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2019-03-01 20:29:19 -05:00
Copyright (C) 2005,2009-2010 Electronic Arts, Inc. All rights reserved.
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1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
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// EASTL/red_black_tree.h
// Written by Paul Pedriana 2005.
#include <EASTL/internal/config.h>
#include <EASTL/type_traits.h>
#include <EASTL/allocator.h>
#include <EASTL/iterator.h>
#include <EASTL/utility.h>
#include <EASTL/algorithm.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push, 0)
#include <new>
#include <stddef.h>
#pragma warning(pop)
#include <new>
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4512) // 'class' : assignment operator could not be generated
#pragma warning(disable: 4530) // C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled. Specify /EHsc
namespace eastl
/// Defines a default container name in the absence of a user-provided name.
#define EASTL_RBTREE_DEFAULT_NAME EASTL_DEFAULT_NAME_PREFIX " rbtree" // Unless the user overrides something, this is "EASTL rbtree".
/// RBTreeColor
enum RBTreeColor
/// RBTreeColor
enum RBTreeSide
/// rbtree_node_base
/// We define a rbtree_node_base separately from rbtree_node (below), because it
/// allows us to have non-templated operations, and it makes it so that the
/// rbtree anchor node doesn't carry a T with it, which would waste space and
/// possibly lead to surprising the user due to extra Ts existing that the user
/// didn't explicitly create. The downside to all of this is that it makes debug
/// viewing of an rbtree harder, given that the node pointers are of type
/// rbtree_node_base and not rbtree_node.
struct rbtree_node_base
typedef rbtree_node_base this_type;
this_type* mpNodeRight; // Declared first because it is used most often.
this_type* mpNodeLeft;
this_type* mpNodeParent;
char mColor; // We only need one bit here, would be nice if we could stuff that bit somewhere else.
/// rbtree_node
template <typename Value>
struct rbtree_node : public rbtree_node_base
Value mValue; // For set and multiset, this is the user's value, for map and multimap, this is a pair of key/value.
// rbtree_node_base functions
// These are the fundamental functions that we use to maintain the
// tree. The bulk of the work of the tree maintenance is done in
// these functions.
EASTL_API rbtree_node_base* RBTreeIncrement (const rbtree_node_base* pNode);
EASTL_API rbtree_node_base* RBTreeDecrement (const rbtree_node_base* pNode);
EASTL_API rbtree_node_base* RBTreeGetMinChild (const rbtree_node_base* pNode);
EASTL_API rbtree_node_base* RBTreeGetMaxChild (const rbtree_node_base* pNode);
EASTL_API size_t RBTreeGetBlackCount(const rbtree_node_base* pNodeTop,
const rbtree_node_base* pNodeBottom);
EASTL_API void RBTreeInsert ( rbtree_node_base* pNode,
rbtree_node_base* pNodeParent,
rbtree_node_base* pNodeAnchor,
RBTreeSide insertionSide);
EASTL_API void RBTreeErase ( rbtree_node_base* pNode,
rbtree_node_base* pNodeAnchor);
/// rbtree_iterator
template <typename T, typename Pointer, typename Reference>
struct rbtree_iterator
typedef rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference> this_type;
typedef rbtree_iterator<T, T*, T&> iterator;
typedef rbtree_iterator<T, const T*, const T&> const_iterator;
typedef eastl_size_t size_type; // See config.h for the definition of eastl_size_t, which defaults to uint32_t.
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef T value_type;
typedef rbtree_node_base base_node_type;
typedef rbtree_node<T> node_type;
typedef Pointer pointer;
typedef Reference reference;
typedef EASTL_ITC_NS::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
node_type* mpNode;
explicit rbtree_iterator(const node_type* pNode);
rbtree_iterator(const iterator& x);
reference operator*() const;
pointer operator->() const;
rbtree_iterator& operator++();
rbtree_iterator operator++(int);
rbtree_iterator& operator--();
rbtree_iterator operator--(int);
}; // rbtree_iterator
// rb_base
// This class allows us to use a generic rbtree as the basis of map, multimap,
// set, and multiset transparently. The vital template parameters for this are
// the ExtractKey and the bUniqueKeys parameters.
// If the rbtree has a value type of the form pair<T1, T2> (i.e. it is a map or
// multimap and not a set or multiset) and a key extraction policy that returns
// the first part of the pair, the rbtree gets a mapped_type typedef.
// If it satisfies those criteria and also has unique keys, then it also gets an
// operator[] (which only map and set have and multimap and multiset don't have).
/// rb_base
/// This specialization is used for 'set'. In this case, Key and Value
/// will be the same as each other and ExtractKey will be eastl::use_self.
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename ExtractKey, bool bUniqueKeys, typename RBTree>
struct rb_base
typedef ExtractKey extract_key;
Compare mCompare; // To do: Make sure that empty Compare classes go away via empty base optimizations.
rb_base() : mCompare() {}
rb_base(const Compare& compare) : mCompare(compare) {}
/// rb_base
/// This class is used for 'multiset'.
/// In this case, Key and Value will be the same as each
/// other and ExtractKey will be eastl::use_self.
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename ExtractKey, typename RBTree>
struct rb_base<Key, Value, Compare, ExtractKey, false, RBTree>
typedef ExtractKey extract_key;
Compare mCompare; // To do: Make sure that empty Compare classes go away via empty base optimizations.
rb_base() : mCompare() {}
rb_base(const Compare& compare) : mCompare(compare) {}
/// rb_base
/// This specialization is used for 'map'.
template <typename Key, typename Pair, typename Compare, typename RBTree>
struct rb_base<Key, Pair, Compare, eastl::use_first<Pair>, true, RBTree>
typedef eastl::use_first<Pair> extract_key;
Compare mCompare; // To do: Make sure that empty Compare classes go away via empty base optimizations.
rb_base() : mCompare() {}
rb_base(const Compare& compare) : mCompare(compare) {}
/// rb_base
/// This specialization is used for 'multimap'.
template <typename Key, typename Pair, typename Compare, typename RBTree>
struct rb_base<Key, Pair, Compare, eastl::use_first<Pair>, false, RBTree>
typedef eastl::use_first<Pair> extract_key;
Compare mCompare; // To do: Make sure that empty Compare classes go away via empty base optimizations.
rb_base() : mCompare() {}
rb_base(const Compare& compare) : mCompare(compare) {}
/// rbtree
/// rbtree is the red-black tree basis for the map, multimap, set, and multiset
/// containers. Just about all the work of those containers is done here, and
/// they are merely a shell which sets template policies that govern the code
/// generation for this rbtree.
