// Example using Watcom FLAT model Animation Construction Kit // Started: 01/02/94 // Author: Lary Myers // Module: FDEMO.C // (c) CopyRight 1994 All Rights Reserved #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ack3d.h" #include "ackeng.h" #include "ackext.h" #include "kit.h" #include "modplay.h" #define DEMO_RESOURCE 69 #define HAND1_RESOURCE 135 #define HAND2_RESOURCE 136 #define KEYBD 0x9 /* INTERRUPT 9 */ #define RIGHT_ARROW_KEY 77 #define UP_ARROW_KEY 72 #define LEFT_ARROW_KEY 75 #define DOWN_ARROW_KEY 80 #define MINUS_KEY 74 #define PLUS_KEY 78 #define NUMBER_5_KEY 76 #define ESCAPE_KEY 1 #define PGUP_KEY 73 #define PGDN_KEY 81 #define B_KEY 48 #define C_KEY 46 #define F_KEY 33 #define I_KEY 23 #define R_KEY 19 #define S_KEY 31 #define W_KEY 17 #define NUM_1_KEY 2 #define NUM_2_KEY 3 #define NUM_3_KEY 4 #define NUM_4_KEY 5 #define NUM_5_KEY 6 #define NUM_6_KEY 7 #define NUM_7_KEY 8 #define NUM_8_KEY 9 #define NUM_9_KEY 10 typedef struct { int mdx; int mdy; int mButtons; } MOUSE; #define MAX_AMOUNT 64 #define MAX_MAG_AMOUNT 64 #define MAX_STR_AMOUNT 128 #define MAX_STR_HALF_AMOUNT 64 extern long AckMemUsed; // Running total of memory used extern short AckDisplayErrors; // 1 = sw to text mode and display error extern long mFactor; extern long dFactor; extern UCHAR colordat[]; ACKENG *ae; ColorRange ranges[64] = { 16,15, 32,16, 48,16, 64,16, 80,16, 96,8, 104,8, 112,8, 120,8, 128,8, 136,8, 144,8, 152,8, 160,8, 168,8, 176,8, 184,16, 200,16, 216,16, 232,16, 248,16, 0,0 }; int HaveMouse; short FlashIndex; short FlashCount; UCHAR *bmFlash[2]; UCHAR *bmFlash1[2]; char LineBuffer[200]; char *smFont; UCHAR FontTransparent; UCHAR FontColor; UCHAR TextBGcolor; int Throwing; int Shooting; int ShutDownFlag; short MagAmount; short StrAmount; int ShowHitFlag; int MapResource; int PalResource; int ResScreenBack; int ResScrollBack; void *BGmusic; UCHAR *DemoPtr; short Demoht; short Demowt; UCHAR *pHand1; short Handw1; short Handh1; UCHAR *pHand2; short Handw2; short Handh2; long ObjCounter[64]; short LastObjectIndex; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Globals used by the frame counting routines //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- volatile short framespersec = 0; volatile short cframes=0, count=0, ticks=0; char *ErrorMsgs[] = { "ERR_BADFILE ", "ERR_BADCOMMAND ", "ERR_BADOBJNUMBER ", "ERR_BADSYNTAX ", "ERR_LOADINGBITMAP", "ERR_BADDIRECTION ", "ERR_BADSTARTX ", "ERR_BADSTARTY ", "ERR_BADANGLE ", "ERR_BADMAPFILE ", "ERR_READINGMAP ", "ERR_BADPICNAME ", "ERR_INVALIDFORM ", "ERR_NOPBM ", "ERR_BADPICFILE ", "ERR_NOMEMORY ", "ERR_BADPALFILE ", "ERR_BADWINDOWSIZE", "ERR_TOMANYVIEWS ", "ERR_BADOBJECTNUM ", "ERR_BADOBJTYPE " }; void AckRegisterStructure(ACKENG *ae); void AckSpeedUp(short); void AckSlowDown(void); //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= /* MOD loading routines */ void *MODLoadModule(char *Path) { int handle; unsigned modsize; void *modfile = NULL; if ((handle = open(Path,O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) != -1) { modsize = lseek(handle,0L,SEEK_END); lseek(handle,0L,SEEK_SET); if ((modfile=(void*)AckMalloc(modsize)) != NULL) { if (read(handle,modfile,modsize) != modsize) { AckFree(modfile); modfile = NULL; } } close(handle); } return modfile; } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= void MODFreeModule(void *Module) { if (Module) AckFree(Module); } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= short StartBGmusic(void) { if ((BGmusic = MODLoadModule("SAHARA.MOD")) == NULL) return(-1); if (MODPlayModule(BGmusic,5,22000,0x220,5,1)) return(-2); return(0); } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= void EndBGmusic(void) { if (BGmusic == NULL) return; MODStopModule(); MODFreeModule(BGmusic); } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= short LoadSmallFont(void) { short ht,wt; int len; ht = 2; smFont = AckReadiff((UCHAR *)ht); if (smFont == NULL) return(-1); ht = (*(short *)smFont); wt = (*(short *)&smFont[2]); len = ht * wt; memmove(smFont,&smFont[4],len); return(0); } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= void smWriteChar(short x,short y,unsigned char ch) { int FontOffset,VidOffset; int row,col; UCHAR *Video; VidOffset = (y * 320) + x; Video = (UCHAR *)0xA0000; Video += VidOffset; FontOffset = ((ch-32) * 5); if (FontTransparent) Video = ae->ScreenBuffer + VidOffset; for (row = 0; row < 5; row++) { if (!FontTransparent) { Video[0] = TextBGcolor; Video[1] = TextBGcolor; Video[2] = TextBGcolor; Video[3] = TextBGcolor; } if (smFont[FontOffset]) Video[0] = FontColor; if (smFont[FontOffset+1]) Video[1] = FontColor; if (smFont[FontOffset+2]) Video[2] = FontColor; if (smFont[FontOffset+3]) Video[3] = FontColor; Video += 320; FontOffset += 294; } } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= short smWriteString(short x,short y,char *s) { short OrgX; char ch; OrgX = x; while (*s) { ch = *s++; if (ch == 10) { x = OrgX; y += 8; continue; } if (ch < ' ') continue; ch = toupper(ch); smWriteChar(x,y,ch); x += 5; } return(y); } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= void smWriteHUD(short x,short y,UCHAR color,char *s) { FontTransparent = 1; FontColor = color; smWriteString(x,y,s); FontTransparent = 0; FontColor = 15; } //============================================================================= // Checks mouse movement and calculates delta movement in X and Y directions //============================================================================= void CheckMouse(MOUSE *m) { int dx,dy; short x,y,buttons; buttons = ReadMouseCursor(&y,&x); dx = x - 160; dy = y - 120; m->mButtons = buttons; SetMouseCursor(120,160); if (abs(dy) > 10 && abs(dx) < 32) dx >>= 2; m->mdx = dx; m->mdy = dy; } //============================================================================= // Reads a text line from the resource file //============================================================================= int ReadLine(void) { int len; char ch; len = 0; while (len < 200) { if (read(rsHandle,&LineBuffer[len],1) != 1) break; ch = LineBuffer[len]; if (ch == 10) continue; if (ch == 13) break; len++; } LineBuffer[len] = '\0'; return(len); } //============================================================================= // Skips to the next parameter in a text line //============================================================================= char *GetNextParm(char *s) { char ch; while (*s) { ch = *s++; if (ch == ',') { while (*s) { ch = *s; if (ch != ',' && ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') return(s); s++; } return(NULL); } } return(NULL); } //============================================================================= // Loads a wall bitmap specified in info file //============================================================================= int LoadWall(void) { int wnum,rnum,result; long pos; char *lb; lb = LineBuffer; // Info file buffer wnum = atoi(lb); // Wall number to load into lb = GetNextParm(lb); if (lb == NULL) return(-1); rnum = atoi(lb); // Resource number pos = lseek(rsHandle,0L,SEEK_CUR); result = AckLoadWall(ae,wnum,(char *)rnum); lseek(rsHandle,pos,SEEK_SET); return(result); } //============================================================================= // Loads an object bitmap specified in info file //============================================================================= int LoadObject(void) { int onum,rnum,result; long pos; char *lb; lb = LineBuffer; onum = atoi(lb); // Object bitmap number lb = GetNextParm(lb); if (lb == NULL) return(-2); rnum = atoi(lb); // Resource number pos = lseek(rsHandle,0L,SEEK_CUR); result = AckLoadObject(ae,onum,(char *)rnum); lseek(rsHandle,pos,SEEK_SET); return(result); } //============================================================================= // Skip any leading spaces in the string // NOTE: Actually modifies the string passed! //============================================================================= char *SkipSpaces(char *s) { while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == ',') strcpy(s,&s[1]); return(s); } //============================================================================= // Creates and object of the desired style //============================================================================= int CreateObject(void) { int onum,vnum,speed; short result,oType; short NumViews,bmPerView; UINT flags; char *lb; OBJSEQ os; lb = LineBuffer; if (!strnicmp(lb,"NUMBER:",7)) { lb = &lb[7]; onum = atoi(lb); if (onum < 1 || onum > MAX_OBJECTS) return(-3); result = AckCreateObject(ae,onum); if (result) return(result); LastObjectIndex = onum; lb = GetNextParm(lb); if (lb == NULL) return(-4); ae->ObjList[onum]->Speed = atoi(lb); return(0); } onum = LastObjectIndex; // Object number oType = 0; if (!strnicmp(lb,"CREATE:",7)) { oType = NO_CREATE; lb = &lb[7]; } if (!strnicmp(lb,"DESTROY:",8)) { oType = NO_DESTROY; lb = &lb[8]; } if (!strnicmp(lb,"WALK:",5)) { oType = NO_WALK; lb = &lb[5]; } if (!strnicmp(lb,"ATTACK:",7)) { oType = NO_ATTACK; lb = &lb[7]; } if (!strnicmp(lb,"INTERACT:",9)) { oType = NO_INTERACT; lb = &lb[9]; } if (!oType) return(-5); lb = SkipSpaces(lb); if (lb == NULL) return(-6); flags = 0; strupr(lb); if (strstr(lb,"ANIMATE") != NULL) flags |= OF_ANIMATE; if (strstr(lb,"MOVEABLE") != NULL) flags |= OF_MOVEABLE; if (strstr(lb,"PASSABLE") != NULL) flags |= OF_PASSABLE; if (strstr(lb,"MULTIVIEW") != NULL) flags |= OF_MULTIVIEW; if (strstr(lb,"SHOWONCE") != NULL) flags |= OF_ANIMONCE; lb = GetNextParm(lb); if (lb == NULL) return(-5); NumViews = atoi(lb); if (NumViews < 1) return(-6); lb = GetNextParm(lb); if (lb == NULL) return(-7); bmPerView = atoi(lb); if (bmPerView < 1) return(-7); vnum = NumViews * bmPerView; if (vnum > MAX_OBJ_BITMAPS) return(-8); lb = GetNextParm(lb); if (lb == NULL) return(-9); vnum = 0; while (lb != NULL && vnum < MAX_OBJ_BITMAPS) { os.bitmaps[vnum++] = atoi(lb); lb = GetNextParm(lb); } os.bmBitmapsPerView = bmPerView; os.flags = flags; os.MaxBitmaps = bmPerView; os.bmSides = NumViews; result = AckSetupObject(ae,onum,oType,&os); return(result); } //============================================================================= // Reads the ASCII info file and processes the commands. //============================================================================= int ProcessInfoFile(short QuietFlag) { int result; int mode; long pos; char *lb; // Position to start of info file within resource file lseek(rsHandle,rbaTable[0],SEEK_SET); mode = result = 0; while (!result) { if (!ReadLine()) continue; if (*LineBuffer == ';') continue; if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"END:",4)) break; if (!QuietFlag) printf("."); switch (mode) { case 1: // Read walls if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"LOADTYPE:",9)) { ae->bmLoadType = atoi(&LineBuffer[9]); // Sets for GIF or BBM break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"ENDBITMAPS:",11)) mode = 4; else result = LoadWall(); break; case 2: // Object bitmaps if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"LOADTYPE:",9)) // Sets for GIF or BBM { ae->bmLoadType = atoi(&LineBuffer[9]); break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"ENDBITMAPS:",11)) mode = 5; else result = LoadObject(); break; case 3: // Create Object if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"ENDDESC:",8)) mode = 5; else result = CreateObject(); break; case 4: // Walls topic if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"BITMAPS:",8)) mode = 1; if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"ENDWALLS:",9)) mode = 0; break; case 5: // Objects topic if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"BITMAPS:",8)) mode = 2; if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"OBJDESC:",8)) mode = 3; if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"ENDOBJECTS:",11)) mode = 0; break; default: if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"WALLS:",6)) { mode = 4; break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"OBJECTS:",8)) { mode = 5; break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"MAPFILE:",8)) { MapResource = atoi(&LineBuffer[8]); pos = lseek(rsHandle,0L,SEEK_CUR); result = AckReadMapFile(ae,(char *)MapResource); lseek(rsHandle,pos,SEEK_SET); break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"PALFILE:",8)) { PalResource = atoi(&LineBuffer[8]); break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"XPLAYER:",8)) { ae->xPlayer = atoi(&LineBuffer[8]); break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"YPLAYER:",8)) { ae->yPlayer = atoi(&LineBuffer[8]); break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"PLAYERANGLE:",12)) { ae->PlayerAngle = atoi(&LineBuffer[12]); break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"SCREENBACK:",11)) { ResScreenBack = atoi(&LineBuffer[11]); break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"SCROLLBACK:",11)) { ResScrollBack = atoi(&LineBuffer[11]); break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"TOPCOLOR:",9)) { ae->TopColor = atoi(&LineBuffer[9]); break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"BOTTOMCOLOR:",12)) { ae->BottomColor = atoi(&LineBuffer[12]); break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"SHADING:",8)) { strupr(LineBuffer); if (strstr(&LineBuffer[8],"OFF") != NULL) ae->LightFlag = SHADING_OFF; else ae->LightFlag = SHADING_ON; break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"FLOORS:",7)) { strupr(LineBuffer); if (strstr(&LineBuffer[7],"OFF") != NULL) ae->SysFlags |= SYS_SOLID_FLOOR; else { ae->SysFlags &= ~SYS_SOLID_FLOOR; } break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"RESOLUTION:",11)) { Resolution = atoi(&LineBuffer[11]); break; } if (!strnicmp(LineBuffer,"LOADTYPE:",9)) { ae->bmLoadType = atoi(&LineBuffer[9]); // Sets for GIF or BBM break; } break; } } if (!result) { result = AckCreateObject(ae,0); // Create a dummy object for later if (!result) ae->ObjList[0]->Active = 0; // Turn off checking the object } if (!QuietFlag) printf("done\n"); return(result); } //============================================================================= // Quick routine to display a bitmap into the desired buffer. Handles // transparent colors. Currently used to display the ACK3D Demo bitmap. //============================================================================= void ShowBitmap(short x,short y,UCHAR *dst,short ht,short wt,UCHAR *bm) { int offset,col; short endy; UCHAR ch; offset = (y*320) + x; dst += offset; endy = ae->WinEndY + 2; while (ht-- > 0 && y++ <= endy) { for (col = 0; col < wt; col++) { ch = *bm++; if (ch) dst[col] = ch; } dst += 320; } } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= void LoadDemoBitmap(void) { UCHAR *d; DemoPtr = AckReadiff((char *)DEMO_RESOURCE); if (DemoPtr == NULL) return; d = DemoPtr; Demowt = (*(short *)d); d += 2; Demoht = (*(short *)d); pHand1 = AckReadiff((char *)HAND1_RESOURCE); if (pHand1 == NULL) return; d = pHand1; Handw1 = (*(short *)d); d += 2; Handh1 = (*(short *)d); pHand2 = AckReadiff((char *)HAND2_RESOURCE); if (pHand2 == NULL) return; d = pHand2; Handw2 = (*(short *)d); d += 2; Handh2 = (*(short *)d); } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= short Initialize(short iFlag) { short i,bnum; if (MouseInstalled() != -1) { printf("Mouse is required to run.\n"); return(1); } ae = AckMalloc(sizeof(ACKENG)); if (ae == NULL) { printf("Unable to get required memory.\n"); return(2); } memset(ae,0,sizeof(ACKENG)); ae->WinStartX = 20; ae->WinEndX = 299; ae->WinStartY = 0; ae->WinEndY = 156; // ae->WinStartX = 0; // ae->WinEndX = 319; // ae->WinStartY = 0; // ae->WinEndY = 156; ae->LightFlag = SHADING_OFF; ae->xPlayer = 192; ae->yPlayer = 640; ae->PlayerAngle = 0; ae->TopColor = 0; ae->BottomColor = 24; ae->DoorSpeed = 6; ae->NonSecretCode = 1; ae->SysFlags |= SYS_SOLID_BACK; if (iFlag & 1) { ae->SysFlags |= SYS_SINGLE_BMP; ae->FloorBitmap = 33; ae->CeilBitmap = 45; } printf("Initializing.\n"); i = AckOpenResource("kit.ovl"); if (i) { printf("Unable to open resource KIT.OVL\n"); return(3); } i = LoadSmallFont(); if (i) { printf("Error loading font BBM.\n"); return(5); } i = AckInitialize(ae); AckCloseResource(); if (i) { printf("Error initializing. Error code: %d\n",i); return(3); } printf("Processing DTF file "); i = AckOpenResource("pics.dtf"); if (i) { printf("Unable to open resource PICS.DTF\n"); return(3); } i = ProcessInfoFile(0); if (i) { printf("Error reading INF file.\n"); if (i > 100 && i < 121) printf("Last error was %s\n",ErrorMsgs[i-100]); else printf("Error code: %d\n",i); printf("Line was: \"%s\"\n",LineBuffer); return(4); } bmFlash[0] = ae->bMaps[4]; bmFlash[1] = ae->bMaps[8]; bmFlash1[0] = ae->bMaps[24]; bmFlash1[1] = ae->bMaps[2]; FlashIndex = 0; LoadDemoBitmap(); return(0); } //============================================================================= // Loads and displays the full screen picture and sets the palette to the one // loaded with the picture. //============================================================================= short LoadAndShow(char *fName) { short i,j; UINT pos,begpos; UCHAR pMask; UCHAR *buf,*bPtr; UCHAR *Video; buf = AckReadiff(fName); if (buf == NULL) return(-1); Video = (char *)0xA0000; memmove(Video,&buf[4],64000); AckSetPalette(colordat); AckFree(buf); return(0); } //============================================================================= // Loads a background image (mountains) and processes the image into the // separate slices for use at display time. Currently a background image // can be 640 columns wide. This number can be made dynamic if needbe and would // need to be changed in the routine below and in the DrawBackground routine // in the ACK engine. //============================================================================= int LoadBackDrop(void) { int result; int i,j,pos; UCHAR *bPtr; UCHAR *aPtr; result = 0; if (ResScrollBack) { printf("Loading background image....