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2262 lines
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Copyright (C) 2005,2009-2010 Electronic Arts, Inc. All rights reserved.
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2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
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// EASTL/internal/hashtable.h
// Written and maintained by Paul Pedriana - 2005.
// This file implements a hashtable, much like the C++ TR1 hash_set/hash_map.
// proposed classes.
// The primary distinctions between this hashtable and TR1 hash tables are:
// - hashtable is savvy to an environment that doesn't have exception handling,
// as is sometimes the case with console or embedded environments.
// - hashtable is slightly more space-efficient than a conventional std hashtable
// implementation on platforms with 64 bit size_t. This is
// because std STL uses size_t (64 bits) in data structures whereby 32 bits
// of data would be fine.
// - hashtable can contain objects with alignment requirements. TR1 hash tables
// cannot do so without a bit of tedious non-portable effort.
// - hashtable supports debug memory naming natively.
// - hashtable provides a find function that lets you specify a type that is
// different from the hash table key type. This is particularly useful for
// the storing of string objects but finding them by char pointers.
// This file is currently partially based on the TR1 (technical report 1)
// reference implementation of the hash_set/hash_map C++ classes
// as of about 4/2005.
#include <EASTL/internal/config.h>
#include <EASTL/type_traits.h>
#include <EASTL/allocator.h>
#include <EASTL/iterator.h>
#include <EASTL/functional.h>
#include <EASTL/utility.h>
#include <EASTL/algorithm.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push, 0)
#include <new>
#include <stddef.h>
#pragma warning(pop)
#include <new>
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4512) // 'class' : assignment operator could not be generated.
#pragma warning(disable: 4530) // C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled. Specify /EHsc
namespace eastl
/// Defines a default container name in the absence of a user-provided name.
#define EASTL_HASHTABLE_DEFAULT_NAME EASTL_DEFAULT_NAME_PREFIX " hashtable" // Unless the user overrides something, this is "EASTL hashtable".
/// gpEmptyBucketArray
/// A shared representation of an empty hash table. This is present so that
/// a new empty hashtable allocates no memory. It has two entries, one for
/// the first lone empty (NULL) bucket, and one for the non-NULL trailing sentinel.
extern EASTL_API void* gpEmptyBucketArray[2];
/// hash_node
/// A hash_node stores an element in a hash table, much like a
/// linked list node stores an element in a linked list.
/// A hash_node additionally can, via template parameter,
/// store a hash code in the node to speed up hash calculations
/// and comparisons in some cases.
template <typename Value, bool bCacheHashCode>
struct hash_node;
template <typename Value>
struct hash_node<Value, true>
Value mValue;
hash_node* mpNext;
eastl_size_t mnHashCode; // See config.h for the definition of eastl_size_t, which defaults to uint32_t.
template <typename Value>
struct hash_node<Value, false>
Value mValue;
hash_node* mpNext;
/// node_iterator_base
/// Node iterators iterate nodes within a given bucket.
/// We define a base class here because it is shared by both const and
/// non-const iterators.
template <typename Value, bool bCacheHashCode>
struct node_iterator_base
typedef hash_node<Value, bCacheHashCode> node_type;
node_type* mpNode;
node_iterator_base(node_type* pNode)
: mpNode(pNode) { }
void increment()
{ mpNode = mpNode->mpNext; }
/// node_iterator
/// Node iterators iterate nodes within a given bucket.
/// The bConst parameter defines if the iterator is a const_iterator
/// or an iterator.
template <typename Value, bool bConst, bool bCacheHashCode>
struct node_iterator : public node_iterator_base<Value, bCacheHashCode>
typedef node_iterator_base<Value, bCacheHashCode> base_type;
typedef node_iterator<Value, bConst, bCacheHashCode> this_type;
typedef typename base_type::node_type node_type;
typedef Value value_type;
typedef typename type_select<bConst, const Value*, Value*>::type pointer;
typedef typename type_select<bConst, const Value&, Value&>::type reference;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef EASTL_ITC_NS::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
explicit node_iterator(node_type* pNode = NULL)
: base_type(pNode) { }
node_iterator(const node_iterator<Value, true, bCacheHashCode>& x)
: base_type(x.mpNode) { }
reference operator*() const
{ return base_type::mpNode->mValue; }
pointer operator->() const
{ return &(base_type::mpNode->mValue); }
node_iterator& operator++()
{ base_type::increment(); return *this; }
node_iterator operator++(int)
{ node_iterator temp(*this); base_type::increment(); return temp; }
}; // node_iterator
/// hashtable_iterator_base
/// A hashtable_iterator iterates the entire hash table and not just
/// nodes within a single bucket. Users in general will use a hash
/// table iterator much more often, as it is much like other container
/// iterators (e.g. vector::iterator).
/// We define a base class here because it is shared by both const and
/// non-const iterators.
template <typename Value, bool bCacheHashCode>
struct hashtable_iterator_base
typedef hash_node<Value, bCacheHashCode> node_type;
// We use public here because it allows the hashtable class to access
// these without a function call, and we are very strongly avoiding
// function calls in this library, as our primary goal is performance
// over correctness and some compilers (e.g. GCC) are terrible at
// inlining and so avoiding function calls is of major importance.
node_type* mpNode; // Current node within current bucket.
node_type** mpBucket; // Current bucket.
hashtable_iterator_base(node_type* pNode, node_type** pBucket)
: mpNode(pNode), mpBucket(pBucket) { }
void increment_bucket()
while(*mpBucket == NULL) // We store an extra bucket with some non-NULL value at the end
++mpBucket; // of the bucket array so that finding the end of the bucket
mpNode = *mpBucket; // array is quick and simple.
void increment()
mpNode = mpNode->mpNext;
while(mpNode == NULL)
mpNode = *++mpBucket;
}; // hashtable_iterator_base
/// hashtable_iterator
/// A hashtable_iterator iterates the entire hash table and not just
/// nodes within a single bucket. Users in general will use a hash
/// table iterator much more often, as it is much like other container
/// iterators (e.g. vector::iterator).
/// The bConst parameter defines if the iterator is a const_iterator
/// or an iterator.
template <typename Value, bool bConst, bool bCacheHashCode>
struct hashtable_iterator : public hashtable_iterator_base<Value, bCacheHashCode>
typedef hashtable_iterator_base<Value, bCacheHashCode> base_type;
typedef hashtable_iterator<Value, bConst, bCacheHashCode> this_type;
typedef hashtable_iterator<Value, false, bCacheHashCode> this_type_non_const;
typedef typename base_type::node_type node_type;
typedef Value value_type;
typedef typename type_select<bConst, const Value*, Value*>::type pointer;
typedef typename type_select<bConst, const Value&, Value&>::type reference;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef EASTL_ITC_NS::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
hashtable_iterator(node_type* pNode = NULL, node_type** pBucket = NULL)
: base_type(pNode, pBucket) { }
hashtable_iterator(node_type** pBucket)
: base_type(*pBucket, pBucket) { }
hashtable_iterator(const this_type_non_const& x)
: base_type(x.mpNode, x.mpBucket) { }
reference operator*() const
{ return base_type::mpNode->mValue; }
pointer operator->() const
{ return &(base_type::mpNode->mValue); }
hashtable_iterator& operator++()
{ base_type::increment(); return *this; }
hashtable_iterator operator++(int)
{ hashtable_iterator temp(*this); base_type::increment(); return temp; }
const node_type* get_node() const
{ return base_type::mpNode; }
}; // hashtable_iterator
/// ht_distance
/// This function returns the same thing as distance() for
/// forward iterators but returns zero for input iterators.
