/* GWEN Copyright (c) 2012 Facepunch Studios See license in Gwen.h */ #include "../gwen_macros.h" #include "../gwen_platform.h" #include static Gwen::String gs_ClipboardEmulator; void Gwen::Platform::Sleep( unsigned int iMS ) { // TODO. } void Gwen::Platform::SetCursor( unsigned char iCursor ) { // No platform independent way to do this } Gwen::String Gwen::Platform::GetClipboardText() { return gs_ClipboardEmulator; } bool Gwen::Platform::SetClipboardText( const Gwen::String& str ) { gs_ClipboardEmulator = str; return true; } float Gwen::Platform::GetTimeInSeconds() { float fSeconds = (float) clock() / (float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; return fSeconds; } bool Gwen::Platform::FileOpen( const String& Name, const String& StartPath, const String& Extension, Gwen::Event::Handler* pHandler, Event::Handler::FunctionWithInformation fnCallback ) { // No platform independent way to do this. // Ideally you would open a system dialog here return false; } bool Gwen::Platform::FileSave( const String& Name, const String& StartPath, const String& Extension, Gwen::Event::Handler* pHandler, Gwen::Event::Handler::FunctionWithInformation fnCallback ) { // No platform independent way to do this. // Ideally you would open a system dialog here return false; } bool Gwen::Platform::FolderOpen( const String& Name, const String& StartPath, Gwen::Event::Handler* pHandler, Event::Handler::FunctionWithInformation fnCallback ) { return false; } void* Gwen::Platform::CreatePlatformWindow( int x, int y, int w, int h, const Gwen::String& strWindowTitle ) { return NULL; } void Gwen::Platform::DestroyPlatformWindow( void* pPtr ) { } void Gwen::Platform::MessagePump( void* pWindow, Gwen::Controls::Canvas* ptarget ) { } void Gwen::Platform::SetBoundsPlatformWindow( void* pPtr, int x, int y, int w, int h ) { } void Gwen::Platform::SetWindowMaximized( void* pPtr, bool bMax, Gwen::Point& pNewPos, Gwen::Point& pNewSize ) { } void Gwen::Platform::SetWindowMinimized( void* pPtr, bool bMinimized ) { } bool Gwen::Platform::HasFocusPlatformWindow( void* pPtr ) { return true; } void Gwen::Platform::GetDesktopSize( int& w, int &h ) { w = 1024; h = 768; } void Gwen::Platform::GetCursorPos( Gwen::Point &po ) { }