/// This rbtree implementation is pretty much the same as all other modern
/// rbtree implementations, as the topic is well known and researched. We may
/// choose to implement a "relaxed balancing" option at some point in the
/// future if it is deemed worthwhile. Most rbtree implementations don't do this.
/// The primary rbtree member variable is mAnchor, which is a node_type and
/// acts as the end node. However, like any other node, it has mpNodeLeft,
/// mpNodeRight, and mpNodeParent members. We do the conventional trick of
/// assigning begin() (left-most rbtree node) to mpNodeLeft, assigning
/// 'end() - 1' (a.k.a. rbegin()) to mpNodeRight, and assigning the tree root
/// node to mpNodeParent.
/// Compare (functor): This is a comparison class which defaults to 'less'.
/// It is a common STL thing which takes two arguments and returns true if
/// the first is less than the second.
/// ExtractKey (functor): This is a class which gets the key from a stored
/// node. With map and set, the node is a pair, whereas with set and multiset
/// the node is just the value. ExtractKey will be either eastl::use_first (map and multimap)
/// or eastl::use_self (set and multiset).
/// bMutableIterators (bool): true if rbtree::iterator is a mutable
/// iterator, false if iterator and const_iterator are both const iterators.
/// It will be true for map and multimap and false for set and multiset.
/// bUniqueKeys (bool): true if the keys are to be unique, and false if there
/// can be multiple instances of a given key. It will be true for set and map
/// and false for multiset and multimap.
/// To consider: Add an option for relaxed tree balancing. This could result
/// in performance improvements but would require a more complicated implementation.
/// find_as
/// In order to support the ability to have a tree of strings but
/// be able to do efficiently lookups via char pointers (i.e. so they
/// aren't converted to string objects), we provide the find_as
/// function. This function allows you to do a find with a key of a
/// type other than the tree's key type. See the find_as function
/// for more documentation on this.
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename Allocator,
typename ExtractKey, bool bMutableIterators, bool bUniqueKeys>
class rbtree
: public rb_base<Key, Value, Compare, ExtractKey, bUniqueKeys,
rbtree<Key, Value, Compare, Allocator, ExtractKey, bMutableIterators, bUniqueKeys> >
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef eastl_size_t size_type; // See config.h for the definition of eastl_size_t, which defaults to uint32_t.
typedef Key key_type;
typedef Value value_type;
typedef rbtree_node<value_type> node_type;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef const value_type& const_reference;
typedef typename type_select<bMutableIterators,
rbtree_iterator<value_type, value_type*, value_type&>,
rbtree_iterator<value_type, const value_type*, const value_type&> >::type iterator;
typedef rbtree_iterator<value_type, const value_type*, const value_type&> const_iterator;
typedef eastl::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef eastl::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
typedef Allocator allocator_type;
typedef Compare key_compare;
typedef typename type_select<bUniqueKeys, eastl::pair<iterator, bool>, iterator>::type insert_return_type; // map/set::insert return a pair, multimap/multiset::iterator return an iterator.
typedef rbtree<Key, Value, Compare, Allocator,
ExtractKey, bMutableIterators, bUniqueKeys> this_type;
typedef rb_base<Key, Value, Compare, ExtractKey, bUniqueKeys, this_type> base_type;
typedef integral_constant<bool, bUniqueKeys> has_unique_keys_type;
typedef typename base_type::extract_key extract_key;
using base_type::mCompare;
kKeyAlignment = EASTL_ALIGN_OF(key_type),
kKeyAlignmentOffset = 0, // To do: Make sure this really is zero for all uses of this template.
kValueAlignment = EASTL_ALIGN_OF(value_type),
kValueAlignmentOffset = 0 // To fix: This offset is zero for sets and >0 for maps. Need to fix this.
rbtree_node_base mAnchor; /// This node acts as end() and its mpLeft points to begin(), and mpRight points to rbegin() (the last node on the right).
size_type mnSize; /// Stores the count of nodes in the tree (not counting the anchor node).
allocator_type mAllocator; // To do: Use base class optimization to make this go away.
// ctor/dtor
rbtree(const allocator_type& allocator);
rbtree(const Compare& compare, const allocator_type& allocator = EASTL_RBTREE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR);
rbtree(const this_type& x);
template <typename InputIterator>
rbtree(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const Compare& compare, const allocator_type& allocator = EASTL_RBTREE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR);
// properties
allocator_type& get_allocator();
void set_allocator(const allocator_type& allocator);
const key_compare& key_comp() const { return mCompare; }
key_compare& key_comp() { return mCompare; }
this_type& operator=(const this_type& x);
void swap(this_type& x);
// iterators
iterator begin();
const_iterator begin() const;
iterator end();
const_iterator end() const;
reverse_iterator rbegin();
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
reverse_iterator rend();
const_reverse_iterator rend() const;
bool empty() const;
size_type size() const;
/// map::insert and set::insert return a pair, while multimap::insert and
/// multiset::insert return an iterator.
insert_return_type insert(const value_type& value);
// C++ standard: inserts value if and only if there is no element with
// key equivalent to the key of t in containers with unique keys; always
// inserts value in containers with equivalent keys. Always returns the
// iterator pointing to the element with key equivalent to the key of value.
// iterator position is a hint pointing to where the insert should start
// to search. However, there is a potential defect/improvement report on this behaviour:
// LWG issue #233 (
// We follow the same approach as SGI STL/STLPort and use the position as
// a forced insertion position for the value when possible.
iterator insert(iterator position, const value_type& value);
template <typename InputIterator>
void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
iterator erase(iterator position);
iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last);
reverse_iterator erase(reverse_iterator position);
reverse_iterator erase(reverse_iterator first, reverse_iterator last);
// For some reason, multiple STL versions make a specialization
// for erasing an array of key_types. I'm pretty sure we don't
// need this, but just to be safe we will follow suit.
// The implementation is trivial. Returns void because the values
// could well be randomly distributed throughout the tree and thus
// a return value would be nearly meaningless.
void erase(const key_type* first, const key_type* last);
void clear();
void reset();
iterator find(const key_type& key);
const_iterator find(const key_type& key) const;
/// Implements a find whereby the user supplies a comparison of a different type
/// than the tree's value_type. A useful case of this is one whereby you have
/// a container of string objects but want to do searches via passing in char pointers.
/// The problem is that without this kind of find, you need to do the expensive operation
/// of converting the char pointer to a string so it can be used as the argument to the
/// find function.
