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Gered c5cdddbeaa initial commit
current versions of all of my basic framework sources, build configurations/scripts, and supporting assets
2013-01-31 12:53:05 -05:00

568 lines
11 KiB

Copyright (c) 2010 Facepunch Studios
See license in Gwen.h
#include "../gwen.h"
#include "gwen_textbox.h"
#include "../gwen_skin.h"
#include "../gwen_anim.h"
#include "../gwen_utility.h"
#include "../gwen_platform.h"
#include <math.h>
using namespace Gwen;
using namespace Gwen::Controls;
class ChangeCaretColor : public Gwen::Anim::Animation
virtual void Think()
SetSize( 200, 20 );
SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
SetKeyboardInputEnabled( true );
SetAlignment( Pos::Left | Pos::CenterV );
SetPadding( Padding( 4, 2, 4, 2 ) );
m_iCursorPos = 0;
m_iCursorEnd = 0;
m_iCursorLine = 0;
m_bSelectAll = false;
SetTextColor( Gwen::Color( 50, 50, 50, 255 ) ); // TODO: From Skin
SetTabable( true );
AddAccelerator( "Ctrl + C", &TextBox::OnCopy );
AddAccelerator( "Ctrl + X", &TextBox::OnCut );
AddAccelerator( "Ctrl + V", &TextBox::OnPaste );
AddAccelerator( "Ctrl + A", &TextBox::OnSelectAll );
Gwen::Anim::Add( this, new ChangeCaretColor() );
bool TextBox::OnChar( char c )
if ( c == '\t' ) return false;
Gwen::String str;
str += c;
InsertText( str );
return true;
void TextBox::InsertText( const Gwen::String& strInsert )
// TODO: Make sure fits (implement maxlength)
if ( HasSelection() )
if ( m_iCursorPos > TextLength() ) m_iCursorPos = TextLength();
if ( !IsTextAllowed( strInsert, m_iCursorPos ) )
String str = GetText().Get();
str.insert( m_iCursorPos, strInsert );
SetText( str );
m_iCursorPos += (int) strInsert.size();
m_iCursorEnd = m_iCursorPos;
m_iCursorLine = 0;
void TextBox::UpdateCaretColor()
if ( m_fNextCaretColorChange > Gwen::Platform::GetTimeInSeconds() ) return;
if ( !HasFocus() ) { m_fNextCaretColorChange = Gwen::Platform::GetTimeInSeconds() + 0.5f; return; }
Gwen::Color targetcolor = Gwen::Color( 230, 230, 230, 255 );
if ( m_CaretColor == targetcolor )
targetcolor = Gwen::Color( 20, 20, 20, 255 );
m_fNextCaretColorChange = Gwen::Platform::GetTimeInSeconds() + 0.5;
m_CaretColor = targetcolor;
void TextBox::Render( Skin::Base* skin )
if ( ShouldDrawBackground() )
skin->DrawTextBox( this );
if ( !HasFocus() ) return;
// Draw selection.. if selected..
if ( m_iCursorPos != m_iCursorEnd )
skin->GetRender()->SetDrawColor( Gwen::Color( 50, 170, 255, 200 ) );
skin->GetRender()->DrawFilledRect( m_rectSelectionBounds );
// Draw caret
skin->GetRender()->SetDrawColor( m_CaretColor );
skin->GetRender()->DrawFilledRect( m_rectCaretBounds );
void TextBox::RefreshCursorBounds()
m_fNextCaretColorChange = Gwen::Platform::GetTimeInSeconds() + 1.5f;
m_CaretColor = Gwen::Color( 30, 30, 30, 255 );
Gwen::Rect pA = GetCharacterPosition( m_iCursorPos );
Gwen::Rect pB = GetCharacterPosition( m_iCursorEnd );
m_rectSelectionBounds.x = Utility::Min( pA.x, pB.x );
m_rectSelectionBounds.y = m_Text->Y() - 1;
m_rectSelectionBounds.w = Utility::Max( pA.x, pB.x ) - m_rectSelectionBounds.x;
m_rectSelectionBounds.h = m_Text->Height() + 2;
m_rectCaretBounds.x = pA.x;
m_rectCaretBounds.y = pA.y;
m_rectCaretBounds.w = 1;
m_rectCaretBounds.h = pA.h;
void TextBox::OnPaste( Gwen::Controls::Base* /*pCtrl*/ )
InsertText( Platform::GetClipboardText() );
void TextBox::OnCopy( Gwen::Controls::Base* /*pCtrl*/ )
if ( !HasSelection() ) return;
Platform::SetClipboardText( GetSelection() );
void TextBox::OnCut( Gwen::Controls::Base* /*pCtrl*/ )
if ( !HasSelection() ) return;
Platform::SetClipboardText( GetSelection() );
void TextBox::OnSelectAll( Gwen::Controls::Base* /*pCtrl*/ )
m_iCursorEnd = 0;
m_iCursorPos = TextLength();
m_iCursorLine = 0;
void TextBox::OnMouseDoubleClickLeft( int /*x*/, int /*y*/ )
OnSelectAll( this );
String TextBox::GetSelection()
if ( !HasSelection() ) return "";
int iStart = Utility::Min( m_iCursorPos, m_iCursorEnd );
int iEnd = Utility::Max( m_iCursorPos, m_iCursorEnd );
const String& str = GetText().Get();
return str.substr( iStart, iEnd - iStart );
bool TextBox::OnKeyReturn( bool bDown )
if ( bDown ) return true;
// Try to move to the next control, as if tab had been pressed
OnKeyTab( true );
// If we still have focus, blur it.