/// The reason why is that input iterators can only be read
/// once, and calling distance() on an input iterator destroys
/// the ability to read it. This ht_distance is used only for
/// optimization and so the code will merely work better with
/// forward iterators that input iterators.
template <typename Iterator>
inline typename eastl::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type
distance_fw_impl(Iterator /* first */, Iterator /* last */, EASTL_ITC_NS::input_iterator_tag)
{ return 0; }
template <typename Iterator>
inline typename eastl::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type
distance_fw_impl(Iterator first, Iterator last, EASTL_ITC_NS::forward_iterator_tag)
{ return eastl::distance(first, last); }
template <typename Iterator>
inline typename eastl::iterator_traits<Iterator>::difference_type
ht_distance(Iterator first, Iterator last)
typedef typename eastl::iterator_traits<Iterator>::iterator_category IC;
return distance_fw_impl(first, last, IC());
/// mod_range_hashing
/// Implements the algorithm for conversion of a number in the range of
/// [0, UINT32_MAX) to the range of [0, BucketCount).
struct mod_range_hashing
// Defined as eastl_size_t instead of size_t because the latter
// wastes memory and is sometimes slower on 64 bit machines.
uint32_t operator()(uint32_t r, uint32_t n) const
{ return r % n; }
/// default_ranged_hash
/// Default ranged hash function H. In principle it should be a
/// function object composed from objects of type H1 and H2 such that
/// h(k, n) = h2(h1(k), n), but that would mean making extra copies of
/// h1 and h2. So instead we'll just use a tag to tell class template
/// hashtable to do that composition.
struct default_ranged_hash{ };
/// prime_rehash_policy
/// Default value for rehash policy. Bucket size is (usually) the
/// smallest prime that keeps the load factor small enough.
struct EASTL_API prime_rehash_policy
float mfMaxLoadFactor;
float mfGrowthFactor;
mutable uint32_t mnNextResize;
prime_rehash_policy(float fMaxLoadFactor = 1.f)
: mfMaxLoadFactor(fMaxLoadFactor), mfGrowthFactor(2.f), mnNextResize(0) { }
float GetMaxLoadFactor() const
{ return mfMaxLoadFactor; }
/// Return a bucket count no greater than nBucketCountHint,
/// Don't update member variables while at it.
static uint32_t GetPrevBucketCountOnly(uint32_t nBucketCountHint);
/// Return a bucket count no greater than nBucketCountHint.
/// This function has a side effect of updating mnNextResize.
uint32_t GetPrevBucketCount(uint32_t nBucketCountHint) const;
/// Return a bucket count no smaller than nBucketCountHint.
/// This function has a side effect of updating mnNextResize.
uint32_t GetNextBucketCount(uint32_t nBucketCountHint) const;
/// Return a bucket count appropriate for nElementCount elements.
/// This function has a side effect of updating mnNextResize.
uint32_t GetBucketCount(uint32_t nElementCount) const;
/// nBucketCount is current bucket count, nElementCount is current element count,
/// and nElementAdd is number of elements to be inserted. Do we need
/// to increase bucket count? If so, return pair(true, n), where
/// n is the new bucket count. If not, return pair(false, 0).
eastl::pair<bool, uint32_t>
GetRehashRequired(uint32_t nBucketCount, uint32_t nElementCount, uint32_t nElementAdd) const;
// Base classes for hashtable. We define these base classes because
// in some cases we want to do different things depending on the
// value of a policy class. In some cases the policy class affects
// which member functions and nested typedefs are defined; we handle that
// by specializing base class templates. Several of the base class templates
// need to access other members of class template hashtable, so we use
// the "curiously recurring template pattern" (parent class is templated
// on type of child class) for them.
/// rehash_base
/// Give hashtable the get_max_load_factor functions if the rehash
/// policy is prime_rehash_policy.
template <typename RehashPolicy, typename Hashtable>
struct rehash_base { };
template <typename Hashtable>
struct rehash_base<prime_rehash_policy, Hashtable>
// Returns the max load factor, which is the load factor beyond
// which we rebuild the container with a new bucket count.
float get_max_load_factor() const
const Hashtable* const pThis = static_cast<const Hashtable*>(this);
return pThis->rehash_policy().GetMaxLoadFactor();
// If you want to make the hashtable never rehash (resize),
// set the max load factor to be a very high number (e.g. 100000.f).
void set_max_load_factor(float fMaxLoadFactor)
Hashtable* const pThis = static_cast<Hashtable*>(this);
/// hash_code_base
/// Encapsulates two policy issues that aren't quite orthogonal.
/// (1) The difference between using a ranged hash function and using
/// the combination of a hash function and a range-hashing function.
/// In the former case we don't have such things as hash codes, so
/// we have a dummy type as placeholder.
/// (2) Whether or not we cache hash codes. Caching hash codes is
/// meaningless if we have a ranged hash function. This is because
/// a ranged hash function converts an object directly to its
/// bucket index without ostensibly using a hash code.
/// We also put the key extraction and equality comparison function
/// objects here, for convenience.
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename ExtractKey, typename Equal,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, bool bCacheHashCode>
struct hash_code_base;
/// hash_code_base
/// Specialization: ranged hash function, no caching hash codes.
/// H1 and H2 are provided but ignored. We define a dummy hash code type.
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename ExtractKey, typename Equal, typename H1, typename H2, typename H>
struct hash_code_base<Key, Value, ExtractKey, Equal, H1, H2, H, false>
ExtractKey mExtractKey; // To do: Make this member go away entirely, as it never has any data.
Equal mEqual; // To do: Make this instance use zero space when it is zero size.
H mRangedHash; // To do: Make this instance use zero space when it is zero size
H1 hash_function() const
{ return H1(); }
Equal equal_function() const // Deprecated. Use key_eq() instead, as key_eq is what the new C++ standard
{ return mEqual; } // has specified in its hashtable (unordered_*) proposal.
const Equal& key_eq() const
{ return mEqual; }
Equal& key_eq()
{ return mEqual; }
typedef void* hash_code_t;
typedef uint32_t bucket_index_t;
hash_code_base(const ExtractKey& extractKey, const Equal& eq, const H1&, const H2&, const H& h)
: mExtractKey(extractKey), mEqual(eq), mRangedHash(h) { }
hash_code_t get_hash_code(const Key& /* key */) const
{ return NULL; }
bucket_index_t bucket_index(hash_code_t, uint32_t) const
{ return (bucket_index_t)0; }
bucket_index_t bucket_index(const Key& key, hash_code_t, uint32_t nBucketCount) const
{ return (bucket_index_t)mRangedHash(key, nBucketCount); }
bucket_index_t bucket_index(const hash_node<Value, false>* pNode, uint32_t nBucketCount) const
{ return (bucket_index_t)mRangedHash(mExtractKey(pNode->mValue), nBucketCount); }
bool compare(const Key& key, hash_code_t, hash_node<Value, false>* pNode) const
{ return mEqual(key, mExtractKey(pNode->mValue)); }
void copy_code(hash_node<Value, false>*, const hash_node<Value, false>*) const
{ } // Nothing to do.
void set_code(hash_node<Value, false>* /* pDest */, hash_code_t /* c */) const
{ } // Nothing to do.
void base_swap(hash_code_base& x)
eastl::swap(mExtractKey, x.mExtractKey);
eastl::swap(mEqual, x.mEqual);
eastl::swap(mRangedHash, x.mRangedHash);
}; // hash_code_base
// No specialization for ranged hash function while caching hash codes.