/// Example usage (note that the compare uses string as first type and char* as second):
/// set<string> strings;
/// strings.find_as("hello", less_2<string, const char*>());
template <typename U, typename Compare2>
iterator find_as(const U& u, Compare2 compare2);
template <typename U, typename Compare2>
const_iterator find_as(const U& u, Compare2 compare2) const;
iterator lower_bound(const key_type& key);
const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& key) const;
iterator upper_bound(const key_type& key);
const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type& key) const;
bool validate() const;
int validate_iterator(const_iterator i) const;
node_type* DoAllocateNode();
void DoFreeNode(node_type* pNode);
node_type* DoCreateNodeFromKey(const key_type& key);
node_type* DoCreateNode(const value_type& value);
node_type* DoCreateNode(const node_type* pNodeSource, node_type* pNodeParent);
node_type* DoCopySubtree(const node_type* pNodeSource, node_type* pNodeDest);
void DoNukeSubtree(node_type* pNode);
// Intentionally return a pair and not an iterator for DoInsertValue(..., true_type)
// This is because the C++ standard for map and set is to return a pair and not just an iterator.
eastl::pair<iterator, bool> DoInsertValue(const value_type& value, true_type); // true_type means keys are unique.
iterator DoInsertValue(const value_type& value, false_type); // false_type means keys are not unique.
eastl::pair<iterator, bool> DoInsertKey(const key_type& key, true_type);
iterator DoInsertKey(const key_type& key, false_type);
iterator DoInsertValue(iterator position, const value_type& value, true_type);
iterator DoInsertValue(iterator position, const value_type& value, false_type);
iterator DoInsertKey(iterator position, const key_type& key, true_type);
iterator DoInsertKey(iterator position, const key_type& key, false_type);
iterator DoInsertValueImpl(node_type* pNodeParent, const value_type& value, bool bForceToLeft);
iterator DoInsertKeyImpl(node_type* pNodeParent, const key_type& key, bool bForceToLeft);
}; // rbtree
// rbtree_node_base functions
EASTL_API inline rbtree_node_base* RBTreeGetMinChild(const rbtree_node_base* pNodeBase)
pNodeBase = pNodeBase->mpNodeLeft;
return const_cast<rbtree_node_base*>(pNodeBase);
EASTL_API inline rbtree_node_base* RBTreeGetMaxChild(const rbtree_node_base* pNodeBase)
pNodeBase = pNodeBase->mpNodeRight;
return const_cast<rbtree_node_base*>(pNodeBase);
// The rest of the functions are non-trivial and are found in
// the corresponding .cpp file to this file.
// rbtree_iterator functions
template <typename T, typename Pointer, typename Reference>
rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::rbtree_iterator()
: mpNode(NULL) { }
template <typename T, typename Pointer, typename Reference>
rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::rbtree_iterator(const node_type* pNode)
: mpNode(static_cast<node_type*>(const_cast<node_type*>(pNode))) { }
template <typename T, typename Pointer, typename Reference>
rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::rbtree_iterator(const iterator& x)
: mpNode(x.mpNode) { }
template <typename T, typename Pointer, typename Reference>
typename rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::reference
rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::operator*() const
{ return mpNode->mValue; }
template <typename T, typename Pointer, typename Reference>
typename rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::pointer
rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::operator->() const
{ return &mpNode->mValue; }
template <typename T, typename Pointer, typename Reference>
typename rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::this_type&
rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::operator++()
mpNode = static_cast<node_type*>(RBTreeIncrement(mpNode));
return *this;
template <typename T, typename Pointer, typename Reference>
typename rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::this_type
rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::operator++(int)
this_type temp(*this);
mpNode = static_cast<node_type*>(RBTreeIncrement(mpNode));
return temp;
template <typename T, typename Pointer, typename Reference>
typename rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::this_type&
rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::operator--()
mpNode = static_cast<node_type*>(RBTreeDecrement(mpNode));
return *this;
template <typename T, typename Pointer, typename Reference>
typename rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::this_type
rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>::operator--(int)
this_type temp(*this);
mpNode = static_cast<node_type*>(RBTreeDecrement(mpNode));
return temp;
// The C++ defect report #179 requires that we support comparisons between const and non-const iterators.
// Thus we provide additional template paremeters here to support this. The defect report does not
// require us to support comparisons between reverse_iterators and const_reverse_iterators.
template <typename T, typename PointerA, typename ReferenceA, typename PointerB, typename ReferenceB>
inline bool operator==(const rbtree_iterator<T, PointerA, ReferenceA>& a,
const rbtree_iterator<T, PointerB, ReferenceB>& b)
return a.mpNode == b.mpNode;
template <typename T, typename PointerA, typename ReferenceA, typename PointerB, typename ReferenceB>
inline bool operator!=(const rbtree_iterator<T, PointerA, ReferenceA>& a,
const rbtree_iterator<T, PointerB, ReferenceB>& b)
return a.mpNode != b.mpNode;
// We provide a version of operator!= for the case where the iterators are of the
// same type. This helps prevent ambiguity errors in the presence of rel_ops.
template <typename T, typename Pointer, typename Reference>
inline bool operator!=(const rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>& a,
const rbtree_iterator<T, Pointer, Reference>& b)
return a.mpNode != b.mpNode;
// rbtree functions
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::rbtree()
: mAnchor(),
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::rbtree(const allocator_type& allocator)
: mAnchor(),
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::rbtree(const C& compare, const allocator_type& allocator)
: base_type(compare),
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::rbtree(const this_type& x)
: base_type(x.mCompare),
if(x.mAnchor.mpNodeParent) // mAnchor.mpNodeParent is the rb_tree root node.
mAnchor.mpNodeParent = DoCopySubtree((const node_type*)x.mAnchor.mpNodeParent, (node_type*)&mAnchor);
mAnchor.mpNodeRight = RBTreeGetMaxChild(mAnchor.mpNodeParent);
mAnchor.mpNodeLeft = RBTreeGetMinChild(mAnchor.mpNodeParent);
mnSize = x.mnSize;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
template <typename InputIterator>
inline rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::rbtree(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const C& compare, const allocator_type& allocator)
: base_type(compare),
for(; first != last; ++first)
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::~rbtree()
// Erase the entire tree. DoNukeSubtree is not a
// conventional erase function, as it does no rebalancing.