if ( HasFocus() )
// This is called AFTER the blurring so you can
// refocus in your onReturnPressed hook.
return true;
bool TextBox::OnKeyBackspace( bool bDown )
if ( !bDown ) return true;
if ( HasSelection() )
return true;
if ( m_iCursorPos == 0 ) return true;
DeleteText( m_iCursorPos-1, 1 );
return true;
bool TextBox::OnKeyDelete( bool bDown )
if ( !bDown ) return true;
if ( HasSelection() )
return true;
if ( m_iCursorPos >= TextLength() ) return true;
DeleteText( m_iCursorPos, 1 );
return true;
bool TextBox::OnKeyLeft( bool bDown )
if ( !bDown ) return true;
if ( m_iCursorPos > 0 )
if ( !Gwen::Input::IsShiftDown() )
m_iCursorEnd = m_iCursorPos;
return true;
bool TextBox::OnKeyRight( bool bDown )
if ( !bDown ) return true;
if ( m_iCursorPos < TextLength() )
if ( !Gwen::Input::IsShiftDown() )
m_iCursorEnd = m_iCursorPos;
return true;
bool TextBox::OnKeyHome( bool bDown )
if ( !bDown ) return true;
m_iCursorPos = 0;
if ( !Gwen::Input::IsShiftDown() )
m_iCursorEnd = m_iCursorPos;
return true;
bool TextBox::OnKeyEnd( bool /*bDown*/ )
m_iCursorPos = TextLength();
if ( !Gwen::Input::IsShiftDown() )
m_iCursorEnd = m_iCursorPos;
return true;
void TextBox::SetCursorPos( int i )
if ( m_iCursorPos == i ) return;
m_iCursorPos = i;
m_iCursorLine = 0;
void TextBox::SetCursorEnd( int i )
if ( m_iCursorEnd == i ) return;
m_iCursorEnd = i;
void TextBox::DeleteText( int iStartPos, int iLength )
String str = GetText().Get();
str.erase( iStartPos, iLength );
SetText( str );
if ( m_iCursorPos > iStartPos )
SetCursorPos( m_iCursorPos - iLength );
SetCursorEnd( m_iCursorPos );
bool TextBox::HasSelection()
return m_iCursorPos != m_iCursorEnd;
void TextBox::EraseSelection()
int iStart = Utility::Min( m_iCursorPos, m_iCursorEnd );
int iEnd = Utility::Max( m_iCursorPos, m_iCursorEnd );
DeleteText( iStart, iEnd - iStart );
// Move the cursor to the start of the selection,
// since the end is probably outside of the string now.
m_iCursorPos = iStart;
m_iCursorEnd = iStart;
void TextBox::OnMouseClickLeft( int x, int y, bool bDown )
if ( m_bSelectAll )
OnSelectAll( this );
m_bSelectAll = false;
int iChar = m_Text->GetClosestCharacter( m_Text->CanvasPosToLocal( Gwen::Point( x, y ) ) );
if ( bDown )
SetCursorPos( iChar );
if ( !Gwen::Input::IsShiftDown() )
SetCursorEnd( iChar );
Gwen::MouseFocus = this;
if ( Gwen::MouseFocus == this )
SetCursorPos( iChar );
Gwen::MouseFocus = NULL;
void TextBox::OnMouseMoved( int x, int y, int /*deltaX*/, int /*deltaY*/ )
if ( Gwen::MouseFocus != this ) return;
int iChar = m_Text->GetClosestCharacter( m_Text->CanvasPosToLocal( Gwen::Point( x, y ) ) );
SetCursorPos( iChar );
void TextBox::MakeCaratVisible()
int iCaratPos = m_Text->GetCharacterPosition( m_iCursorPos ).x;
// If the carat is already in a semi-good position, leave it.