// That combination is meaningless, and trying to do it is an error.
/// hash_code_base
/// Specialization: ranged hash function, cache hash codes.
/// This combination is meaningless, so we provide only a declaration
/// and no definition.
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename ExtractKey, typename Equal, typename H1, typename H2, typename H>
struct hash_code_base<Key, Value, ExtractKey, Equal, H1, H2, H, true>;
/// hash_code_base
/// Specialization: hash function and range-hashing function,
/// no caching of hash codes. H is provided but ignored.
/// Provides typedef and accessor required by TR1.
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename ExtractKey, typename Equal, typename H1, typename H2>
struct hash_code_base<Key, Value, ExtractKey, Equal, H1, H2, default_ranged_hash, false>
ExtractKey mExtractKey;
Equal mEqual;
H1 m_h1;
H2 m_h2;
typedef H1 hasher;
H1 hash_function() const
{ return m_h1; }
Equal equal_function() const // Deprecated. Use key_eq() instead, as key_eq is what the new C++ standard
{ return mEqual; } // has specified in its hashtable (unordered_*) proposal.
const Equal& key_eq() const
{ return mEqual; }
Equal& key_eq()
{ return mEqual; }
typedef uint32_t hash_code_t;
typedef uint32_t bucket_index_t;
typedef hash_node<Value, false> node_type;
hash_code_base(const ExtractKey& ex, const Equal& eq, const H1& h1, const H2& h2, const default_ranged_hash&)
: mExtractKey(ex), mEqual(eq), m_h1(h1), m_h2(h2) { }
hash_code_t get_hash_code(const Key& key) const
{ return (hash_code_t)m_h1(key); }
bucket_index_t bucket_index(hash_code_t c, uint32_t nBucketCount) const
{ return (bucket_index_t)m_h2(c, nBucketCount); }
bucket_index_t bucket_index(const Key&, hash_code_t c, uint32_t nBucketCount) const
{ return (bucket_index_t)m_h2(c, nBucketCount); }
bucket_index_t bucket_index(const node_type* pNode, uint32_t nBucketCount) const
{ return (bucket_index_t)m_h2((hash_code_t)m_h1(mExtractKey(pNode->mValue)), nBucketCount); }
bool compare(const Key& key, hash_code_t, node_type* pNode) const
{ return mEqual(key, mExtractKey(pNode->mValue)); }
void copy_code(node_type*, const node_type*) const
{ } // Nothing to do.
void set_code(node_type*, hash_code_t) const
{ } // Nothing to do.
void base_swap(hash_code_base& x)
eastl::swap(mExtractKey, x.mExtractKey);
eastl::swap(mEqual, x.mEqual);
eastl::swap(m_h1, x.m_h1);
eastl::swap(m_h2, x.m_h2);
}; // hash_code_base
/// hash_code_base
/// Specialization: hash function and range-hashing function,
/// caching hash codes. H is provided but ignored.
/// Provides typedef and accessor required by TR1.
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename ExtractKey, typename Equal, typename H1, typename H2>
struct hash_code_base<Key, Value, ExtractKey, Equal, H1, H2, default_ranged_hash, true>
ExtractKey mExtractKey;
Equal mEqual;
H1 m_h1;
H2 m_h2;
typedef H1 hasher;
H1 hash_function() const
{ return m_h1; }
Equal equal_function() const // Deprecated. Use key_eq() instead, as key_eq is what the new C++ standard
{ return mEqual; } // has specified in its hashtable (unordered_*) proposal.
const Equal& key_eq() const
{ return mEqual; }
Equal& key_eq()
{ return mEqual; }
typedef uint32_t hash_code_t;
typedef uint32_t bucket_index_t;
typedef hash_node<Value, true> node_type;
hash_code_base(const ExtractKey& ex, const Equal& eq, const H1& h1, const H2& h2, const default_ranged_hash&)
: mExtractKey(ex), mEqual(eq), m_h1(h1), m_h2(h2) { }
hash_code_t get_hash_code(const Key& key) const
{ return (hash_code_t)m_h1(key); }
bucket_index_t bucket_index(hash_code_t c, uint32_t nBucketCount) const
{ return (bucket_index_t)m_h2(c, nBucketCount); }
bucket_index_t bucket_index(const Key&, hash_code_t c, uint32_t nBucketCount) const
{ return (bucket_index_t)m_h2(c, nBucketCount); }
bucket_index_t bucket_index(const node_type* pNode, uint32_t nBucketCount) const
{ return (bucket_index_t)m_h2((uint32_t)pNode->mnHashCode, nBucketCount); }
bool compare(const Key& key, hash_code_t c, node_type* pNode) const
{ return (pNode->mnHashCode == c) && mEqual(key, mExtractKey(pNode->mValue)); }
void copy_code(node_type* pDest, const node_type* pSource) const
{ pDest->mnHashCode = pSource->mnHashCode; }
void set_code(node_type* pDest, hash_code_t c) const
{ pDest->mnHashCode = c; }
void base_swap(hash_code_base& x)
eastl::swap(mExtractKey, x.mExtractKey);
eastl::swap(mEqual, x.mEqual);
eastl::swap(m_h1, x.m_h1);
eastl::swap(m_h2, x.m_h2);
}; // hash_code_base
/// hashtable
/// Key and Value: arbitrary CopyConstructible types.
/// ExtractKey: function object that takes a object of type Value
/// and returns a value of type Key.
/// Equal: function object that takes two objects of type k and returns
/// a bool-like value that is true if the two objects are considered equal.
/// H1: a hash function. A unary function object with argument type
/// Key and result type size_t. Return values should be distributed
/// over the entire range [0, numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()].
/// H2: a range-hashing function (in the terminology of Tavori and
/// Dreizin). This is a function which takes the output of H1 and
/// converts it to the range of [0, n]. Usually it merely takes the
/// output of H1 and mods it to n.
/// H: a ranged hash function (Tavori and Dreizin). This is merely
/// a class that combines the functionality of H1 and H2 together,
/// possibly in some way that is somehow improved over H1 and H2
/// It is a binary function whose argument types are Key and size_t
/// and whose result type is uint32_t. Given arguments k and n, the
/// return value is in the range [0, n). Default: h(k, n) = h2(h1(k), n).
/// If H is anything other than the default, H1 and H2 are ignored,
/// as H is thus overriding H1 and H2.
/// RehashPolicy: Policy class with three members, all of which govern
/// the bucket count. nBucket(n) returns a bucket count no smaller
/// than n. GetBucketCount(n) returns a bucket count appropriate
/// for an element count of n. GetRehashRequired(nBucketCount, nElementCount, nElementAdd)
/// determines whether, if the current bucket count is nBucket and the
/// current element count is nElementCount, we need to increase the bucket
/// count. If so, returns pair(true, n), where n is the new
/// bucket count. If not, returns pair(false, <anything>).
/// Currently it is hard-wired that the number of buckets never
/// shrinks. Should we allow RehashPolicy to change that?
/// bCacheHashCode: true if we store the value of the hash
/// function along with the value. This is a time-space tradeoff.
/// Storing it may improve lookup speed by reducing the number of
/// times we need to call the Equal function.