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::allocator_type&
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::get_allocator()
return mAllocator;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::set_allocator(const allocator_type& allocator)
mAllocator = allocator;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::size_type
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::size() const
{ return mnSize; }
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline bool rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::empty() const
{ return (mnSize == 0); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::begin()
{ return iterator(static_cast<node_type*>(mAnchor.mpNodeLeft)); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::const_iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::begin() const
{ return const_iterator(static_cast<node_type*>(const_cast<rbtree_node_base*>(mAnchor.mpNodeLeft))); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::end()
{ return iterator(static_cast<node_type*>(&mAnchor)); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::const_iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::end() const
{ return const_iterator(static_cast<node_type*>(const_cast<rbtree_node_base*>(&mAnchor))); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::reverse_iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::rbegin()
{ return reverse_iterator(end()); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::const_reverse_iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::rbegin() const
{ return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::reverse_iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::rend()
{ return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::const_reverse_iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::rend() const
{ return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::this_type&
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::operator=(const this_type& x)
if(this != &x)
mAllocator = x.mAllocator;
base_type::mCompare = x.mCompare;
if(x.mAnchor.mpNodeParent) // mAnchor.mpNodeParent is the rb_tree root node.
mAnchor.mpNodeParent = DoCopySubtree((const node_type*)x.mAnchor.mpNodeParent, (node_type*)&mAnchor);
mAnchor.mpNodeRight = RBTreeGetMaxChild(mAnchor.mpNodeParent);
mAnchor.mpNodeLeft = RBTreeGetMinChild(mAnchor.mpNodeParent);
mnSize = x.mnSize;
return *this;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
void rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::swap(this_type& x)
if(mAllocator == x.mAllocator) // If allocators are equivalent...
// Most of our members can be exchaged by a basic swap:
// We leave mAllocator as-is.
eastl::swap(mnSize, x.mnSize);
eastl::swap(base_type::mCompare, x.mCompare);
// However, because our anchor node is a part of our class instance and not
// dynamically allocated, we can't do a swap of it but must do a more elaborate
// procedure. This is the downside to having the mAnchor be like this, but
// otherwise we consider it a good idea to avoid allocating memory for a
// nominal container instance.
// We optimize for the expected most common case: both pointers being non-null.
if(mAnchor.mpNodeParent && x.mAnchor.mpNodeParent) // If both pointers are non-null...
eastl::swap(mAnchor.mpNodeRight, x.mAnchor.mpNodeRight);
eastl::swap(mAnchor.mpNodeLeft, x.mAnchor.mpNodeLeft);
eastl::swap(mAnchor.mpNodeParent, x.mAnchor.mpNodeParent);
// We need to fix up the anchors to point to themselves (we can't just swap them).
mAnchor.mpNodeParent->mpNodeParent = &mAnchor;
x.mAnchor.mpNodeParent->mpNodeParent = &x.mAnchor;
else if(mAnchor.mpNodeParent)
x.mAnchor.mpNodeRight = mAnchor.mpNodeRight;
x.mAnchor.mpNodeLeft = mAnchor.mpNodeLeft;
x.mAnchor.mpNodeParent = mAnchor.mpNodeParent;
x.mAnchor.mpNodeParent->mpNodeParent = &x.mAnchor;
// We need to fix up our anchor to point it itself (we can't have it swap with x).
mAnchor.mpNodeRight = &mAnchor;
mAnchor.mpNodeLeft = &mAnchor;
mAnchor.mpNodeParent = NULL;
else if(x.mAnchor.mpNodeParent)
mAnchor.mpNodeRight = x.mAnchor.mpNodeRight;
mAnchor.mpNodeLeft = x.mAnchor.mpNodeLeft;
mAnchor.mpNodeParent = x.mAnchor.mpNodeParent;
mAnchor.mpNodeParent->mpNodeParent = &mAnchor;
// We need to fix up x's anchor to point it itself (we can't have it swap with us).
x.mAnchor.mpNodeRight = &x.mAnchor;
x.mAnchor.mpNodeLeft = &x.mAnchor;
x.mAnchor.mpNodeParent = NULL;
} // Else both are NULL and there is nothing to do.
const this_type temp(*this); // Can't call eastl::swap because that would
*this = x; // itself call this member swap function.
x = temp;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::insert_return_type // map/set::insert return a pair, multimap/multiset::iterator return an iterator.
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::insert(const value_type& value)
{ return DoInsertValue(value, has_unique_keys_type()); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::insert(iterator position, const value_type& value)
{ return DoInsertValue(position, value, has_unique_keys_type()); }
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
eastl::pair<typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator, bool>
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoInsertValue(const value_type& value, true_type) // true_type means keys are unique.
// This is the pathway for insertion of unique keys (map and set, but not multimap and multiset).
// Note that we return a pair and not an iterator. This is because the C++ standard for map
// and set is to return a pair and not just an iterator.
extract_key extractKey;
node_type* pCurrent = (node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeParent; // Start with the root node.
node_type* pLowerBound = (node_type*)&mAnchor; // Set it to the container end for now.
node_type* pParent; // This will be where we insert the new node.
bool bValueLessThanNode = true; // If the tree is empty, this will result in an insertion at the front.
// Find insertion position of the value. This will either be a position which
// already contains the value, a position which is greater than the value or
// end(), which we treat like a position which is greater than the value.
while(EASTL_LIKELY(pCurrent)) // Do a walk down the tree.
bValueLessThanNode = mCompare(extractKey(value), extractKey(pCurrent->mValue));
pLowerBound = pCurrent;
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(extractKey(pCurrent->mValue), extractKey(value))); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeLeft;
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeRight;
pParent = pLowerBound; // pLowerBound is actually upper bound right now (i.e. it is > value instead of <=), but we will make it the lower bound below.
if(bValueLessThanNode) // If we ended up on the left side of the last parent node...
if(EASTL_LIKELY(pLowerBound != (node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeLeft)) // If the tree was empty or if we otherwise need to insert at the very front of the tree...
// At this point, pLowerBound points to a node which is > than value.
// Move it back by one, so that it points to a node which is <= value.
pLowerBound = (node_type*)RBTreeDecrement(pLowerBound);
const iterator itResult(DoInsertValueImpl(pLowerBound, value, false));
return pair<iterator, bool>(itResult, true);
// Since here we require values to be unique, we will do nothing if the value already exists.
if(mCompare(extractKey(pLowerBound->mValue), extractKey(value))) // If the node is < the value (i.e. if value is >= the node)...
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(extractKey(value), extractKey(pLowerBound->mValue))); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
const iterator itResult(DoInsertValueImpl(pParent, value, false));
return pair<iterator, bool>(itResult, true);
// The item already exists (as found by the compare directly above), so return false.
return pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(pLowerBound), false);
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoInsertValue(const value_type& value, false_type) // false_type means keys are not unique.
