557 lines
18 KiB
557 lines
18 KiB
Copyright (c) 2010 Facepunch Studios
See license in Gwen.h
#pragma once
#include <stl/list.h>
#include <stl/map.h>
#include <stl/algorithm.h>
#include "../gwen_exports.h"
#include "../gwen_structures.h"
#include "../gwen_baserender.h"
#include "../gwen_events.h"
#include "../gwen_utility.h"
#include "../gwen_textobject.h"
#include "../gwen_skin.h"
#include "../gwen_controllist.h"
#include "../gwen_userdata.h"
namespace Gwen
namespace Pos
None = 0,
Left = (1 << 1),
Right = (1 << 2),
Top = (1 << 3),
Bottom = (1 << 4),
CenterV = (1 << 5),
CenterH = (1 << 6),
Fill = (1 << 7),
Center = CenterV | CenterH,
class TextObject;
namespace Skin
class Base;
namespace Controls
class Canvas;
class GWEN_EXPORT Base : public Event::Handler
typedef stl::list<Base*> List;
typedef stl::map<Gwen::String, Gwen::Event::Caller*> AccelMap;
Base( Base* pParent, const Gwen::String& Name = "" );
virtual ~Base();
virtual const char* GetTypeName(){ return "Base"; }
virtual void DelayedDelete();
virtual void PreDelete( Gwen::Skin::Base* skin ){};
virtual void SetParent( Controls::Base* pParent );
virtual Controls::Base* GetParent() const { return m_Parent; }
virtual Controls::Canvas* GetCanvas();
virtual Base::List& GetChildren(){ if ( m_InnerPanel ) return m_InnerPanel->GetChildren(); return Children; }
virtual bool IsChild( Controls::Base* pChild );
virtual unsigned int NumChildren();
virtual Controls::Base* GetChild( unsigned int i );
virtual bool SizeToChildren( bool w = true, bool h = true );
virtual Gwen::Point ChildrenSize();
virtual Controls::Base* FindChildByName( const Gwen::String& name, bool bRecursive = false );
template <typename T> T* FindChild( const Gwen::String& name, bool bRecursive = false );
virtual void SetName( const Gwen::String& name) { m_Name = name; }
virtual const Gwen::String& GetName() { return m_Name; }
virtual void Think(){}
virtual void AddChild( Controls::Base* pChild );
virtual void RemoveChild( Controls::Base* pParent );
virtual void OnChildAdded( Controls::Base* pChild );
virtual void OnChildRemoved( Controls::Base* pChild );
virtual void RemoveAllChildren();
virtual void SendToBack( void );
virtual void BringToFront( void );
virtual void BringNextToControl( Controls::Base* pChild, bool bBehind );
virtual Gwen::Point LocalPosToCanvas( const Gwen::Point& in = Point( 0, 0 ) );
virtual Gwen::Point CanvasPosToLocal( const Gwen::Point& in );
virtual void Dock( int iDock );
virtual int GetDock();
virtual void RestrictToParent( bool restrict ) { m_bRestrictToParent = restrict; }
virtual bool ShouldRestrictToParent() { return m_bRestrictToParent; }
virtual int X() const { return m_Bounds.x; }
virtual int Y() const { return m_Bounds.y; }
virtual int Width() const { return m_Bounds.w; }
virtual int Height() const { return m_Bounds.h; }
virtual int Bottom() const { return m_Bounds.y + m_Bounds.h + m_Margin.bottom; }
virtual int Right() const { return m_Bounds.x + m_Bounds.w + m_Margin.right; }
virtual const Margin& GetMargin() const { return m_Margin; }
virtual const Padding& GetPadding() const { return m_Padding; }
virtual void SetPos( int x, int y );
virtual void SetPos( const Point& p ){ return SetPos( p.x, p.y ); }
virtual void SetPosInParentBounds( int x, int y );
virtual void SetPosInParentBounds( const Point& p ){ return SetPosInParentBounds( p.x, p.y ); }
virtual Point GetPos(){ return Point( X(), Y() ); }
virtual void SetWidth( int w ) { SetSize( w, Height()); }
virtual void SetHeight( int h ) { SetSize( Width(), h); }
virtual bool SetSize( int w, int h );
virtual bool SetSize( const Point& p );
virtual Point GetSize(){ return Point( Width(), Height() ); }
virtual bool SetBounds( int x, int y, int w, int h );
virtual bool SetBounds( const Gwen::Rect& bounds );
virtual void SetPadding( const Padding& padding );
virtual void SetMargin( const Margin& margin );
// MoveTo is identical to SetPos except it uses ShouldRestrictToParent()
virtual void MoveTo (int x, int y );
virtual void MoveBy (int x, int y );
virtual const Gwen::Rect& GetBounds() const { return m_Bounds; }
virtual Controls::Base* GetControlAt( int x, int y, bool bOnlyIfMouseEnabled = true );
virtual void OnBoundsChanged( Gwen::Rect oldBounds );
virtual void OnChildBoundsChanged( Gwen::Rect oldChildBounds, Base* pChild );
virtual void OnScaleChanged();
// Innerbounds is the area inside the control that
// doesn't have child controls docked to it.
