretmPos:word extrn _ySecretmPos1:word extrn _ySecretColumn:word extrn _TotalSecret:word extrn _ViewColumn:word extrn _SinTable:dword extrn _CosTable:dword extrn _LongTanTable:dword extrn _LongInvTanTable:dword extrn _InvCosTable:byte extrn _InvSinTable:byte extrn _LongCosTable:dword extrn _ViewCosTable:dword extrn _xNextTable:dword extrn _yNextTable:dword extrn _LastMapPosn:word extrn _LastObjectHit:word extrn _TotalObjects:word extrn _FoundObjectCount:word extrn _ObjectsSeen:byte extrn _MoveObjectCount:word extrn _MoveObjectList:byte extrn _ObjNumber:byte extrn _ObjRelDist:byte extrn _ObjColumn:byte extrn _x_xPos:dword extrn _x_yPos:dword extrn _x_xNext:dword extrn _x_yNext:dword extrn _y_xPos:dword extrn _y_yPos:dword extrn _y_xNext:dword extrn _y_yNext:dword extrn _Slice:dword extrn _sPtr:dword extrn _HitMap:byte ACKEXT xRaySetup ACKEXT yRaySetup ACKEXT BuildSlice ACKEXT xRayCast ACKEXT yRayCast ACKEXT AckDrawFloor ACKEXT AckDrawFloorOnly ACKEXT AckDrawCeilingOnly ACKEXT DrawWalls ACKEXT CheckDoors ACKEXT BuildSliceMulti ACKEXT FindObject ACKPUBS xRayCastMulti ACKPUBS yRayCastMulti ACKPUBS ShowColLow ACKPUBS ShowColMaskLow ACKPUBS BuildUpView align 2 ;±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ; ;±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ACKPROC ShowColLow push ebp push esi push edi mov ebp,eax mov [_scPtr],eax mov edi,[_scVid] mov edx,[_scPal] mov ax,[_scwht] mov [_scsavwht],ax movsx ecx,[_sctopht] mov ebx,[_scWall] add ebx,ecx mov [_bmWall],ebx mov ch,al inc ch mov eax,0 mov ebx,0 ;--TEST------------------------------------------------------------------------ test [word ptr _scbNum],WALL_TYPE_UPPER jz short toprun mov ebp,[_bmDistance] zztoploop: dec ch jz short zzdomulti add bx,bp cmp bh,cl jge short zzdomulti sub di,320 jmp zztoploop zzdomulti: mov ebp,[_scPtr] mov [_scwht],cx mov [_scsavVid],edi jmp chkmulti ;--TEST------------------------------------------------------------------------ toprun: mov ebp,[_bmDistance] toploop: movsx eax,bh mov esi,[_bmWall] sub esi,eax mov al,[esi] mov al,[edx+eax] mov ah,al mov [edi],ax add bx,bp cmp bh,cl jg short botrun dec ch jz short botrun sub edi,320 jmp toploop botrun: mov ebp,[_scPtr] mov [_scwht],cx mov [_scsavVid],edi mov [_VidTop],edi mov edi,[_scVid] mov cx,[_scbotht] mov bx,[_scsavwht] mov ch,bl mov ebx,0 mov esi,[_bmWall] inc esi mov ebp,[_bmDistance] dec cl botloop: add edi,320 movsx ax,bh mov al,[esi+eax] mov al,[edx+eax] mov ah,al mov [edi],ax dec ch jz short chkmulti add bx,bp cmp bh,cl jl botloop chkmulti: mov [_VidBottom],edi mov ebp,[_scPtr] mov edi,[_scsavVid] cmp [word ptr _scmulti],0 jz alldone mov cx,[_scmulcnt] mov ebx,[_scMulData] ;ptr to count and wall data mov cl,[ebx] ;get count of data inc ebx mov al,[ebx] ;first wall to show inc ebx mov [_scMulData],ebx movsx ebx,al ;get wall number shl ebx,2 ;x4 for index into wall bitmap array mov eax,[_WallbMaps] mov ebx,[eax+ebx] add ebx,[dword ptr _scColumn] ;add in current column add ebx,63 ;point to bottom of column mov [_bmWall],ebx mov bx,[_scwht] mov ch,bh cmp ch,0 jz short alldone mov ebx,0 mov ebp,[_bmDistance] mulloop: sub edi,320 movsx eax,bh mov esi,[_bmWall] sub esi,eax mov al,[esi] mov al,[edx+eax] mov ah,al mov [edi],ax dec ch jz short alldone add bx,bp cmp bh,64 jge short nextlevel jmp mulloop nextlevel: dec cl jz short alldone mov ebx,[_scMulData] mov al,[ebx] ;next wall number inc ebx