// This is the pathway for insertion of non-unique keys (multimap and multiset, but not map and set).
node_type* pCurrent = (node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeParent; // Start with the root node.
node_type* pRangeEnd = (node_type*)&mAnchor; // Set it to the container end for now.
extract_key extractKey;
pRangeEnd = pCurrent;
if(mCompare(extractKey(value), extractKey(pCurrent->mValue)))
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(extractKey(pCurrent->mValue), extractKey(value))); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeLeft;
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeRight;
return DoInsertValueImpl(pRangeEnd, value, false);
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
eastl::pair<typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator, bool>
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoInsertKey(const key_type& key, true_type) // true_type means keys are unique.
// This code is essentially a slightly modified copy of the the rbtree::insert
// function whereby this version takes a key and not a full value_type.
extract_key extractKey;
node_type* pCurrent = (node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeParent; // Start with the root node.
node_type* pLowerBound = (node_type*)&mAnchor; // Set it to the container end for now.
node_type* pParent; // This will be where we insert the new node.
bool bValueLessThanNode = true; // If the tree is empty, this will result in an insertion at the front.
// Find insertion position of the value. This will either be a position which
// already contains the value, a position which is greater than the value or
// end(), which we treat like a position which is greater than the value.
while(EASTL_LIKELY(pCurrent)) // Do a walk down the tree.
bValueLessThanNode = mCompare(key, extractKey(pCurrent->mValue));
pLowerBound = pCurrent;
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(extractKey(pCurrent->mValue), key)); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeLeft;
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeRight;
pParent = pLowerBound; // pLowerBound is actually upper bound right now (i.e. it is > value instead of <=), but we will make it the lower bound below.
if(bValueLessThanNode) // If we ended up on the left side of the last parent node...
if(EASTL_LIKELY(pLowerBound != (node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeLeft)) // If the tree was empty or if we otherwise need to insert at the very front of the tree...
// At this point, pLowerBound points to a node which is > than value.
// Move it back by one, so that it points to a node which is <= value.
pLowerBound = (node_type*)RBTreeDecrement(pLowerBound);
const iterator itResult(DoInsertKeyImpl(pLowerBound, key, false));
return pair<iterator, bool>(itResult, true);
// Since here we require values to be unique, we will do nothing if the value already exists.
if(mCompare(extractKey(pLowerBound->mValue), key)) // If the node is < the value (i.e. if value is >= the node)...
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(key, extractKey(pLowerBound->mValue))); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
const iterator itResult(DoInsertKeyImpl(pParent, key, false));
return pair<iterator, bool>(itResult, true);
// The item already exists (as found by the compare directly above), so return false.
return pair<iterator, bool>(iterator(pLowerBound), false);
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoInsertKey(const key_type& key, false_type) // false_type means keys are not unique.
// This is the pathway for insertion of non-unique keys (multimap and multiset, but not map and set).
node_type* pCurrent = (node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeParent; // Start with the root node.
node_type* pRangeEnd = (node_type*)&mAnchor; // Set it to the container end for now.
extract_key extractKey;
pRangeEnd = pCurrent;
if(mCompare(key, extractKey(pCurrent->mValue)))
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(extractKey(pCurrent->mValue), key)); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeLeft;
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeRight;
return DoInsertKeyImpl(pRangeEnd, key, false);
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoInsertValue(iterator position, const value_type& value, true_type) // true_type means keys are unique.
// This is the pathway for insertion of unique keys (map and set, but not multimap and multiset).
// We follow the same approach as SGI STL/STLPort and use the position as
// a forced insertion position for the value when possible.
extract_key extractKey;
if((position.mpNode != mAnchor.mpNodeRight) && (position.mpNode != &mAnchor)) // If the user specified a specific insertion position...
iterator itNext(position);
// To consider: Change this so that 'position' specifies the position after
// where the insertion goes and not the position before where the insertion goes.
// Doing so would make this more in line with user expectations and with LWG #233.
const bool bPositionLessThanValue = mCompare(extractKey(position.mpNode->mValue), extractKey(value));
if(bPositionLessThanValue) // If (value > *position)...
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(extractKey(value), extractKey(position.mpNode->mValue))); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
const bool bValueLessThanNext = mCompare(extractKey(value), extractKey(itNext.mpNode->mValue));
if(bValueLessThanNext) // if (value < *itNext)...
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(extractKey(itNext.mpNode->mValue), extractKey(value))); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
return DoInsertValueImpl(itNext.mpNode, value, true);
return DoInsertValueImpl(position.mpNode, value, false);
return DoInsertValue(value, has_unique_keys_type()).first;
if(mnSize && mCompare(extractKey(((node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeRight)->mValue), extractKey(value)))
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(extractKey(value), extractKey(((node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeRight)->mValue))); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
return DoInsertValueImpl((node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeRight, value, false);
return DoInsertValue(value, has_unique_keys_type()).first;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoInsertValue(iterator position, const value_type& value, false_type) // false_type means keys are not unique.
// This is the pathway for insertion of non-unique keys (multimap and multiset, but not map and set).
// We follow the same approach as SGI STL/STLPort and use the position as
// a forced insertion position for the value when possible.
extract_key extractKey;
if((position.mpNode != mAnchor.mpNodeRight) && (position.mpNode != &mAnchor)) // If the user specified a specific insertion position...
iterator itNext(position);
// To consider: Change this so that 'position' specifies the position after
// where the insertion goes and not the position before where the insertion goes.
// Doing so would make this more in line with user expectations and with LWG #233.
if(!mCompare(extractKey(value), extractKey(position.mpNode->mValue)) && // If value >= *position &&
!mCompare(extractKey(itNext.mpNode->mValue), extractKey(value))) // if value <= *itNext...
if(position.mpNode->mpNodeRight) // If there are any nodes to the right... [this expression will always be true as long as we aren't at the end()]
return DoInsertValueImpl(itNext.mpNode, value, true); // Specifically insert in front of (to the left of) itNext (and thus after 'position').
return DoInsertValueImpl(position.mpNode, value, false);
return DoInsertValue(value, has_unique_keys_type()); // If the above specified hint was not useful, then we do a regular insertion.
// This pathway shouldn't be commonly executed, as the user shouldn't be calling
// this hinted version of insert if the user isn't providing a useful hint.
if(mnSize && !mCompare(extractKey(value), extractKey(((node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeRight)->mValue))) // If we are non-empty and the value is >= the last node...
return DoInsertValueImpl((node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeRight, value, false); // Insert after the last node (doesn't matter if we force left or not).
return DoInsertValue(value, has_unique_keys_type()); // We are empty or we are inserting at the end.
