switch mistakenly hardcoded bitmap number with ACKENG NonSecretCode

fixes secret door bitmaps seeming to switch around randomly before
coming to a stop. they still will switch once after opening, but it will
now only switch to the expected bitmap.
This commit is contained in:
Gered 2019-11-06 19:09:45 -05:00
parent b39bee7609
commit f8de61f0ee

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@ -123,17 +123,17 @@ if (xSecretColumn)
if (xSecretColumn > 0)
xSecretColumn -= (BITMAP_WIDTH - 1);
xGridGlobal[my] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + 1;
xGridGlobal[my] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + aeGlobal->NonSecretCode;
xSecretmPos1 = my;
xGridGlobal[my] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + 1;
xGridGlobal[my] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + aeGlobal->NonSecretCode;
xSecretmPos = my;
xSecretColumn += (BITMAP_WIDTH - 1);
xGridGlobal[my] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + 1;
xGridGlobal[my + 1] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + 1;
xGridGlobal[my] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + aeGlobal->NonSecretCode;
xGridGlobal[my + 1] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + aeGlobal->NonSecretCode;
xSecretmPos = my;
xSecretmPos = my + 1;
@ -189,17 +189,17 @@ if (ySecretColumn)
if (ySecretColumn > 0)
ySecretColumn -= (BITMAP_WIDTH - 1);
yGridGlobal[my] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + 1;
yGridGlobal[my] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + aeGlobal->NonSecretCode;
ySecretmPos1 = my;
yGridGlobal[my] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + 1;
yGridGlobal[my] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + aeGlobal->NonSecretCode;
ySecretmPos = my;
ySecretColumn += (BITMAP_WIDTH - 1);
yGridGlobal[my] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + 1;
yGridGlobal[my + GRID_WIDTH] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + 1;
yGridGlobal[my] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + aeGlobal->NonSecretCode;
yGridGlobal[my + GRID_WIDTH] = DOOR_TYPE_SECRET + aeGlobal->NonSecretCode;
ySecretmPos = my;
ySecretmPos = my + GRID_WIDTH;