current versions of all of my basic framework sources, build configurations/scripts, and supporting assets
338 lines
7.5 KiB
338 lines
7.5 KiB
Copyright (c) 2010 Facepunch Studios
See license in Gwen.h
#include "../gwen.h"
#include "../gwen_skin.h"
#include "gwen_dockbase.h"
#include "gwen_dockedtabcontrol.h"
#include "gwen_highlight.h"
#include "../gwen_draganddrop.h"
#include "gwen_resizer.h"
using namespace Gwen;
using namespace Gwen::Controls;
SetPadding( Padding( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) );
SetSize( 200, 200 );
m_DockedTabControl = NULL;
m_Left = NULL;
m_Right = NULL;
m_Top = NULL;
m_Bottom = NULL;
m_bDrawHover = false;
TabControl* DockBase::GetTabControl()
return m_DockedTabControl;
void DockBase::SetupChildDock( int iPos )
if ( !m_DockedTabControl )
m_DockedTabControl = new DockedTabControl( this );
m_DockedTabControl->onLoseTab.Add( this, &DockBase::OnTabRemoved );
m_DockedTabControl->SetTabStripPosition( Pos::Bottom );
m_DockedTabControl->SetShowTitlebar( true );
Dock( iPos );
int iSizeDirection = Pos::Left;
if ( iPos == Pos::Left ) iSizeDirection = Pos::Right;
if ( iPos == Pos::Top ) iSizeDirection = Pos::Bottom;
if ( iPos == Pos::Bottom ) iSizeDirection = Pos::Top;
ControlsInternal::Resizer* sizer = new ControlsInternal::Resizer( this );
sizer->Dock( iSizeDirection );
sizer->SetResizeDir( iSizeDirection );
sizer->SetSize( 2, 2 );
sizer->SetTarget( this );
void DockBase::Render( Skin::Base* /*skin*/ )
//Gwen::Render->SetDrawColor( Colors::Black );
//Gwen::Render->DrawLinedRect( GetRenderBounds() );
DockBase** DockBase::GetChildDockPtr( int iPos )
if ( iPos == Pos::Left ) return &m_Left;
if ( iPos == Pos::Right ) return &m_Right;
if ( iPos == Pos::Top ) return &m_Top;
if ( iPos == Pos::Bottom ) return &m_Bottom;
return NULL;
DockBase* DockBase::GetChildDock( int iPos )
DockBase** pDock = GetChildDockPtr( iPos );
if ( !(*pDock) )
(*pDock) = new DockBase( this );
(*pDock)->SetupChildDock( iPos );
(*pDock)->SetHidden( false );
return *pDock;
int DockBase::GetDroppedTabDirection( int x, int y )
int w = Width();
int h = Height();
float top = (float)y / (float) h;
float left = (float)x / (float) w;
float right = (float)(w - x) /(float) w;
float bottom = (float)(h - y) / (float) h;
float minimum = GwenUtil_Min( GwenUtil_Min( GwenUtil_Min( top, left ), right ), bottom );
m_bDropFar = ( minimum < 0.2f );
if ( minimum > 0.3 ) return Pos::Fill;
if ( top == minimum && (!m_Top || m_Top->Hidden()) ) return Pos::Top;
if ( left == minimum && (!m_Left || m_Left->Hidden()) ) return Pos::Left;
if ( right == minimum && (!m_Right || m_Right->Hidden()) ) return Pos::Right;
if ( bottom == minimum && (!m_Bottom || m_Bottom->Hidden()) ) return Pos::Bottom;
return Pos::Fill;
bool DockBase::DragAndDrop_CanAcceptPackage( Gwen::DragAndDrop::Package* pPackage )
// A TAB button dropped
if ( pPackage->name == "TabButtonMove" )
return true;
// a TAB window dropped
if ( pPackage->name == "TabWindowMove" )
return true;
return false;
bool DockBase::DragAndDrop_HandleDrop( Gwen::DragAndDrop::Package* pPackage, int x, int y )
Gwen::Point pPos = CanvasPosToLocal( Gwen::Point( x, y ) );
int dir = GetDroppedTabDirection( pPos.x, pPos.y );
DockedTabControl* pAddTo = m_DockedTabControl;
if ( dir == Pos::Fill && pAddTo == NULL ) return false;
if ( dir != Pos::Fill )
DockBase* pDock = GetChildDock( dir );
pAddTo = pDock->m_DockedTabControl;
if ( !m_bDropFar ) pDock->BringToFront();
else pDock->SendToBack();
if ( pPackage->name == "TabButtonMove" )
TabButton* pTabButton = gwen_cast<TabButton>( DragAndDrop::SourceControl );