/// bMutableIterators: true if hashtable::iterator is a mutable
/// iterator, false if iterator and const_iterator are both const
/// iterators. This is true for hash_map and hash_multimap,
/// false for hash_set and hash_multiset.
/// bUniqueKeys: true if the return value of hashtable::count(k)
/// is always at most one, false if it may be an arbitrary number.
/// This is true for hash_set and hash_map and is false for
/// hash_multiset and hash_multimap.
/// Note:
/// If you want to make a hashtable never increase its bucket usage,
/// call set_max_load_factor with a very high value such as 100000.f.
/// find_as
/// In order to support the ability to have a hashtable of strings but
/// be able to do efficiently lookups via char pointers (i.e. so they
/// aren't converted to string objects), we provide the find_as
/// function. This function allows you to do a find with a key of a
/// type other than the hashtable key type. See the find_as function
/// for more documentation on this.
/// find_by_hash
/// In the interest of supporting fast operations wherever possible,
/// we provide a find_by_hash function which finds a node using its
/// hash code. This is useful for cases where the node's hash is
/// already known, allowing us to avoid a redundant hash operation
/// in the normal find path.
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Allocator, typename ExtractKey,
typename Equal, typename H1, typename H2, typename H,
typename RehashPolicy, bool bCacheHashCode, bool bMutableIterators, bool bUniqueKeys>
class hashtable
: public rehash_base<RehashPolicy, hashtable<Key, Value, Allocator, ExtractKey, Equal, H1, H2, H, RehashPolicy, bCacheHashCode, bMutableIterators, bUniqueKeys> >,
public hash_code_base<Key, Value, ExtractKey, Equal, H1, H2, H, bCacheHashCode>
typedef Key key_type;
typedef Value value_type;
typedef typename ExtractKey::result_type mapped_type;
typedef hash_code_base<Key, Value, ExtractKey, Equal, H1, H2, H, bCacheHashCode> hash_code_base_type;
typedef typename hash_code_base_type::hash_code_t hash_code_t;
typedef Allocator allocator_type;
typedef Equal key_equal;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef eastl_size_t size_type; // See config.h for the definition of eastl_size_t, which defaults to uint32_t.
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
typedef node_iterator<value_type, !bMutableIterators, bCacheHashCode> local_iterator;
typedef node_iterator<value_type, true, bCacheHashCode> const_local_iterator;
typedef hashtable_iterator<value_type, !bMutableIterators, bCacheHashCode> iterator;
typedef hashtable_iterator<value_type, true, bCacheHashCode> const_iterator;
typedef eastl::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef eastl::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
typedef hash_node<value_type, bCacheHashCode> node_type;
typedef typename type_select<bUniqueKeys, eastl::pair<iterator, bool>, iterator>::type insert_return_type;
typedef hashtable<Key, Value, Allocator, ExtractKey, Equal, H1, H2, H,
RehashPolicy, bCacheHashCode, bMutableIterators, bUniqueKeys> this_type;
typedef RehashPolicy rehash_policy_type;
typedef ExtractKey extract_key_type;
typedef H1 h1_type;
typedef H2 h2_type;
typedef H h_type;
using hash_code_base_type::key_eq;
using hash_code_base_type::hash_function;
using hash_code_base_type::mExtractKey;
using hash_code_base_type::get_hash_code;
using hash_code_base_type::bucket_index;
using hash_code_base_type::compare;
using hash_code_base_type::set_code;
static const bool kCacheHashCode = bCacheHashCode;
kKeyAlignment = EASTL_ALIGN_OF(key_type),
kKeyAlignmentOffset = 0, // To do: Make sure this really is zero for all uses of this template.
kValueAlignment = EASTL_ALIGN_OF(value_type),
kValueAlignmentOffset = 0, // To fix: This offset is zero for sets and >0 for maps. Need to fix this.
kAllocFlagBuckets = 0x00400000 // Flag to allocator which indicates that we are allocating buckets and not nodes.
node_type** mpBucketArray;
size_type mnBucketCount;
size_type mnElementCount;
RehashPolicy mRehashPolicy; // To do: Use base class optimization to make this go away.
allocator_type mAllocator; // To do: Use base class optimization to make this go away.
hashtable(size_type nBucketCount, const H1&, const H2&, const H&, const Equal&, const ExtractKey&,
const allocator_type& allocator = EASTL_HASHTABLE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR);
template <typename FowardIterator>
hashtable(FowardIterator first, FowardIterator last, size_type nBucketCount,
const H1&, const H2&, const H&, const Equal&, const ExtractKey&,
const allocator_type& allocator = EASTL_HASHTABLE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR); // allocator arg removed because VC7.1 fails on the default arg. To do: Make a second version of this function without a default arg.
hashtable(const hashtable& x);
allocator_type& get_allocator();
void set_allocator(const allocator_type& allocator);
this_type& operator=(const this_type& x);
void swap(this_type& x);
iterator begin()
iterator i(mpBucketArray);
return i;
const_iterator begin() const
const_iterator i(mpBucketArray);
return i;
iterator end()
{ return iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount); }
const_iterator end() const
{ return const_iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount); }
local_iterator begin(size_type n)
{ return local_iterator(mpBucketArray[n]); }
local_iterator end(size_type)
{ return local_iterator(NULL); }
const_local_iterator begin(size_type n) const
{ return const_local_iterator(mpBucketArray[n]); }
const_local_iterator end(size_type) const
{ return const_local_iterator(NULL); }
bool empty() const
{ return mnElementCount == 0; }
size_type size() const
{ return mnElementCount; }
size_type bucket_count() const
{ return mnBucketCount; }
size_type bucket_size(size_type n) const
{ return (size_type)eastl::distance(begin(n), end(n)); }
//size_type bucket(const key_type& k) const
// { return bucket_index(k, (hash code here), (uint32_t)mnBucketCount); }
float load_factor() const
{ return (float)mnElementCount / (float)mnBucketCount; }
// Inherited from the base class.
// Returns the max load factor, which is the load factor beyond
// which we rebuild the container with a new bucket count.
// get_max_load_factor comes from rehash_base.
// float get_max_load_factor() const;
// Inherited from the base class.
// If you want to make the hashtable never rehash (resize),
// set the max load factor to be a very high number (e.g. 100000.f).
// set_max_load_factor comes from rehash_base.
// void set_max_load_factor(float fMaxLoadFactor);
/// Generalization of get_max_load_factor. This is an extension that's
/// not present in TR1.
const rehash_policy_type& rehash_policy() const
{ return mRehashPolicy; }
/// Generalization of set_max_load_factor. This is an extension that's
/// not present in TR1.
void rehash_policy(const rehash_policy_type& rehashPolicy);
insert_return_type insert(const value_type& value);
iterator insert(const_iterator, const value_type& value);
template <typename InputIterator>
void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
iterator erase(iterator position);
iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);
reverse_iterator erase(reverse_iterator position);
reverse_iterator erase(reverse_iterator first, reverse_iterator last);
size_type erase(const key_type& k);
void clear();
void clear(bool clearBuckets);
void reset();
void rehash(size_type nBucketCount);
iterator find(const key_type& key);
const_iterator find(const key_type& key) const;
/// Implements a find whereby the user supplies a comparison of a different type
/// than the hashtable value_type. A useful case of this is one whereby you have
/// a container of string objects but want to do searches via passing in char pointers.
/// The problem is that without this kind of find, you need to do the expensive operation
/// of converting the char pointer to a string so it can be used as the argument to the
/// find function.