\n"); bPtr = AckReadiff((char *)ResScrollBack); printf("Processing background image.\n"); if (bPtr != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < 320; i++) { pos = i + 4; aPtr = BackArray[i]; for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) { *aPtr++ = bPtr[pos]; pos += 320; } } for (i = 320; i < 640; i++) { pos = (i - 320) + 32004; aPtr = BackArray[i]; for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) { *aPtr++ = bPtr[pos]; pos += 320; } } AckFree(bPtr); } else { printf("Unable to load background image.\n"); result = 8; } } return(result); } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= void ShowHit(void) { int x,y,result,wNum; int flag; short oNum,mPos; ae->ObjList[0]->x = ae->xPlayer; ae->ObjList[0]->y = ae->yPlayer; wNum = 32; oNum = 0; flag = 0; while (wNum--) { result = AckMoveObjectPOV(0,ae->PlayerAngle,12); if (result == POV_OBJECT) { flag = 1; oNum = AckGetObjectHit(); break; } if (result == POV_XWALL) { flag = 2; oNum = ae->xGrid[AckGetWallHit()]; if (oNum & (DOOR_TYPE_SLIDE+DOOR_TYPE_SPLIT)) flag = 4; oNum &= 0xFF; break; } if (result == POV_YWALL) { flag = 3; oNum = ae->yGrid[AckGetWallHit()]; if (oNum & (DOOR_TYPE_SLIDE+DOOR_TYPE_SPLIT)) flag = 4; oNum &= 0xFF; break; } } if (flag) { mPos = (ae->ObjList[0]->y & 0xFFC0) + (ae->ObjList[0]->x >> 6); switch (flag) { case 1: sprintf(LineBuffer,"Object %d hit\nat location %d",oNum,mPos); break; case 2: sprintf(LineBuffer,"Xwall %d hit\nat location %d",oNum,mPos); break; case 3: sprintf(LineBuffer,"Ywall %d hit\nat location %d",oNum,mPos); break; case 4: sprintf(LineBuffer,"Door %d hit\nat location %d",oNum,mPos); break; default: *LineBuffer = '\0'; break; } ShowHitFlag = 1; } } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= void UpdateBlast(void) { short j; if (ae->ObjList[99]->Flags & OF_ANIMDONE && ae->ObjList[99]->CurrentType != NO_WALK) { AckSetObjectType(ae,99,NO_WALK); ae->ObjList[99]->Flags &= ~OF_ANIMDONE; } j = AckMoveObjectPOV(99,ae->ObjList[99]->Dir,ae->ObjList[99]->Speed); if (j > 0 && j != POV_PLAYER) { if (j != POV_OBJECT) { ae->ObjList[99]->Active = 0; Shooting = 0; return; } j = AckGetObjectHit(); if (j > 4 && j < 13) { if (ae->ObjList[j]->CurrentType == NO_WALK) { AckSetObjectType(ae,j,NO_INTERACT); ObjCounter[j] = AckTimerCounter + 18 + (rand() % 120); } } if (j == 51) ae->ObjList[j]->Active = 0; ae->ObjList[99]->Active = 0; Shooting = 0; } } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= void CheckMonsters(void) { int i,tFlag,xp,yp; int pMap,oMap,oRow,oCol; int row,col,offset; long dx,dy,dx2,dy2,dist; short cType; UCHAR oFlags; xp = ae->xPlayer; yp = ae->yPlayer; pMap = (yp & 0xFFC0) + (xp >> 6); i = 5; //for (i = 5; i < 13; i++) while (1) { if (ae->ObjList[i]->Active) { oFlags = ae->ObjList[i]->Flags; cType = ae->ObjList[i]->CurrentType; dx = xp - ae->ObjList[i]->x; dy = yp - ae->ObjList[i]->y; dx2 = dx * dx; dy2 = dy * dy; if ((dx2+dy2) < 128000) { ae->ObjList[i]->Dir = AckGetObjectAngle(dx,dy); if (cType == NO_WALK) { ae->ObjList[i]->Flags |= OF_ANIMATE; oFlags |= OF_ANIMATE; } if (cType == NO_CREATE && !(oFlags & OF_ANIMATE)) { if (i < 50) { ae->ObjList[i]->Flags |= OF_ANIMATE; oFlags |= OF_ANIMATE; } else AckSetObjectType(ae,i,NO_WALK); } } if (cType == NO_WALK && (oFlags & OF_ANIMATE)) { tFlag = AckMoveObjectPOV(i,ae->ObjList[i]->Dir,8); oRow = ae->ObjList[i]->Dir / INT_ANGLE_90; switch (tFlag) { case POV_PLAYER: StrAmount--; if (StrAmount < 0) StrAmount = 0; ShowStatus(); break; case POV_NOTHING: break; case POV_SLIDEX: if (oRow > 1) ae->ObjList[i]->Dir = INT_ANGLE_270; else ae->ObjList[i]->Dir = INT_ANGLE_90; break; case POV_SLIDEY: if (oRow > 0 && oRow < 3) ae->ObjList[i]->Dir = INT_ANGLE_180; else ae->ObjList[i]->Dir = 0; break; case POV_OBJECT: ae->ObjList[i]->Dir = rand() % INT_ANGLE_360; break; default: if (i < 50) ae->ObjList[i]->Flags &= ~OF_ANIMATE; break; } } } i++; if (i == 13) i = 51; if (i == 52) break; } } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= void ShowStatus(void) { UCHAR *Video; int row,offset,rlen,glen; offset = (163 * 320) + 34; glen = MagAmount; if (glen > MAX_MAG_AMOUNT) glen = MAX_MAG_AMOUNT; rlen = MAX_MAG_AMOUNT - glen; Video = (UCHAR *)0xA0000; Video += offset; for (row = 0; row < 11; row++) { if (glen) memset(Video,105,glen); if (rlen) memset(&Video[glen],39,rlen); Video += 320; } offset = (183 * 320) + 