mov [_scMulData],ebx movsx ebx,al shl ebx,2 mov eax,[_WallbMaps] mov ebx,[eax+ebx] add ebx,[dword ptr _scColumn] ;add in current column add ebx,63 ;point to bottom of column mov [_bmWall],ebx mov ebx,0 jmp mulloop alldone: mov [_VidTop],edi pop edi pop esi pop ebp ret endp align 2 ;±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ; ;±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ACKPROC ShowColMaskLow push ebp push esi push edi mov ebp,eax mov [_scPtr],eax mov edi,[_scVid] mov edx,[_scPal] mov ax,[_scwht] mov [_scsavwht],ax movsx ecx,[_sctopht] mov ebx,[_scWall] add ebx,ecx mov [_bmWall],ebx mov ch,al mov eax,0 mov ebx,0 ;--TEST------------------------------------------------------------------------ test [word ptr _scbNum],WALL_TYPE_UPPER jz short m_toprun mov ebp,[_bmDistance] m_zztoploop: dec ch jz short m_zzdomulti add bx,bp cmp bh,cl jge short m_zzdomulti sub edi,320 jmp m_zztoploop m_zzdomulti: mov ebp,[_scPtr] mov [_scwht],cx mov [_scsavVid],edi jmp m_chkmulti ;--TEST------------------------------------------------------------------------ m_toprun: mov ebp,[_bmDistance] m_toploop: movsx eax,bh mov esi,[_bmWall] sub esi,eax mov al,[esi] or al,al jz m_blank1 mov al,[edx+eax] mov ah,al mov [edi],ax m_blank1: add bx,bp cmp bh,cl jg short m_botrun dec ch jz short m_botrun sub edi,320 jmp m_toploop m_botrun: mov ebp,[_scPtr] mov [_scwht],cx mov [_scsavVid],edi mov edi,[_scVid] mov cx,[_scbotht] mov bx,[_scsavwht] mov ch,bl mov ebx,0 mov esi,[_bmWall] inc esi mov ebp,[_bmDistance] m_botloop: add edi,320 movsx ax,bh mov al,[esi+eax] or al,al jz m_blank2 mov al,[edx+eax] mov ah,al mov [edi],ax m_blank2: dec ch jz short m_chkmulti add bx,bp cmp bh,cl jl m_botloop m_chkmulti: mov ebp,[_scPtr] cmp [word ptr _scmulti],0 jz short m_alldone mov cx,[_scmulcnt] mov bx,[_scwht] mov ch,bh cmp ch,0 jz short m_alldone mov edi,[_scsavVid] mov ebx,[_scWall] add ebx,63 mov [_bmWall],ebx mov ebx,0 mov ebp,[_bmDistance] m_mulloop: sub edi,320 movsx eax,bh mov esi,[_bmWall] sub esi,eax mov al,[esi] or al,al jz m_blank3 mov al,[edx+eax] mov ah,al mov [edi],ax m_blank3: dec ch jz short m_alldone add bx,bp cmp bh,64 jge short m_nextlevel jmp m_mulloop m_nextlevel: mov ebx,0 dec cl jnz m_mulloop m_alldone: pop edi pop esi pop ebp ret endp ;±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ; ;±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ACKPROC xRayCastMulti push ebp mov ebp,esp sub esp,50 push esi push edi push ebx push ecx push edx mov [word ptr retval],0 looptop: mov edx,[dword ptr _x_xPos] cmp edx,large 0 jl short getout cmp edx,large 4096 jg short getout mov eax,[_x_yPos] cmp eax,large 0 jl short getout cmp eax,large 010000000h jle short inbounds getout: jmp loopdone inbounds: sar eax,16 and ax,-64 sar edx,6 add ax,dx mov si,ax shl ax,1 movsx eax,ax mov ebx,[dword ptr _ObjGrid] mov ax,[word ptr ebx+eax] or ax,ax jz short no_obj and ax,0FFh mov [word ptr Color],ax movsx ecx,[_FoundObjectCount] ;// Get number of current objects seen mov ebx,ecx jcxz short nofound ;// None found yet, add this new one mov edi,offset _ObjectsSeen repne scasb ;// See if this object already seen jz short no_obj ;// Yes, ignore this ray then nofound: mov edi,offset _ObjectsSeen mov [edi+ebx],al inc bx mov [word ptr _FoundObjectCount],bx no_obj: movsx eax,si shl eax,1 mov ebx,[dword ptr _xGridGlobal] mov cx,[ebx+eax] or cx,cx jz short next_square test