virtual const Gwen::Rect& GetInnerBounds() const { return m_InnerBounds; }
Gwen::Rect m_InnerBounds;
virtual const Gwen::Rect& GetRenderBounds() const{ return m_RenderBounds; }
virtual void UpdateRenderBounds();
virtual void DoRender( Gwen::Skin::Base* skin );
virtual void DoCacheRender( Gwen::Skin::Base* skin, Gwen::Controls::Base* pMaster );
virtual void RenderRecursive( Gwen::Skin::Base* skin, const Gwen::Rect& cliprect );
virtual bool ShouldClip(){ return true; }
virtual void Render( Gwen::Skin::Base* skin );
virtual void RenderUnder( Gwen::Skin::Base* /*skin*/ ){};
virtual void RenderOver( Gwen::Skin::Base* /*skin*/ ){};
virtual void RenderFocus( Gwen::Skin::Base* /*skin*/ );
virtual void SetHidden( bool hidden ) { if ( m_bHidden == hidden ) return; m_bHidden = hidden; Invalidate(); Redraw(); }
virtual bool Hidden() const; // Returns true only if this control is hidden
virtual bool Visible() const; // Returns false if this control or its parents are hidden
virtual void Hide(){ SetHidden( true ); }
virtual void Show(){ SetHidden( false ); }
virtual void SetSkin( Skin::Base* skin, bool doChildren = false );
virtual Gwen::Skin::Base* GetSkin( void );
// Background drawing
virtual bool ShouldDrawBackground(){ return m_bDrawBackground; }
virtual void SetShouldDrawBackground( bool b ){ m_bDrawBackground = b; }
virtual void OnSkinChanged( Gwen::Skin::Base* newSkin );
virtual void OnMouseMoved( int x, int y, int deltaX, int deltaY );
virtual bool OnMouseWheeled( int iDelta );
virtual void OnMouseClickLeft( int /*x*/, int /*y*/, bool /*bDown*/ ){};
virtual void OnMouseClickRight( int /*x*/, int /*y*/, bool /*bDown*/ ){}
virtual void OnMouseDoubleClickLeft( int x, int y ){ OnMouseClickLeft( x, y, true ); };
virtual void OnMouseDoubleClickRight( int x, int y ){ OnMouseClickRight( x, y, true ); };
virtual void OnLostKeyboardFocus(){}
virtual void OnKeyboardFocus(){}
virtual void SetMouseInputEnabled( bool b ) { m_bMouseInputEnabled = b; }
virtual bool GetMouseInputEnabled() { return m_bMouseInputEnabled; }
virtual void SetKeyboardInputEnabled( bool b ){ m_bKeyboardInputEnabled = b; }
virtual bool GetKeyboardInputEnabled() const { return m_bKeyboardInputEnabled; }
virtual bool NeedsInputChars(){ return false; }
virtual bool OnChar( char /*c*/ ){ return false; }
virtual bool OnKeyPress( int iKey, bool bPress = true );
virtual bool OnKeyRelease( int iKey );
virtual void OnPaste(Controls::Base* /*pFrom*/){}
virtual void OnCopy(Controls::Base* /*pFrom*/){}
virtual void OnCut(Controls::Base* /*pFrom*/){}
virtual void OnSelectAll(Controls::Base* /*pFrom*/){}
virtual bool OnKeyTab( bool bDown );
virtual bool OnKeySpace( bool /*bDown*/ ){ return false; }
virtual bool OnKeyReturn( bool /*bDown*/ ){ return false; }
virtual bool OnKeyBackspace( bool /*bDown*/ ){ return false; }
virtual bool OnKeyDelete( bool /*bDown*/ ){ return false; }
virtual bool OnKeyRight( bool /*bDown*/ ){ return false; }
virtual bool OnKeyLeft( bool /*bDown*/ ){ return false; }
virtual bool OnKeyHome( bool /*bDown*/ ){ return false; }
virtual bool OnKeyEnd( bool /*bDown*/ ){ return false; }
virtual bool OnKeyUp( bool /*bDown*/ ){ return false; }
virtual bool OnKeyDown( bool /*bDown*/ ){ return false; }
virtual bool OnKeyEscape( bool /*bDown*/ ) { return false; }
virtual void OnMouseEnter();
virtual void OnMouseLeave();
virtual bool IsHovered();
virtual bool ShouldDrawHover();
virtual void Touch();
virtual void OnChildTouched( Controls::Base* pChild );
virtual bool IsOnTop();
virtual bool HasFocus();
virtual void Focus();
virtual void Blur();
virtual void SetDisabled( bool active ) { if ( m_bDisabled == active ) return; m_bDisabled = active; Redraw(); }
virtual bool IsDisabled(){ return m_bDisabled; }
virtual void Redraw(){ UpdateColours(); m_bCacheTextureDirty = true; if ( m_Parent ) m_Parent->Redraw(); }
virtual void UpdateColours(){};