34; glen = StrAmount >> 1; if (glen > MAX_STR_HALF_AMOUNT) glen = MAX_STR_HALF_AMOUNT; rlen = MAX_STR_HALF_AMOUNT - glen; Video = (UCHAR *)0xA0000; Video += offset; for (row = 0; row < 11; row++) { if (glen) memset(Video,105,glen); if (rlen) memset(&Video[glen],39,rlen); Video += 320; } } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= void DrawBmpBox(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,long d1,long d2) { long NumCols,DeltaDist; long htStep,dst; long ht1,ht2,bmht; long offset,xpos,ypos,bmPos,yposLow; long bmCol,bmColStep; UCHAR *Video,*bmp,*VidOrg,*VidEnd; UCHAR *vPtr; dst = d1; if (d1 > d2) dst = d2; bmht = 64 * 256; DeltaDist = labs(d2 - d1); ht1 = bmht / dst; NumCols = ht1; if (DeltaDist) NumCols = (ht1 * (64 - DeltaDist)) / 64; if (NumCols < 1) NumCols = 1; bmColStep = (64*65536) / NumCols; htStep = (DeltaDist<<16) / NumCols; if (d2 < d1) htStep = -htStep; bmp = ae->bMaps[1]; VidOrg = Video = ae->ScreenBuffer; VidEnd = VidOrg + 64000; offset = (y1 * 320) + x1; Video += offset; bmCol = 0; d2 = (d1<<16); for (xpos = 0; xpos < NumCols; xpos++) { vPtr = Video; ypos = 0x1FFF; yposLow = 0x1F; bmPos = (bmCol>>16) * 64; d1 = (d2>>16); while (yposLow > 0 && vPtr > VidOrg) { *vPtr = bmp[bmPos+yposLow]; vPtr -= 320; ypos -= d1; yposLow = ypos >> 8; } vPtr = Video + 320; ypos = 0x2000; yposLow = 0x20; while (yposLow < 64 && vPtr < VidEnd) { *vPtr = bmp[bmPos+yposLow]; vPtr += 320; ypos += d1; yposLow = ypos >> 8; } d2 += htStep; bmCol += bmColStep; Video++; } } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= void ClsBmpBox(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) { int offset,wt; UCHAR *Video; Video = (UCHAR *)0xA0000; offset = (y1 * 320) + x1; wt = (x2 - x1) + 1; Video += offset; while (y1++ <= y2) { memset(Video,0,wt); Video += 320; } } typedef struct { int x1; int y1; int x2; int y2; int d1; int d2; } AWALL; short near long_sqrt(long v); //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= void DoTest(void) { int done,cnt,Total; int xp,yp,ColX; long dx,dy; UCHAR *Video; AWALL aw[2]; short i,minAngle,maxAngle,objAngle; AckRegisterStructure(ae); memset(ae->xGrid,0,(GRID_ARRAY*2)); memset(ae->yGrid,0,(GRID_ARRAY*2)); memset(Grid,0,(GRID_ARRAY*2)); aw[0].x1 = 64; aw[0].y1 = 128; aw[0].x2 = 128; aw[0].y2 = 128; aw[1].x1 = 128; aw[1].y1 = 128; aw[1].x2 = 128; aw[1].y2 = 64; Total = 2; Video = (UCHAR *)0xA0000; done = 0; xp = yp = 256; while (!done) { memset(ae->ScreenBuffer,0,64000); minAngle = ae->PlayerAngle - (INT_ANGLE_32 + 10); if (minAngle < 0) minAngle += INT_ANGLE_360; maxAngle = ae->PlayerAngle + (INT_ANGLE_32 + 10); if (maxAngle >= INT_ANGLE_360) maxAngle -= INT_ANGLE_360; xp = ae->xPlayer; yp = ae->yPlayer; for (cnt = 0; cnt < Total; cnt++) { dx = aw[cnt].x1 - xp; dy = aw[cnt].y1 - yp; aw[cnt].d1 = long_sqrt((dx*dx)+(dy*dy)); objAngle = AckGetObjectAngle(dx,dy); dx = aw[cnt].x2 - xp; dy = aw[cnt].y2 - yp; aw[cnt].d2 = long_sqrt((dx*dx)+(dy*dy)); if (minAngle > maxAngle) { if (objAngle >= minAngle) ColX = objAngle - minAngle; else ColX = (objAngle+INT_ANGLE_360) - minAngle; } else { ColX = objAngle - minAngle; } if (ColX > -40 && ColX < 320) DrawBmpBox(ColX,100,aw[cnt].x2,100,aw[cnt].d1,aw[cnt].d2); } memmove(Video,ae->ScreenBuffer,64000); if (AckKeys[ESCAPE_KEY]) break; if (AckKeys[LEFT_ARROW_KEY]) { ae->PlayerAngle--; if (ae->PlayerAngle < 0) ae->PlayerAngle += INT_ANGLE_360; } if (AckKeys[RIGHT_ARROW_KEY]) { ae->PlayerAngle++; if (ae->PlayerAngle >= INT_ANGLE_360) ae->PlayerAngle -= INT_ANGLE_360; } if (AckKeys[UP_ARROW_KEY]) { AckMovePOV(ae->PlayerAngle,16); } if (AckKeys[DOWN_ARROW_KEY]) { i = ae->PlayerAngle + INT_ANGLE_180; if (i >= INT_ANGLE_360) i -= INT_ANGLE_360; AckMovePOV(i,16); } } } //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= short LoadNewLevel(char *LevelName) { short i; i = AckOpenResource(LevelName); if (i) return(-1); for (i = 1; i < MAX_WALLBMPS; i++) { if (ae->bMaps[i] != NULL) { AckFree(ae->bMaps[i]); ae->bMaps[i] = NULL; } } for (i = 1; i < MAX_OBJBMPS; i++) { if (ae->oMaps[i] != NULL) { AckFree(ae->oMaps[i]); ae->oMaps[i] = NULL; } } for (i = 1; i < ae->MaxObjects; i++) { if (ae->ObjList[i] != NULL) { AckFree(ae->ObjList[i]); ae->ObjList[i] = NULL; } } ae->MaxObjects = 0; for (i = 0; i < (GRID_ARRAY - GRID_WIDTH); i++) { if (ae->myGrid[i] != NULL) AckFree(ae->myGrid[i]); ae->mxGrid[i] = NULL; ae->mxGrid[i+1] = NULL; ae->myGrid[i] = NULL; ae->myGrid[i+GRID_WIDTH] = NULL; } i = ProcessInfoFile(1); if (i) return(i); AckCloseResource(); AckRegisterStructure(ae); return(0); } short LevelFlag; //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= short main(short argc,char **argv) { short i,j,done,fpos; char ch; MOUSE mouse; UCHAR *Video; int Spin,MoveAmount; int SpinAngle,MoveAngle; long TimerEnd; short DemoFlag; short lpx,lpy,lpa; int StartTime,EndTime,InfoFlag; int CkStart,CkEnd; int TurnFactor,MoveFactor,MoveHalfFactor; int HandX,HandY,HandDY; long x1,y1; i = 0; if (argc > 1) { for (j = 1; j <= argc; j++) { if (!strnicmp(argv[j],"-1",2)) i |= 1; } } if ((done = Initialize(i)) != 0) return(done); if ((done = LoadBackDrop()) != 0) return(done); // Do some test setup of our GooMonsters AckSetObjectType(ae,6,NO_WALK); ae->ObjList[5]->Flags &= ~OF_ANIMATE; ae->ObjList[7]->Flags &= ~OF_ANIMATE; ae->ObjList[8]->Flags &= ~OF_ANIMATE; ae->ObjList[9]->Flags &= ~OF_ANIMATE; ae->ObjList[10]->Flags &= ~OF_ANIMATE; ae->ObjList[11]->Flags &= ~OF_ANIMATE; ae->ObjList[12]->Flags &= ~OF_ANIMATE; ae->ObjList[99]->Active = 0; ae->ObjList[99]->Speed = 48; Shooting = 0; MagAmount = MAX_MAG_AMOUNT; StrAmount = MAX_STR_AMOUNT; AckSetupKeyboard(); AckSetupTimer(); StartBGmusic(); // Switch to mode 13 AckSetVGAmode(); // Put up the main screen LoadAndShow((char *)ResScreenBack); //DoTest(); // Set palette for shading if needed AckSetupPalRanges(ae,ranges); ShowStatus(); LevelFlag = 0; done = 0; SpinAngle = Spin = MoveAmount = 0; MouseReleased(); SetMouseCursor(120,160); fpos = 64; DemoFlag = 0; if (DemoPtr != NULL) DemoFlag = 1; TimerEnd = AckTimerCounter + 180; // MUST register each ACKENG structure once before use and after AckInitialize AckRegisterStructure(ae); StartTime = AckTimerCounter; AckBuildView(); AckDisplayScreen(); EndTime = AckTimerCounter - StartTime; if (!EndTime) EndTime = 1; TurnFactor = INT_ANGLE_1 * EndTime; MoveFactor = 3 * EndTime; MoveHalfFactor = MoveFactor >> 1; StartTime = clock(); EndTime = StartTime; InfoFlag = 0; HandX = 134; HandY = 132; HandDY = -2; Throwing = 0; while (!done) { if (SpinAngle) { ae->PlayerAngle += SpinAngle; if (ae->PlayerAngle >= INT_ANGLE_360) ae->PlayerAngle -= INT_ANGLE_360; if (ae->PlayerAngle < 0) ae->PlayerAngle += INT_ANGLE_360; SpinAngle >>= 3; if (SpinAngle == -1) SpinAngle = 0; } if (MoveAmount) { HandY += HandDY; if (HandY < 125) HandDY = 2; if (HandY > 132) HandDY = -2; j = AckMovePOV(MoveAngle,MoveAmount); AckCheckDoorOpen(ae->xPlayer,ae->yPlayer,MoveAngle); MoveAmount >>= 1; if (j == POV_OBJECT) { j = AckGetObjectHit(); if (j > 4 && j < 13) { StrAmount--; if (StrAmount < 0) StrAmount = 0; ShowStatus(); } if (j >= 36 && j <= 49) { ae->ObjList[j]->Active = 0; MagAmount += 4; if (MagAmount > MAX_MAG_AMOUNT) MagAmount = MAX_MAG_AMOUNT; ShowStatus(); } if (j == 50 && ae->ObjList[50]->CurrentType == NO_CREATE) { AckSetObjectType(ae,j,NO_WALK); StrAmount = MAX_STR_AMOUNT; ShowStatus(); } } } else { if (HandY < 132) HandY++; } AckCheckObjectMovement(); // Animate objects if needed for (j = 5; j < 13; j++) { if (ae->ObjList[j]->Flags & OF_ANIMDONE && ae->ObjList[j]->CurrentType == NO_DESTROY) { AckSetObjectType(ae,j,NO_CREATE); ae->ObjList[j]->Flags &= ~OF_ANIMDONE; ae->ObjList[j]->Flags &= ~OF_ANIMATE; ae->ObjList[j]->Active = 0; } if (ae->ObjList[j]->Flags & OF_ANIMDONE && ae->ObjList[j]->CurrentType != NO_WALK) { AckSetObjectType(ae,j,NO_WALK); ae->ObjList[j]->Flags &= ~OF_ANIMDONE; ObjCounter[j] = AckTimerCounter + 18 + (rand() % 120); } if (AckTimerCounter > ObjCounter[j]) { ObjCounter[j] = AckTimerCounter + 180 + (rand() % 180); if (ae->ObjList[j]->CurrentType == NO_WALK) AckSetObjectType(ae,j,NO_ATTACK); else { if (ae->ObjList[j]->CurrentType == NO_INTERACT) AckSetObjectType(ae,j,NO_DESTROY); } } } if (Shooting) UpdateBlast(); CheckMonsters(); CkStart = AckTimerCounter; AckBuildView(); // Build floor, ceiling, and walls into ScrnBuffer if (DemoFlag) { switch (DemoFlag) { case 1: if (AckTimerCounter > TimerEnd) { DemoFlag++; TimerEnd = AckTimerCounter + 540; } break; case 2: ShowBitmap(130,20,ae->ScreenBuffer,Demoht,Demowt,&DemoPtr[4]); if (AckTimerCounter > TimerEnd) { DemoFlag = 1; TimerEnd = AckTimerCounter + 2160; } break; default: break; } } switch (Throwing) { case 0: ShowBitmap(HandX,HandY,ae->ScreenBuffer,Handh1,Handw1,&pHand1[4]); break; case 1: HandY -= 20; if (HandY < 97) { HandY = 97; Throwing++; } ShowBitmap(HandX,HandY,ae->ScreenBuffer,Handh1,Handw1,&pHand1[4]); break; case 2: HandY -= 