/// Example usage (namespaces omitted for brevity):
/// hash_set<string> hashSet;
/// hashSet.find_as("hello"); // Use default hash and compare.
/// Example usage (note that the predicate uses string as first type and char* as second):
/// hash_set<string> hashSet;
/// hashSet.find_as("hello", hash<char*>(), equal_to_2<string, char*>());
template <typename U, typename UHash, typename BinaryPredicate>
iterator find_as(const U& u, UHash uhash, BinaryPredicate predicate);
template <typename U, typename UHash, typename BinaryPredicate>
const_iterator find_as(const U& u, UHash uhash, BinaryPredicate predicate) const;
template <typename U>
iterator find_as(const U& u);
template <typename U>
const_iterator find_as(const U& u) const;
/// Implements a find whereby the user supplies the node's hash code.
iterator find_by_hash(hash_code_t c);
const_iterator find_by_hash(hash_code_t c) const;
size_type count(const key_type& k) const;
eastl::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& k);
eastl::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const key_type& k) const;
bool validate() const;
int validate_iterator(const_iterator i) const;
node_type* DoAllocateNode(const value_type& value);
node_type* DoAllocateNodeFromKey(const key_type& key);
void DoFreeNode(node_type* pNode);
void DoFreeNodes(node_type** pBucketArray, size_type);
node_type** DoAllocateBuckets(size_type n);
void DoFreeBuckets(node_type** pBucketArray, size_type n);
eastl::pair<iterator, bool> DoInsertValue(const value_type& value, true_type);
iterator DoInsertValue(const value_type& value, false_type);
eastl::pair<iterator, bool> DoInsertKey(const key_type& key, true_type);
iterator DoInsertKey(const key_type& key, false_type);
void DoRehash(size_type nBucketCount);
node_type* DoFindNode(node_type* pNode, const key_type& k, hash_code_t c) const;
template <typename U, typename BinaryPredicate>
node_type* DoFindNode(node_type* pNode, const U& u, BinaryPredicate predicate) const;
node_type* DoFindNode(node_type* pNode, hash_code_t c) const;
}; // class hashtable
// node_iterator_base
template <typename Value, bool bCacheHashCode>
inline bool operator==(const node_iterator_base<Value, bCacheHashCode>& a, const node_iterator_base<Value, bCacheHashCode>& b)
{ return a.mpNode == b.mpNode; }
template <typename Value, bool bCacheHashCode>
inline bool operator!=(const node_iterator_base<Value, bCacheHashCode>& a, const node_iterator_base<Value, bCacheHashCode>& b)
{ return a.mpNode != b.mpNode; }
// hashtable_iterator_base
template <typename Value, bool bCacheHashCode>
inline bool operator==(const hashtable_iterator_base<Value, bCacheHashCode>& a, const hashtable_iterator_base<Value, bCacheHashCode>& b)
{ return a.mpNode == b.mpNode; }
template <typename Value, bool bCacheHashCode>
inline bool operator!=(const hashtable_iterator_base<Value, bCacheHashCode>& a, const hashtable_iterator_base<Value, bCacheHashCode>& b)
{ return a.mpNode != b.mpNode; }
// hashtable
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>
::hashtable(size_type nBucketCount, const H1& h1, const H2& h2, const H& h,
const Eq& eq, const EK& ek, const allocator_type& allocator)
: rehash_base<RP, hashtable>(),
hash_code_base<K, V, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, bC>(ek, eq, h1, h2, h),
if(nBucketCount < 2) // If we are starting in an initially empty state, with no memory allocation done.
else // Else we are creating a potentially non-empty hashtable...
EASTL_ASSERT(nBucketCount < 10000000);
mnBucketCount = (size_type)mRehashPolicy.GetNextBucketCount((uint32_t)nBucketCount);
mpBucketArray = DoAllocateBuckets(mnBucketCount); // mnBucketCount will always be at least 2.
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
template <typename FowardIterator>
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::hashtable(FowardIterator first, FowardIterator last, size_type nBucketCount,
const H1& h1, const H2& h2, const H& h,
const Eq& eq, const EK& ek, const allocator_type& allocator)
: rehash_base<rehash_policy_type, hashtable>(),
hash_code_base<key_type, value_type, extract_key_type, key_equal, h1_type, h2_type, h_type, kCacheHashCode>(ek, eq, h1, h2, h),
//mnBucketCount(0), // This gets re-assigned below.
if(nBucketCount < 2)
const size_type nElementCount = (size_type)eastl::ht_distance(first, last);
mnBucketCount = (size_type)mRehashPolicy.GetBucketCount((uint32_t)nElementCount);
EASTL_ASSERT(nBucketCount < 10000000);
mnBucketCount = nBucketCount;
mpBucketArray = DoAllocateBuckets(mnBucketCount); // mnBucketCount will always be at least 2.
for(; first != last; ++first)
DoFreeBuckets(mpBucketArray, mnBucketCount);
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::hashtable(const this_type& x)
: rehash_base<RP, hashtable>(x),
hash_code_base<K, V, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, bC>(x),
if(mnElementCount) // If there is anything to copy...
mpBucketArray = DoAllocateBuckets(mnBucketCount); // mnBucketCount will be at least 2.
for(size_type i = 0; i < x.mnBucketCount; ++i)
node_type* pNodeSource = x.mpBucketArray[i];
node_type** ppNodeDest = mpBucketArray + i;
*ppNodeDest = DoAllocateNode(pNodeSource->mValue);
this->copy_code(*ppNodeDest, pNodeSource);
ppNodeDest = &(*ppNodeDest)->mpNext;
pNodeSource = pNodeSource->mpNext;
DoFreeBuckets(mpBucketArray, mnBucketCount);
// In this case, instead of allocate memory and copy nothing from x,
// we reset ourselves to a zero allocation state.
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::allocator_type&
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::get_allocator()
return mAllocator;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::set_allocator(const allocator_type& allocator)
mAllocator = allocator;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::this_type&
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::operator=(const this_type& x)
if(this != &x)
mAllocator = x.mAllocator;
insert(x.begin(), x.end());
return *this;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::~hashtable()
DoFreeBuckets(mpBucketArray, mnBucketCount);
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::node_type*
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::DoAllocateNode(const value_type& value)
node_type* const pNode = (node_type*)allocate_memory(mAllocator, sizeof(node_type), kValueAlignment, kValueAlignmentOffset);
::new(&pNode->mValue) value_type(value);
pNode->mpNext = NULL;
return pNode;
EASTLFree(mAllocator, pNode, sizeof(node_type));
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::node_type*
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::DoAllocateNodeFromKey(const key_type& key)
node_type* const pNode = (node_type*)allocate_memory(mAllocator, sizeof(node_type), kValueAlignment, kValueAlignmentOffset);
::new(&pNode->mValue) value_type(key);
pNode->mpNext = NULL;
return pNode;
EASTLFree(mAllocator, pNode, sizeof(node_type));
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::DoFreeNode(node_type* pNode)
EASTLFree(mAllocator, pNode, sizeof(node_type));
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
void hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::DoFreeNodes(node_type** pNodeArray, size_type n)
for(size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i)
node_type* pNode = pNodeArray[i];
node_type* const pTempNode = pNode;
pNode = pNode->mpNext;
pNodeArray[i] = NULL;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::node_type**
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::DoAllocateBuckets(size_type n)
// We allocate one extra bucket to hold a sentinel, an arbitrary
// non-null pointer. Iterator increment relies on this.