cx,WALL_UPPER_MULTI jz short next_square cmp cl,[byte ptr _LastWallHeight] jbe short next_square mov [word ptr _xMapPosn],si mov ebx,[dword ptr _x_xPos] mov [dword ptr _iLastX],ebx mov edx,[dword ptr _x_yPos] mov [dword ptr _LastY1],edx movsx eax,cx jmp short xRayDone next_square: mov eax,[dword ptr _x_xNext] add [dword ptr _x_xPos],eax mov eax,[dword ptr _x_yNext] add [dword ptr _x_yPos],eax jmp looptop loopdone: movsx eax,[word ptr retval] xRayDone: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop edi pop esi mov esp,ebp pop ebp ret endp ;±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ; ;±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ACKPROC yRayCastMulti push ebp mov ebp,esp sub esp,50 push esi push edi push ebx push ecx push edx mov [word ptr retval],0 y_looptop: mov edx,[dword ptr _y_xPos] cmp edx,large 0 jl short y_getout cmp edx,large 010000000h jg short y_getout mov eax,[_y_yPos] cmp eax,large 0 jl short y_getout cmp eax,large 4096 jle short y_inbounds y_getout: jmp loopdone y_inbounds: sar edx,22 and ax,-64 add ax,dx mov si,ax shl ax,1 movsx eax,ax mov ebx,[dword ptr _ObjGrid] mov ax,[ebx+eax] or ax,ax jz short y_no_obj and ax,0FFh mov [word ptr Color],ax movsx ecx,[_FoundObjectCount] mov ebx,ecx jcxz short y_nofound mov edi,offset _ObjectsSeen repne scasb jz short y_no_obj y_nofound: mov edi,offset _ObjectsSeen mov [edi+ebx],al inc bx mov [word ptr _FoundObjectCount],bx y_no_obj: movsx eax,si shl eax,1 mov ebx,[dword ptr _yGridGlobal] mov cx,[ebx+eax] or cx,cx jz short y_next_square y_wall_here: test cx,WALL_UPPER_MULTI jz short y_next_square cmp cl,[byte ptr _LastWallHeight] jbe short y_next_square mov [word ptr _yMapPosn],si mov ebx,[dword ptr _y_xPos] mov [dword ptr _LastX1],ebx mov edx,[dword ptr _y_yPos] mov [dword ptr _iLastY],edx mov edx,ebx movsx eax,cx jmp short yRayDone y_next_square: mov eax,[dword ptr _y_xNext] add [dword ptr _y_xPos],eax mov eax,[dword ptr _y_yNext] add [dword ptr _y_yPos],eax jmp y_looptop y_loopdone: movsx eax,[word ptr retval] yRayDone: pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop edi pop esi mov esp,ebp pop ebp ret endp ;±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ; ;±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ACKPROC CheckHitMap mov edi,offset _HitMap mov edx,edi mov ecx,4096 mov esi,[dword ptr _ObjGrid] chmLoop: xor eax,eax repe scasb jcxz chmDone mov ebx,edi ;get current location sub ebx,edx ;minus start for actual offset dec ebx ;minus base 0 offset shl ebx,1 ;times 2 for word array mov ax,[word ptr esi+ebx] or al,al ;is there an object there? jz chmLoop ;nope, keep checking movzx ebx,[word ptr _FoundObjectCount] mov [byte ptr _ObjectsSeen+ebx],al inc ebx mov [word ptr _FoundObjectCount],bx jmp chmLoop chmDone: ret endp ;±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ; ;±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ACKPROC BuildUpView push ebp ; Save registers used by this routine push esi push edi push ebx push ecx push edx ACKCALL CheckDoors ; Determine the state of the doors used in the view mov edi,offset _HitMap ; Access the hit map mov ecx,1024 ; Size of the hit map xor eax,eax ; Clear each location rep stosd ; Clear out entire hit map ; Check to see if moveable objects are found in the view. If so, access the object list ; and store the objects. mov [word ptr _MaxDistance],0 movzx ecx,[word ptr _MoveObjectCount] ; Get # of moveable objects mov [_FoundObjectCount],cx ; Store # of objects found in view jcxz short buv010 ; No objects are used, jump ahead mov edi,offset _ObjectsSeen ; Reference global object list mov esi,offset _MoveObjectList ; List of movable objects mov ebx,ecx ; # of moveable objects sar ecx,2 ; Divide by 2 rep movsd mov ecx,ebx ; # of moveable objects and ecx,3 rep movsb ; Finish copying _ObjectSeen to ; _MoveObjectList buv010: movzx esi,[_gWinEndX] ; Get right side of viewport cmp si,320 ; Is right coord. = 320? jae short buv020 inc esi ; Adjust right viewport if not 320 buv020: movzx eax,[_PlayerAngle] ; Get current player’s angle sub eax,INT_ANGLE_32 ; Check with 32 degree point jnc short buv030 ; Skip if in range add eax,INT_ANGLE_360 ; Add 360 degrees to angle buv030: movzx ebx,[_gWinStartX] ; Get left side of viewport mov [_ViewColumn],bx ; Save location in _ViewColumn add eax,ebx ; Add angle to left side cmp eax,INT_ANGLE_360 ; Are we out of range? jl short buv040 ; We’re ok! sub eax,INT_ANGLE_360 ; Reduce angle by 360 degrees buv040: mov [_ViewAngle],ax ; Store updated angle ; The start of the main loop that builds individual slices for the view. ; This loop continues until the entire view has been built. Each time through ; the loop, the player’s viewing angle is increased. This continues until a full ; 64 degre range is casted (assuming a full width screen is used). buv050: movzx ebx,[_ViewColumn] ; Get left column position mov [dword ptr _WallDistTable+ebx*4],4096 ; Max distance to walls mov eax,offset _Slice ; Access base adress of Slice structure imul ebx,saSize ; Calculate offset into actual slice add eax,ebx ; Add offset to base address mov [_sPtr],eax ; Set up pointer to actual column slice movzx edi,[_ViewAngle] ; Use current viewing angle ACKCALL xRaySetup ; Set up x ray to start casting buv060: ACKCALL yRaySetup ; Set up y ray to start casting buv070: mov [word ptr _LastWallHeight],0 ; For checking mult-height walls ACKCALL BuildSlice ; Build the current slice cmp [word ptr _gMultiWalls],0 ; Are multi-height walls used? jz short buv080 ; Nope, no need to check cmp [word ptr _LastWallHeight],200 ; No need to check if > 200 jg short buv080 mov eax,[_sPtr] ; Get base address of column slice cmp [dword ptr eax+saNext],0 ; Check for any more walls je short buv080 cmp [word ptr eax+saDist],96 ; Distance from POV to slice is jle short buv080 ; less than or equal to 96 ACKCALL BuildSliceMulti ; Build the current slice for ; a multi-height wall buv080: movzx eax,[_ViewColumn] ; Get current column inc eax ; Advance to the next column inc edi ; Increment the casting angle cmp [word ptr _Resolution],RES_LOW ; Check for screen resolution jne short buv090 inc edi ; Increment angle and position inc eax ; for higher resolution casting buv090: cmp edi,INT_ANGLE_360 ; Did we go past 360 degrees? jl short buv100 ; We’re ok sub edi,INT_ANGLE_360 ; Adjust angle for building next slice buv100: mov [_ViewAngle],di ; Save current viewing angle mov [_ViewColumn],ax ; Save column position cmp eax,esi ; Are we done yet? jl buv050 ; Nope; go build next slice buv_exit: ACKCALL CheckHitMap ACKCALL FindObject ; Update slice structures with objects found call [dword ptr _FloorCeilRtn] ; Build the floor and ceiling ACKCALL DrawWalls ; Build the walls pop edx ; Restore the registers used pop ecx pop ebx pop edi pop esi pop ebp ret endp end