int iRealCaratPos = iCaratPos + m_Text->X();
if ( iRealCaratPos > Width() * 0.1f && iRealCaratPos < Width() * 0.9f )
// The ideal position is for the carat to be right in the middle
int idealx = -iCaratPos + Width() * 0.5f;;
// Don't show too much whitespace to the right
if ( idealx + m_Text->Width() < Width() - GetPadding().right )
idealx = -m_Text->Width() + (Width() - GetPadding().right );
// Or the left
if ( idealx > GetPadding().left )
idealx = GetPadding().left;
m_Text->SetPos( idealx, m_Text->Y() );
void TextBox::Layout( Skin::Base* skin )
BaseClass::Layout( skin );
void TextBox::OnTextChanged()
if ( m_iCursorPos > TextLength() ) m_iCursorPos = TextLength();
if ( m_iCursorEnd > TextLength() ) m_iCursorEnd = TextLength();
onTextChanged.Call( this );
void TextBox::OnEnter()
onReturnPressed.Call( this );
void TextBox::MoveCaretToEnd()
m_iCursorPos = TextLength();
m_iCursorEnd = TextLength();
void TextBox::MoveCaretToStart()
m_iCursorPos = 0;
m_iCursorEnd = 0;
SetWrap( true );
SetAlignment( Pos::Left | Pos::Top );
bool TextBoxMultiline::OnKeyReturn( bool bDown )
if ( bDown )
InsertText( "\n" );
return true;
void TextBoxMultiline::MakeCaratVisible()
// TODO. scroll vertically
int TextBoxMultiline::GetCurrentLine()
return m_Text->GetLineFromChar( m_iCursorPos );
bool TextBoxMultiline::OnKeyHome( bool bDown )
if ( !bDown ) return true;
int iCurrentLine = GetCurrentLine();
int iChar = m_Text->GetStartCharFromLine( iCurrentLine );
m_iCursorLine = 0;
m_iCursorPos = iChar;
if ( !Gwen::Input::IsShiftDown() )
m_iCursorEnd = m_iCursorPos;
return true;
bool TextBoxMultiline::OnKeyEnd( bool bDown )
if ( !bDown ) return true;
int iCurrentLine = GetCurrentLine();
int iChar = m_Text->GetEndCharFromLine( iCurrentLine );
m_iCursorLine = 0;
m_iCursorPos = iChar-1; // NAUGHTY
if ( !Gwen::Input::IsShiftDown() )
m_iCursorEnd = m_iCursorPos;
return true;
bool TextBoxMultiline::OnKeyUp( bool bDown )
if ( !bDown ) return true;
if ( m_iCursorLine == 0 ) m_iCursorLine = m_Text->GetCharPosOnLine( m_iCursorPos );
int iLine = m_Text->GetLineFromChar( m_iCursorPos );
if ( iLine == 0 ) return true;
m_iCursorPos = m_Text->GetStartCharFromLine( iLine - 1 );
m_iCursorPos += Clamp( m_iCursorLine, 0, m_Text->GetLine( iLine - 1)->Length() );
m_iCursorPos = Clamp( m_iCursorPos, 0, m_Text->Length() );
if ( !Gwen::Input::IsShiftDown() )
m_iCursorEnd = m_iCursorPos;
return true;
bool TextBoxMultiline::OnKeyDown( bool bDown )
if ( !bDown ) return true;
if ( m_iCursorLine == 0 ) m_iCursorLine = m_Text->GetCharPosOnLine( m_iCursorPos );
int iLine = m_Text->GetLineFromChar( m_iCursorPos );
if ( iLine >= m_Text->NumLines()-1 ) return true;
m_iCursorPos = m_Text->GetStartCharFromLine( iLine + 1 );
m_iCursorPos += Clamp( m_iCursorLine, 0, m_Text->GetLine( iLine + 1)->Length() );
m_iCursorPos = Clamp( m_iCursorPos, 0, m_Text->Length() );
if ( !Gwen::Input::IsShiftDown() )
m_iCursorEnd = m_iCursorPos;
return true;