EASTL_ASSERT(n > 1); // We reserve an mnBucketCount of 1 for the shared gpEmptyBucketArray.
EASTL_CT_ASSERT(kAllocFlagBuckets == 0x00400000); // Currently we expect this to be so, because the allocator has a copy of this enum.
node_type** const pBucketArray = (node_type**)EASTLAllocFlags(mAllocator, (n + 1) * sizeof(node_type*), kAllocFlagBuckets);
//eastl::fill(pBucketArray, pBucketArray + n, (node_type*)NULL);
memset(pBucketArray, 0, n * sizeof(node_type*));
pBucketArray[n] = reinterpret_cast<node_type*>((uintptr_t)~0);
return pBucketArray;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::DoFreeBuckets(node_type** pBucketArray, size_type n)
// If n <= 1, then pBucketArray is from the shared gpEmptyBucketArray. We don't test
// for pBucketArray == &gpEmptyBucketArray because one library have a different gpEmptyBucketArray
// than another but pass a hashtable to another. So we go by the size.
if(n > 1)
EASTLFree(mAllocator, pBucketArray, (n + 1) * sizeof(node_type*)); // '+1' because DoAllocateBuckets allocates nBucketCount + 1 buckets in order to have a NULL sentinel at the end.
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
void hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::swap(this_type& x)
if(mAllocator == x.mAllocator) // If allocators are equivalent...
// We leave mAllocator as-is.
hash_code_base<K, V, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, bC>::base_swap(x); // hash_code_base has multiple implementations, so we let them handle the swap.
eastl::swap(mRehashPolicy, x.mRehashPolicy);
eastl::swap(mpBucketArray, x.mpBucketArray);
eastl::swap(mnBucketCount, x.mnBucketCount);
eastl::swap(mnElementCount, x.mnElementCount);
const this_type temp(*this); // Can't call eastl::swap because that would
*this = x; // itself call this member swap function.
x = temp;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::rehash_policy(const rehash_policy_type& rehashPolicy)
mRehashPolicy = rehashPolicy;
const size_type nBuckets = rehashPolicy.GetBucketCount((uint32_t)mnElementCount);
if(nBuckets > mnBucketCount)
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::find(const key_type& k)
const hash_code_t c = get_hash_code(k);
const size_type n = (size_type)bucket_index(k, c, (uint32_t)mnBucketCount);
node_type* const pNode = DoFindNode(mpBucketArray[n], k, c);
return pNode ? iterator(pNode, mpBucketArray + n) : iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount); // iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount) == end()
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::const_iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::find(const key_type& k) const
const hash_code_t c = get_hash_code(k);
const size_type n = (size_type)bucket_index(k, c, (uint32_t)mnBucketCount);
node_type* const pNode = DoFindNode(mpBucketArray[n], k, c);
return pNode ? const_iterator(pNode, mpBucketArray + n) : const_iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount); // iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount) == end()
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
template <typename U, typename UHash, typename BinaryPredicate>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::find_as(const U& other, UHash uhash, BinaryPredicate predicate)
const hash_code_t c = (hash_code_t)uhash(other);
const size_type n = (size_type)(c % mnBucketCount); // This assumes we are using the mod range policy.
node_type* const pNode = DoFindNode(mpBucketArray[n], other, predicate);
return pNode ? iterator(pNode, mpBucketArray + n) : iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount); // iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount) == end()
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
template <typename U, typename UHash, typename BinaryPredicate>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::const_iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::find_as(const U& other, UHash uhash, BinaryPredicate predicate) const
const hash_code_t c = (hash_code_t)uhash(other);
const size_type n = (size_type)(c % mnBucketCount); // This assumes we are using the mod range policy.
node_type* const pNode = DoFindNode(mpBucketArray[n], other, predicate);
return pNode ? const_iterator(pNode, mpBucketArray + n) : const_iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount); // iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount) == end()
/// hashtable_find
/// Helper function that defaults to using hash<U> and equal_to_2<T, U>.
/// This makes it so that by default you don't need to provide these.
/// Note that the default hash functions may not be what you want, though.
/// Example usage. Instead of this:
/// hash_set<string> hashSet;
/// hashSet.find("hello", hash<char*>(), equal_to_2<string, char*>());
/// You can use this:
/// hash_set<string> hashSet;
/// hashtable_find(hashSet, "hello");
template <typename H, typename U>
inline typename H::iterator hashtable_find(H& hashTable, U u)
{ return hashTable.find_as(u, eastl::hash<U>(), eastl::equal_to_2<const typename H::key_type, U>()); }
template <typename H, typename U>
inline typename H::const_iterator hashtable_find(const H& hashTable, U u)
{ return hashTable.find_as(u, eastl::hash<U>(), eastl::equal_to_2<const typename H::key_type, U>()); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
template <typename U>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::find_as(const U& other)
{ return eastl::hashtable_find(*this, other); }
// VC++ doesn't appear to like the following, though it seems correct to me.
// So we implement the workaround above until we can straighten this out.
//{ return find_as(other, eastl::hash<U>(), eastl::equal_to_2<const key_type, U>()); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
template <typename U>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::const_iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::find_as(const U& other) const
{ return eastl::hashtable_find(*this, other); }
// VC++ doesn't appear to like the following, though it seems correct to me.
// So we implement the workaround above until we can straighten this out.
//{ return find_as(other, eastl::hash<U>(), eastl::equal_to_2<const key_type, U>()); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::find_by_hash(hash_code_t c)
const size_type n = (size_type)bucket_index(c, (uint32_t)mnBucketCount);
node_type* const pNode = DoFindNode(mpBucketArray[n], c);
return pNode ? iterator(pNode, mpBucketArray + n) : iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount); // iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount) == end()
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::const_iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::find_by_hash(hash_code_t c) const
const size_type n = (size_type)bucket_index(c, (uint32_t)mnBucketCount);
node_type* const pNode = DoFindNode(mpBucketArray[n], c);
return pNode ? const_iterator(pNode, mpBucketArray + n) : const_iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount); // iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount) == end()
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::size_type
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::count(const key_type& k) const
const hash_code_t c = get_hash_code(k);
const size_type n = (size_type)bucket_index(k, c, (uint32_t)mnBucketCount);
size_type result = 0;
// To do: Make a specialization for bU (unique keys) == true and take
// advantage of the fact that the count will always be zero or one in that case.