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoInsertKey(iterator position, const key_type& key, true_type) // true_type means keys are unique.
// This is the pathway for insertion of unique keys (map and set, but not multimap and multiset).
// We follow the same approach as SGI STL/STLPort and use the position as
// a forced insertion position for the value when possible.
extract_key extractKey;
if((position.mpNode != mAnchor.mpNodeRight) && (position.mpNode != &mAnchor)) // If the user specified a specific insertion position...
iterator itNext(position);
// To consider: Change this so that 'position' specifies the position after
// where the insertion goes and not the position before where the insertion goes.
// Doing so would make this more in line with user expectations and with LWG #233.
const bool bPositionLessThanValue = mCompare(extractKey(position.mpNode->mValue), key);
if(bPositionLessThanValue) // If (value > *position)...
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(key, extractKey(position.mpNode->mValue))); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
const bool bValueLessThanNext = mCompare(key, extractKey(itNext.mpNode->mValue));
if(bValueLessThanNext) // If value < *itNext...
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(extractKey(itNext.mpNode->mValue), key)); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
return DoInsertKeyImpl(itNext.mpNode, key, true);
return DoInsertKeyImpl(position.mpNode, key, false);
return DoInsertKey(key, has_unique_keys_type()).first;
if(mnSize && mCompare(extractKey(((node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeRight)->mValue), key))
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(key, extractKey(((node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeRight)->mValue))); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
return DoInsertKeyImpl((node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeRight, key, false);
return DoInsertKey(key, has_unique_keys_type()).first;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoInsertKey(iterator position, const key_type& key, false_type) // false_type means keys are not unique.
// This is the pathway for insertion of non-unique keys (multimap and multiset, but not map and set).
// We follow the same approach as SGI STL/STLPort and use the position as
// a forced insertion position for the value when possible.
extract_key extractKey;
if((position.mpNode != mAnchor.mpNodeRight) && (position.mpNode != &mAnchor)) // If the user specified a specific insertion position...
iterator itNext(position);
// To consider: Change this so that 'position' specifies the position after
// where the insertion goes and not the position before where the insertion goes.
// Doing so would make this more in line with user expectations and with LWG #233.
if(!mCompare(key, extractKey(position.mpNode->mValue)) && // If value >= *position &&
!mCompare(extractKey(itNext.mpNode->mValue), key)) // if value <= *itNext...
if(position.mpNode->mpNodeRight) // If there are any nodes to the right... [this expression will always be true as long as we aren't at the end()]
return DoInsertKeyImpl(itNext.mpNode, key, true); // Specifically insert in front of (to the left of) itNext (and thus after 'position').
return DoInsertKeyImpl(position.mpNode, key, false);
return DoInsertKey(key, has_unique_keys_type()); // If the above specified hint was not useful, then we do a regular insertion.
// This pathway shouldn't be commonly executed, as the user shouldn't be calling
// this hinted version of insert if the user isn't providing a useful hint.
if(mnSize && !mCompare(key, extractKey(((node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeRight)->mValue))) // If we are non-empty and the value is >= the last node...
return DoInsertKeyImpl((node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeRight, key, false); // Insert after the last node (doesn't matter if we force left or not).
return DoInsertKey(key, has_unique_keys_type()); // We are empty or we are inserting at the end.
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoInsertValueImpl(node_type* pNodeParent, const value_type& value, bool bForceToLeft)
RBTreeSide side;
extract_key extractKey;
// The reason we may want to have bForceToLeft == true is that pNodeParent->mValue and value may be equal.
// In that case it doesn't matter what side we insert on, except that the C++ LWG #233 improvement report
// suggests that we should use the insert hint position to force an ordering. So that's what we do.
if(bForceToLeft || (pNodeParent == &mAnchor) || mCompare(extractKey(value), extractKey(pNodeParent->mValue)))
side = kRBTreeSideLeft;
side = kRBTreeSideRight;
node_type* const pNodeNew = DoCreateNode(value); // Note that pNodeNew->mpLeft, mpRight, mpParent, will be uninitialized.
RBTreeInsert(pNodeNew, pNodeParent, &mAnchor, side);
return iterator(pNodeNew);
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoInsertKeyImpl(node_type* pNodeParent, const key_type& key, bool bForceToLeft)
RBTreeSide side;
extract_key extractKey;
// The reason we may want to have bForceToLeft == true is that pNodeParent->mValue and value may be equal.
// In that case it doesn't matter what side we insert on, except that the C++ LWG #233 improvement report
// suggests that we should use the insert hint position to force an ordering. So that's what we do.
if(bForceToLeft || (pNodeParent == &mAnchor) || mCompare(key, extractKey(pNodeParent->mValue)))
side = kRBTreeSideLeft;
side = kRBTreeSideRight;
node_type* const pNodeNew = DoCreateNodeFromKey(key); // Note that pNodeNew->mpLeft, mpRight, mpParent, will be uninitialized.
RBTreeInsert(pNodeNew, pNodeParent, &mAnchor, side);
return iterator(pNodeNew);
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
template <typename InputIterator>
void rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
for( ; first != last; ++first)
DoInsertValue(*first, has_unique_keys_type()); // Or maybe we should call 'insert(end(), *first)' instead. If the first-last range was sorted then this might make some sense.
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::clear()
// Erase the entire tree. DoNukeSubtree is not a
// conventional erase function, as it does no rebalancing.
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::reset()
// The reset function is a special extension function which unilaterally
// resets the container to an empty state without freeing the memory of
// the contained objects. This is useful for very quickly tearing down a
// container built into scratch memory.
mAnchor.mpNodeRight = &mAnchor;
mAnchor.mpNodeLeft = &mAnchor;
mAnchor.mpNodeParent = NULL;
mAnchor.mColor = kRBTreeColorRed;
mnSize = 0;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::erase(iterator position)
const iterator iErase(position);
--mnSize; // Interleave this between the two references to itNext. We expect no exceptions to occur during the code below.
RBTreeErase(iErase.mpNode, &mAnchor);
return position;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::erase(iterator first, iterator last)
// We expect that if the user means to clear the container, they will call clear.
if(EASTL_LIKELY((first.mpNode != mAnchor.mpNodeLeft) || (last.mpNode != &mAnchor))) // If (first != begin or last != end) ...
