Peter Weingartner c9c5bb9314 Made flashable
Updates to get a version of the kernel that can be stored in flash. The data segment is in the first 64KB and may need to be moved. Also, there is some glitching with the line editing routines.
2022-04-13 15:05:01 -04:00

14 lines
923 B

-cc=vbccm68k -quiet %s -o= %s %s -O=%ld -I%%VBCC%%\targets\m68k-foenix\include
-ccv=vbccm68k %s -o= %s %s -O=%ld -I%%VBCC%%\targets\m68k-foenix\include
-as=vasmm68k_mot -quiet -Fvobj -nowarn=62 %s -o %s
-asv=vasmm68k_mot -Fvobj -nowarn=62 %s -o %s
-rm=del %s
-rmv=del %s
-ld=vlink -brawbin1 -x -Cvbcc m68040\startup_m68040.o %s %s -L%%VBCC%%\targets\m68k-foenix\lib -T%%VBCC%%\targets\m68k-foenix\vlink_flash_a2560k.cmd -lvc -o %s -Mmapfile
-l2=vlink -brawbin1 -x -Cvbcc %s %s -L%%VBCC%%\targets\m68k-foenix\lib -T%%VBCC%%\targets\m68k-foenix\vlink_flash_a2560k.cmd -o %s -Mmapfile
-ldv=vlink -brawbin1 -t -x -Cvbcc m68040\startup.o %s %s -L%%VBCC%%\targets\m68k-foenix\lib -T%%VBCC%%\targets\m68k-foenix\vlink_flash_a2560k.cmd -lvc -o %s -Mmapfile
-l2v=vlink -brawbin1 -t -x -Cvbcc %s %s -L%%VBCC%%\targets\m68k-foenix\lib -T%%VBCC%%\targets\m68k-foenix\vlink_flash_a2560k.cmd -o %s -Mmapfile