for(node_type* pNode = mpBucketArray[n]; pNode; pNode = pNode->mpNext)
if(compare(k, c, pNode))
return result;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
eastl::pair<typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::iterator,
typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::iterator>
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::equal_range(const key_type& k)
const hash_code_t c = get_hash_code(k);
const size_type n = (size_type)bucket_index(k, c, (uint32_t)mnBucketCount);
node_type** head = mpBucketArray + n;
node_type* pNode = DoFindNode(*head, k, c);
node_type* p1 = pNode->mpNext;
for(; p1; p1 = p1->mpNext)
if(!compare(k, c, p1))
iterator first(pNode, head);
iterator last(p1, head);
return eastl::pair<iterator, iterator>(first, last);
return eastl::pair<iterator, iterator>(iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount), // iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount) == end()
iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount));
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
eastl::pair<typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::const_iterator,
typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::const_iterator>
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::equal_range(const key_type& k) const
const hash_code_t c = get_hash_code(k);
const size_type n = (size_type)bucket_index(k, c, (uint32_t)mnBucketCount);
node_type** head = mpBucketArray + n;
node_type* pNode = DoFindNode(*head, k, c);
node_type* p1 = pNode->mpNext;
for(; p1; p1 = p1->mpNext)
if(!compare(k, c, p1))
const_iterator first(pNode, head);
const_iterator last(p1, head);
return eastl::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator>(first, last);
return eastl::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator>(const_iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount), // iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount) == end()
const_iterator(mpBucketArray + mnBucketCount));
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::node_type*
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::DoFindNode(node_type* pNode, const key_type& k, hash_code_t c) const
for(; pNode; pNode = pNode->mpNext)
if(compare(k, c, pNode))
return pNode;
return NULL;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
template <typename U, typename BinaryPredicate>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::node_type*
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::DoFindNode(node_type* pNode, const U& other, BinaryPredicate predicate) const
for(; pNode; pNode = pNode->mpNext)
if(predicate(mExtractKey(pNode->mValue), other)) // Intentionally compare with key as first arg and other as second arg.
return pNode;
return NULL;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::node_type*
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::DoFindNode(node_type* pNode, hash_code_t c) const
for(; pNode; pNode = pNode->mpNext)
if(pNode->mnHashCode == c)
return pNode;
return NULL;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
eastl::pair<typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::iterator, bool>
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::DoInsertValue(const value_type& value, true_type) // true_type means bUniqueKeys is true.
const key_type& k = mExtractKey(value);
const hash_code_t c = get_hash_code(k);
size_type n = (size_type)bucket_index(k, c, (uint32_t)mnBucketCount);
node_type* const pNode = DoFindNode(mpBucketArray[n], k, c);
if(pNode == NULL)
const eastl::pair<bool, uint32_t> bRehash = mRehashPolicy.GetRehashRequired((uint32_t)mnBucketCount, (uint32_t)mnElementCount, (uint32_t)1);
// Allocate the new node before doing the rehash so that we don't
// do a rehash if the allocation throws.
node_type* const pNodeNew = DoAllocateNode(value);
set_code(pNodeNew, c); // This is a no-op for most hashtables.
n = (size_type)bucket_index(k, c, (uint32_t)bRehash.second);
EASTL_ASSERT((void**)mpBucketArray != &gpEmptyBucketArray[0]);
pNodeNew->mpNext = mpBucketArray[n];
mpBucketArray[n] = pNodeNew;
return eastl::pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(pNodeNew, mpBucketArray + n), true);
return eastl::pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(pNode, mpBucketArray + n), false);
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::DoInsertValue(const value_type& value, false_type) // false_type means bUniqueKeys is false.
const eastl::pair<bool, uint32_t> bRehash = mRehashPolicy.GetRehashRequired((uint32_t)mnBucketCount, (uint32_t)mnElementCount, (uint32_t)1);
const key_type& k = mExtractKey(value);
const hash_code_t c = get_hash_code(k);
const size_type n = (size_type)bucket_index(k, c, (uint32_t)mnBucketCount);
node_type* const pNodeNew = DoAllocateNode(value);
set_code(pNodeNew, c); // This is a no-op for most hashtables.
// To consider: Possibly make this insertion not make equal elements contiguous.
// As it stands now, we insert equal values contiguously in the hashtable.
// The benefit is that equal_range can work in a sensible manner and that
// erase(value) can more quickly find equal values. The downside is that
// this insertion operation taking some extra time. How important is it to
// us that equal_range span all equal items?
node_type* const pNodePrev = DoFindNode(mpBucketArray[n], k, c);
if(pNodePrev == NULL)
EASTL_ASSERT((void**)mpBucketArray != &gpEmptyBucketArray[0]);
pNodeNew->mpNext = mpBucketArray[n];
mpBucketArray[n] = pNodeNew;
pNodeNew->mpNext = pNodePrev->mpNext;
pNodePrev->mpNext = pNodeNew;
return iterator(pNodeNew, mpBucketArray + n);
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
eastl::pair<typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::iterator, bool>
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::DoInsertKey(const key_type& key, true_type) // true_type means bUniqueKeys is true.
const hash_code_t c = get_hash_code(key);
size_type n = (size_type)bucket_index(key, c, (uint32_t)mnBucketCount);
node_type* const pNode = DoFindNode(mpBucketArray[n], key, c);
if(pNode == NULL)
const eastl::pair<bool, uint32_t> bRehash = mRehashPolicy.GetRehashRequired((uint32_t)mnBucketCount, (uint32_t)mnElementCount, (uint32_t)1);
// Allocate the new node before doing the rehash so that we don't
// do a rehash if the allocation throws.
node_type* const pNodeNew = DoAllocateNodeFromKey(key);
set_code(pNodeNew, c); // This is a no-op for most hashtables.
n = (size_type)bucket_index(key, c, (uint32_t)bRehash.second);
EASTL_ASSERT((void**)mpBucketArray != &gpEmptyBucketArray[0]);
pNodeNew->mpNext = mpBucketArray[n];
mpBucketArray[n] = pNodeNew;
return eastl::pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(pNodeNew, mpBucketArray + n), true);
return eastl::pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(pNode, mpBucketArray + n), false);
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::DoInsertKey(const key_type& key, false_type) // false_type means bUniqueKeys is false.
const eastl::pair<bool, uint32_t> bRehash = mRehashPolicy.GetRehashRequired((uint32_t)mnBucketCount, (uint32_t)mnElementCount, (uint32_t)1);
const hash_code_t c = get_hash_code(key);
const size_type n = (size_type)bucket_index(key, c, (uint32_t)mnBucketCount);
node_type* const pNodeNew = DoAllocateNodeFromKey(key);
set_code(pNodeNew, c); // This is a no-op for most hashtables.
// To consider: Possibly make this insertion not make equal elements contiguous.
// As it stands now, we insert equal values contiguously in the hashtable.
// The benefit is that equal_range can work in a sensible manner and that
// erase(value) can more quickly find equal values. The downside is that
// this insertion operation taking some extra time. How important is it to
// us that equal_range span all equal items?
node_type* const pNodePrev = DoFindNode(mpBucketArray[n], key, c);
if(pNodePrev == NULL)
EASTL_ASSERT((void**)mpBucketArray != &gpEmptyBucketArray[0]);
pNodeNew->mpNext = mpBucketArray[n];
mpBucketArray[n] = pNodeNew;
pNodeNew->mpNext = pNodePrev->mpNext;
pNodePrev->mpNext = pNodeNew;
return iterator(pNodeNew, mpBucketArray + n);
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::insert_return_type
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::insert(const value_type& value)
return DoInsertValue(value, integral_constant<bool, bU>());
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::insert(const_iterator, const value_type& value)
// We ignore the first argument (hint iterator). It's not likely to be useful for hashtable containers.
#ifdef __MWERKS__ // The Metrowerks compiler has a bug.
insert_return_type result = insert(value);
return result.first; // Note by Paul Pedriana while perusing this code: This code will fail to compile when bU is false (i.e. for multiset, multimap).
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ < 3) // If using old GCC (GCC 2.x has a bug which we work around)
EASTL_ASSERT(empty()); // This function cannot return the correct return value on GCC 2.x. Unless, that is, the container is empty.
DoInsertValue(value, integral_constant<bool, bU>());
return begin(); // This is the wrong answer.
insert_return_type result = DoInsertValue(value, integral_constant<bool, bU>());
return result.first; // Note by Paul Pedriana while perusing this code: This code will fail to compile when bU is false (i.e. for multiset, multimap).
