2019-11-02 13:17:24 -04:00
// Source file ACKPOV.C - Player and Object Movement routines
// (c) 1995 ACK Software (Lary Myers)
#include <stdio.h>
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#include <stdlib.h>
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#include "ack3d.h"
#include "ackeng.h"
#include "ackext.h"
// Internal function called by AckMovePOV(). Checks the passed X and Y
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// coordinates of the player against the object coordinates to see if the player will
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// encouner an object.
short AckCheckObjPosn(short xPlayer,short yPlayer, short oIndex)
short i,result,maxObj;
short MapPosn;
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result = POV_NOTHING; // Initialize to nothing found
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MapPosn = (yPlayer & 0xFFC0) + (xPlayer >> 6); // Calculate grid square the player will be in
maxObj = aeGlobal->MaxObjects; // Total number of objects used
oList = &aeGlobal->ObjList[0]; // Reference the list of objects
for (i = 0; i < maxObj; i++) // Loop and check each object in the list
oPtr = oList[i]; // Point to current object
if (oPtr == NULL) // No object here; skip to next object in list
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if (!oPtr->Active || oPtr->Flags & OF_PASSABLE) // Object is not active or is passable
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continue; // Skip to next object in list
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if (MapPosn == oPtr->mPos && i != oIndex) // Object is found in the player's grid position
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LastObjectHit = i; // Store the number of the object found
return(POV_OBJECT); // Return flag to indicate an object is found
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// Internal function called by AckMovePOV() to see if a wall or object is located in
// the player's current grid square. This function checks for walls or objects in the
// x-plane using the xGrid array. The bitmap code for the wall or object is returned.
// A value returned of 0 indicates that no wall or object is present or that the wall
// is passable.
USHORT GetWallX(short mPos)
mCode = xGridGlobal[mPos]; // Get bitmap code at specified map position
if (mCode & WALL_TYPE_PASS) // Passable walls can be walked through
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mCode = 0;
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// Internal function called by AckMovePOV() to see if a wall or object is located in
// the player's current grid square. This function checks for walls or objects in the
// y-plane using the yGrid array. The bitmap code for the wall or object is returned.
// A value returned of 0 indicates that no wall or object is present or that the wall
// is passable.
USHORT GetWallY(short mPos)
mCode = yGridGlobal[mPos]; // Get bitmap code at specified map position
if (mCode & WALL_TYPE_PASS) // Passable walls can be walked through
mCode = 0;
// Moves the POV based on Angle for Amount. After moving but prior to
// returning the position of the POV is check for collisions.
short AckMovePOV(short Angle,short Amount)
short x1,y1,HitResult; // New coordinate position
short xp,yp; // Starting player coordinates
short xLeft,xRight,yTop,yBottom; // Coordinates for grid square
short mPos; // Map position for xGrid[], yGrid[]
USHORT mCodeX,mCodeY; // Return codes for x,y wall arrays
HitResult = POV_NOTHING; // We haven't hit anything yet
xp = aeGlobal->xPlayer; // Get the current x,y player coordinates
yp = aeGlobal->yPlayer;
xLeft = xp & 0xFFC0; // Determine coordinates of the boundaries
yTop = yp & 0xFFC0; // of the grid square we're in.
xRight = xLeft + GRID_SIZE;
yBottom = yTop + GRID_SIZE;
// Calculate the x,y distance of movement using the angle and distance
// x1,y1 = the new coordinate position of the player.
x1 = xp + (long)((CosTable[Angle] * Amount) >> FP_SHIFT);
y1 = yp + (long)((SinTable[Angle] * Amount) >> FP_SHIFT);
// Calculate current map position for the xGrid[] and yGrid[] arrays
mPos = yTop + (xp >> 6); // Current Map Posn
// It's time to see what happens when we move
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if (x1 < xp) // Are we moving left?
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if (GetWallX(mPos)) // Wall found in current square (left edge)
if (x1 < xLeft || abs(x1-xLeft) < 28) // We crossed the wall or we're too close
x1 = xp; // Use the previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX; // We're possibly sliding along the left x wall
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if (x1 > xp) // Are we moving right?