5; Throwing++; ShowBitmap(HandX,HandY,ae->ScreenBuffer,Handh2,Handw2,&pHand2[4]); break; case 3: ae->ObjList[99]->Active = 1; ae->ObjList[99]->x = ae->xPlayer; ae->ObjList[99]->y = ae->yPlayer; ae->ObjList[99]->Dir = ae->PlayerAngle; ae->ObjList[99]->mPos = (ae->yPlayer & 0xFFC0) + ae->xPlayer >> 6; AckSetObjectType(ae,99,NO_CREATE); Shooting = 1; MagAmount--; ShowStatus(); Throwing++; ShowBitmap(HandX,HandY,ae->ScreenBuffer,Handh2,Handw2,&pHand2[4]); break; case 4: HandY += 5; Throwing++; ShowBitmap(HandX,HandY,ae->ScreenBuffer,Handh2,Handw2,&pHand2[4]); break; case 5: HandY += 20; if (HandY > 132) Throwing = 0; ShowBitmap(HandX,HandY,ae->ScreenBuffer,Handh1,Handw1,&pHand1[4]); break; default: break; } if (InfoFlag) { EndTime = clock(); if (EndTime > StartTime+100 ) { StartTime = EndTime; cframes = framespersec; framespersec = 0; } sprintf(LineBuffer,"FPS: %6ld,%d,%d,%d", (long)cframes,ae->xPlayer,ae->yPlayer,ae->PlayerAngle); smWriteHUD(10,20,32,LineBuffer); framespersec++; } // sprintf(LineBuffer,"MEM: %ld",AckMemUsed); // smWriteHUD(22,30,32,LineBuffer); if (ShowHitFlag) smWriteHUD(10,10,32,LineBuffer); AckDisplayScreen(); // Copy ScrnBuffer to actual video CkEnd = AckTimerCounter - CkStart; if (!CkEnd) CkEnd = 1; TurnFactor = INT_ANGLE_1 * CkEnd; MoveFactor = 3 * CkEnd; MoveHalfFactor = MoveFactor >> 1; i = (ae->yPlayer & 0xFFC0) + (ae->xPlayer >> 6); if (FloorMap[i] == 0x28) { StrAmount--; if (StrAmount < 1) break; ShowStatus(); } CheckMouse(&mouse); if (mouse.mButtons & 1) { if (!(ae->ObjList[99]->Active) && MagAmount > 0 && !Throwing) { Throwing = 1; #if 0 ae->ObjList[99]->Active = 1; ae->ObjList[99]->x = ae->xPlayer; ae->ObjList[99]->y = ae->yPlayer; ae->ObjList[99]->Dir = ae->PlayerAngle; ae->ObjList[99]->mPos = (ae->yPlayer & 0xFFC0) + ae->xPlayer >> 6; AckSetObjectType(ae,99,NO_CREATE); Shooting = 1; MagAmount--; ShowStatus(); #endif } } if (mouse.mButtons & 2) { MoveAmount += MoveFactor; // 16; if (MoveAmount > MAX_AMOUNT) MoveAmount = MAX_AMOUNT; MoveAngle = ae->PlayerAngle; } if (mouse.mdx < 0) { Spin = -mouse.mdx; Spin >>= 5; SpinAngle = -TurnFactor * Spin; // -INT_ANGLE_1 * Spin; Spin = 1; } if (mouse.mdx > 0) { Spin = mouse.mdx; Spin >>= 5; SpinAngle = TurnFactor * Spin; // INT_ANGLE_1 * Spin; Spin = 1; } if (mouse.mdy < 0) { i = -mouse.mdy; i >>= 2; i += MoveHalfFactor; MoveAmount += i; if (MoveAmount > MAX_AMOUNT) MoveAmount = MAX_AMOUNT; MoveAngle = ae->PlayerAngle; } if (mouse.mdy > 20) { i = mouse.mdy; i >>= 3; i += MoveHalfFactor; j = ae->PlayerAngle + INT_ANGLE_180; if (j >= INT_ANGLE_360) j -= INT_ANGLE_360; MoveAmount += i; if (MoveAmount > MAX_AMOUNT) MoveAmount = MAX_AMOUNT; MoveAngle = j; } if (AckKeys[ESCAPE_KEY]) break; if(AckKeys[RIGHT_ARROW_KEY]) { Spin += 1; SpinAngle += TurnFactor; // INT_ANGLE_1 * Spin; } if(AckKeys[LEFT_ARROW_KEY]) { Spin += 1; SpinAngle -= TurnFactor; // -INT_ANGLE_1 * Spin; } if(AckKeys[UP_ARROW_KEY]) { MoveAmount += (MoveFactor + MoveHalfFactor); // 12; if (MoveAmount > MAX_AMOUNT) MoveAmount = MAX_AMOUNT; MoveAngle = ae->PlayerAngle; } if(AckKeys[DOWN_ARROW_KEY]) { j = ae->PlayerAngle + INT_ANGLE_180; if (j >= INT_ANGLE_360) j -= INT_ANGLE_360; MoveAmount += (MoveFactor + MoveHalfFactor); // 12; if (MoveAmount > MAX_AMOUNT) MoveAmount = MAX_AMOUNT; MoveAngle = j; } if (AckKeys[C_KEY]) { ae->SysFlags ^= SYS_SOLID_CEIL; ae->SysFlags &= ~SYS_SOLID_BACK; AckKeys[C_KEY] = 0; if ((ae->SysFlags & SYS_SOLID_CEIL) && (ResScrollBack != 0)) ae->SysFlags |= SYS_SOLID_BACK; AckRegisterStructure(ae); } if (AckKeys[R_KEY]) { AckKeys[R_KEY] = 0; Resolution++; if (Resolution > 2) Resolution = 0; } if (AckKeys[F_KEY]) { ae->SysFlags ^= SYS_SOLID_FLOOR; AckKeys[F_KEY] = 0; AckRegisterStructure(ae); } if (AckKeys[PGUP_KEY] && ViewHeight < 60) { ViewHeight++; CeilingHeight++; } if (AckKeys[PGDN_KEY] && ViewHeight > 4) { ViewHeight--; CeilingHeight--; } if (AckKeys[NUM_1_KEY]) { AckKeys[NUM_1_KEY]=0; dFactor--; } if (AckKeys[NUM_2_KEY]) { AckKeys[NUM_2_KEY]=0; dFactor++; } if (AckKeys[MINUS_KEY]) { AckKeys[MINUS_KEY]=0; mFactor--; } if (AckKeys[PLUS_KEY]) { AckKeys[PLUS_KEY]=0; mFactor++; } if (AckKeys[I_KEY]) { AckKeys[I_KEY] = 0; InfoFlag ^= 1; } if (AckKeys[B_KEY]) { AckKeys[B_KEY]=0; // mFactor -= 64; if (!LevelFlag) LoadNewLevel("MALL.DTF"); else { LoadNewLevel("PICS.DTF"); ae->ObjList[99]->Active = 0; ae->ObjList[99]->Speed = 48; } LevelFlag ^= 1; } if (AckKeys[S_KEY]) { AckKeys[S_KEY] = 0; mFactor += 64; } } EndBGmusic(); ShutDownFlag = 1; AckWrapUp(ae); AckSetTextmode(); return(0); }