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
template <typename InputIterator>
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
const uint32_t nElementAdd = (uint32_t)eastl::ht_distance(first, last);
const eastl::pair<bool, uint32_t> bRehash = mRehashPolicy.GetRehashRequired((uint32_t)mnBucketCount, (uint32_t)mnElementCount, nElementAdd);
for(; first != last; ++first)
#ifdef __MWERKS__ // The Metrowerks compiler has a bug.
DoInsertValue(*first, integral_constant<bool, bU>());
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::erase(iterator i)
iterator iNext(i);
node_type* pNode = i.mpNode;
node_type* pNodeCurrent = *i.mpBucket;
if(pNodeCurrent == pNode)
*i.mpBucket = pNodeCurrent->mpNext;
// We have a singly-linked list, so we have no choice but to
// walk down it till we find the node before the node at 'i'.
node_type* pNodeNext = pNodeCurrent->mpNext;
while(pNodeNext != pNode)
pNodeCurrent = pNodeNext;
pNodeNext = pNodeCurrent->mpNext;
pNodeCurrent->mpNext = pNodeNext->mpNext;
return iNext;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::erase(iterator first, iterator last)
while(first != last)
first = erase(first);
return first;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::reverse_iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::erase(reverse_iterator position)
return reverse_iterator(erase((++position).base()));
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::reverse_iterator
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::erase(reverse_iterator first, reverse_iterator last)
// Version which erases in order from first to last.
// difference_type i(first.base() - last.base());
// while(i--)
// first = erase(first);
// return first;
// Version which erases in order from last to first, but is slightly more efficient:
return reverse_iterator(erase((++last).base(), (++first).base()));
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
typename hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::size_type
hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::erase(const key_type& k)
// To do: Reimplement this function to do a single loop and not try to be
// smart about element contiguity. The mechanism here is only a benefit if the
// buckets are heavily overloaded; otherwise this mechanism may be slightly slower.
const hash_code_t c = get_hash_code(k);
const size_type n = (size_type)bucket_index(k, c, (uint32_t)mnBucketCount);
const size_type nElementCountSaved = mnElementCount;
node_type** pBucketArray = mpBucketArray + n;
while(*pBucketArray && !compare(k, c, *pBucketArray))
pBucketArray = &(*pBucketArray)->mpNext;
while(*pBucketArray && compare(k, c, *pBucketArray))
node_type* const pNode = *pBucketArray;
*pBucketArray = pNode->mpNext;
return nElementCountSaved - mnElementCount;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::clear()
DoFreeNodes(mpBucketArray, mnBucketCount);
mnElementCount = 0;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::clear(bool clearBuckets)
DoFreeNodes(mpBucketArray, mnBucketCount);
DoFreeBuckets(mpBucketArray, mnBucketCount);
mnElementCount = 0;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::reset()
// The reset function is a special extension function which unilaterally
// resets the container to an empty state without freeing the memory of
// the contained objects. This is useful for very quickly tearing down a
// container built into scratch memory.
mnBucketCount = 1;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
mpBucketArray = (node_type**)&gpEmptyBucketArray[0];
void* p = &gpEmptyBucketArray[0];
memcpy(&mpBucketArray, &p, sizeof(mpBucketArray)); // Other compilers implement strict aliasing and casting is thus unsafe.
mnElementCount = 0;
mRehashPolicy.mnNextResize = 0;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::rehash(size_type nBucketCount)
// Note that we unilaterally use the passed in bucket count; we do not attempt migrate it
// up to the next prime number. We leave it at the user's discretion to do such a thing.
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
void hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::DoRehash(size_type nNewBucketCount)
node_type** const pBucketArray = DoAllocateBuckets(nNewBucketCount); // nNewBucketCount should always be >= 2.
node_type* pNode;
for(size_type i = 0; i < mnBucketCount; ++i)
while((pNode = mpBucketArray[i]) != NULL) // Using '!=' disables compiler warnings.
const size_type nNewBucketIndex = (size_type)bucket_index(pNode, (uint32_t)nNewBucketCount);
mpBucketArray[i] = pNode->mpNext;
pNode->mpNext = pBucketArray[nNewBucketIndex];
pBucketArray[nNewBucketIndex] = pNode;
DoFreeBuckets(mpBucketArray, mnBucketCount);
mnBucketCount = nNewBucketCount;
mpBucketArray = pBucketArray;
// A failure here means that a hash function threw an exception.
// We can't restore the previous state without calling the hash
// function again, so the only sensible recovery is to delete everything.
DoFreeNodes(pBucketArray, nNewBucketCount);
DoFreeBuckets(pBucketArray, nNewBucketCount);
DoFreeNodes(mpBucketArray, mnBucketCount);
mnElementCount = 0;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline bool hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::validate() const
// Verify our empty bucket array is unmodified.
if(gpEmptyBucketArray[0] != NULL)
return false;
if(gpEmptyBucketArray[1] != (void*)uintptr_t(~0))
return false;
// Verify that we have at least one bucket. Calculations can
// trigger division by zero exceptions otherwise.
if(mnBucketCount == 0)
return false;
// Verify that gpEmptyBucketArray is used correctly.
// gpEmptyBucketArray is only used when initially empty.
if((void**)mpBucketArray == &gpEmptyBucketArray[0])
if(mnElementCount) // gpEmptyBucketArray is used only for empty hash tables.
return false;
if(mnBucketCount != 1) // gpEmptyBucketArray is used exactly an only for mnBucketCount == 1.
return false;
if(mnBucketCount < 2) // Small bucket counts *must* use gpEmptyBucketArray.
return false;
// Verify that the element count matches mnElementCount.
size_type nElementCount = 0;
for(const_iterator temp = begin(), tempEnd = end(); temp != tempEnd; ++temp)
if(nElementCount != mnElementCount)
return false;
// To do: Verify that individual elements are in the expected buckets.
return true;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
int hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>::validate_iterator(const_iterator i) const
// To do: Come up with a more efficient mechanism of doing this.
for(const_iterator temp = begin(), tempEnd = end(); temp != tempEnd; ++temp)
if(temp == i)
return (isf_valid | isf_current | isf_can_dereference);
if(i == end())
return (isf_valid | isf_current);
return isf_none;
// global operators
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline bool operator==(const hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>& a,
const hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>& b)
return (a.size() == b.size()) && eastl::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin());
// Comparing hash tables for less-ness is an odd thing to do. We provide it for
// completeness, though the user is advised to be wary of how they use this.
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline bool operator<(const hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>& a,
const hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>& b)
// This requires hash table elements to support operator<. Since the hash table
// doesn't compare elements via less (it does so via equals), we must use the
// globally defined operator less for the elements.
return eastl::lexicographical_compare(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline bool operator!=(const hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>& a,
const hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>& b)
return !(a == b);
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline bool operator>(const hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>& a,
const hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>& b)
return b < a;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline bool operator<=(const hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>& a,
const hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>& b)
return !(b < a);
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline bool operator>=(const hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>& a,
const hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>& b)
return !(a < b);
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename EK, typename Eq,
typename H1, typename H2, typename H, typename RP, bool bC, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void swap(const hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>& a,
const hashtable<K, V, A, EK, Eq, H1, H2, H, RP, bC, bM, bU>& b)
} // namespace eastl
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)
#endif // Header include guard