virtual void SetCacheToTexture() { m_bCacheToTexture = true; }
virtual bool ShouldCacheToTexture() { return m_bCacheToTexture; }
virtual void SetCursor( unsigned char c ){ m_Cursor = c; }
virtual void UpdateCursor();
virtual Gwen::Point GetMinimumSize(){ return Gwen::Point( 1, 1 ); }
virtual Gwen::Point GetMaximumSize(){ return Gwen::Point( 4096, 4096 ); }
virtual void SetToolTip( const Gwen::TextObject& strText );
virtual void SetToolTip( Base* tooltip ) { m_ToolTip = tooltip; if ( m_ToolTip ){ m_ToolTip->SetParent( this ); m_ToolTip->SetHidden( true ); } }
virtual Base* GetToolTip() { return m_ToolTip; }
virtual bool IsMenuComponent();
virtual void CloseMenus();
virtual bool IsTabable() { return m_Tabable; }
virtual void SetTabable( bool isTabable ) { m_Tabable = isTabable; }
//Accelerator functionality
void DefaultAccel( Gwen::Controls::Base* /*pCtrl*/ ) { AcceleratePressed(); }
virtual void AcceleratePressed() {};
virtual bool AccelOnlyFocus() { return false; }
virtual bool HandleAccelerator( Gwen::String& accelerator );
template <typename T>
void AddAccelerator( const TextObject& accelerator, T func, Gwen::Event::Handler* handler = NULL )
if ( handler == NULL )
handler = this;
Gwen::Event::Caller* caller = new Gwen::Event::Caller();
caller->Add( handler, func );
Gwen::String str = accelerator.Get();
Gwen::Utility::Strings::ToUpper( str );
Gwen::Utility::Strings::Strip( str, " " );
m_Accelerators[ str ] = caller;
void AddAccelerator( const TextObject& accelerator )
AddAccelerator( accelerator, &Base::DefaultAccel, this );
AccelMap m_Accelerators;
// Default Events
Gwen::Event::Caller onHoverEnter;
Gwen::Event::Caller onHoverLeave;
// Childrens List
Base::List Children;
// The logical parent
// It's usually what you expect, the control you've parented it to.
Base* m_Parent;
// If the innerpanel exists our children will automatically
// become children of that instead of us - allowing us to move
// them all around by moving that panel (useful for scrolling etc)
Base* m_InnerPanel;
virtual Base* Inner(){ return m_InnerPanel; }
// This is the panel's actual parent - most likely the logical
// parent's InnerPanel (if it has one). You should rarely need this.
Base* m_ActualParent;
Base* m_ToolTip;
Skin::Base* m_Skin;
Gwen::Rect m_Bounds;
Gwen::Rect m_RenderBounds;
Padding m_Padding;
Margin m_Margin;
Gwen::String m_Name;
bool m_bRestrictToParent;
bool m_bDisabled;
bool m_bHidden;
bool m_bMouseInputEnabled;
bool m_bKeyboardInputEnabled;
bool m_bDrawBackground;
int m_iDock;
unsigned char m_Cursor;
bool m_Tabable;
bool NeedsLayout(){ return m_bNeedsLayout; }
void Invalidate();
void InvalidateParent(){ if ( m_Parent ){ m_Parent->Invalidate(); } }
void InvalidateChildren( bool bRecursive = false );
void Position( int pos, int xpadding = 0, int ypadding = 0 );
virtual void RecurseLayout( Skin::Base* skin );
virtual void Layout( Skin::Base* skin );
virtual void PostLayout( Skin::Base* /*skin*/ ){};
bool m_bNeedsLayout;
bool m_bCacheTextureDirty;
bool m_bCacheToTexture;
// Drag + Drop
// Giver
virtual void DragAndDrop_SetPackage( bool bDraggable, const String& strName = "", void* pUserData = NULL );
virtual bool DragAndDrop_Draggable();
virtual bool DragAndDrop_ShouldStartDrag(){ return true; }
virtual void DragAndDrop_StartDragging( Gwen::DragAndDrop::Package* pPackage, int x, int y );
virtual Gwen::DragAndDrop::Package* DragAndDrop_GetPackage( int x, int y );
virtual void DragAndDrop_EndDragging( bool /*bSuccess*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/ ){};
DragAndDrop::Package* m_DragAndDrop_Package;
// Receiver
virtual void DragAndDrop_HoverEnter( Gwen::DragAndDrop::Package* /*pPackage*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/ ){ }
virtual void DragAndDrop_HoverLeave( Gwen::DragAndDrop::Package* /*pPackage*/ ){ }