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if (GetWallX(mPos+1)) // Wall found in current square (right edge)
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if (x1 > xRight || abs(xRight-x1) < 28) // We crossed the wall or we're too close
x1 = xp; // Use the previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX; // We're possibly sliding along the right x wall
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if (y1 < yp) // Are we moving up?
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if (GetWallY(mPos)) // Wall found in current square (top edge)
if (y1 < yTop || abs(y1-yTop) < 28) // We crossed the wall or we're too close
y1 = yp; // Use the previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY; // We're possibly sliding along the top wall
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if (y1 > yp) // Are we moving down?
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if (GetWallY(mPos+GRID_WIDTH)) // Wall found in current square (bottom edge)
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if (y1 > yBottom || abs(yBottom-y1) < 28) // We crossed the wall or we're too close
y1 = yp; // Use the previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY; // We're sliding along the bottom wall
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// A wall or object hasn't been hit yet--we must look further.
// The current grid sqaure will be divided into four regions:
// A = top left; B = top right; C = bottom left; D = bottom right
// Each of these regions will be checked to see if the player's new position (x1,y1)
// is close to a wall or object that borders one of these regions.
// Each grid square is 64x64 units, so each region to check is 32x32 units.
if (!HitResult)
{ // Check region A--top left area of grid
if (y1 < (yTop+32)) // New y position falls in top half
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if (x1 < (xLeft+32)) // New x position falls in left half
mCodeX = GetWallX(mPos-GRID_WIDTH); // Check adjacent x wall (to left)
mCodeY = GetWallY(mPos-1); // Check adjacent y wall (above)
if (mCodeX && y1 < (yTop+28)) // Adjacent x wall found and new y coord
{ // is within 28 units
if (x1 < (xLeft+28)) // New x coord. is within 28 units of edge
if (xp > (xLeft+27)) // Previous x position was outside range
x1 = xp; // Use previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
y1 = yp; // Use previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
if (mCodeY && x1 < (xLeft+28)) // Adjacent y wall found and new x coord.
{ // is within 28 units
if (y1 < (yTop+28)) // New y coord. is within 28 units of edge
if (yp > (yTop+27)) // Previous y position was outside range
y1 = yp; // Use previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
x1 = xp; // Use previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
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// Check region B--top right area
if (x1 > (xRight-32) && !HitResult)// New x is at top right
mCodeX = GetWallX(mPos+1-GRID_WIDTH); // Check adjacent x wall (to right)
mCodeY = GetWallY(mPos+1); // Check adjacent y wall (above)
if (mCodeX && y1 < (yTop+28)) // Adjacent x wall found
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if (x1 > (xRight-28))
if (xp < (xRight-27))
x1 = xp; // Use previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
y1 = yp; // Use previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
if (mCodeY && x1 > (xRight-28)) // Adjacent y wall found
if (y1 < (yTop+28))
if (yp > (yTop+27))
y1 = yp; // Use previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
x1 = xp; // Use previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
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// Check region C--bottom left area
if (y1 > (yTop+32) && !HitResult) // We are below upper half of square
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if (x1 < (xLeft+32)) // and on the left half of square
mCodeX = GetWallX(mPos+GRID_WIDTH); // Check adjacent x wall (to left)
mCodeY = GetWallY(mPos-1+GRID_WIDTH); // Check adjacent y wall (below)
if (mCodeX && y1 > (yBottom-28)) // Adjacent x wall found
if (x1 < (xLeft+28))
if (xp > (xLeft+27))
x1 = xp; // Use previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
y1 = yp; // Use previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
if (mCodeY && x1 < (xLeft+28)) // Adjacent y wall found
if (y1 > (yBottom-28))
if (yp < (yBottom-27))
y1 = yp; // Use previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
x1 = xp; // Use previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
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// Check region D--bottom right area
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if (x1 > (xRight-32) && !HitResult) // Check right side of square
mCodeX = GetWallX(mPos+1+GRID_WIDTH); // Check adjacent x wall (to right)
mCodeY = GetWallY(mPos+1+GRID_WIDTH); // Check adjacent y wall (below)
if (mCodeX && y1 > (yBottom-28)) // Adjacent x wall found
if (x1 > (xRight-28))
if (xp < (xRight-27))
x1 = xp; // Use previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
y1 = yp; // Use previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
if (mCodeY && x1 > (xRight-28)) // Adjacent y wall found
if (y1 > (yBottom-28))
if (yp < (yBottom-27))
y1 = yp; // Use previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
x1 = xp; // Use previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
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if (AckCheckObjPosn(x1,y1,0)) // We've hit an object--not a wall
if (HitResult == POV_SLIDEX && y1 == yp) // We've hit an x wall and we're not sliding
HitResult = POV_XWALL;
if (HitResult == POV_SLIDEY && x1 == xp) // We've hit a y wall and we're not sliding
HitResult = POV_YWALL;
aeGlobal->xPlayer = x1; // Update player's new x,y position
aeGlobal->yPlayer = y1;
// Moves an object based on Angle and Amount then checks for collision
// with other objects AND the POV.
