import intelhex import wdc import foenix import srec import configparser import re import sys import argparse import os from import list_ports FLASH_SIZE = 524288 # Required size of flash file: 512 KB CHUNK_SIZE = 4096 # Size of block of binary data to transfer label_file = "" to_send = "" port = "" start_address = "" count = "" label = "" def confirm(question): return input(question).lower().strip()[:1] == "y" def revision(port): """Get the version code for the debug port.""" c256 = foenix.FoenixDebugPort() try: c256.enter_debug() try: data = c256.get_revision() return "%X" % data finally: c256.exit_debug() finally: c256.close() def upload_binary(port, filename, address): """Upload a binary file into the C256 memory.""" with open(filename, "rb") as f: c256 = foenix.FoenixDebugPort() try: c256.enter_debug() try: current_addr = int(address, 16) block = while block: c256.write_block(current_addr, block) current_addr += len(block) block = finally: c256.exit_debug() finally: c256.close() def program_flash(port, filename, hex_address): """Program the flash memory using the contents of the C256's RAM.""" base_address = int(hex_address, 16) address = base_address print("About to upload image to address 0x{:X}".format(address), flush=True) #if os.path.getsize(filename) == FLASH_SIZE: if confirm("Are you sure you want to reprogram the flash memory? (y/n): "): with open(filename, "rb") as f: c256 = foenix.FoenixDebugPort() try: c256.enter_debug() try: block = while block: c256.write_block(address, block) address += len(block) block = print("Binary file uploaded...", flush=True) c256.erase_flash() print("Flash memory erased...", flush=True) c256.program_flash(base_address) print("Flash memory programmed...") finally: c256.exit_debug() finally: c256.close() # else: # print("The provided flash file is not the right size.") def dereference(port, file, label): """Get the address contained in the pointer with the label in the label file.""" c256 = foenix.FoenixDebugPort() try: address = lookup(file, label) c256.enter_debug() try: data = c256.read_block(int(address, 16), 3) deref = data[2] << 16 | data[1] << 8 | data[0] return "%X" % deref finally: c256.exit_debug() finally: c256.close() def lookup(file, label): """Return the hex address linked to the passed label in the label file.""" with open(file) as f: for line in f: match = re.match('^(\S+)\s*\=\s*\$(\S+)', line) if match: if == label: return sys.stderr.write("Could not find a definition for that label.\n") sys.exit(2) def display(base_address, data): """Write a block of data to the console in a nice, hexadecimal format.""" text_buff = "" for i in range(0, len(data)): if (i % 16) == 0: if text_buff != "": sys.stdout.write(" {}\n".format(text_buff)) text_buff = "" sys.stdout.write("{:06X}: ".format(base_address + i)) elif (i % 8) == 0: sys.stdout.write(" ") sys.stdout.write("{:02X}".format(data[i])) b = bytearray(1) b[0] = data[i] if (b[0] & 0x80 == 0): c = b.decode('ascii') if c.isprintable(): text_buff = text_buff + c else: text_buff = text_buff + "." else: text_buff = text_buff + "." sys.stdout.write(' {}\n'.format(text_buff)) def send_wdc(port, filename): """Send the data in the hex file 'filename' to the C256 on the given serial port.""" infile = wdc.WdcBinFile() c256 = foenix.FoenixDebugPort() try: try: infile.set_handler(lambda address, data: c256.write_block(address, data)) c256.enter_debug() try: # Process the lines in the hex file infile.read_blocks() finally: c256.exit_debug() finally: infile.close() finally: c256.close() def send_srec(port, filename): """Send the data in the SREC hex file 'filename' to the C256 on the given serial port.""" infile = srec.SRECFile() c256 = foenix.FoenixDebugPort() try: try: infile.set_handler(lambda address, data: c256.write_block(address, bytes.fromhex(data))) c256.enter_debug() try: # Process the lines in the hex file infile.read_lines() finally: c256.exit_debug() finally: infile.close() finally: c256.close() def send(port, filename): """Send the data in the hex file 'filename' to the C256 on the given serial