virtual void DragAndDrop_Hover( Gwen::DragAndDrop::Package* /*pPackage*/, int /*x*/, int /*y*/ ){};
virtual bool DragAndDrop_HandleDrop( Gwen::DragAndDrop::Package* pPackage, int x, int y );
virtual bool DragAndDrop_CanAcceptPackage( Gwen::DragAndDrop::Package* /*pPackage*/ ){ return false; }
// Useful anim shortcuts
virtual void Anim_WidthIn( float fLength, float fDelay = 0.0f, float fEase = 1.0f );
virtual void Anim_HeightIn( float fLength, float fDelay = 0.0f, float fEase = 1.0f );
virtual void Anim_WidthOut( float fLength, bool bHide = true, float fDelay = 0.0f, float fEase = 1.0f );
virtual void Anim_HeightOut( float fLength, bool bHide = true, float fDelay = 0.0f, float fEase = 1.0f );
// Dynamic casting, see gwen_cast below
static const char* GetIdentifier()
static const char* ident = "Base";
return ident;
virtual Gwen::Controls::Base* DynamicCast( const char* Variable )
return NULL;
void DoNotIncludeInSize(){ m_bIncludeInSize = false; }
bool ShouldIncludeInSize(){ return m_bIncludeInSize; }
bool m_bIncludeInSize;
virtual void DoAction(){};
virtual void SetAction( Event::Handler* pObject, Handler::FunctionWithInformation pFunction, const Gwen::Event::Packet& packet ){};
virtual int GetNamedChildren( Gwen::ControlList& list, const Gwen::String& strName, bool bDeep = true );
virtual Gwen::ControlList GetNamedChildren( const Gwen::String& strName, bool bDeep = true );
UserDataStorage UserData;
To avoid using dynamic_cast we have gwen_cast.
Each class in Gwen includes GWEN_DYNAMIC. You don't have to include this macro anywhere as it's
automatically included in the GWEN_CONTROL macro.
GWEN_DYNAMIC adds 2 functions:
GetIdentifier - a static function with a static variable inside, which returns
the address of the static variable. The variable is defined as a
string containing "BASECLASSNAME:CLASSNAME". This string should be
as unique as possible - or the compiler might optimize the variables
together - which means that when this function returns the address it
could be the same on one or more variables. Something to bear in mind.
DynamicCast - non static, takes an address returned by GetIdentifier. Will return an
address of a control if the control can safely be cast to the class from
which the identifier was taken.
Really you shouldn't actually have to concenn yourself with that stuff. The only thing you
should use in theory is gwen_cast - which is used just the same as dynamic cast - except for
one difference. We pass in the class name, not a pointer to the class.
template< class T >
T* gwen_cast( Gwen::Controls::Base* p )
if ( !p ) return NULL;
Gwen::Controls::Base* pReturn = p->DynamicCast( T::GetIdentifier() );
if ( !pReturn ) return NULL;
return static_cast<T*>(pReturn);
template <typename T>
T* Gwen::Controls::Base::FindChild( const Gwen::String& name, bool bRecursive )
return gwen_cast<T>( FindChildByName( name, bRecursive ) );
#define GWEN_DYNAMIC( ThisName, BaseName ) \
static const char* GetIdentifier() \
{ \
static const char* ident = #BaseName ":" #ThisName; \
return ident; \
}; \
virtual Gwen::Controls::Base* DynamicCast( const char* Variable ) \
{ \
if ( GetIdentifier() == Variable ) \
return this; \
return BaseClass::DynamicCast( Variable); \
#define GWEN_CLASS( ThisName, BaseName )\
typedef BaseName BaseClass;\
typedef ThisName ThisClass;\
// To be placed in the controls .h definition.
#define GWEN_CONTROL( ThisName, BaseName )\
GWEN_CLASS( ThisName, BaseName )\
GWEN_DYNAMIC( ThisName, BaseName )\
virtual const char* GetTypeName(){ return #ThisName; }\
virtual const char* GetBaseTypeName(){ return BaseClass::GetTypeName(); }\
ThisName( Gwen::Controls::Base* pParent, const Gwen::String& pName = "" )
#define GWEN_CONTROL_INLINE( ThisName, BaseName )\
GWEN_CONTROL( ThisName, BaseName ) : BaseClass( pParent, pName )
ThisName::ThisName( Gwen::Controls::Base* pParent, const Gwen::String& pName ) : BaseClass( pParent, pName )