// Basic implementation:
while(first != last)
first = erase(first);
return first;
// Inlined implementation:
//size_type n = 0;
//while(first != last)
// const iterator itErase(first);
// ++n;
// ++first;
// RBTreeErase(itErase.mpNode, &mAnchor);
// DoFreeNode(itErase.mpNode);
//mnSize -= n;
//return first;
return iterator((node_type*)&mAnchor); // Same as: return end();
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::reverse_iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::erase(reverse_iterator position)
return reverse_iterator(erase((++position).base()));
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::reverse_iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::erase(reverse_iterator first, reverse_iterator last)
// Version which erases in order from first to last.
// difference_type i(first.base() - last.base());
// while(i--)
// first = erase(first);
// return first;
// Version which erases in order from last to first, but is slightly more efficient:
return reverse_iterator(erase((++last).base(), (++first).base()));
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::erase(const key_type* first, const key_type* last)
// We have no choice but to run a loop like this, as the first/last range could
// have values that are discontiguously located in the tree. And some may not
// even be in the tree.
while(first != last)
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::find(const key_type& key)
// To consider: Implement this instead via calling lower_bound and
// inspecting the result. The following is an implementation of this:
// const iterator it(lower_bound(key));
// return ((it.mpNode == &mAnchor) || mCompare(key, extractKey(it.mpNode->mValue))) ? iterator(&mAnchor) : it;
// We don't currently implement the above because in practice people tend to call
// find a lot with trees, but very uncommonly call lower_bound.
extract_key extractKey;
node_type* pCurrent = (node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeParent; // Start with the root node.
node_type* pRangeEnd = (node_type*)&mAnchor; // Set it to the container end for now.
while(EASTL_LIKELY(pCurrent)) // Do a walk down the tree.
if(EASTL_LIKELY(!mCompare(extractKey(pCurrent->mValue), key))) // If pCurrent is >= key...
pRangeEnd = pCurrent;
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeLeft;
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(key, extractKey(pCurrent->mValue))); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeRight;
if(EASTL_LIKELY((pRangeEnd != &mAnchor) && !mCompare(key, extractKey(pRangeEnd->mValue))))
return iterator(pRangeEnd);
return iterator((node_type*)&mAnchor);
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::const_iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::find(const key_type& key) const
typedef rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU> rbtree_type;
return const_iterator(const_cast<rbtree_type*>(this)->find(key));
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
template <typename U, typename Compare2>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::find_as(const U& u, Compare2 compare2)
extract_key extractKey;
node_type* pCurrent = (node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeParent; // Start with the root node.
node_type* pRangeEnd = (node_type*)&mAnchor; // Set it to the container end for now.
while(EASTL_LIKELY(pCurrent)) // Do a walk down the tree.
if(EASTL_LIKELY(!compare2(extractKey(pCurrent->mValue), u))) // If pCurrent is >= u...
pRangeEnd = pCurrent;
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeLeft;
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!compare2(u, extractKey(pCurrent->mValue))); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeRight;
if(EASTL_LIKELY((pRangeEnd != &mAnchor) && !compare2(u, extractKey(pRangeEnd->mValue))))
return iterator(pRangeEnd);
return iterator((node_type*)&mAnchor);
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
template <typename U, typename Compare2>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::const_iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::find_as(const U& u, Compare2 compare2) const
typedef rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU> rbtree_type;
return const_iterator(const_cast<rbtree_type*>(this)->find_as(u, compare2));
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::lower_bound(const key_type& key)
extract_key extractKey;
node_type* pCurrent = (node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeParent; // Start with the root node.
node_type* pRangeEnd = (node_type*)&mAnchor; // Set it to the container end for now.
while(EASTL_LIKELY(pCurrent)) // Do a walk down the tree.
if(EASTL_LIKELY(!mCompare(extractKey(pCurrent->mValue), key))) // If pCurrent is >= key...
pRangeEnd = pCurrent;
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeLeft;
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(key, extractKey(pCurrent->mValue))); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeRight;
return iterator(pRangeEnd);
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::const_iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::lower_bound(const key_type& key) const
typedef rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU> rbtree_type;
return const_iterator(const_cast<rbtree_type*>(this)->lower_bound(key));
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::upper_bound(const key_type& key)
extract_key extractKey;
node_type* pCurrent = (node_type*)mAnchor.mpNodeParent; // Start with the root node.
node_type* pRangeEnd = (node_type*)&mAnchor; // Set it to the container end for now.
while(EASTL_LIKELY(pCurrent)) // Do a walk down the tree.
if(EASTL_LIKELY(mCompare(key, extractKey(pCurrent->mValue)))) // If key is < pCurrent...
EASTL_VALIDATE_COMPARE(!mCompare(extractKey(pCurrent->mValue), key)); // Validate that the compare function is sane.
pRangeEnd = pCurrent;
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeLeft;
pCurrent = (node_type*)pCurrent->mpNodeRight;
return iterator(pRangeEnd);
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::const_iterator
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::upper_bound(const key_type& key) const
typedef rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU> rbtree_type;
return const_iterator(const_cast<rbtree_type*>(this)->upper_bound(key));
// To do: Move this validate function entirely to a template-less implementation.
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
bool rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::validate() const
// Red-black trees have the following canonical properties which we validate here:
// 1 Every node is either red or black.
// 2 Every leaf (NULL) is black by defintion. Any number of black nodes may appear in a sequence.
// 3 If a node is red, then both its children are black. Thus, on any path from
// the root to a leaf, red nodes must not be adjacent.
// 4 Every simple path from a node to a descendant leaf contains the same number of black nodes.
// 5 The mnSize member of the tree must equal the number of nodes in the tree.
// 6 The tree is sorted as per a conventional binary tree.
// 7 The comparison function is sane; it obeys strict weak ordering. If mCompare(a,b) is true, then mCompare(b,a) must be false. Both cannot be true.
extract_key extractKey;
// Verify basic integrity.