port.""" infile = intelhex.HexFile() c256 = foenix.FoenixDebugPort() try: try: infile.set_handler(lambda address, data: c256.write_block(address, bytes.fromhex(data))) c256.enter_debug() try: # Process the lines in the hex file infile.read_lines() finally: c256.exit_debug() finally: infile.close() finally: c256.close() def get(port, address, length): """Read a block of data from the C256.""" c256 = foenix.FoenixDebugPort() try: c256.enter_debug() try: data = c256.read_block(int(address, 16), int(length, 16)) display(int(address, 16), data) finally: c256.exit_debug() finally: c256.close() def list_serial_ports(): serial_ports = list_ports.comports() if len(serial_ports) == 0: print("No serial ports found") for serial_port in serial_ports: print(f"{serial_port.device}") print(f" Description: {serial_port.description}") print(f" Manufacturer: {serial_port.manufacturer}") print(f" Product: {serial_port.product}") print() config = configparser.ConfigParser()'c256.ini') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Manage the C256 Foenix through its debug port.') parser.add_argument("--port", dest="port", default=config['DEFAULT'].get('port', 'COM3'), help="Specify the serial port to use to access the C256 debug port.") parser.add_argument("--list-ports", dest="list_ports", action="store_true", help="List available serial ports.") parser.add_argument("--label-file", dest="label_file", default=config['DEFAULT'].get('labels', 'basic8'), help="Specify the label file to use for dereference and lookup") parser.add_argument("--count", dest="count", default="10", help="the number of bytes to read") parser.add_argument("--dump", metavar="ADDRESS", dest="dump_address", help="Read memory from the C256's memory and display it.") parser.add_argument("--deref", metavar="LABEL", dest="deref_name", help="Lookup the address stored at LABEL and display the memory there.") parser.add_argument("--lookup", metavar="LABEL", dest="lookup_name", help="Display the memory starting at the address indicated by the label.") parser.add_argument("--revision", action="store_true", dest="revision", help="Display the revision code of the debug interface.") parser.add_argument("--flash", metavar="BINARY FILE", dest="flash_file", help="Attempt to reprogram the flash using the binary file provided.") parser.add_argument("--binary", metavar="BINARY FILE", dest="binary_file", help="Upload a binary file to the C256's RAM.") parser.add_argument("--address", metavar="ADDRESS", dest="address", default=config['DEFAULT'].get('flash_address', '380000'), help="Provide the starting address of the memory block to use in flashing memory.") parser.add_argument("--upload", metavar="HEX FILE", dest="hex_file", help="Attempt to reprogram the flash using the binary file provided.") parser.add_argument("--upload-wdc", metavar="BINARY FILE", dest="wdc_file", help="Upload a WDCTools binary hex file. (WDCLN.EXE -HZ)") parser.add_argument("--upload-srec", metavar="SREC FILE", dest="srec_file", help="Upload a Motorola SREC hex file.") options = parser.parse_args() try: if options.port != "": if options.hex_file: send(options.port, options.hex_file) elif options.wdc_file: send_wdc(options.port, options.wdc_file) elif options.srec_file: send_srec(options.port, options.srec_file) elif options.deref_name and options.label_file: address = dereference(options.port, options.label_file, options.deref_name) get(options.port, address, options.count) elif options.lookup_name and options.label_file: address = lookup(options.label_file, options.lookup_name) get(options.port, address, options.count) elif options.dump_address: get(options.port, options.dump_address, options.count) elif options.revision: rev = revision(options.port) print(rev) elif options.address and options.binary_file: upload_binary(options.port, options.binary_file, options.address) elif options.address and options.flash_file: program_flash(options.port, options.flash_file, options.address) elif options.list_ports: list_serial_ports() else: parser.print_help() else: parser.print_help() finally: print