#include "../gwen.h" #include "gwen_crosssplitter.h" #include "gwen_button.h" using namespace Gwen; using namespace Controls; GWEN_CONTROL_CONSTRUCTOR( CrossSplitter ) { m_VSplitter = new SplitterBar( this ); m_VSplitter->SetPos( 0, 128 ); m_VSplitter->onDragged.Add( this, &CrossSplitter::OnVerticalMoved ); m_VSplitter->SetCursor( Gwen::CursorType::SizeNS ); m_HSplitter = new SplitterBar( this ); m_HSplitter->SetPos( 128, 0 ); m_HSplitter->onDragged.Add( this, &CrossSplitter::OnHorizontalMoved ); m_HSplitter->SetCursor( Gwen::CursorType::SizeWE ); m_CSplitter = new SplitterBar( this ); m_CSplitter->SetPos( 128, 128 ); m_CSplitter->onDragged.Add( this, &CrossSplitter::OnCenterMoved ); m_CSplitter->SetCursor( Gwen::CursorType::SizeAll ); m_fHVal = 0.5f; m_fVVal = 0.5f; SetPanel( 0, NULL ); SetPanel( 1, NULL ); SetPanel( 2, NULL ); SetPanel( 3, NULL ); SetSplitterSize( 5 ); m_iZoomedSection = -1; } void CrossSplitter::UpdateVSplitter() { m_VSplitter->MoveTo( m_VSplitter->X(), ( Height() - m_VSplitter->Height() ) * ( m_fVVal )); } void CrossSplitter::UpdateHSplitter() { m_HSplitter->MoveTo( ( Width() - m_HSplitter->Width() ) * ( m_fHVal ), m_HSplitter->Y() ); } void CrossSplitter::OnCenterMoved( Controls::Base * /*control*/ ) { //Move the other two bars into position CalculateValueCenter(); Invalidate(); } void CrossSplitter::UpdateCSplitter() { m_CSplitter->MoveTo( ( Width() - m_CSplitter->Width() ) * ( m_fHVal ), ( Height() - m_CSplitter->Height() ) * ( m_fVVal )); } void CrossSplitter::OnHorizontalMoved( Controls::Base * /*control*/ ) { m_fHVal = CalculateValueHorizontal(); Invalidate(); } void CrossSplitter::OnVerticalMoved( Controls::Base * /*control*/ ) { m_fVVal = CalculateValueVertical(); Invalidate(); } void CrossSplitter::CalculateValueCenter() { m_fHVal = (float)m_CSplitter->X() / (float)( Width() - m_CSplitter->Width() ); m_fVVal = (float)m_CSplitter->Y() / (float)( Height() - m_CSplitter->Height() ); } float CrossSplitter::CalculateValueHorizontal() { return (float)m_HSplitter->X() / (float)( Width() - m_HSplitter->Width() ); } float CrossSplitter::CalculateValueVertical() { return (float)m_VSplitter->Y() / (float)( Height() - m_VSplitter->Height() ); } void CrossSplitter::Layout( Skin::Base* /*skin*/ ) { m_VSplitter->SetSize( Width(), m_fBarSize ); m_HSplitter->SetSize( m_fBarSize, Height() ); m_CSplitter->SetSize( m_fBarSize, m_fBarSize ); UpdateVSplitter(); UpdateHSplitter(); UpdateCSplitter(); if ( m_iZoomedSection == -1 ) { if ( m_Sections[0] ) m_Sections[0]->SetBounds( 0, 0, m_HSplitter->X(), m_VSplitter->Y() ); if ( m_Sections[1] ) m_Sections[1]->SetBounds( m_HSplitter->X() + m_fBarSize, 0, Width() - ( m_HSplitter->X() + m_fBarSize ), m_VSplitter->Y() ); if ( m_Sections[2] ) m_Sections[2]->SetBounds( 0, m_VSplitter->Y() + m_fBarSize, m_HSplitter->X(), Height() - ( m_VSplitter->Y() + m_fBarSize ) ); if ( m_Sections[3] ) m_Sections[3]->SetBounds( m_HSplitter->X() + m_fBarSize, m_VSplitter->Y() + m_fBarSize, Width() - ( m_HSplitter->X() + m_fBarSize ), Height() - ( m_VSplitter->Y() + m_fBarSize ) ); } else { //This should probably use Fill docking instead m_Sections[(int)m_iZoomedSection]->SetBounds( 0, 0, Width(), Height() ); } } void CrossSplitter::SetPanel( int index, Controls::Base* pPanel) { Debug::AssertCheck( index >= 0 && index <= 3, "CrossSplitter::SetPanel out of range" ); m_Sections[index] = pPanel; if ( pPanel ) { pPanel->Dock( Pos::None ); pPanel->SetParent( this ); } Invalidate(); } Controls::Base* CrossSplitter::GetPanel( int i ) { return m_Sections[i]; } void CrossSplitter::ZoomChanged() { onZoomChange.Call( this ); if ( m_iZoomedSection == -1 ) { onUnZoomed.Call( this ); } else { onZoomed.Call( this ); } } void CrossSplitter::Zoom( int section ) { UnZoom(); if ( m_Sections[section] ) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if ( i != section && m_Sections[i] ) m_Sections[i]->SetHidden( true ); } m_iZoomedSection = section; Invalidate(); } ZoomChanged(); } void CrossSplitter::UnZoom() { m_iZoomedSection = -1; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( m_Sections[i] ) m_Sections[i]->SetHidden( false ); } Invalidate(); ZoomChanged(); }