short AckMoveObjectPOV(short ObjIndex,short Angle,short Amount)
short xp,yp,x1,y1,HitResult,oNum;
USHORT mCodeX,mCodeY;
short xLeft,xRight,yTop,yBottom,mPos;
short MapPosn,PlayerPosn;
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oList = &aeGlobal->ObjList[0]; // Reference the start of the object list
oPtr = oList[ObjIndex]; // Set a pointer to the object being moved
if (oPtr == NULL) // no object is available to move; we're done
xp = oPtr->x; // Get the current x,y coordinate of the object
yp = oPtr->y;
// Calculate the new x,y, cordinates of the object (after moving)
x1 = xp + (short)((CosTable[Angle] * Amount) >> FP_SHIFT);
y1 = yp + (short)((SinTable[Angle] * Amount) >> FP_SHIFT);
xLeft = xp & 0xFFC0; // Determine the coordinates of the grid square the
xRight = xLeft + GRID_SIZE - 1; // object is currently in
yTop = yp & 0xFFC0;
yBottom = yTop + GRID_SIZE - 1;
mPos = yTop + (xp >> 6); // Calculate the map position of the grid square the object is in
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MapPosn = (y1 & 0xFFC0) + (x1 >> 6); // Calculate the map position of the grid square the
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// object is moving to
// Check to see if the object will encouner another object while moving
oNum = AckCheckObjPosn(x1,y1,ObjIndex);
if (oNum > 0) // Yes, return falg to indicate object found
HitResult = POV_NOTHING; // Nothing found yet, initialize flag
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if (x1 < xp) // Are we moving left?
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if (GetWallX(mPos)) // Wall found in current square (left edge)
if (x1 < xLeft || abs(x1-xLeft) < 28) // We crossed the wall or we're too close
x1 = xp; // Use the previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX; // We're possibly sliding along the left x wall
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if (x1 > xp) // Are we moving right?
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if (GetWallX(mPos+1)) // Wall found in current square (right edge)
if (x1 > xRight || abs(xRight-x1) < 28) // We crossed the wall or we're too close
x1 = xp; // Use the previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX; // We're possibly sliding along the right x wall
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if (y1 < yp) // Are we moving up?
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if (GetWallY(mPos)) // Wall found in current square (top edge)
if (y1 < yTop || abs(y1-yTop) < 28) // We crossed the wall or we're too close
y1 = yp; // Use the previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY; // We're possibly sliding along the top wall
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if (y1 > yp) // Are we moving down?
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if (GetWallY(mPos+GRID_WIDTH)) // Wall found in current square (bottom edge)
if (y1 > yBottom || abs(yBottom-y1) < 28) // We crossed the wall or we're too close
y1 = yp; // Use the previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY; // We're sliding along the bottom wall
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if (!HitResult) // Nothing hit yet, look further
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2019-11-02 13:44:19 -04:00
if (y1 < (yTop+32)) // We are above upper half of square
if (x1 < (xLeft+32)) // and on the left half of square
mCodeX = GetWallX(mPos-GRID_WIDTH); // Check adjacent x wall (to left)
mCodeY = GetWallY(mPos-1); // Check adjacent y wall (above)
if (mCodeX && y1 < (yTop+28)) // Adjacent x wall found and new y coord
{ // is within 28 units
if (x1 < (xLeft+28)) // New x coord. is within 28 units of edge
if (xp > (xLeft+27)) // Previous x position was outside range
x1 = xp; // Use previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
y1 = yp; // Use previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
if (mCodeY && x1 < (xLeft+28)) // Adjacent y wall found and new x coord.