//if(!mAnchor.mpNodeParent || (mAnchor.mpNodeLeft == mAnchor.mpNodeRight))
// return false; // Fix this for case of empty tree.
if(mAnchor.mpNodeLeft != RBTreeGetMinChild(mAnchor.mpNodeParent))
return false;
if(mAnchor.mpNodeRight != RBTreeGetMaxChild(mAnchor.mpNodeParent))
return false;
const size_t nBlackCount = RBTreeGetBlackCount(mAnchor.mpNodeParent, mAnchor.mpNodeLeft);
size_type nIteratedSize = 0;
for(const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it, ++nIteratedSize)
const node_type* const pNode = (const node_type*)it.mpNode;
const node_type* const pNodeRight = (const node_type*)pNode->mpNodeRight;
const node_type* const pNodeLeft = (const node_type*)pNode->mpNodeLeft;
// Verify #7 above.
if(pNodeRight && mCompare(extractKey(pNodeRight->mValue), extractKey(pNode->mValue)) && mCompare(extractKey(pNode->mValue), extractKey(pNodeRight->mValue))) // Validate that the compare function is sane.
return false;
// Verify #7 above.
if(pNodeLeft && mCompare(extractKey(pNodeLeft->mValue), extractKey(pNode->mValue)) && mCompare(extractKey(pNode->mValue), extractKey(pNodeLeft->mValue))) // Validate that the compare function is sane.
return false;
// Verify item #1 above.
if((pNode->mColor != kRBTreeColorRed) && (pNode->mColor != kRBTreeColorBlack))
return false;
// Verify item #3 above.
if(pNode->mColor == kRBTreeColorRed)
if((pNodeRight && (pNodeRight->mColor == kRBTreeColorRed)) ||
(pNodeLeft && (pNodeLeft->mColor == kRBTreeColorRed)))
return false;
// Verify item #6 above.
if(pNodeRight && mCompare(extractKey(pNodeRight->mValue), extractKey(pNode->mValue)))
return false;
if(pNodeLeft && mCompare(extractKey(pNode->mValue), extractKey(pNodeLeft->mValue)))
return false;
if(!pNodeRight && !pNodeLeft) // If we are at a bottom node of the tree...
// Verify item #4 above.
if(RBTreeGetBlackCount(mAnchor.mpNodeParent, pNode) != nBlackCount)
return false;
// Verify item #5 above.
if(nIteratedSize != mnSize)
return false;
return true;
if((mAnchor.mpNodeLeft != &mAnchor) || (mAnchor.mpNodeRight != &mAnchor))
return false;
return true;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline int rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::validate_iterator(const_iterator i) const
// To do: Come up with a more efficient mechanism of doing this.
for(const_iterator temp = begin(), tempEnd = end(); temp != tempEnd; ++temp)
if(temp == i)
return (isf_valid | isf_current | isf_can_dereference);
if(i == end())
return (isf_valid | isf_current);
return isf_none;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::node_type*
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoAllocateNode()
return (node_type*)allocate_memory(mAllocator, sizeof(node_type), kValueAlignment, kValueAlignmentOffset);
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoFreeNode(node_type* pNode)
EASTLFree(mAllocator, pNode, sizeof(node_type));
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::node_type*
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoCreateNodeFromKey(const key_type& key)
// Note that this function intentionally leaves the node pointers uninitialized.
// The caller would otherwise just turn right around and modify them, so there's
// no point in us initializing them to anything (except in a debug build).
node_type* const pNode = DoAllocateNode();
::new(&pNode->mValue) value_type(key);
pNode->mpNodeRight = NULL;
pNode->mpNodeLeft = NULL;
pNode->mpNodeParent = NULL;
pNode->mColor = kRBTreeColorBlack;
return pNode;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::node_type*
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoCreateNode(const value_type& value)
// Note that this function intentionally leaves the node pointers uninitialized.
// The caller would otherwise just turn right around and modify them, so there's
// no point in us initializing them to anything (except in a debug build).
node_type* const pNode = DoAllocateNode();
::new(&pNode->mValue) value_type(value);
pNode->mpNodeRight = NULL;
pNode->mpNodeLeft = NULL;
pNode->mpNodeParent = NULL;
pNode->mColor = kRBTreeColorBlack;
return pNode;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::node_type*
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoCreateNode(const node_type* pNodeSource, node_type* pNodeParent)
node_type* const pNode = DoCreateNode(pNodeSource->mValue);
pNode->mpNodeRight = NULL;
pNode->mpNodeLeft = NULL;
pNode->mpNodeParent = pNodeParent;
pNode->mColor = pNodeSource->mColor;
return pNode;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
typename rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::node_type*
rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoCopySubtree(const node_type* pNodeSource, node_type* pNodeDest)
node_type* const pNewNodeRoot = DoCreateNode(pNodeSource, pNodeDest);
// Copy the right side of the tree recursively.
pNewNodeRoot->mpNodeRight = DoCopySubtree((const node_type*)pNodeSource->mpNodeRight, pNewNodeRoot);
node_type* pNewNodeLeft;
for(pNodeSource = (node_type*)pNodeSource->mpNodeLeft, pNodeDest = pNewNodeRoot;
pNodeSource = (node_type*)pNodeSource->mpNodeLeft, pNodeDest = pNewNodeLeft)
pNewNodeLeft = DoCreateNode(pNodeSource, pNodeDest);
pNodeDest->mpNodeLeft = pNewNodeLeft;
// Copy the right side of the tree recursively.
pNewNodeLeft->mpNodeRight = DoCopySubtree((const node_type*)pNodeSource->mpNodeRight, pNewNodeLeft);
return pNewNodeRoot;
template <typename K, typename V, typename C, typename A, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
void rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>::DoNukeSubtree(node_type* pNode)
while(pNode) // Recursively traverse the tree and destroy items as we go.
node_type* const pNodeLeft = (node_type*)pNode->mpNodeLeft;
pNode = pNodeLeft;
// global operators
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename C, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline bool operator==(const rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>& a, const rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>& b)
return (a.size() == b.size()) && eastl::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin());
// Note that in operator< we do comparisons based on the tree value_type with operator<() of the
// value_type instead of the tree's Compare function. For set/multiset, the value_type is T, while
// for map/multimap the value_type is a pair<Key, T>. operator< for pair can be seen by looking
// utility.h, but it basically is uses the operator< for pair.first and pair.second. The C++ standard
// appears to require this behaviour, whether intentionally or not. If anything, a good reason to do
// this is for consistency. A map and a vector that contain the same items should compare the same.
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename C, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline bool operator<(const rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>& a, const rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>& b)
return eastl::lexicographical_compare(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end());
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename C, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline bool operator!=(const rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>& a, const rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>& b)
return !(a == b);
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename C, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline bool operator>(const rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>& a, const rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>& b)
return b < a;
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename C, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline bool operator<=(const rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>& a, const rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>& b)
return !(b < a);
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename C, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline bool operator>=(const rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>& a, const rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>& b)
return !(a < b);
template <typename K, typename V, typename A, typename C, typename E, bool bM, bool bU>
inline void swap(rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>& a, rbtree<K, V, C, A, E, bM, bU>& b)
} // namespace eastl
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)
#endif // Header include guard