At the moment, the OpenGL ES 2.0 specification is used as the sole interface
available for both mobile and desktop platforms. I have no intention to add
any other specifications over the short-term (such as OpenGL 1.x, 3.x, etc).
My own personal goals with this library are simply to use the ES specification
for both mobile and desktop platforms to make code portability between the two
C-style naming for the methods and OpenGL constants is intentionally left as-is
to aid in porting existing OpenGL code. I don't intend to C#-ify much, if any,
of the OpenGL methods (such as using specific enums for certain parameters).
* Mobile backends: Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS
* Add additional method overloads to PortableGL to make it easier to pass arrays of data, out parameters, etc instead of needing to use pointers all the time
* See about removing the intermediate OpenTK layer in SDL2-CS to remove one layer of indirection. Would we be able to do this on mobile platforms too ... ?