{ // is within 28 units
if (y1 < (yTop+28)) // New y coord. is within 28 units of edge
if (yp > (yTop+27)) // Previous y position was outside range
y1 = yp; // Use previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
x1 = xp; // Use previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
if (x1 > (xRight-32) && !HitResult) // New x is at top right
mCodeX = GetWallX(mPos+1-GRID_WIDTH); // Check adjacent x wall (to right)
mCodeY = GetWallY(mPos+1); // Check adjacent y wall (above)
if (mCodeX && y1 < (yTop+28)) // Adjacent x wall found
if (x1 > (xRight-28))
if (xp < (xRight-27))
x1 = xp; // Use previous x position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
y1 = yp; // Use previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
if (mCodeY && x1 > (xRight-28)) // Adjacent y wall found
if (y1 < (yTop+28))
if (yp > (yTop+27))
y1 = yp; // Use previous y position
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
x1 = xp;
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
if (y1 > (yTop+32) && !HitResult) // We are below upper half of square
if (x1 < (xLeft+32)) // and on the left half of square
mCodeX = GetWallX(mPos+GRID_WIDTH);
mCodeY = GetWallY(mPos-1+GRID_WIDTH);
if (mCodeX && y1 > (yBottom-28))
if (x1 < (xLeft+28))
if (xp > (xLeft+27))
x1 = xp;
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
y1 = yp;
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
if (mCodeY && x1 < (xLeft+28))
if (y1 > (yBottom-28))
if (yp < (yBottom-27))
y1 = yp;
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
x1 = xp;
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
if (x1 > (xRight-32) && !HitResult) // on right side of square
mCodeX = GetWallX(mPos+1+GRID_WIDTH);
mCodeY = GetWallY(mPos+1+GRID_WIDTH);
if (mCodeX && y1 > (yBottom-28))
if (x1 > (xRight-28))
if (xp < (xRight-27))
x1 = xp;
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
y1 = yp;
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
if (mCodeY && x1 > (xRight-28))
if (y1 > (yBottom-28))
if (yp < (yBottom-27))
y1 = yp;
HitResult = POV_SLIDEY;
x1 = xp;
HitResult = POV_SLIDEX;
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oPtr->x = x1; // Update the new x,y coordinates for the object
oPtr->y = y1;
oPtr->mPos = MapPosn; // Update the grid map position for the object
PlayerPosn = (aeGlobal->yPlayer & 0xFFC0) + (aeGlobal->xPlayer >> 6);
if (MapPosn == PlayerPosn)
// Checks the list of objects used in an application and sets up the current bitmap for
// each object that can be animated. Object animation is performed by displaying
// different bitmaps for an object in sequence.
void AckCheckObjectMovement(void)
short i,maxObj;
short dx;
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2019-11-02 13:17:24 -04:00
maxObj = aeGlobal->MaxObjects; // Get the number of objects used
oList = &aeGlobal->ObjList[0]; // Reference the list of objects
for (i = 1; i < maxObj; i++) // Loop to check each object in the list
oPtr = oList[i]; // Access current object in list
if (oPtr == NULL) // No object here; skip
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2019-11-02 13:17:24 -04:00
if (!oPtr->Active) // Object is not active; skip
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2019-11-02 13:17:24 -04:00
if (!oPtr->Speed) // Object has no speed setting; skip
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2019-11-02 13:17:24 -04:00
if (!(oPtr->Flags & OF_ANIMATE)) // Object is not set up for animation
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2019-11-02 13:17:24 -04:00
dx = oPtr->CurrentBm + 1; // Use the next bitmap
if (dx >= oPtr->Maxbm) // We're at the end of the list of bitmaps
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if (oPtr->Flags & OF_ANIMONCE) // Object should only be animated once
oPtr->Flags &= ~OF_ANIMATE; // Reset flags to indicate that we're done
oPtr->Flags |= OF_ANIMDONE; // animating the object
dx = oPtr->CurrentBm; // Keep current bitmap number
dx = 0; // Start at the beginning of the set of bitmaps
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oPtr->CurrentBm = dx; // Store the next bitmap as the current one
// **** End of Source ****