if ( !pTabButton ) return false;
pAddTo->AddPage( pTabButton );
if ( pPackage->name == "TabWindowMove" )
DockedTabControl* pTabControl = gwen_cast<DockedTabControl>( DragAndDrop::SourceControl );
if ( !pTabControl ) return false;
if ( pTabControl == pAddTo ) return false;
pTabControl->MoveTabsTo( pAddTo );
return true;
bool DockBase::IsEmpty()
if ( m_DockedTabControl && m_DockedTabControl->TabCount() > 0 ) return false;
if ( m_Left && !m_Left->IsEmpty() ) return false;
if ( m_Right && !m_Right->IsEmpty() ) return false;
if ( m_Top && !m_Top->IsEmpty() ) return false;
if ( m_Bottom && !m_Bottom->IsEmpty() ) return false;
return true;
void DockBase::OnTabRemoved( Gwen::Controls::Base* /*pControl*/ )
void DockBase::DoRedundancyCheck()
if ( !IsEmpty() ) return;
DockBase* pDockParent = gwen_cast<DockBase>( GetParent() );
if ( !pDockParent ) return;
pDockParent->OnRedundantChildDock( this );
void DockBase::DoConsolidateCheck()
if ( IsEmpty() ) return;
if ( !m_DockedTabControl ) return;
if ( m_DockedTabControl->TabCount() > 0 ) return;
if ( m_Bottom && !m_Bottom->IsEmpty() )
m_Bottom->m_DockedTabControl->MoveTabsTo( m_DockedTabControl );
if ( m_Top && !m_Top->IsEmpty() )
m_Top->m_DockedTabControl->MoveTabsTo( m_DockedTabControl );
if ( m_Left && !m_Left->IsEmpty() )
m_Left->m_DockedTabControl->MoveTabsTo( m_DockedTabControl );
if ( m_Right && !m_Right->IsEmpty() )
m_Right->m_DockedTabControl->MoveTabsTo( m_DockedTabControl );
void DockBase::OnRedundantChildDock( DockBase* pDockBase )
pDockBase->SetHidden( true );
void DockBase::DragAndDrop_HoverEnter( Gwen::DragAndDrop::Package* /*pPackage*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/ )
m_bDrawHover = true;
void DockBase::DragAndDrop_HoverLeave( Gwen::DragAndDrop::Package* /*pPackage*/ )
m_bDrawHover = false;
void DockBase::DragAndDrop_Hover( Gwen::DragAndDrop::Package* /*pPackage*/, int x, int y )
Gwen::Point pPos = CanvasPosToLocal( Gwen::Point( x, y ) );
int dir = GetDroppedTabDirection( pPos.x, pPos.y );
if ( dir == Pos::Fill )
if ( !m_DockedTabControl )
m_HoverRect = Gwen::Rect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
m_HoverRect = GetInnerBounds();
m_HoverRect = GetRenderBounds();
int HelpBarWidth = 0;
if ( dir == Pos::Left )
HelpBarWidth = m_HoverRect.w * 0.25f;
m_HoverRect.w = HelpBarWidth;
if ( dir == Pos::Right )
HelpBarWidth = m_HoverRect.w * 0.25f;
m_HoverRect.x = m_HoverRect.w - HelpBarWidth;
m_HoverRect.w = HelpBarWidth;
if ( dir == Pos::Top )
HelpBarWidth = m_HoverRect.h * 0.25f;
m_HoverRect.h = HelpBarWidth;
if ( dir == Pos::Bottom )
HelpBarWidth = m_HoverRect.h * 0.25f;
m_HoverRect.y = m_HoverRect.h - HelpBarWidth;
m_HoverRect.h = HelpBarWidth;
if ( (dir == Pos::Top || dir == Pos::Bottom ) && !m_bDropFar )
if ( m_Left && m_Left->Visible() )
m_HoverRect.x += m_Left->Width();
m_HoverRect.w -= m_Left->Width();
if ( m_Right && m_Right->Visible() )
m_HoverRect.w -= m_Right->Width();
if ( (dir == Pos::Left || dir == Pos::Right ) && !m_bDropFar )
if ( m_Top && m_Top->Visible() )
m_HoverRect.y += m_Top->Height();
m_HoverRect.h -= m_Top->Height();
if ( m_Bottom && m_Bottom->Visible() )
m_HoverRect.h -= m_Bottom->Height();
void DockBase::RenderOver( Skin::Base* skin )
if ( !m_bDrawHover ) return;
Gwen::Renderer::Base* render = skin->GetRender();
render->SetDrawColor( Gwen::Color( 255, 100, 255, 20 ) );
render->DrawFilledRect( GetRenderBounds() );
if ( m_HoverRect.w == 0 ) return;
render->SetDrawColor( Gwen::Color( 255, 100, 255, 100 ) );
render->DrawFilledRect( m_HoverRect );
render->SetDrawColor( Gwen::Color( 255, 100, 255, 200 ) );
render->DrawLinedRect( m_HoverRect );
} |